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AIU = Bridge

Because you are Unique and Unrepeatable

AIU is the bridge so you can achieve your dreams. We are a higher learning institution concerned about generating cultural development alternatives likely to be sustained in order to lead to a more efficient administration of the world village and its environment; exerting human and community rights through diversity with the ultimate goal of the satisfaction and evolution of the world. Whether you are looking for undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate online programs. AIU will support you to achieve your goals as we did with thousands of our international Alumni.


Multidimensional Andragogic: Principles of student "self instruction", (with guidance), collaborative development of curriculum unique to each student, and flexibility of time and place of study, provides the ideal learning environment.

Fulfill your needs

Our Primary goal at Atlantic International University is to accommodate adult students by meeting their individual needs. For this reason, our degree programs are flexible and have been designed for professionals to be able to complete part time and at the pace their life permits.

Based on Human Rights

AIU is a hidden diamond. Affordable for both national and international students and focused on our students exponential growth. 2030 Pregraduate and Postgraduate programs on 2019.

AIU's Dream

Bridge for our Students to achieve their dreams


Generate sustainable cultural development alternatives to lead to a more efficient administration of the world; exerting human and community rights through diversity with the ultimate goal of the satisfaction and evolution of the world.


Empowerment of individuals towards the convergence of the world through a sustainable educational design based on andragogy and omniology.

Our unique Academic Advisors

AIU's Founding Architects

Organizational Structure
Dr. Jose Mercado
Dr. Franklin Valcin
President/Academic Dean
Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez

Ricardo Gonzalez
Chief Operating Officer
Ofelia Hernandez
Director of AIU
Jaime Rotlewicz
Dean of Admissions
Clara Margalef
Director of Special Projects of AIU
Juan Pablo Moreno
Director of Operations
Sandra Garcia
Admissions Coordinator
Nadeem Awan
Chief Programming
Dr. Jack Rosenzweig
Dean of Academic Affairs
Dr. Edward Lambert
Academic Coordinator

Programs Available at AIU


From the AIU Media Center and video gallery: See Testimonials, Academic members and our friends Lucy and Tim describing what it means to be a part of AIU.

AIU = Unique and Unrepeatable

AIU Additional Features

Resources and tools accessible to the AIU community:

My AIU Elements

MyAIU’s primary goal is to go beyond Academics, it looks to guide students through 11 elements that are key to living life optimally in all aspects. By identifying and reflecting on these key areas, an opportunity arises to holistically address them, through positive change, habits, reinforcement and tools to keep students on their chosen path. These self-reflections and the actions that accompany them are a vital part of living a healthy, happy, fulfilling and prosperous life and are part of the AIU journey resulting in the ideal AIU Alumni.

AIU TV & Radio

The students have the opportunity to produce, edit and host their own show reaching a worldwide audience, the AIU community and giving notice of their expertise/passion in the subject. AIUTV & AIU Radio allow students to explore new ways to communicate, develop a platform and form potential collaboration with likeminded individuals.

AIU Campus Mundi

AIU Campus Mundi is a monthly magazine that gathers the most notable news and information about the university and its members in one convenient place. The magazine allows our community to be well informed, involved and keep in tough regardless of their geographic location. AIU Campus Mundi publishes, news, research, events, awards, academic achievements, and happenings in the AIU community.

Graduation Ceremony

Each year AIU organizes graduation ceremonies where the students can assist and share their experiences with fellow students and academic members Participation in the ceremony is optional, the day’s events include conferences, research presentations, group meetings, networking, lunch and formal dinner. The following days after the ceremony, AIU organizes optional activities that attendees can choose to participate in with their families.

Virtual Campus

Staff and features at your Student section

We provide you with many tools to ensure your success. Most important of all, every AIU student is assigned a tutor and an academic advisor. Once you login to the student section of your AIU Virtual Campus, communications and assignments can be send directly to your tutor and academic advisor for any question you may have. They will respond within 24-48 hours. 24/7 access to Distance learning: Complete assignments online or offline for your convenience. Step by Step guides including video, explanation and example for each course. All materials can be access on all web browsers including Mozilla, Firefox and Google Chrome. Direct interaction with all aspects of the university including advisor and tutor. Access to hundreds of new online courses which you can select from.

Online Resources

The University provides its students with a wealth of tools and research materials that are just a click or brief search away. With access to a worldwide union catalog created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 member institutions, AIU students are assured an excellent research tool for their study programs and academic work. Learn more about our: Live Webinars, Archived Recommended Readings, Optional Assignments, Open Courses, Archived Webinars/Video Conferences

Online Library

The AIU Online Library gives users instant online access to more than 275 million records in 470 languages from 112 counties. The Library Resources include 244,000 books in electronic format and over 15.9 million full text journals, articles, and periodicals. The AIU online Library holdings are constantly being updated. A new record is added every 10 seconds ensuring the research material available is at the cutting edge and keeping up with our rapidly changing world.

Student Publications

Sharing research and knowledge is a vital component for the growth and advancement of our society in a sustainable and responsible way. In order to contribute, AIU has implemented the "Open Access" Initiative with academic work, select courses, scientific research, projects, and other scholarly work by students, faculty, and other contributors seeking increased access to Higher Education by making learning materials and research publicly accessible.

Media Center

Through various means (AIUTV, webinars, publications, AIU Blog, the Campus Mundi Magazine, AIULink the university social-media/networking platform, and Press Room news and Interviews) the university shares its member’s achievements with the world. Academic advisors and students actively contribute to their community, profession and the world as the mission, values and ethos of the university live on and reflect though their actions and accomplishments. The Media Center also serves as a means/forum where important projects, collaborations, research, views, initiatives and passions can be shared with the AIU community and stakeholders worldwide.

AIU + Our Students

Unique and Unrepeatable

Many prospects around the world found in AIU the opportunity to reinforce their knowledge accessing to a high quality educational program and very affordable according to their needs. All the students that we are graduating achieve to fulfill paying for their program without having to owe a large amount of money to the institution. How do we do that? AIU is one of the most affordable private universities in The United States. AIU is affordable for national and international students. The following graph allows you to compare the require investment to begin your studies at AIU compared to other private and public institutions in the US.

AIU is working on the UN's sustainable development goals by 2030.

AIU focuses on the empowerment of its student towards the convergence of the world’s sustainable development. At AIU, we know each student is unique and unrepeatable and capable or improving the world we live in. Thousands of resources are available to our students in order to support their efforts to achieve UN 2030 goals in their communities, countries, and globally. AIU has been working to improve our world every day by supporting our students since 1998. AIU is proud of its +6,000 Alumni from over 160 countries.

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AIU Alumni have worked in the public and private sector:

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