First of all I want to thank AIU and convey my gratitude for helping me achieve my goal in earning a Master’s degree.
One thing I admire about the AIU is their patience; I’ve always expressed my gratitude in this aspect. Just imagine with our busy professional work schedules and family issues, my AIU Supervisor and team will take their time to provide guide and assistance in a timely manner whenever called upon.
I want to give an example, when I started my studies with AIU; I did not understand how to go about arranging and organizing the assignments for the Master’s program. I was having problems accessing my student page I informed them about my predicaments and was rescued in a timely fashion. I can now access my page and submit assignments.My stumbling block on my page is to access the turnitin tool; the AIU library and my payment plan this I think it’s due to our own server but yet still I continued with my academic program.
God willing, I promised to continue my goals with AIU and this time around I am thinking of participating in a graduating ceremony later this year. I want to meet with the wonderful team of this institution.
I’ve told some of my colleagues about my AIU experience, they will contact the institution on their academic programs. Thank you AIU, continue the good work and the good Lord will richly bless you.
Yours faithfully,
Nadette B. Strasser-King