How to Program Enrolling in the E-List

Author Admissions Office | 20 November 2017

How to Program Enrolling in the E-List

Author Admissions Office | 20 November 2017

Step 1

Learn how to program enrollings and work the E-list.

  • Your goal is to program 5 enrollings per day and 20 for the week (next 7 days)
  • An Enrolling is a student that has a tentative Enrollment Date, Enrollment Fee amount, and Payment Method
  • Always begin your day by calling the Enrollings you have programmed for today
  • You can always Update the Enrollment Date after speaking with the prospect and scheduling a new date or if you are also not able to contact him/her that day. This way you may follow up with the enrollment at a different date. Otherwise your enrolling will automatically be marked as Expired, and most likely you will forget about it and not follow up with the prospect