Ok now i get it

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Life long learning tools to help you achieve your goals of a degree. We present motivational clips to keep you active and engage.

MyAIU is an exclusive platform available to our students. Consists of 11 Elements designed not only to compliment your program but also your life, your family and your community. What's your favorite element? The Elements are designed to help you maximize your potential, provide resources, tools and get you to your goal: Graduation! You can access MyAIU Video through this link: MyAIU or copy this URL into your web browser: http://www.aiu.edu/University/My_Aiu/MP4/englishf.mp4

MyAIU aimes to coincide with the philosophy of human rights and the Andragogic system of studies at AIU, which lead us to an integral and evolutionary development, in our personal, professional, social and human environments.


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