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Being part of the "third world" is often full of contradictions. Perhaps the biggest is the resource curse, and Equatorial Guinea is an example of this phenomenon.

This nation struck oil in 1995 and became one of the biggest oil producers of Sub-Saharan Africa. However, more than three-quarters of the population lives in poverty.
One of the problems when studying poverty and social inequality is realizing that problems of this nature are deep-rooted and affect every aspect of a culture. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to fight it, like the one presented by the intellectual work of Jose Ela Oyana.

Oyana holds a Postdoctoral degree in Economic Development, graduating from Atlantic International University as part of the 2020 class, one of many achievements in his records.

A life’s work

Oyana is actively involved in the development of Equatorial Guinea. As former Minister of Planification and Economical Development for President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Oyana developed many studies and projects related to poverty, oil exploitation, and electoral transparency.

With 12 published books, Oyana has approached the challenges presented by poverty from many angles of study, including Economic Theory, Pedagogy, Psychology, Education, and Labor.

Oyana exposes in his book "La trilogía sobre pedagogía, el ser y la conciencia en un sistema de educación en una sociedad dada" the need for a deep reform on education, putting a major interest in technical education as, he thinks, this could lever the advancement of the Equatorial Guinea.

But discussing progress in the third world isn't easy. A former counselor for the Government in his country and a prolific intellectual, Oyana endured the consequences of defending his ideas in a place where censorship and corruption are a daily deal.

Not everything is lost

Despite his domiciliary arrest in 2012 (by the same Government he counseled), this Equatoguinean presents himself as someone interested in understanding society, harmony, and democracy.

Oyana believes that through his advancement, he can help bring development to Equatorial Guinea and push his country closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, as proposed by the United Nations in their 2030 Agenda.

By achieving development, the nation would also attain Reduced Poverty, Zero Hunger, and Reduced Inequality. His studies related to Business Organization can lead to obtaining Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure while bringing Decent work and Economic growth, and his work on oil is foundational for Responsible Consumption and Production and Climate Action.

Oyana's life's work is a testimony of dedication, genuine concern and brilliance, and could be a pillar for development in this and other third-world countries.

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2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Equatorial Guinea, Oil, Economical Development, Third-world, Sub-Saharan Africa, Resource Curse, Paradox of Plenty

Jose Ela Oyana - Equatorial Guinea Atlantic International University - AIU 2017

Jose Ela Oyana - Equatorial Guinea
Atlantic International University - AIU 2017

La Conferencia Nacional de Industrialización analiza con detalle el futuro productivo del país
Equatorial Guinea Government’s institutional web 2011

Published books

Equatorial Guinea country profile