Understand effective methods and strategies for creating excellent customer service.
Understand the challenges and problem solving methods of customer service.
Understand the communications in customer service.
Course Description:
The purpose of the course is to give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that are applied to the functions of individual decision makers, both consumers and producers, within the larger economic system.
Chapter 1- What is Customer Service?
Quiz 1
Chapter 2- The Challenges of Customer Service
Quiz 2
Chapter 3- Problem Solving
Quiz 3
Chapter 5- Empowerment
Quiz 4
Chapter 6-. Communications in Customer Service
Quiz 5
Chapter 7- Coping with Challenging Customers
Quiz 6
Chapter 8- Motivation
Quiz 7
Chapter 9- Leadership in Customer Service
Quiz 8
Chapter 10- Customer Retention and Measurement of Satisfaction
Quiz 9
Chapter 11- Technology and Customer Service
Quiz 10
Customer Service: A Practical Approach, 4 Edition. Harris, K. E. (2007). Prentice Hall.
If you want to take the course please click the following link containing the lessons to complete the course. click below.