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Changing the "How"

From a very young age Ken Emmanuel Karyou Marblow dreamed of being a Doctor. He was born in Liberia, in a very small village, with hardly any access to healthcare. He began studying biology and chemistry while working to support himself. A year after beginning his studies, the civil war broke out in his country, for which he had to flee to the Ivory Coast, leaving everything behind.

Already installed in his new host country, Karyou Marblow tried to follow his dreams, but due to financial problems he did not succeed, even so, with a lot of perseverance, he obtained a degree in nursing and undertook a new migration, now to Norway.

Already in the Nordic country, Norway, Karyou Marblow, persisted to achieve his objectives, now obtaining a Master's Degree in Public Health. Having reached that goal, he decided to go one step further, obtaining from AIU his title as Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health.

For Karyou Marblow the road has been hard, as he himself assures, but he has achieved it. Thanks to his perseverance and perseverance, he is an example that goals can be achieved, when the objective is clear, despite adversities.

In his testimony, Karyou Marblow, he highlights that Atlantic International University provides all the necessary opportunities for those people who are determined and very determined to achieve their dreams. Among the benefits that stand out about AIU is the support and accompaniment of the tutors and supervisors, who are present at all times, providing the accompaniment and the keys to achieve the objectives of the students.

A legacy for your community

Karyou Marblow relates, “Before starting my studies at AIU, I went back to my hometown to start a health program to help people with stress problems and the PhD gave me the necessary tools to be able to help those people who need it."

Arterial hypertension is a chronic pathology in which the blood vessels have a persistently high tension, which can cause damage such as hypotension, heart failure, cerebrovascular conditions, kidney diseases, among others.

The inspiration for this beautiful project was her father, who died of high blood pressure. For this reason, Karyou Marblow, in her memory, decided to leave a legacy in her community, supporting her hometown, educating about the consequences of stress diseases in order to reduce death rates from said cause.

About Liberia

Liberia is a country founded by United States citizens as a colony for former African slaves, it is a country located on the west coast of Africa and bordered by Sierra Leone to the northwest, Ivory Coast to the east, and Guinea to the north. To the south and west it borders the Gulf of Guinea, part of the Atlantic Ocean (Wikipedia).

Ken Emmanuel Karyou Marblow is testimony that all people have the power to achieve their dreams if you have the tenacity to stick with it and always follow your goals.

Are you ready to make a change? Sign up with Atlantic International University and help us put the obstacles aside.

AIU Interview

Complications of hypertension in adult urban Liberians

Liberia country profile

Timeline: Liberia: from civil war chaos to fragile hope


Liberia Demographics