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“The history of the State of Israel was rewritten on May 14, 1948, when its independence was proclaimed. Less than 24 hours later, regular armies from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded, forcing Israel to defend its newly regained sovereignty in its ancestral homeland.

In what became known as Israel's War of Independence, the newly formed and poorly equipped Israel Defense Forces (IDF) repulsed the invaders in intermittent fighting that lasted for some 15 months and claimed more than 6,000 lives. (nearly one percent of the country's Jewish population at the time).

During the first months of 1949, direct negotiations were held, under the auspices of the UN, between Israel and each of the invading countries (except Iraq, which has refused to negotiate with Israel to date), which resulted in settlement agreements. Armistice that reflected the situation at the end of the fighting.

The coastal plain, the Galilee, and the entire Negev came under Israeli sovereignty, Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) came under Jordanian rule, the Gaza Strip came under Egyptian administration, and the city of Jerusalem was divided, with Jordan controlling the eastern part, including the Old City, and Israel the western sector”, -fragment took from the link HISTORY of Israel: Timeline.

From that moment to the present, much has happened in the history of this country, such as the Sinai Campaign in 1956, then the years known as La Conciliación (1958-68), La Guerra de los 6 Días 1967, La Yom Kippur War, 1973, Operation Peace for Galilee, 1982, Second Lebanon War and finally the 2008 Gaza Operation. In addition to all these events, Israel has been a country marked by terrorism.

Rebuilding a Country

Shmuel Netanel, obtained his engineering degree from the University of Maryland and has more than 30 years as an Engineer in Israel. In addition, he is an associate professor at Ben-Gurion University, where he teaches in master's programs.

His profession has helped him to witness and help in the growth of Israel after its independence in 1948. At that time there was no infrastructure at all, with only about 600,000 inhabitants. At that time it was imperative to create infrastructure, streets, housing... Today we are 8.4 million people.

Netanel is the leader of his industry in Israel and this prompted him to complete his academic status. He selected Atlantic International University because it fit his needs for project management and engineering field experience.

Among the advantages that Netanel highlight from AIU are the tools that the university makes available to students, a highly organized system that helps students to complete their tasks, achieving their goals systematically.

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HISTORY of Israel: Timeline