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Ivanoba Pardo Herrera is a Colombian Public Health teacher and a Doctor in Public Health from the 2015 class of the Atlantic International University.

A Cali resident, Pardo, a mother who teaches at University Santiago de Cali, found obstacles to elevate her career because most advanced titles are only available in Bogota, the country's capital. For example, University Santiago de Cali, where she works, only offers three doctorates: Education, Law, and Applied Sciences.

Relocating from Cali to Bogota implies an up to 20% increase in expenses. Pardo is a mother, and the costs of relocating a whole family add up quickly, which is challenging for many Colombian families. It would also mean leaving an empty seat as University Santiago de Cali teacher -reducing the educational offer further- and changing her whole family's routine and schedule. But AIU provided her with a convenient opportunity.

Changing the "How"

Andragogy is the basis of the learning program of Atlantic International University.

Andragogy is a Greek term that translates as "leading man," similar to Pedagogy -leading children. And, as defined by Malcolm Knowles in 1970, Andragogy supposes a new approach for learning, centered in adults.

In Andragogy, being self-accountable is the center of adult learning. This way, the student can trace goals following their potential and interests. And this opportunity opened new horizons for Ivanoba Pardo.

Education for Cali

By bringing knowledge to Cali that this community wouldn't have access to, AIU and Ivanoba contribute to the Reduced Inequalities goal, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that the United Nations set in their 2030 Agenda.

This incredible expansive wave of education and knowledge, created by AIU and their students, also serves to build Partnership for the goals. That way, anybody who is willing and committed can become a new agent for change in the world.

Are you ready to make a change? Sign up with Atlantic International University and help us put the obstacles aside.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Colombia, Inequality, Andragody, Learning for adults, Partnership, Change

Ivanoba Pardo Herrera - Colombia Atlantic International University - AIU 2015

Santiago de Cali University - Doctorates

Cost of Living Comparison Between Bogota and Cali

A definition of Andragogy