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Dr. Scott Alexander Ogburn's journey through academia and the professional realm is a captivating narrative of unwavering commitment, genuine passion, and a relentless pursuit of scholarly exploration. His crowning achievement—a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Sacred Architecture from Atlantic International University (AIU) in March 2014—unveils a tapestry woven with academic excellence, multifaceted professional engagement, and an enduring devotion to the field.

Philosophy of Education at AIU

Central to Dr. Ogburn's academic freedom-driven voyage is the profound influence of Andragogy, AIU's distinctive teaching philosophy. Andragogy's emphasis on student autonomy in shaping their educational trajectory empowered Dr. Ogburn to forge a unique path in higher education, fostering a sense of ownership over his learning, research, and course selections.

Professional Versatility

Simultaneously navigating the corridors of a Ph.D., Dr. Ogburn displayed professional versatility that underscored his commitment to knowledge dissemination. He not only imparted knowledge but also established his architectural design firm. This firm, specializing in residential architecture, Sacred Architecture, landscape design, and outdoor sculpture, showcased his prowess beyond the academic sphere.

Dr. Scott Alexander Ogburn's success story is intricately woven with a rich tapestry of teaching and administrative experiences that underscore his commitment to education and architectural expertise. Serving as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Temple University in the Mechanical Engineering department since 1994, his enduring dedication to teaching AutoCad in Philadelphia, PA, has spanned nearly three decades. Concurrently, his role as a Tech. Asst. to Architecture Dean at Philadelphia University from 1993 to 2008 showcased his proficiency in AutoCAD and his administrative acumen.

Dr. Ogburn extended his impact to Landscape Architecture as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Temple University in Ambler, PA, from 2009 to 2011. His ability to impart knowledge seamlessly transitioned to a Visiting Assistant Professor role in Architecture at Philadelphia College of Textiles & Science from 1992 to 1993, marking a full-time commitment to nurturing future architects.
The breadth of his teaching experience further expanded with a Visiting Assistant Professor position at Lehigh University in the Department of Architecture in 1992. Dr. Ogburn's instructional prowess is not confined to higher education, as evidenced by his role as a CAD Instructor for AutoCad at Harcum Junior College in 1986.

The foundation of his teaching journey was laid during his graduate years, where he served as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at Virginia Tech from 1986 to 1989. This formative experience contributed to his academic development and laid the groundwork for his future role as a mentor and educator.
Dr. Ogburn's success story is enriched by his multifaceted contributions to academia, seamlessly blending teaching, administrative roles, and mentorship. His enduring commitment to education and a passion for architectural excellence establish him as a luminary in the academic realm.

Research Prowess

Dr. Ogburn's dedication to academic rigor and interdisciplinary studies manifested in a seminal research expedition to the Yucatan of Mexico in 2009. The meticulous exploration of Mayan temples at Chitzen Itza, Tulum, and Coba laid the foundation for an in-depth lecture on Mayan Mythology, Symbology, and Astronomy in 2009. This hands-on approach intertwined theoretical knowledge with practical fieldwork, embodying his commitment to a holistic understanding of his subject.

Honors and Scholarships: A Snapshot of Dr. Scott Ogburn's Achievements

Notable academic and professional honors punctuate Dr. Scott Alexander Ogburn's illustrious career. In 1988, he earned a prestigious Traveling Scholarship to Scotland from the St. Andrew's Society of Washington, D.C., recognizing his scholarly contributions and providing an international perspective to his architectural insights.

During his graduate studies at Virginia Tech, Dr. Ogburn received an Instructor Scholarship for CAD in 1986-1987, showcasing his early dedication to integrating cutting-edge technology into architectural education. His participation in the Dale Carnegie Sales Management Course 1984 highlights a commitment to well-rounded professional development.

Acknowledged as an Artist in Residence at the Seaside Institute in January 1997, Dr. Ogburn's creative contributions to the architectural field are celebrated. These honors collectively illuminate his multifaceted expertise, showcasing his commitment to excellence in academia, technology, and artistic expression.

Gratitude to AIU

Expressing profound gratitude in an experience letter dated April 15, 2014, Dr. Ogburn commended AIU for fostering a supportive, unique, and unrepeatable environment. His appreciation extended to Dr. Jose Mercado, his principal Ph.D. advisor, highlighting the collaborative and cooperative atmosphere facilitated by Student Services and the Finance Department's timely and professional assistance.

Mentorship Dynamics

The pivotal role played by Dr. Jose Mercado as Dr. Ogburn's principal Ph.D. advisor marked a crucial chapter in his academic success. Beyond coursework guidance, Dr. Mercado provided invaluable insights into each branch of the Ph.D. Dissertation, fostering a dynamic and collaborative mentorship characterized by prompt and constructive feedback.

Professional Contributions and Academic Balancing Act

Dr. Ogburn's professional journey transcended conventional academic roles, exemplifying a delicate balance between teaching commitments at Temple University and the intricacies of Ph.D. research. This dual engagement highlighted not only his persistence and flexibility but also his commitment to shaping the architects of the future through mentorship

Exploring the Intersection of Tradition and Innovation: Dr. Scott A. Ogburn's Published Works

Dr. Scott A. Ogburn's academic journey is marked by a series of impactful research papers that delve into architectural design, sacred geometry, and the fusion of ancient wisdom with contemporary practices. His commitment to exploring the profound connections between architecture and cosmic principles is evident in the following publications:

  1. Object in the City: Transforming Platonic Solids
    This paper intricately explores the integration of Platonic solids within urban landscapes, showcasing Dr. Ogburn's innovative approach to architectural design in modern city environments.
  2. Re-Designing Stonehenge
    Offering a reinterpretation of the iconic Stonehenge monument, this work reflects Dr. Ogburn's keen insights into transforming historical landmarks through contemporary architectural lenses.
  3. Bryn Myrrdin, Temple in Time
    Dr. Ogburn's Master's Thesis, published by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1991, delves into the intersection of sacred geometry and astronomical alignments, foundationally exploring spiritual dimensions in architectural design.
  4. An Inquiry into the Intersection and Fusion of Astronomical Alignments and Sacred Geometry in the Design Process of Architecture, Foundation Studio
    Presented at the National Conference on the Beginning Design Student at Iowa State University in April 1990, this paper underscores Ogburn's dedication to integrating cosmic principles into the architectural creative process.
  5. An Inquiry into the Transformation of Platonic Solids with a Fusion of Astronomical Alignments in the Design Process of Architecture, Foundation Studio
    Presented at the National Conference on the Beginning Design Student at Georgia Tech in March 1991, this publication exemplifies Ogburn's interdisciplinary approach, merging geometric concepts with astronomical considerations.

The Transcendent Temporality of Sacred Stone Circles

Published for the College of Architecture at the University of Nebraska in In. Form's April 1990 issue, this research delves into the timeless significance and design elements inherent in sacred stone circles, showcasing Ogburn's exploration of sacred architecture.

In summary, Dr. Scott A. Ogburn's comprehensive body of published works showcases his dedication to pushing the boundaries of architectural exploration, where ancient symbolism converges with contemporary design methodologies.

Active Memberships in Architectural Excellence and Technological Innovation

Dr. Scott Alexander Ogburn's professional footprint extends into influential memberships, highlighting his commitment to architectural advancement and technological innovation. As a proud Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) member, he contributes to shaping architectural education.

His affiliation with the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) underscores his dedication to integrating cutting-edge technology into architectural practices. Dr. Ogburn's engagement in the Center for Archeoastronomy at the University of Maryland reflects his interdisciplinary approach, connecting architecture with astronomical principles.

His technology memberships in the CADD Council at the National Building Institute, Washington, DC, and involvement in AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) and Siggraph showcase his proactive stance in embracing the latest advancements in computer-aided design and graphics. These memberships signify his commitment to staying at the forefront of architectural traditions and contemporary methodologies.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Sacred Architecture: Dr. Scott Ogburn's Lecture on the Architecture of Atlantis

In a captivating exploration of the enigmatic architecture of Atlantis, Dr. Scott Alexander Ogburn, the distinguished professor of landscape engineering at Temple University, delivered a thought-provoking lecture to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) group in Strafford, Pennsylvania. Dr. Ogburn, holding a Ph.D. in Sacred Architecture from AIU, offered a unique perspective on the principles of sacred architecture as he drew inspiration from Plato's dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias."

The lecture, which took place in the past, delved into the intricacies of Plato's mythical continent, Atlantis, believed by some to have existed approximately 9000 years before Plato's time. Dr. Ogburn presented artists' renditions of the city and compared its architecture to living wonders of the world, including the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx, the Osirian Temple at Abydos, the Gateway of the Sun in Peru, and the ruins of Puma Punku. The central question posed by Dr. Ogburn revolved around the intriguing possibility: Were these structures built during Atlantean times?

Despite the scarcity of details Plato provided about Atlantis's architecture, Dr. Ogburn wove a narrative that connected the mythical city to various megalithic structures worldwide. His focus on archeoastronomy and the influence of stars on architecture added a fascinating dimension to the exploration.

This lecture followed Dr. Ogburn's commitment to interdisciplinary studies, which is evident in his prior research expedition to the Yucatan of Mexico in 2009, where he explored Mayan temples and integrated theoretical knowledge with practical fieldwork.

Notably, MUFON, an organization primarily associated with UFO investigations, sponsored a lecture on Atlantis. However, a closer look at their past events revealed a broader interest in ancient mysteries, weird energy, and topics like the Watchers (Fallen Angels) from 1 Enoch and Genesis 6:1-4. This eclectic mix suggested a shared exploration of the occult history of our world, bringing together seemingly disparate topics under the umbrella of mysterious and unexplained phenomena.

Dr. Ogburn's engagement with the architectural mysteries of Atlantis not only added a unique dimension to his academic pursuits but also demonstrated his ability to connect diverse areas of study. This lecture became another chapter in his ongoing commitment to lifelong learning and exploring unconventional yet intriguing subjects.

As we look back on Dr. Ogburn's past lecture, it serves as a reminder of his multifaceted journey—from a Ph.D. in Sacred Architecture to a professional embracing interdisciplinary studies and contributing to the discourse in the field of architecture. The success story of Dr. Scott Alexander Ogburn continues to unfold, leaving an indelible mark on the realms of academia and mysterious historical exploration.

Commitment to Lifelong Learning

A distinctive facet of Dr. Ogburn's success story was his unwavering commitment to continuous learning. Beyond the confines of traditional academia, his annual slide lectures on Sacred Architecture stood as a testament to his dedication to knowledge sharing and cultivating a culture of lifelong learning.

AIU Endorsement and Future Engagement

Dr. Ogburn's resounding endorsement of Atlantic International University as a unique educational institution was marked by his strong recommendation, particularly lauding the Andragogy teaching philosophy and the supportive academic environment. His willingness to contribute further—as an academic advisor, participating in relevant academic councils, or as an adjunct professor—underscored his commitment to the institution's continued success.

Professional Achievements and Architectural Practice

Beyond the academic realm, Dr. Ogburn's architectural design firm, established concurrently with his Ph.D. pursuit, showcased his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to applying theoretical knowledge in practical settings. His proficiency in residential architecture, Sacred Architecture, landscape design, and outdoor sculpture is a testament to the holistic approach he brings to the field.

Media Recognition: Dr. Scott Ogburn's Architectural Impact

Dr. Scott Alexander Ogburn's architectural contributions have garnered notable press coverage, highlighting his creative endeavors and impact on the field. In 2002, the Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera featured his designs for the Universal Warning Sign Competition in Yucca Mountain, Nevada, showcasing his global engagement with architectural challenges.

The Las Vegas City Life newspaper covered Dr. Ogburn's participation in the Las Vegas Sign Design Competition in May 2004, emphasizing his involvement in shaping the iconic visual landscape of the city. This publication recognized and celebrated his innovative designs and contributions to the competition.

Local recognition in Bucks County Herald included an article in June 2007 focusing on Dr. Ogburn's design and construction of the Sacred Stone Circle for Greenshire Arts Consortium in Quakertown, PA. This project exemplifies his commitment to blending art and architecture in creating meaningful and culturally rich spaces.

Further media coverage in May 2008 highlighted Dr. Ogburn's participation as an artist in a group show at Greenshire Arts Consortium. In September of the same year, the Bucks County Herald featured an article on the dedication of the Peace Garden at Greenshire Arts Consortium, underscoring his ongoing impact on community spaces.

The Megalithic Builder magazine recognized Dr. Ogburn's work with a featured article in 2008, specifically focusing on the Greenshire sacred stone circle. This publication emphasized his expertise in sacred architecture and his ability to integrate traditional and contemporary design elements seamlessly.

In summary, the media coverage encapsulates Dr. Scott Ogburn's diverse and impactful architectural journey, from global competitions to local community projects, showcasing his ability to leave a lasting imprint on the national and international architectural landscape.

Furthering Academic Contributions

Dr. Ogburn's commitment to academic excellence extended beyond traditional roles. He not only mentored students but actively participated in design competitions, ensuring that his academic contributions were not confined to the classroom but resonated on broader platforms, contributing to the discourse in the field of architecture.

Summing Up

In conclusion, Dr. Scott Alexander Ogburn's success story emerges as a symphony of academic dedication, professional versatility, and an unwavering commitment to the principles of lifelong learning. His transformative journey at Atlantic International University not only positions him as a luminary in the field of Sacred Architecture but also inspires aspiring scholars seeking a personalized, enriching, and profoundly impactful academic experience.
Join AIU today and chart your unique academic path, aspiring to become a trailblazer in your field, much like the accomplished Dr. Scott Alexander Ogburn.

Dr. Scott Alexander Ogburn at Atlantic International University

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Dr. Ogburn in Press

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