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The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals established a list of 17 objectives to be achieved by 2030. The last in the list, Partnership for the goals, might be a pillar among this interlinked treaty, as Mushagalusa Ganza Wilfred would discover on his journey.

A Democratic Republic of the Congo citizen, Mushagalusa graduated as a Doctor in Business Administration from the Atlantic International University in 2018. And his particular interest in I.T. led him on an exciting path, where he became a bridge for renovation and development across the DRC

Change requires change

"The Public Administration Reform: new tone for capacity building -step" results from Mushagalusa's pursuits as an AIU student. This book sets the list of necessary actions to bring progress to the Democratic Republic of Congo, and it centers on Information and Communication Technology.

Wilfred consolidated himself as a bridge between the DRC Government and the World Bank through his knowledge and vision. This alliance aims to pursue the reformations that he believes are necessary to turn this nation into an emergent country by 2030. And the fruits of this effort didn't take long to appear.

Bridging technology

The 2030 Sustainable Development goals establish a path for a better world, and Wilfred is actively working on achieving this for the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Result of the cooperation between the Government and the World Bank, this partnership will create eight learning centers and, under Mushagalusa's leadership, modern technology will set the basis for an enhanced learning experience.

Elevating the learning experience will also allow modern knowledge to expand its reach, capacitating citizens across the territory. This way, technology and education will serve as the anchor points for more development, creating conditions for Decent Work and Economic growth, Reduced Inequalities, Quality Education, and eventually no poverty and zero hunger.

Wilfred's passion for progress made him dedicate his efforts to building bridges between different institutions and professionals across the country. With this, he aims to create a better future for his nation and the world, and so can you.

Can you act as a bridge for change? Sign up today with Atlantic International University, and let's find out.

DRC, Democratic Republic of Congo, World Bank, Technology, Information, Learning, Partnership

Mushagalusa Ganza Wilfred - Democratic Republic of Congo Atlantic International University - AIU 2018

The Public Administration Reform : new tone for capacity building -step