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Inspiring the community through public speaking

Connecting with a purpose, definitely, provides a unique feeling of happiness and gratitude and that is that in serving, magic is achieved, the door to self-realization.

Testimony of this feeling of fulfillment is Ernest Chen, a very busy man in Singapore, who spends his time playing with children in schools, helping leaders or organizing events, winner of 5 awards from the Singapore government for community service.

Everything Chen does, he does with intention and vocation, even earning the Academic Merit Medal from his promotion during his studies at AIU.

Helping the world to be a better place

Dr. Chen has dedicated his life to inspiring and helping his community and inadvertently, this is how he helped himself and found meaning in his purpose, becoming a writer of 2 International Best Sellers. His books Rhetorically Specking and Writing, and Earnestly Speaking, are the result of overcoming his own fear of public speaking. During his degree interview, Dr. Chen explains “The experience of writing books comes from the same experience of my community service days, where many times when speaking in public I was very nervous, I didn't know what to do. I didn't even feel like I was doing it right."

After attending a couple of practical sessions to improve his public speaking, Dr. Chen realized the power of the word to communicate. "By speaking in public you can influence people, you can change people and transform them, that's why I started this research as a public speaker and wrote the 2 best-selling books," he said in his interview.

During this period, Chen found the path to a doctorate at Atlantic International University by chance. “I found AIU and seeing the fantastic university, and the flexibility of its programs, I decided to apply,” he says.

Ernest Chen is an accomplished speaker. He has found his passion in education and training after twenty years of business in trade, exhibition, conference organization, and event management. He has trained thousands of people in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia.

Just like Chen, all willing people and institutions have the power to collaborate in achieving a better society, providing the opportunity to learn, dream and achieve dreams through support for education, as stated by the United Nations in goal number 4 of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda.

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Dr Ernest Chen: Imagine a World Where We Can Love One Another

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