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"I am convinced that an individual with a degree from AIU can do just as well or better than an individual from some other University that must be attended. I am also convinced that a person who has been self taught is as or more qualified than someone who has been forced to learn information in a timed and controlled environment."

Randy Chavis
Bachelor of Science

"Pursing my Ph. D through AIU was a valuable experience both from the perspective of intellectual growth and personal development.
Without a program such as the independent study/distance learning program offered by AIU, I would not have been able to finish my degree as my position as a Vice-president and Sr. Counsel for a Fortune 100 company consumes significant portions of my time. The flexibility of the AIU Program allowed me to work on my degree on planes, trains, and in my hotel rooms. "

Rosemarie Schmidt
Ph. D in History

"Working long hours it was kind of impossible for me to go to a formal school to have a degree. Then I came to know about AIU and AIU changed everything. My dream became a reality. I chose AIU for different reasons. I can study on weekends, nice course portfolio, genius faculty members, and not expensive. Thank you AIU for adding value to my personal and professional life."

Sheikh Mostafa Aziz
Master of Business Administration

"My experience pursuing my degree with AIU has been of the most rewarding experiences in my academic career. From the initial experience in locating AIU on the Internet, to the 1st. letter of acceptance to the School of Business and Economics, It has enlighten my life and afforded me great growth potential. I'm on the way to fulfilling the first part of my personal goals and one step closer. No question or request was considered trivial or insignificant. You were supported on all levels of how you presented your work, to your financial needs and your papers were graded fairly and objectively. You have made the pursuit of higher learning rewarding and affordable."

Analyn Creque
Bachelor of Business Administration

"My experience at AIU has proven to me that a quality education can be delivered successfully via the Internet. Many opportunities and experiences while attending AIU have reaffirmed my passion to become a Master in Information Technology. I am so proud to be a part of an institution that has utilized the full potential of the Web to provide others with a quality education.

Tatit Armanugraha
Master of Science"

"The AIU approach is humanistic, professionally oriented, and facilitates creativity in your specialty. However, AIU training method is most appropriate for genuine, open-minded and talented individuals who search for models of contribution in scientific productivity. In AIU you can experience academic teaching beyond the borders for well-being of all humanity and the realization of expanded horizons.

Siamak Khodarahimi
Doctor of Science"

"I selected AIU for a very important reason; their philosophy of how adults learn. I was interested in constructing new knowledge relevant to my career and yet broad enough to expand my skills to meet new competitive challenges in education. My experience at AIU has been extremely positive.

Winsome Saldanha
Doctor of Science"

"I have always dreamed of completing a doctorate program. However, working in administration positions that require 60 or 70 hour workweeks, the opportunity was never available. Being in my late 50's and now director of a large agency, I had given up on my dream.
AIU changed all of that. The freedom to tailor design my curriculum to meet my professional goals gave me the reason - the convenience gave me the opportunity- the affordability gave me the chance.

Tom Engle
PhD in Public Administration"

"Today, when I look at the prospects for my degree, I see myself prepared for opportunities in Non-Governmental Organizations, banking, finance, business, charity organizations and government. My course diversity from AIU has prepared me and allowed for these chances, an aspect impossible at my former college.

Patrick Maina

"I selected AIU for a very important reason; their philosophy of how adults learn. It was critically important to me that I associate with an educational philosophy that respects the selfdirected approach to learning. As a mid-life adult male, 32 years in the workforce, successful and accomplished in my career, I did not need to waste valuable time with a teacher-directed process that for the most part is largely irrelevant in meeting the needs of adult learning. I was interested in constructing new knowledge relevant to my career and yet broad enough to expand my skills to meet new competitive challenges in business."

Steven K. Haught
Vice President, Worldwide Sales
Managing Editor Software Inc.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
MBA in Marketing/Operations Management

"My experience at AIU has been extremely positive. I manage a venture capital firm that incubates biotechnology companies. The research I conducted on telemarketing fundraisers has been most enlightening, as well as extremely useful in refining my business model. I believe my program has greatly assisted my growth, both personally and professionally."

David R. Koos
Venture Bridge, Managing Director
San Diego, California
PhD in Sociology

"AIU has given me the key to unlocking a future where the dreams that I have always treasured can now be transformed into the future I have always desired. I commend you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for enriching my life journey and for consistently delivering quality education beyond geographical boundaries."

Ryan Waters
STER-Kinekor Pictures, Production Manager
Westgate, South Africa
BS in Communications

"I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your help in making my educational experience at AIU such a success. My special thanks to Dr. Franklin Valcin for lending me his assistance and offering his continuous support. It is pleasing that I was able to exercise my right to select a convenient, affordable educational alternative that has advanced my academic and professional goals.

N. Sami Ayoub
Maricopa County Department of Transportation
Gilbert, Arizona

"My experience at AIU has been a good one. last week I was hired by a local firm (HICAPS) and assigned to Motorola as a Program Manager of construction management over government projects. I will be handling homeland security communications projects. So, I have already begun to reap the benefits of your program.

C. Scott Willard
General Dynamics, Construction Manager
Kernersville, North Carolina
Master of Science

"I wish to profoundly acknowledge the change AIU brought to my life. I enjoyed every bit of my studies as it was with freedom; freedom of choice of time of study and freedom of what is best for me. I owe my advisor a lot of thanks for his endurance, encouragement and guidance throughout the duration of the degree program. I also owe a million thanks to those beautiful voices at AIU who always promptly answered and transferred my calls to the academic department.

Johnbull C. Owoh
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abuja
Brazilia, Brazil
BS in Communications


"Due to the nature of my work and the hours involved, it has been difficult to attend a conventional university with set hours for classroom instructions. From the very start, I found the staff and advisors at AIU, both cordial and professional in their advisement to assist me in achieving my goal without loosing the past credits and also incorporating my life experiences into credits towards my degree. I found the method of study employed by AIU to be more challenging than that of a conventional classroom. The research involved in writing my final thesis demanded much of my time and energy, yet I feel that it was worth it. I would recommend AIU to anyone seeking a degree because of the above mentioned qualities, but most of all, for the helpful and sincere advice that was given me when I needed help in my endeavor."

John Roland Jr.
Palm Beach Resource Recovery
Palm Beach, Florida
Bachelor of Science
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