Distance Learning
Distance learning Quiz 1
Distance learning Quiz 2
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It is common knowledge that a college degree will improve your marketability and earning potential. So why do many students fail to finish college or stop at the bachelors level? The answer is: time, distance, money. The distance learning programs at AIU address these obstacles directly with self paced, online and affordable degree programs for adult students. A university degree can boost earning power by up to $2.3 million over a lifetime. Qualified people are passed over for job opportunities and promotions, simply because they don't have a college degree. Don't put your future on hold any longer; invest in your future today!

Earning your degree online or via distance learning with AIU is extremely enticing:
  • Work on assignments when convenient for you
  • Study at home or office
  • Access learning resources online any time you need them
  • Determine the courses that are most relevant to you
  • Earn credit for work experience gained through life long learning
But earning a degree via distance learning is not right for everyone. There is the mistaken belief or myth that online distance learning programs are easier than traditional courses. The hard reality is that the dropout rate for higher education online programs is typically 20 percent higher than it is for traditionally delivered programs.

Some of the challenges online distance learning students face revolves around discipline, organization and independence. In a traditional setting you would meet with a professor or attend a classroom, this forces you to get you work and readings done. Since AIU programs are self paced, students need to have the discipline to push them-selves and impose deadlines to guarantee progress is made on their assignments. AIU students enjoy a greater freedom in the content of their assignments which in turn requires a greater degree of organization. Due to the nature of distance learning students will need to be comfortable reading material on their own and working on exercises independently.

To assist students and increase graduation rate AIU provides each student with access to their Online Student Section. The Online Student Section allows students to:
  • Access Instructions and formats for orientation courses,
  • Keep a calendar of assignments with planned completion dates,
  • Upload/Post assignments,
  • Review Grades/Transcripts,
  • Post Questions or Messages with Student Services and/or your advisor,
  • Start the first phase of the program to establish the program curriculum,
  • Access the AIU Online Library
Research can be conducted at the AIU online library which has full text access to 1600 journals and periodicals amounting to over 10 million full text sources. This is a quick and convenient way to begin your research in any topic or area from your curriculum. Your program is primarily through independent study and research. Just like in a traditional classroom, your course text book (or other reference materials) will be your main resource. Your assessor will review the work or assignments done from the book or applied from the book to a practical exercise or project (this may be appropriate for you if your work relates to your field of study). Your grade is derived form the assessment of your assignment and an exam which will be administered orally via phone or sent to you via e-mail. There are no real deadlines or semesters to go by, you work at your own pace. Your only requirement is to set a study schedule and keep it up to date. Should there be delays or set backs just resubmit with revised schedule. The curriculum you take will be modified from the standard program to capture your unique interest and goals. Our goal is to make you aware of your strengths and weaknesses and allow your program to include the skills and knowledge that you need to reach you personal and professional aspirations.

At AIU you will actually build your own curriculum from courses that are appropriate for your personal and professional goals. Your advisor will make sure that your curriculum is appropriate for your field and complies with the generally accepted norms. Your first task is to select your appropriate courses and to learn about the profession that you want to study in. Next you may want to do a search online for your program and look at a few curriculums. You will soon learn that many of the courses offered at different institutions are similar if not identical. Your job will be to select the required number courses within your field and a research topic for your Dissertation. The number of courses will depend on your experience, transfer credits and professional goals. After you curriculum is set and your courses selected, you will proceed to work on your courses. Initially, we do not provide the student with a list of courses to choose from because the University wants you to compare other programs both domestic and international. In the event that you need assistance in designing your curriculum, one can be presented to you based on your particular situation and career goals. However, it is encouraged that you take the time to explore other programs to be more aware of what is available.

There are many questions students should ask before deciding to enroll in AIU's distance learning program(s). Prospective online students need to determine their level of readiness for independent study before they enter the classroom. Specific areas of weakness and strength may then be easily addressed and academic success assured.

Take the Distance learning Quiz

Will you become a successful online student? Answer the following questions and let's find out if an online or distance learning university degree program is right for you. Write down the number for each statement that best describes you.
  1. Which statement best describes you? (Yes/No)
     I am a self-starter with solid personal motivation.
     I need occasional prodding to accomplish goals.
     I don't work independently and require constant prodding or reminders.
  2. I learn best:
     When I read material.
     When I see or hear it (auditory/visual).
     When I can both hear and see the material.
  3. As a worker:
     I usually meet or beat deadlines.
     I have a hard time getting focused by myself.
     I procrastinate to the last minute and beyond.
  4. On tests and other school assignments:
     I figure out instructions on my own.
     I can usually follow the directions, but I like them to be available.
     I have difficulty figuring out instructions on my own and need to hear them read to me.
  5. When I turn in an assignment, I like feedback from the teacher.
     Within a reasonable amount of time.
     Within a day or two, or I become distracted.
  6. When it comes to the organization of the class material:
     I can learn even if the class is not highly structured.
     I like some structure in the class.
     I feel very uncomfortable without structure.
  7. Dealing with technology:
     I have excellent computer skills.
     I have some computer and Internet facility.
     I am not very familiar with a computer and do not feel comfortable surfing the Net.
  8. When I am asked to use computers, e-mail, or other technologies:
     I have little or no difficulty learning new skills.
     I am glad to try and ask for help if necessary.
     I frequently get frustrated and may prefer to avoid computer work.
  9. Feeling that I am part of a class is:
     Not particularly necessary to me.
     Somewhat important to me.
     Very important to me.
  10. I would classify myself as someone who:
     Often gets things done ahead of time.
     Needs reminding to get things done on time.
     Puts things off until the last minute or doesn't complete them
  11. Classroom discussion is:
     Rarely helpful to me.
     Sometimes helpful to me.
     Almost always helpful to me.
  12. When an instructor hands out directions for an assignment, I prefer:
     Figuring out the instructions myself.
     Trying to follow the directions on my own, then asking for help as needed.
     Having the instructions explained to me.
  13. Considering my professional and personal schedule, the amount of time I have to work on a distance learning course is:
     More than enough for an on campus course.
     The same as for a class on campus.
     Less than for a class on campus.
  14. As a reader, I would classify myself as:
     Good. I usually understand the text without help.
     Average. I sometimes need help to understand the text.
     Slower than average.
Now determine your score by adding up the number for each of the 14 questions above.
(14-20) Certifiable e-learner!
(21-29) Online / Distance Learning is right for you.
(30-37) Consider a hybrid program offering with some class attendance.
(38-42) Campus body - choose a college or university you can attend. (1)

Distance Learning Quiz # 2

The following quiz can determine whether your personality and lifestyle are compatible to online distance learning. Keep track of the number or "Yes" and "No" answers to the 18 questions below.
  1. I have access to a computer and the internet required for a distance learning experience.
  2. I am not intimidated by using technology applications for learning.
  3. I feel comfortable using a computer for basic word processing, using the Internet, and sending/receiving e-mail.
  4. I have strong time management skills and am able to meet deadlines and keep track of assignments, and I enjoy and am successful at independent learning.
  5. I am able to learn successfully without face-to-face interaction with others.
  6. I can easily express my ideas, comments, and questions in writing.
  7. I am generally flexible and can easily adjust to changing schedules.
  8. I am a self starter.
  9. I am a good time manager.
  10. I am capable of self-discipline.
  11. I am good at comprehending what I read.
  12. I am goal directed if I set my sights on a result, I usually achieve it.
  13. I feel confident about my academic skills.
  14. I am persistent and don't give up easily in the face of deadlines.
  15. I believe in taking responsibility for myself and my education.
  16. I am willing to try something new.
  17. I am willing to work in a non-structured setting.
  18. I enjoy actively participating in my learning process by working on projects and independent research based assignments.
If you answered "yes" to at least 12 of these 18 statements, a distance learning online degree program with AIU may be right for you! But, if you answered "yes" to fewer than 12, you might want to rethink your interest in an online or distance learning program. (2)


Distance Learning students sometimes neglect their courses because of personal or professional circumstances. Having a compelling reason for taking the course helps motivate the student to stick with the course. Some students prefer the independence of Distance Learning; others find the independence uncomfortable and miss being part of the classroom experience. Distance Learning programs give students greater freedom of scheduling, but they can require more self-discipline than on-campus classes. Some people learn best by interacting with other students and instructors. Others learn better by listening, reading and reviewing on their own. Some Distance Learning programs provide less opportunity for group interaction than most on-campus courses. Distance learning requires you to work from written directions. It may take as long as two to three weeks to get comments back from your instructor in Distance Learning classes. Distance Learning requires at least as much time as on-campus courses. Students surveyed say that Distance Learning programs are as hard or harder than on campus courses. Most people who are successful with Distance Learning find it difficult to come to campus on a regular basis because of their work/family/personal schedules. Print or online materials are the primary source of directions and information in Distance Learning. (1)

1. (Adapted from "Are Telecourses For Me?" and printed in the PBS-Adult Learning Service The Agenda, this questionnaire was developed by the Northern Virginia Community College Extended Learning Institute.)

2. Gilbert, Sara Dulaney. "From How To Be a Successful Student." McGraw Hill, 2001, Pages 75-78.

Contact us to get started

We understand how busy adults do not have time to go back to school. Now, it's possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home and still have time for yourself and your family. The Admissions office is here to help you, for additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us. If you are ready to apply please submit your Online Application and paste your resume and any additional comments/questions in the area provided.

AIU Admissions Office
900 Fort Street Mall 40
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)
808-947-2488 (Fax)

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