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Being an immigrant can be an enriching experience, especially when it is possible to achieve, thanks to effort and dedication, those goals that at some point had been parked in the country of origin.

By definition, Canada is a country of immigrants. According to UN data, 7,960,657 immigrants live in this country, which represents 21.17% of the total population.

This is the story of María Victoria Cantos Bravo, originally from Ecuador, who currently resides in Canada, where she has laid the foundations for her family and professional life.

Like many emigrants, Cantos Bravo left her native country looking for better opportunities, in addition to achieving that dream of living in a multicultural society such as Canada.

After many years, Atlantic International University allowed Cantos to return to a dream that had begun years ago in Ecuador, to graduate with an MBA in Business Administration, but with several added values, since AIU also allowed her to obtain her degree, do it from the comfort of her home, at her own time and without sacrificing her family and much less his work, which is what she likes to do the most.

The Opportunity to Realize a Dream

María faced her second life full of dreams, managing to make a place for herself in her second country, getting a beautiful family, as well as a stable job that she loves at the Bank of Scotland.

Along the way, she found herself at AIU, where she found the opportunity to achieve her dreams. She began studying for the first time at the age of 26, without being able to graduate at that time, and she finally achieved her dream of obtaining her master's degree after a consolidated life.

If she had to pick one benefit of Atlantic International University, María would emphasize the importance of the tutors, who are always available to assist and accompany them without judging when they make mistakes. Furthermore, the convenience of the library, which provides instant access to thousands of books without the need to invest money or travel, has everything you need to complete work.

A career taking off

Regarding María’s achievements, she was already working at the Bank of Scotland when she began her studies. She decided to mention her job about this new path that she was achieving, without imagining that she was opening a new door by being promoted to Team Leader thanks to her new studies.

Then, close to her graduation, the bank gave her a new promotion, becoming her own boss, now in charge of collecting all the money from Canada and consolidating her professional life.

For María Victoria Cantos, the best thing about AIU is the importance that she gives to the community since she always emphasizes in the students the importance of roots and of helping the communities to which they belong.


Immigration to Canada