and Management in Health Care
(MGT 206 3.0 Cr)
Health Services
Course Description
Over the years, the health service industry
has changed and evolved in an effort to provide
a high quality of health care services in
an ever-changing technical, social, and economic
Health care service managers play a vital
role within these organizations to ensure
quality in response to the unrelenting changes
in today's health care environment. In this
course, students are introduced to health
service organizations and their structure,
function, and management. An emphasis is placed
on those aspects of health service organizations
that distinguish them from other enterprises.
Students will study the nature of managerial
work within health service organizations,
focusing on issues including organizational
leadership and decision-making, interpersonal
relationships and communication, coordination
of groups/teams, power and conflict, change
management, and effective planning.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, students will
be able to:
• Apply management skills and abilities
across organizational boundaries in response
to new treatment technologies, payment mechanisms,
consumer preferences, and accountability
• Provide motivation and leadership
to people and groups in today's health care
• Facilitate operation of the technical
system to enhance productivity, efficiency,
and consumer satisfaction
• Contribute to organizational renewal
by applying the fundamental principles of
organization design to performance and change
• Anticipate the future and respond
to trends in the health service industry
Breadth of Assignments
This course utilizes a variety of assignment
types in exploring the topics of Health Care
Marketing including reading assignments, both
online and textbook based, e-Lectures, individual
assignments involving internet research and
case studies of Middleboro, an online simulated
community, journal and essay writing assignments,
peer evaluations, graded exams, and group
projects involving discussion board questions
and collaboration.
Required Resources
Shortell, Stephen M., and Kaluzny, Arnold
D., (2000). Health Care Management: Organization
Design and Behavior (4th ed). Albany, New
York: Delmar Learning. ISBN: 0-7668-1072-0
"Putting the Service-Profit Chain to
Work" by James L. Heskett, Thomas O.
Jones, Gary Loveman, W. Earl Sasser, and Leonard
A. Schlesinger. This article, required for
Assignments 1.08 and 1.09, can be ordered/downloaded
from the Harvard Business School Publishing
website: Harvard Business School Publishing
website. Follow the directions on the website
on how to order/download this article.
and Management in Health Care
Health Services
Module 1: Workshop: Organizations
and Leadership
• Major forces affecting delivery
of health care services
• Leadership and its ability to drive
profitability and growth within the organization
• Key competencies of managers and
leaders and their collective impact on the
of the organization
Module 2: Workshop: Motivating,
Leading, and Negotiating
• Analyzing staff personnel and define
and distinguishing the key characteristics
work content that motivates them
• Assessing and dealing with motivational
• Matching leadership models to various
organizational cultures
• Assessing conflict situations and
suggesting appropriate intervention strategies
Module 3: Operating the Technical System
• The major causes and consequences
of intergroup conflict and alternative strategies
for managing conflict
• The interconnected nature of work
within a variety of health service organizations
• The managerial challenges associated
with coordination and communication and
effective strategies for meeting these challenges
• The means by which power distributions
in health care can be identified, the
conditions under which conflict between
groups may result, the use of power to
resolve conflict, and the strategies and
tactics that are commonly employed in the
effective use of power
Module 4: Renewing the Organization
• Analyzing common organization designs
in terms of their applicability, strengths,
• Distinguishing between an alliance
problem and an alliance symptom to recognize
different implications for management team
• Devising methods to identify and
introduce new products and services
• Addressing and resolving performance
Module 5: Charting the Future
• Determining the competitive advantages
of different health service organizations
• Developing marketing strategies
to promote health service organizations
• Predicting major trends in the health
service industry