Sensitization in Goma conducted by graduate

April 11, 2019. One of our graduates, CA agent Patrick Girukwayo, conducted a sensitization to 500 Youth (selected from various background including 260 girls) gathered at Mont Carmel for the “Journee Inter-diocesaine de Jeunes” in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The session was held in the framework of encouraging Youth to support peace and security in the region. To recall, this meeting gathered youth from DRC, Rwanda and Burundi in the context when MONUSCO (United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo) has provided a logistical support (tents, generators, office material, water, …) to the event. During the session, CA explained:

MONUSCO’s role in supporting state authority and peaceful cohabitation among communities in Nord Kivu, Goma.

The role of Youth in creating a positive and peaceful climate through collaboration. The role of Youth in identifying key security and causes of tensions (ethnic and political) and timely alert for preventive responses. · The role of youth to support the 1500 Youth leaders through the 18 Youth committees of GOAM who were created in 2018 by CA and the Ministry of Interior.

The culture of good communicating with local actors in denouncing every cause of destabilization. How youth should avoid political manipulation that might to fuel ethnic and community violence. In a lively interactive and participative discussion, youth asked several questions on: · How they can participate in strengthening social cohesion in their areas.

Enhance of young girls’ leadership in supporting peace and security, etc. Participants recommended MONUSCO to organize sessions of Leadership to key authorities and encourage them to include Youth in State services and local development priorities to reduce Youth delinquency.

Patrick Girukwayo has completed a Doctorate program in Leadership & Strategic Planning at Atlantic International University.

Class created
by graduate

June 14, 2019. Dixie State University in St. George, Utah has approved of the class that our graduate, Russell Cashin, has created and that is based on the graduate thesis he completed at AIU. This is huge news since the topic is so new and cutting edge.

The actual course name will be “Introduction to Medical Cannabis and the Endocannabinoid System” and will be taught over four weeks through DSU’s Continuing Education department. The course will begin Sept. 19, 2019 and will run through Oct. 10, 2019. The course will be repeated based on student demand and classroom availability (this will be a live course).

You can find more information regarding the course below: Course Name: Intro to Medical Cannabis and the Endocannabinoid System Course Description: The endocannabinoid system (ECS) may be the largest neurotransmitter system in humans and helps to regulate important processes that maintain an individual's homoeostasis. This course will introduce the adult student to the ECS, the history and science of cannabis, and cover the potential restoration of this homoeostasis through the process of eating a healthy diet, receiving sufficient sleep, exercising, and the proper use of medical cannabis.

Russell Cashin has completed a Doctor of Philosophy, PhD program in Nutritional Psychology at AIU.

Provost invited
as speaker

June 14, 2019. Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez, Provost of AIU, was courteously invited, on behalf of Conference Chair Myung Chul Chang, to be an Invited speaker at “OLC Nanotechnology- 2019” which will be held on September 23-24, 2019 at Chicago, USA. The theme of the conference will be “Exploring the New Challenges and Opportunities in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience.”

Prof. Myung Chul Chang is a Director of Biomaterials Lab at Kunsan National University, Rep. of Korea, he completed PhD at Seoul National University and Postdoctoral studies at University Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

Here is an excerpt of the invitation, signed by Rajinidevi Bhimer, conference secretary: “Your valuable speech in the field of Nanotechnology will raise enthusiasm among prospective attendees for participating in Nanotechnology-2019”. Visit Interviews:

Book published

June 7, 2019. One of our graduates, Eugenia Padovani de Arce, has published a book (in Spanish) titled, “New Shoes for my teacher: Teacher training,” in Lulu Publishing.

Summary: Many teachers have expressed that universities have trained them to do an excellent job, but when they come to the classroom they realize that what they have learned is not enough, they feel powerless and overwhelmed.

Professionals do not receive all the tools needed to do their job —it’s like shoes, at one point they get old or break. Teachers have to be sensitive to the personal needs that are presented to them, humble in understanding that they don’t know everything and to be flexible to adapt. You have to learn to love yourself first and then care for the little ones, you have to keep growing, if not your shoes will get holes. More information:
Eugenia has completed a Doctorate program in Psychology with honors at AIU.

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June, 2019. These graduate students completed the majority of the requirements to obtain honors, which included a 4.0 GPA, published works, recommendation from their respective advisors, patent a product, etc. Congratulations to all of them!

Russell H. Cashin
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD
Nutritional Psychology

Eugenia J. Padovani de Arce
Doctor of Psychology
Child Psychology and Education

Hasmukh Lal
Doctor of Business Administration

Ahmed Attia A. Elimam
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD

Sivarajasingam Mahendran
Doctor of Education

Tashmeni Singh
Master of Science
Healthcare Administration


Call for Papers
This Conference will be held 4–5 June 2020 at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.

We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/ interactive sessions, posters/ exhibits, colloquia, focused discussions, innovation showcases, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks. 2020 Special Focus: “Globalization and social movements: Familiar patterns, new constellations?”

Theme 1: Economy and trade
Theme 2: Politics, power, and institutions
Theme 3: Society and culture
Theme 4: Resources and environment

Become a Presenter:
1. Submit a proposal
2. Review timeline
3. Register

Advance Registration Deadline
4 September 2019 Regular Registration Deadline
4 May 2020
Late Registration Deadline 4 June 2020

Visit the website:

Fazal Rahman
Bachelor of Science
José Lombongo Abel
Bachelor of Business and Economics
Business Management
Afonso Serrão Bamba
Bachelor of Communications
Social Communication
Silvina Adriana Perez
Doctor of Biology
Alvaro J. Aparicio
Master of Science
Coral V. Pinder
Master of Science
Public Administration
Gonzalo Carpio Deheza
Doctor of Science
Health Sciences
Nametsegang Tonkope
Doctor of Philosophy
Entrepreneursh ip, Research & Business Mgmt
Olivia Azah Wando epouse Itoe
Certificate of Science
Animal Science
Tashmeni Singh
Master of Science
Healthcare Administration
João Paulo Gomes Rocha da Silva
Bachelor of Science
Information Technology
Cape Verde
Epainete Djangrang Sende
Doctor of Science
Public Health
Eva Soledad Orellana González
Doctor of Philosophy
Organizational Development
Mary Yelly Londoño Calle
Master of Science
Diana Paola Bocanegra Horta
Doctor of Science
Public Health
Isaí Romero Castro
Bachelor of Science
María Eugenia Ballestas Camargo
Bachelor of Science
Michel Kishala Kisimba
Master of Science
Electrical Engineering
Democratic Rep ublic of the Congo
Omar Alejandro Estévez Estévez
Doctor of Philosophy
App lied Mathematics Science
Dominican Rep ublic
Vitalina Pietrobiasi
Master of Business Administration
Business Management
Dominican Rep ublic
Jorge Patricio Calderón Sánchez
Master of Linguistics
App lied Linguistics
Andrea Soledad Pinto Silva
Bachelor of Science
Food Engineering
Kimon Georgios Mademlis
Doctor of Philosophy
Hasmukh Lal
Doctor of Business Administration
Leadersh ip
Francisco Ndong Micha Akele
Bachelor of Business Administration
Business Administration
Ioannis Alepidas
Bachelor of Science
Renewable Energy
Mindjae Meyong Pricila Gertrude
Bachelor of Science
Health Care Management
Henry Castro
Doctor of Education
Alex Ekow Mills
Master of Science
Eugenia J. Padovani de Arce
Doctor of Psychology
Child Psychology and Education
Erasmo Salazar Torres
Doctor of Theology
Moral Theology
José Luis del Rio Gallegos
Doctor of Business Administration
Business Administration
Ben A.G. Bambo, Sr.
Doctor of Science
Public Health
Abubakar Abdullahi Matazu
Bachelor of Science
Renewable Energy Engineering
Rosario Amparo Castillo Vigil
Doctor of Health Science
Amarilis Rivera González
Doctor of Education
Administration and Education Supervision
Puerto Rico
Justin Bisengimana
Doctor of Science
Business Administration
Visuanathan Gopalan
Doctor of Philosophy
Sivarajasingam Mahendran
Doctor of Education
Adan Okash Ali
Bachelor of Business and Economics
Business Administration
Roselien Marie Rotgans
Doctor of Theology
Contextual Theology
Michael Angelo Mlauzi
Doctor of Management
Strategic Management and Leadersh ip
Sakhumuzi Joel Simelane
Bachelor of Science
Information Technology
Happiness Garden Mengi
Bachelor of Business Administration
Banking and Finance
Robert Ismael
Master of Projec t Management
Project Management
Dania Anthonelle Rhonda Harry-Nero
Doctor of Science
Trinidad & Tobago
Ahmed Attia A. Elimam
Doctor of Philosophy
Cemile Aslı Üstünkaya
Bachelor of Arts
Business Administration
Leo N. Mancini
Master of Science
Health Science
Russell H. Cashin
Doctor of Philosophy
Nutritional Psychology
Shadi Rasem Eid Eid
Doctor of Business Administration
Healthcare Management
Brima Kamara
Master of Science
Electrical Engineering
Eugene Lupenga
Bachelor of Business Administration
Human Resource Management

Find More Graduates


This month we have graduates from: Afghanistan · Angola · Argentina · Bahamas · Bolivia · Botswana · Cameroon · Canada · Cape Verde · Chad · Chile · Colombia · Democratic Republic of the Congo · Dominican Republic · Ecuador · Estonia · Fiji · France · Germany · Ghana · Guatemala · Japan · Mexico · Micronesia · Nigeria · Panama · Puerto Rico · Rwanda · Singapore · Somalia · Suriname · Swaziland · Tanzania · Trinidad & Tobago · Turkey · USA · Zambia

Student Testimonials

Joseph Peters
Master of Electrical Engineering
May 21, 2019

“My experience at Atlantic International University was fairly good, it wasn’t as easy has I had expected it to be. From lots of reading, learning from the experiences of great minds like Charles Robert Darwin (naturalist, geologist and biologist) etc. and getting to know what my coworkers really feel about me. The fact that there was a course that required me to be evaluated by my coworkers whom I didn’t even want to know that I was working and study was definitely a humbling experience. Being able to create my own curriculum was definitely one of the most memorable moments in my experience with AIU, I loved every bit of it. The level of professionalism of the staff of Atlantic International University was exceptional from the day I made my first enquiry until after I completed all the requirements to for my degree. The professors and tutors were very reliable and patient, Student Services and even Finance Department you all were so kind and helpful at all times, thank you all for making this a memorable experience. ... Read full text: html?ItemID=1550&rcid=73&pcid=63&cid=73
Felipe Gomez
Master of Marketing and Advertising
May 28, 2019

“On top of an outstanding education, Atlantic International University fostered innovation outside of the classroom, providing me with the infrastructure, people, and flexibility to experiment with new ideas. Building my own curriculum was definitely a challenge that I was ready to accept, I thought it would be easy and actually it wasn’t. Academic advisors are well prepared and demand the best of you to turn in a good assignment. The campus and the tools were also very useful, they helped me to develop my program without an extra investment.
Alex Mills
Master of Cyber Security
June 2, 2019

“I think, AIU is the best place to be when it comes to online Education. I have experienced so much at AIU than in any other aspect of my academic life. The following are some of the areas that in my opinion make AIU the best in terms of distance education. From the very start, I found the staff and advisors at AIU, both cordial and professional in their advisement to assist me in achieving my goal without loosing the past credits and also incorporating my life experiences into credits towards my degree. I found the method of study employed by AIU to be more challenging than that of a conventional classroom. The research involved in writing my final thesis demanded much of my time and energy, yet I feel that it was worth it. I would recommend AIU to anyone seeking a degree because of the above mentioned qualities, but most of all, for the helpful and sincere advice that was given me when I needed help in my endeavor. I will say that I can’t express the way I’m feeling now for achieving this ... Read full text: html?ItemID=1555&rcid=73&pcid=63&cid=73
Kimon Georgios Mademlis
Doctor of Marketing
June 7, 2019

“With this letter I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all academic and administrative staff at AIU for the great support during this journey for the past three years. This has been a long and challenging journey, and during that time the support I received at all levels was amazing. This has been a significant help to overcome all challenges and reach to this level of graduating. Moreover, I would also like to shortly describe my experience with AIU. This experience has been more than positive; flexibility of studies, option to create tailor-made study plans, highly supportive staff, are only few to mention. As said earlier, these three years have been very challenging but also very rewarding. Therefore, the experience I got by studying at AIU was something unique and remarkable, and of course highly recommended to anyone considering joining the AIU community. Once more, a big thank you to all who supported me during this time and a very positive recommendation to ... Read full text: html?ItemID=1557&rcid=73&pcid=63&cid=73

Find more testimonials from AIU s tudents here:

John Dewey’s Principles of Education an insight for African philosophy of education

Quinito Changa | Bachelor in Philosophy | Excerpt

Summary The world of new and advanced technologies, such as computer systems and internet, far from making man well educated and able to interact continually with others has resulted, so to say, in mis-education and with no morality. In a word, let me say that there is a crisis in education, as Muller has pointed out: The present crisis in education has arisen because the enormous increase in human knowledge and skill in particular fields has meant a corresponding loss of the sense of wholeness… the present industrialized world takes account of nothing but the technical requirements for the continued functioning of production in its countless specialized ramification; and nature and history which should reduce this process to unity, seem but phantoms in comparison with its obsessive reality (Muller, 1968 214,215).

One may ask, what is so interesting about education? In fact what motivates me to write on this topic is the belief that there is a paradigmshift in education. How is this paradigm shift? Since 1960s, the system of education in Mozambique has been struggling in order to design a specifics curriculum design from primary to secondary, (Palege, 2017).

From old system called locally (Antigo Sistema in portugues) to a new system (Novo Sistema), introduced gradual grade one up to grade 12, (Educere, 2013). The formal curriculum design set by the Portuguese colonial master was put to an end, and then the new curriculum design comes in. The sustainability of this curriculum depended on the international financial donor communities, (IND/ MINED, 2004).

The new financial donors imposed a paradigm shift into the curriculum of Mozambique national system of education. To receive money from International Monetary Fund or World Bank meant to implement their rules and budget procedures. The outcomes did not delay, today education efficiency and quality is still questioned, because we still find many children with difficulties in reading and writing, many young men and women with no abilities and competences when employed, (Bilale, 2007). The curriculum design is not integrated to the local cultural values and traditions of the children. Otherwise, if these curriculum designs had good impacts in people’s lives, to get involved in civil wars, ethnic discrimination, corruption, nepotism would not become everyday practices or problems, neither could it change constantly, because good education gives values, knowledge and morality. In actual fact education is meant to for people, has to contribute, to their families, villages, and to the nation as whole (Carlos, 2018); if the curriculum cannot articulate to this extent, this means it is not efficient and effective.

To my understanding our curriculum design is still far from touching what Ubuntu need; those in the rural area are more vulnerable to the lack of formal education than those in the urban areas. Those in urban areas are more likely to be involved in crimes than those in the rural, killing has become a habit; man has turn into homo hominis lupus, a latim saying meaning man has become a wolf for another man. Therefore I think that to engage in this philosophical research on curriculum design of educational system of Mozambican was a big challenge.

It is my conviction that John Dewey provides insight for the renewal of African education and a better approach of curriculum design in the education in Mozambique. For John Dewey, education is regarded as a necessity of life; a renewal of life by transmission of values, education is communicating and transmission of social values and principles, education is self learning experiences, (Dewey, 1931). To accomplish this research I will use John Dewey philosophy of education as primary sources and Yusef Waghid second source. The structure of this thesis is made of four chapters whereby the first is dedicated to Dewey’s biography and his main ideals about his philosophy of education. The second deals with Dewey’s principles of education, which is the heart of this proposal thesis. The third deals with an overview Mozambican system of education and curriculum designs its changes along the years. Then last chapter deals with the principles as insight into Mozambican curriculum combined by African philosophy of education, an approach of Yusef Waghid. The goal of this research was to focus on the general description of the pedagogical problems and curriculum design of Mozambique, and from Dewey’s insights propose a way of improving the new local curriculum design. The thesis has utility in the professional careers because it contributes to the analyses and proposal of consistent and solid curriculum design that can be sustainable in the system of education and guarantee better engagement of the students and teachers in the learning process. There were will be no need of changing constantly the curriculum design if cultural anthropology contents are adopted in the local curriculum. This will end the existence of Mozassimilators students in the curriculum design.

a) Problem of investigation The lack of systematization between the curriculum design, the customs, cultural values and traditions of ubuntu, brought a separation between local cultural values of the people, and the Mozambican System of Education. And this was noticed in the early days of 1920s of the introduction of colonial era system of education, (Palege, 2017). Since 1960s and after the colonial era, Mozambican was forced to introduce its own system and curriculum design whose main purpose was to rehabilitate the economy and education of man and women, and oppose the colonial system, (Samora, in journal, coleção e orientação, 1973.n.2).

After colonial war (1975) the system of education adopted a national policy of education to guarantee the functioning of the curriculum design, and thereafter a new serial of curriculum for basic level of teaching and strategic plans were introduced.

The curriculum introduced for example in 2002, was the reformulation of the other older ones introduced in the years 1964, 1975, 1983 approved by law n.º 4/83, of March 23rd and reformulated again in 1992 by the law 6/92, of May 6th, (MINED, 2003). Unfortunately these curriculum designs were not efficient and effective because of not including local values and traditions, local languages and ritual of passages, kinship and clans, (MINED, 2003). The Mozambican System of Education went on introducing new models, policies and strategies, forcing the curriculum design to change constantly, in order to adjust to the reality. Later on in 2004, introduced a program named Plano Curricular do Ensino Básico, which was modified recently to Plano Curricular do Ensino Primário (INDE/MINED, 3rd cycle, 2015).

b) Objectives The main objective is to analyze the curriculum design shift of Mozambique; in order to accomplish this objective, specific objectives were underlined namely: To understand why so many changes in the curriculum design; to evaluate the differences in the various curriculum designs presented along the years; to look at the effectiveness and efficiency of this curriculum designs changing along the various years. The discussion on the principle of education of John Dewey, an insight to Mozambican education ends with the identification of the constant shift of the Mozambican curriculum design; and this is seen as a major problem for children not to assimilate properly the knowledge and competences necessary in their education. John Dewey’s principles of education are referred as a solution combined with Yusef Waghid African Philosophy of Education. John Dewey’s life and experiences on education influenced the field of philosophy of education and thus defined as the practicality of our everyday life experiences. In his principles, we can only account for children’s education through parental guidance in cooperation with the nuclear and large families. A better education requires democracy founded on freedom of aims and on the participation in the decisionmaking of the contents chosen by the community for their infants. These contents locally selected enable children to easily integrate. Classroom must be place where teacher and students exercise, debates, dialogue and negotiate. Mozambique before colonization had its own traditional education system based on communal values, habits and customs, however with the colonization, education turned according to the Portuguese system, imposing a curriculum design. The Portuguese curriculum design had an aim to educate natives or indigenous in order to become civilized. To overcome this situation, Mozambican political system (FRELIMO Party) declared war against the colonial master, and along the war in the conquered areas or liberated zones (1964–1974), introduced its own education for their population.

The curriculum design applied for their students was inherited and made few changes to adapt to the reality of Mozambican people namely: to learn history and geography from Mozambican, to learn politics of war and unite for wars. The language used was Portuguese and not local language as it used to be before.

The major problem verified in this curriculum design, is that it did not account for the local language, values, customs, and traditions, neither did account in finding what could be taken democratically for children education. There is a paradigm shift from Portuguese system to Mozambican system of Education. After independence up to 2004, Mozambican system did not collect back the local values and cultural elements, to integrated in the curriculum, instead it continued to develop the inherited Portuguese system and other influenced models of curriculum design (especially from those international financial donors).

Dewey, John. Democracy and Education: an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. The Macmillan Company, New York 1931. | “Experience, Knowledge and Value; A Rejoinder”. The Philosophy of John Dewey: The Library of Living Philosophers. Vol.1. North Western University, Press, Evanston and Chicago, 1939, (517-608). | Instituto de Educação & Ministério de Educação (INDE/MINED): Planco Curricular do Ensino Básico, Maputo. 2003-2004 | Programa Curricular do Ensino Primário, Maputo.2015 | Waghid, Yusef. An African philosophy of Education reconsidered, on being human, Routledge,2013

Culture as a way people show their inner selves and AIU comprehensive program

By Dr. Rosa Hilda Lora M. Advisor at AIU |

The world in which we are living, in which we see the differences in the ways of acting of those who inhabit this planet and in which we ask ourselves: who are we? Where are we going? And more still: where do they want to take us? What is the concept that manifests the thought that we have just enunciated? That concept is culture. Culture through the history of human thought has had many definitions: According to Clyde Kluckhohn 1905-1060, in his work “Culture: critical review of the concept and its definitions” —1952, says that culture is the form of behavior manifested and acquired through symbols, which demonstrate the unique aspect of a human group. You have to see Vermeer’s painting, The girl of the pearl, also called “The dutch mona lisa” or Munch’s “The scream”. These works express a moment of the work of the peoples who were the fatherland of the authors. Culture also has the meaning of being immersed in the work of a human group in terms of the best that it does; referring to science and behavior rules. Culture and civilization for the Saxon world are different meanings: culture is tradition; civilization: the current task of a society.

In this article we will take the concept of culture offered by the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO). “Culture can be considered as the set of distinctive features, spiritual and material, intellectual and emotional they characterize a society or a social group. It encompasses, in addition to arts and letters, ways of life, fundamental rights to human beings, value systems, traditions and beliefs and that [sic] culture gives man the ability to reflect about himself. It is who makes us specifically human beings, rational, critical and ethically committed”. UNESCO. (1982) World Conference on Cultural Policies: Mexico.

If culture makes a photograph of who we are as human beings, what is happening nowadays so that this photograph can be seen, many times, so opaque? Culture is this or the other “task” of any human being without any distinction of the place of the planet where it inhabits. Culture is everything that represents each human group. Unfortunately the world in which we are living today confuses Culture with economic power and we see the way in which some human beings are treated only because they live in countries, which according to the purchasing power of their inhabitants, are not considered rich. “The development of the industry has been done not on the soil of the preceding civilization, but transforming traditional society upside down, deporting the peasants in masse to the suburbs, breaking ties and solidarities under the monetary relationship, ruining the millenary cultures…”. (Morin, 2011, p. 21). Today we live the devaluation that is made of this human being or the other; of this country or the other because they are considered poor.

The development of capitalism, Globalization, tries by all means to erase cultural differences to create a world of needs convenient to marketing. That is why even aid programs that help the owners of capitals have more wealth are generated. “The aid hydraulic approach ignores what I have argued as the central problem, that is that large amounts of aid, corrupt local politics in a way that makes development more difficult. You can’t develop from the outside to the countries of other towns with a supermarket list for Home Depot, no matter how much you spend”. (Deaton, 2015, p.348).

According Deaton, help, forgetting the reason for being of those peoples is not possible; you have to see, from within, and that seeing from within is knowing who they are and respecting what they are. When he talks about a list for the supermarket is to forget what those human groups are, and to try to make them according to our way of thinking. It is wanted to generate in those towns necessities convenient to the market and treats to those human groups and their inhabitants like of lower culture. “...when I speak of freedom I mean the freedom to live a new life and to do the things that make life worth living”. (Deaton, 2015, p. 18) The countries of big capitals are proud to say that they are model countries of freedom. Therefore, what we see is that we need to recognize others as equals, accepting the differences in the way of life they have learned.

All of us must have to respect for the singular, respect for the traditions, for the history of the other peoples, for the way of seeing life and giving them what we consider to be good, always explaining the reason and waiting for the acceptance of the others. Atlantic International University (AIU) as an international university has students and educational and administrative staff from a lot of countries around the world. AIU has been integrated into validation institutions and UNESCO.

The university has an organizational development model that recognizes and integrates the different cultures; the model is “AIU Comprehensive Culture” which has been defined by the following concepts:
1 Andragogic. The adult in his way of learning.
2 Unique and irrepetible. No person is equal to me. I am myself and my circumstances.
3 Gamification and ludification. The game also teaches.
4 Human rights. All human beings have my rights and opportunities.
5 Exponential growth. Look for knowledge and differentiate it from information.
6 Multidimensional. Create the forms of language to understand the other that is equal to me even if i live at the other end of the planet.
7 Multifunctional. Everything we do brings its physical and emotional consequences.
8 Multidisciplinary. Accept that the world is a whole even if we learn by disciplines.
9 Multiinteractivo. Always look for balance in relationships with others.
10 Multifactorial. Give opportunity to the other for integration.
11 Disruptive. Change for elements that operate better.
12 Holistic. Every human being has a concept of what his happiness is, which we must respect
13 Asynchronous. Have the benefit of accommodation to different aspects of life.

The above principles are intended for the members of the AIU community to integrate into the University as if it were in their countries of origin; as if his fellow students were those of his community. The previous principles generate that the students feel as if their Advisors were their close teachers, as if their Tutors were the administrative assistants and the teacher's assistants that they had in their spaces of existence. The previous principles make AIU the home land according to Morin: here we all fit, here we are all important and here we are all worth what we are:
Unique and unrepeatable human beings! Worthy of being happy! Worthy of being loved!

Deaton, A. (2015). El Gran Escape. Salud, riqueza y los orígenes de la desigualdad. México: FCE. | La agenda mundial - Educación 2030. Retrieved from: http://www. | Los objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Retrieved from: | Morin, E. (2011). ¿Hacia dónde va el mundo?. España: Paidós. | UNESCO–HOMEPAGE about-us/introducing-unesco#


Study Tips

Sometimes the hardest part of distance learning is to create a mechanics that works for you to do your assignments. We are easily distracted and find many ways for procrastination.

Today we are summing up some of the useful topics that have been presented in this section of Campus Mundi. Pick a place and time. Whether it’s your bedroom at night or the library after work, find a work space and a regular study time that works for you and stick with it.

Your work space should be quiet, comfortable and distraction- free. It should make you feel happy and inspired. If you want to listen to music, pick a space that lets you do that.

Some people work better in the morning. Others work better at night. Just don’t work much later than your usual Plan your time. It helps to have some plans in motion so you can make the most of your work time. Set alarms, use a wall planner, make to-do lists, set time limits.

Discover your learning style. Most of us have a preferred way of learning. Auditory learners prefer to learn by listening. Try reading your notes aloud and discussing them with other people. You might like to record key points and play them back.

Visual learners prefer to learn by seeing. Try using colors in your notes and draw diagrams to help represent key points. You could try to remember some ideas as images. Tactile/kinesthetic learners prefer to learn by doing. Try using techniques like roleplaying or building models to revise key points.

Review and revise. At least once a week you should go back over the things you’ve done. Thinking things over can help you to understand the concepts and help you remember when you need them the most.

Take breaks. It's important to take breaks while you’re doing your assignments, especially if you're feeling tired or frustrated. Working too long on a task bedtime —pushing yourself late at night can make you too tired to perform properly.

Work every day. If you work a little bit every day, you'll be continually reviewing things in your mind. This helps you understand things. It also helps you avoid the stress of last-minute cramming.

If you’re finding it hard to find time to study, cut back on some of your other activities. can actually decrease your performance.

When you take a break, make sure you get away from your desk or table. A bit of physical —even just a walk around the block— can sometimes help you to look at a problem in a different way and could even help you to solve it.

Ask for help. If you’re stuck on something, or something just doesn’t seem to make sense, you can always ask for help. Talk to your tutor about the things you don’t understand. Talk to your friends and fellow students too.

Stay motivated. When you’re studying it helps to keep in mind your reasons for doing all this hard work, like a job or a promotion you’re working towards. It can help to have something in your study space to remind you of your goals. Look after yourself. You’ll work better if you take care of yourself. Make sure you eat well and get enough sleep and physical exercise. Don’t reward yourself with too many sugary or fatty snacks or push yourself to study late into the night. It’s also a good idea to make sure you drink lots of water when you’re studying.


Students must plant 10 trees

...before they can graduate, in Philippines.

On May 15, the Philippine Congress officially passed a Bill stating that all students from elementary school, high school, and college must plant at least 10 trees in order to graduate, CNN reported. The trees can be planted in either forests, mangroves, reserves, urban areas, abandoned mining sites, or in indigenous territory, according to the Bill. According to CNN, the trees must be also appropriate for the area’s climate, and indigenous tree species are preferred. The Bill –named the “Graduation Legacy for the Environment Act 2016”– was introduced by congressman Gary Alejano to promote “intergenerational responsibility” over environmental protection. “While we recognise the right of the youth to a balanced and healthy ecology… there is no reason why they cannot be made to contribute in order to ensure that this will be an actual reality,” Alejano wrote in the Bill’s explanatory note. He added that the initiative would see at least 175 million new trees planted every year, totalling over 525 billion additional trees “in the course of one generation”. Under the Bill, the country’s Education Department is responsible for implementing the new rule, while ...
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The father of all men

...appears to be 340,000 years old.

Albert Perry carried a secret in his DNA: a Y chromosome so distinctive that it reveals new information about the origin of our species. It shows that the last common male ancestor down the paternal line of our species is over twice as old as we thought. One possible explanation is that hundreds of thousands of years ago, modern and archaic humans in central Africa interbred, adding to known examples of interbreeding –with Neanderthals in the Middle East, and with Denisovans somewhere in southeast Asia. Perry, recently deceased, was an African-American who lived in South Carolina. A few years ago, one of his female relatives submitted a sample of his DNA to a company called Family Tree DNA for genealogical analysis. Geneticists can use such samples to work out how we are related to one another. Hundreds of thousands of people have now had their DNA tested. The data from these tests had shown that all men gained their Y chromosome from a common male ancestor. This genetic “Adam” lived between 60,000 and 140,000 years ago. All men except Perry, that is. When Family Tree DNA’s technicians tried to place Perry on the Y-chromosome family tree, they just couldn’t. His Y chromosome was like no other so far analysed. ... Read Read full text:

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Immortal quantum particles

Scientists have found evidence of a strange group.

Nothing lasts forever. Humans, planets, stars, galaxies, maybe even the Universe itself, everything has an expiration date. But things in the quantum realm don’t always follow the rules. Now, scientists have found that quasiparticles in quantum systems could be effectively immortal. That doesn’t mean they don't decay, which is reassuring. But once these quasiparticles have decayed, they are able to reorganise themselves back into existence, possibly ad infinitum. This seemingly flies right in the face of the second law of thermodynamics, which asserts that entropy in an isolated system can only move in an increasing direction: things can only break down, not build back up again. Of course, quantum physics can get weird with the rules; but even quantum scientists didn’t know quasiparticles were weird in this particular manner. “Until now, the assumption was that quasiparticles in interacting quantum systems decay after a certain time,” said physicist Frank Pollman of the Technical University of Munich. “We now know that the opposite is the case: strong interactions can even stop decay entirely.” Quasiparticles aren't particles the way we typically think of them, like electrons and quarks. Rather, they’re the disturbances or excitations in a solid caused by electrical or magnetic forces that, collectively, behave like particles. ...
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Nerve cells pass information

...down several generations, scientists just found how.

As a rule, your brain’s activity doesn’t influence the physiological development of your sex cells. In simpler terms: What you 'think' can’t be inherited. But now it looks like we may need to rethink this rule for at least one species. The activity of nematode neurons has been shown to influence the foraging behaviour of the next generation of worms, and it could be caused by a novel inheritance pathway. A team of scientists from Tel Aviv University in Israel describes how free-floating strands of RNA generated inside roundworm (Caenorhabditis elegans) neurons affect the way subsequent generations sniff out their meals. “We found that small RNAs convey information derived from neurons to the progeny and influence a variety of physiological processes, including the food-seeking behaviour of the progeny,” says biologist Oded Rechavi. Rechavi’s team confesses their main goal is to challenge scientific dogmas, especially those on inheritance. This is certainly a big challenge to a longestablished assumption in biology, so it deserves heavy scrutiny before we accept it. With that in mind, the discovery is potentially huge: it could describe an entirely new mechanism by which one generation affects the physical state of the next. ...
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AIU makes a huge contribution to the world by giving new scient ifics the space for original investigations and research. Visit MyAIU Evolution

Plant shoes

World’s first 100% compostable shoes are here.

The world’s first 100-percent compostable sneakers have been launched by Canadian shoe brand Native Shoes. As the name ‘Plant Shoe’ suggests, the footwear is entirely created from plants. The fact that it’s fully biodegradable also means it will not contribute to landfill. The outsole of the Plant Shoe is made of natural lactase hevea, with a pineapple husk and organic cotton upper, olive oil jute stitchwork, an eucalyptus strobel board and a cork midsole, kept together with latex glue. Creative director Mike Belgue reveals that while none of the materials utilized are “particularly groundbreaking” and have actually been around for a long time, not many inventors have turned to the past to come up with solutions for the future. ...

Flying-V aircraft

KLM and TU Delft aim to make aviation more sustainable.

Dutch airline KLM has teamed up with TU Delft to create the Flying-V aircraft concept, which is designed to consume 20 per cent less fuel than Airbus’ A350. ... The aircraft’s V-shaped design will integrate the passenger cabin, the cargo hold and the fuel tanks into the wing structure. Compared to the Airbus A350 —one of the most advanced aircrafts of today— the long-distance Flying-V aircraft concept is smaller, giving it less aerodynamic drag and a reduced weight. According to KLM and TU Delft, this means the aircraft will use 20 per cent less fuel than the Airbus A350. While the Flying-V concept is shorter than the A350 at 55 m, it has the same wingspan of 65 m, meaning it will be able to use existing infrastructure at airports like gates and runways, and will fit into the same hangar as the A350. It will also be able to carry the same number of passengers —314 in the standard configuration— and the same 160 m3 of cargo volume. “We are incredibly pleased to be able to cooperate with our trusted partner KLM on our combined mission to make aviation more sustainable,” said Henri Werij, dean of the Faculty of ...
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Dreyfuss phone

A retro futurist homage by Uji Terkuma.

The Dreyfuss retro-futurist phone concept explores the iconic form of the classic telephone combined with modern materials, technologies, and forms. The concept also pays homage to Henry Dreyfuss (1904-1972), a legendary 20th Century American industrial designer, who worked extensively on improving the look, feel and function of products, ranging from consumer to commercial. Dreyfuss is seen as one of the pioneers of modern product design and Human Centered Design. The 1937 Bell 302 telephone, one of his most famous work, is an inspiration for this project.

Find support for your own unique art and design projects, or support other creative projects at MyAIU Research

Can CBD really do all that?

One molecule from the cannabis plant came to be seen as a cure-all.

Cannabidiol is everywhere. We are bombarded by a dizzying variety of CBD-infused products: beers, gummies, chocolates and marshmallows; lotions to rub on aching joints; oils to swallow; vaginal suppositories for “soothing,” in one company’s words, “the area that needs it most.” CVS and Walgreens each recently announced plans to sell CBD products in certain states. Jason David now sells a cannabis extract called Jayden’s Juice, named for his son —one of several extracts on the market, including Haleigh’s Hope and Charlotte’s Web, that are named after children who are said to have benefited from being treated with CBD. Many of these products are vague about what exactly CBD can do. (The F.D.A. prohibits unproven health claims.) Yet promises abound on the internet, where numerous articles and testimonials suggest that CBD can effectively treat not just epilepsy but also anxiety, pain, sleeplessness, Crohn’s disease, arthritis and even anger. A confluence of factors has led to this strange moment. Plenty of legitimate, if still inconclusive, research is being done on CBD. Many scientists are truly excited about it. The laws governing cannabis and its chemical components have loosened up. And the anecdotes that have emerged from what Elizabeth Thiele, an epileptologist at Harvard, calls the “vernacular” cannabis movement have lent emotional force to the claims made for CBD. ... Read full text:

Breast milk is alive

It is teeming with bacteria, which is good for the baby.

Breast-fed milk may nourish a baby’s microbiome in ways that bottled breast milk can’t. In the earliest days after birth, millions of bacteria make their home in a baby’s body —in the skin, mouth and especially the gut. These immigrants come from the birth canal and the mother’s feces (during a vaginal birth), the mother’s skin and mouth as she holds and nuzzles the baby and perhaps even from the placenta, although that source is still debated. The colonizing microbiome can have a far-reaching impact on the baby’s health. Studies have suggested, for instance, that the populace of a baby’s microbiome in the first two years of life may predict later risk of obesity. Children born by cesarean section are also more likely to become obese, or to develop autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes and asthma. Lately, scientists have identified another major contributor to the infant microbiome. Breast milk, it turns out, is teeming with bacteria that colonize the infant’s gut, and could help set the course for the baby’s growing immune system and metabolism. Moreover, breast milk seems to be rich in beneficial bacteria only when it comes directly from the mother’s breast —not even when the same milk is pumped and delivered later by bottle. ... Read full text:

Live a better life learning how to keep your body, mind and soul balanced. Visit regularly MyAIU Body / MyAIU Mind / MyAIU Spirit and MyAIU Energy.

World’s rivers

They’re awash with dangerous levels of antibiotics.

Hundreds of sites in rivers around the world from the Thames to the Tigris are awash with dangerously high levels of antibiotics, the largest global study on the subject has found. Antibiotic pollution is one of the key routes by which bacteria are able develop resistance to the life-saving medicines, rendering them ineffective for human use. “A lot of the resistance genes we see in human pathogens originated from environmental bacteria,” said Prof William Gaze, a microbial ecologist at the University of Exeter who studies antimicrobial resistance but was not involved in the study. The rise in antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a global health emergency that could kill 10 million people by 2050, the UN said last month. The drugs find their way into rivers and soil via human and animal waste and leaks from wastewater treatment plants and drug manufacturing facilities. “It’s quite scary and depressing. We could have large parts of the environment that have got antibiotics at levels high enough to affect resistance,” said Alistair Boxall, an environmental scientist at the University of York, who co-led the study. The research, presented on Monday at a conference in Helsinki, shows that some of the world’s best-known rivers are contaminated with antibiotics classified as critically important for the treatment of serious infections. ... Read full text:

Green rentals

There are many forces killing the shopping spree.

Last October, Medha Chandorkar decided to reckon with her wardrobe. The 26-year-old's closet was filled with clothes from H&M and Forever21 —trendy and plentiful, but also relatively cheap and disposable. ... But Chandorkar, who lives in Arlington, Virginia, and works for a startup, was fed up with how the clothes felt, and where they came from. “On many levels I was dressing poorly and unethically,” she said. So she signed up for Rent the Runway, the popular service that lets users try dry-cleaned clothing for a month, and got hooked. These days, Chandorkar said, she owns half the clothes she used to, spends $30 less per month on shopping, and feels far better about what she wears. “It's allowed me to be creative,” she explained. There is little hidden at this point about the excess and inequity baked into much of the fashion industry. Americans threw away 81 pounds of clothing a year per person, according to one 2016 survey, fabric that generally ends up in landfills or the ocean. Meanwhile, ... workers in garment factories —like the infamous Rana Factory that burned down in Bangladesh in 2013— are exploited and hurt in the process of churning out fast fashion. ... “Rental, the bigger it grows, will have impacts on sustainability” said Raymond Wimer, ...
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Eco Tip: Simplify your life as much as possible. Only keep belongings that you use/enjoy. Change your life, get sustainable, visit MyAIU Knowledge

Universo Santi

A restaurant in Spain where all staff have a disability.

There is a restaurant in southern Spain that is widely recognized for having the most delicious food in the area. Locals rave about it, and people travel from far and wide to enjoy the exquisite dishes. Sounds impressive, right? Well, it’s called Universo Santi, and every employee at the restaurant has some kind of disability. “I always wanted to show what people with disabilities, given the right training, were capable of,” Antonio Vila told The Guardian. “They were not represented in the world of haute cuisine. Universo Santi has broken through that barrier.” Vila is the president of a nonprofit organization that focuses on helping people with disabilities get rewarding jobs. He was a major driving force behind opening Universo Santi, which now has 20 employees who all have some form of disability. The restaurant hired from a list of 1,500 applicants, all of whom had to be unemployed and have more than a 35% disability. “I feel really lucky to be part of this,” Gloria Bazán said. She’s the restaurant’s head of human resources and has cerebral palsy. “It’s difficult to work when society just sees you as someone with a handicap,” Bazán said. “This has given me the opportunity to be independent and to participate like any other human being.” ... Read full text:

Good news for cetaceans

Canada passes historic anti-captivity law.

Canada made history today (June 10) with the passing of Bill S-203: Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act. Bill S-203 will prohibit breeding, imports, exports and live captures of whales, dolphins and porpoises across Canada, building on Ontario’s Bill 80, which was passed on May 28, 2015. First sponsored in 2015 by Senator Wilfred P. Moore (who has since retired), it was carried forward by Senator Murray Sinclair. After three years of exhaustive debate, the bill received approval in the Senate of Canada on October 23, 2018. The bill was then sponsored by Green Party leader Elizabeth May (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands) as it moved into the House of Commons. Two aquariums in Canada currently house captive cetaceans, including the Vancouver Aquarium in British Columbia and Marineland of Canada, in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The following cetaceans in their inventories will be grandfathered into this legislation: Vancouver Aquarium –one Pacific white-sided dolphin (Helen) Marineland of Canada –one orca (Kiska), five bottlenose dolphins (Tsunami, Echo, Lida, Sonar and Marina) and approximately 55 beluga whales. For well over three decades, Ric O’Barry has vigorously supported local efforts in Ontario to bring awareness ...
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The radical plan to save the planet by working less

In 1972, a team at MIT published The Limits to Growth, a report that predicted what would happen to human civilization as the economy and population continued to grow. What their computer simulation found was pretty straightforward: On a planet of finite resources, infinite exponential growth isn’t possible. Eventually, non-renewable resources, like oil, would run out.

Historically, we have considered growth a positive thing, synonymous with job security and prosperity. Since World War II, the gross domestic product (GDP) measure has been used as “the ultimate measure of a country’s overall welfare.” One of John F. Kennedy’s staff economists, Arthur Okun, theorized that for every 3-point rise in GDP, unemployment would fall a percentage point —one reason why presidential campaigns fixate on the measure.

But growth has led to other problems, such as the warming of the planet due to carbon emissions, and the extreme weather and loss of biodiversity and agriculture that comes along with that. Consequently some activists, researchers, and policy makers are questioning the dogma of growth as good. This skepticism has led to the degrowth movement, which says the growth of the economy is inextricably tied to an increase in carbon emissions. It calls for a dramatic reduction in energy and material use, which would inevitably shrink GDP. The Green New Deal, popularized by Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez, seeks to decrease carbon by growing the renewable energy industry. But the degrowth movement believes we need to take this further, by designing a social upheaval that disentangles the idea of progress and economic growth. This new accounting of economic success would instead focus on access to public services, a shorter work week, and an increase in leisure time. Their approach, they say, will not only combat climate change, but free us from a workaholic culture in which so many struggle to make ends meet.

Today’s degrowth movement has its roots in France: In the early 2000s, University of Paris-Sud professor of economic anthropology Serge Latouche began to write passionately about décroissance in Le Monde Diplomatique. While it paid homage to the Limits to Growth report, décroissance expanded on the concept. The question was no longer if there was a limit to growth. The new question was much bigger: How can we self-impose a limit to growth when our entire economic and political structure is based on it? How do we organize a society that delivers high levels of human well-being in the context of a shrinking economy? Degrowth is now a buzz word in left-leaning and academic circles around the world; its proponents are economists, environmentalists, democratic socialists, and activists, young and old. They see a post-growth world as a way to fundamentally change how we measure success and well-being, thereby addressing our growing financial and saving the planet. This appealing vision of the future is gaining ground. ... in 2018, 238 academics signed a letter published in The Guardian calling for a post-growth future to be taken seriously. But since our economy has been based on growth for so long, it’s not enough to merely pull the emergency brakes, said Giorgos Kallis, an environmental scientist and political ecologist at The Autonomous University of Barcelona, and author of Degrowth. In order to slow the economy down and not wreak havoc, he said, we have to reconfigure our ideas about the entire economic system.

This is how degrowthers envision the process: After a reduction in material and energy consumption, which will constrict the economy, there should also be a redistribution of existing wealth, and a transition from a materialistic society to one in which the values are based on simpler lifestyles and unpaid work and activities. ...
Read full text by Shayla Love:

Help others study and change their lives. Visit MyAIU Pledge. Learn how to have a better financial control. Visit MyAIU Money.

Neck pain relief device.

A cervical traction device for stretching out the muscles in your neck. Adjustable to hang at the right height from a doorknob or railing.

Web page builder cards.

Create your own web page structure by using up to 54 double-sided wireframe cards, take a photo shoot and send it to your client. by UX Flowcharts.

HEXA plant.

Robot planter follows the sunlight & throws tantrums if you don't water it. By Vincross.

—Buckminster Fuller. 1895–1983.

“When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty but when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.”

—Buckminster Fuller. 1895–1983. American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, inventor and futurist.

Parley for the oceans tote.

Parley is an initiative focused on cleaning our oceans and shorelines, and upcycling intercepted plastic waste. Each bag features a design by an artist in MoMA's collection. This model by Julian Schnabel.

Psychological life hacks

Pay attention to people’s feet, while approaching them.

When approaching a group of individuals who are already in a conversation, pay particular attention to their feet.

If they turn their torso toward you but keep their feet at their same place, you are probably interrupting them.

If they turn both their body and feet towards you, you are good to be there. Source:

Bachelor of Sociology


The Master of Sociology (MA, MS) program objective is to help students develop professionally by employing analytical and research skills through the use of research methods, research experience, and analytical skills necessary for the employment in government, nonprofit, and corporate organizations. The Master of Sociology program is offered online via distance learning. After evaluating both academic record and life experience, AIU staff working in conjunction with Faculty and Academic Advisors will assist students in setting up a custom-made program, designed on an individual basis. This flexibility to meet student needs is seldom found in other distance learning programs. Our online program does not require all students to take the same subjects/courses, use the same books, or learning materials. Instead, the online Master of Sociology curriculum is designed individually by the student and academic advisor. It specifically addresses strengths and weaknesses with respect to market opportunities in the student’s major and intended field of work. Understanding that industry and geographic factors should influence the content of the curriculum instead of a standardized one-fits-all design is the hallmark of AIU’s unique approach to adult education. This philosophy addresses the dynamic and constantly changing environment of working professionals by helping adult students in reaching their professional and personal goals within the scope of the degree program.


Below is an example of the topics or areas you may develop and work on during your studies. By no means is it a complete or required list as AIU programs do not follow a standardized curriculum. It is meant solely as a reference point and example. Want to learn more about the curriculum design at AIU? Go ahead and visit our website, especially the Course and Curriculum section:

Core Courses and Topics

Large Scale Organizations
Sociology of Occupations
Urban Sociology
Social Inequality and Education
History and Philosophy of Education
20th Century Educational Thought
Race and Ethnicity
Diversity in Higher Education
Sociology of Sex and Gender
Sociology of the Family
Sexual Identities Across the Life-span
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered
People Perspectives
Regression and Multivariate Data
Policy Issues in Primary and Secondary
Contemporary Sociological Theory
Social Stratification and Inequality
Public Policy
Demographic Analysis
Urban Poverty
Race and Class in American Cities

Orientation Courses

Communication & Investigation (Comprehensive Resume)
Organization Theory (Portfolio)
Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
Academic Evaluation (Questionnaire)
Fundament of Knowledge (Integration Chart)
Fundamental Principles I (Philosophy of Education)
Professional Evaluation (Self Evaluation Matrix)
Development of Graduate Study (Guarantee of an Academic Degree)

Research Project

Masters Thesis Project
MBM300 Thesis Proposal
MBM302 Master Thesis (7,500 words)

Contact us to get started

Each graduate is encouraged to publish their research papers either online in the public domain or through professional journals and periodicals worldwide

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808-924-9567 (Internationally)


Each Master graduate is encouraged to publish their research papers either online in the public domain or through professional journals and periodicals worldwide.

About Us


Atlantic International University offers distance learning degree programs for adult learners at bachelors, masters, and doctoral level. With self paced program taken online, AIU lifts the obstacles that keep professional adults from completing their educational goals. Programs are available throughout a wide range of majors and areas of study. All of this with a philosophically holistic approach towards education fitting within the balance of your life and acknowledging the key role each individual can play in their community, country, and the world. Atlantic International University is accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC). ASIC Accreditation is an internationally renowned quality standard for colleges and universities. Visit ASIC’s Directory of Accredited Colleges and Universities. ASIC is a member of CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA, an approved accreditation body by the Ministerial Department of the Home Office in the UK, and is listed in the International Directory of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The University is based in the United States and was established by corporate charter in 1998.

Our founding principles are based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; per article 26, AIU believes that Higher Education is a Human Right. The University has implemented a paradigm shifting educational model for its academic programs that have allowed it to move closer to this goal through the self-empowerment of its students, decentralization of the learning process, personalized open curriculum design, a sustainable learning model, developing 11 core elements of the Human Condition within MYAIU, and utilizing the quasi-infinite knowledge through the use of information technology combined with our own capacity to find solutions to all types of global issues, dynamic problems, and those of individuals and multidisciplinary teams. Due to these differentiations and the university’s mission, only a reputable accrediting agency with the vision and plasticity to integrate and adapt its processes around AIU’s proven and successful innovative programs could be selected. Unfortunately, the vast majority of accrediting agencies adhere to and follow obsolete processes and requirements that have outlived their usefulness and are in direct conflict with the university’s mission of offering a unique, dynamic, affordable, quality higher education to the nontraditional student (one who must work, study what he really needs for professional advancement, attend family issues, etc.). We believe that adopting outdated requirements and processes would impose increased financial burdens on students while severely limiting their opportunities to earn their degree and advance in all aspects. Thus, in selecting the ASIC as its accrediting agency, AIU ensured that its unique programs would not be transformed into a copy or clone of those offered by the 10,000+ colleges and universities around the world. Since ASIC is an international accrediting agency based outside the United States, we are required by statute HRS446E to place the following disclaimer: ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IS NOT ACCREDITED BY AN ACCREDITING AGENCY RECOGNIZED BY THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF EDUCATION. Note: In the United States and abroad, many licensing authorities require accredited degrees as the basis for eligibility for licensing. In some cases, accredited colleges may not accept for transfer courses and degrees completed at unaccredited colleges, and some employers may require an accredited degree as a basis for eligibility for employment. Potential students should consider how the above may affect their interests, AIU respects the unique rules and regulations of each country and does not seek to influence the respective authorities. In the event that a prospective student wishes to carry out any government review or process in regards to his university degree, we recommend that the requirements of such are explored in detail with the relevant authorities by the prospective student as the university does not intervene in such processes. AIU students can be found in over 180 countries, they actively participate and volunteer in their communities as part of their academic program and have allocated thousands of service hours to diverse causes and initiatives. AIU programs follow the standards commonly used by colleges and universities in the United States with regards to the following: academic program structure, degree issued, transcript, and other graduation documents. AIU graduation documents can include an apostille and authentication from the US Department of State to facilitate their use internationally.

The AIU Difference

It is acknowledged that the act of learning is endogenous, (from within), rather than exogenous.

This fact is the underlying rationale for “Distance Learning”, in all of the programs offered by AIU. The combination of the underlying principles of student “self instruction”, (with guidance), collaborative development of curriculum unique to each student, and flexibility of time and place of study, provides the ideal learning environment to satisfy individual needs.

AIU is an institution of experiential learning and nontraditional education at a distance. There are no classrooms and attendance is not required.

Mission & Vision


To be a higher learning institution concerned about generating cultural development alternatives likely to be sustained in order to lead to a more efficient administration of the world village and its environment; exerting human and community rights through diversity with the ultimate goal of the satisfaction and evolution of the world.


The empowerment of the individual towards the convergence of the world through a sustainable educational design based on andragogy and omniology.

Organizational Structure

Dr. Franklin Valcin
President/Academic Dean

Ricardo González
Chief Operation Officer
Ofelia Hernandez
Director of AIU
Clara Margalef
Dir. of Special Projects of AIU
Juan Pablo Moreno
Director of Operations
Paul Applebaum
IT Director
Nadeem Awan
Chief Programing
Dr. Jack Rosenzweig
Dean of Academic Affairs
Paula Vieria
Admissions Manager
Dr. Edward Lambert
Academic Coordinator
Dr. Ariadna Romero
Academic Coordinator
Maricela Esparza
Administrative Coordinator
Jaime Rotlewicz
Admissions Coordinator
Carlos Aponte
Telecom. Coordinator
Rosie Perez
Finance Coordinator
Nadia Gabaldon
Student Services Supervisor
Dr. José Mercado
Chief Executive Officer

Linda Collazo
Student Services Coordinator
Kingsley Zelee
IT Coordinator
Felipe Gomez
Design Director
Giovanni Castillo
Operations assistant
Liliana Peñaranda
Logistics Coordinator
Amalia Aldrett
Admissions Coordinator
Alba Ochoa
Admissions Coordinator
Sandra Garcia
Admissions Coordinator
Veronica Amuz
Admissions Coordinator
Junko Shimizu
Admissions Coordinator
Roberto Aldrett
Communications Coordinator
Nazma Sultana
Assistant Programming
Jhanzaib Awan
Assistant Programming
Chris Benjamin
Hosting Server
Dr. Ricardo González

Vivian Calderon
Registrar Office
Daritza Ysla
Accounting Coordinator
Patricia C. Domenech
Human Resources
Irina Ivashuk
Administrative Assistant
Kimberly Diaz
Academic Tutor
Renata Da Silva
Academic Tutor
Lourdes Puentes
Academic Tutor
Rina Lehnhoff
Academic Tutor
Renato Cifuentes
Academic Tutor
Arturo Vejar
Academic Tutor
Arhely Espinoza
Academic Tutor
Luisa Villar
Academic Tutor
Cyndy Dominguez
Academic Tutor
Paulina Garcia
Academic Assistant

School of Business and Economics

The School of Business and Economics allows aspiring and practicing professionals, managers, and entrepreneurs in the private and public sectors to complete a self paced distance learning degree program of the highest academic standard. The ultimate goal is to empower learners and help them take advantage of the enormous array of resources from the world environment in order to eliminate the current continuum of poverty and limitations. Degree programs are designed for those students whose professional experience has been in business, marketing, administration, economics, finance and management.

Areas of Study:

Accounting, Advertising, Banking, Business Administration, Communications, Ecommerce, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Home Economics, Human Resources, International Business, International Finance, Investing, Globalization, Marketing, Management, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Public Administrations, Sustainable Development, Public Relations, Telecommunications, Tourism, Trade.

School of Social and Human Studies

The School of Social and Human Studies is focused on to the development of studies which instill a core commitment to building a society based on social and economic justice and enhancing opportunities for human well being. The founding principles lie on the basic right of education as outlined in the Declaration of Human Rights. We instill in our students a sense of confidence and self reliance in their ability to access the vast opportunities available through information channels, the world wide web, private, public, nonprofit, and nongovernmental organizations in an ever expanding global community. Degree programs are aimed towards those whose professional life has been related to social and human behavior, with the arts, or with cultural studies.

Areas of Study:

Psychology, International Affairs, Sociology, Political Sciences, Architecture, Legal Studies, Public Administration, Literature and languages, Art History, Ministry, African Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies, Islamic Studies, Religious Studies.

School of Science and Engineering

The School of Science and Engineering seeks to provide dynamic, integrated, and challenging degree programs designed for those whose experience is in industrial research, scientific production, engineering and the general sciences. Our system for research and education will keep us apace with the twenty-first century reach scientific advance in an environmentally and ecologically responsible manner to allow for the sustainability of the human population. We will foster among our students a demand for ethical behavior, an appreciation for diversity, an understanding of scientific investigation,

Areas of Study:

Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Communications, Petroleum Science, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Nutrition Science, Agricultural Science, Computer Science, Sports Science, Renewable Energy, Geology, Urban Planning.

Online Library Resources

With access to a global catalog created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 participating institutions, AIU students have secured excellent research tools for their study programs.

The AIU online library contains over 2 billion records and over 300 million bibliographic records that are increasing day by day. The sources spanning thousands of years and virtually all forms of human expression. There are files of all kinds, from antique inscribed stones to e-books, form wax engravings to MP3s, DVDs and websites. In addition to the archives, the library AIU Online offers electronic access to more than 149,000 e-books, dozens of databases and more than 13 million full-text articles with pictures included. Being able to access 60 databases and 2393 periodicals with more than 18 million items, guarantees the information required to perform the assigned research project. Users will find that many files are enriched with artistic creations on the covers, indexes, reviews, summaries and other information. The records usually have information attached from important libraries. The user can quickly assess the relevance of the information and decide if it is the right source.

Education on the 21st century

AIU is striving to regain the significance of the concept of education, which is rooted into the Latin “educare”, meaning “to pull out”, breaking loose from the paradigm of most 21st century universities with their focus on “digging and placing information” into students’ heads rather than teaching them to think. For AIU, the generation of “clones” that some traditional universities are spreading throughout the real world is one of the most salient reasons for today’s ills. In fact, students trained at those educational institutions never feel a desire to “change the world” or the current status quo; instead, they adjust to the environment, believe everything is fine, and are proud of it all.

In a world where knowledge and mostly information expire just like milk, we must reinvent university as a whole in which each student, as the key player, is UNIQUE within an intertwined environment. This century’s university must generate new knowledge bits although this may entail its separation from both the administrative bureaucracy and the faculty that evolve there as well. AIU thinks that a university should be increasingly integrated into the “real world”, society, the economy, and the holistic human being. As such, it should concentrate on its ultimate goal, which is the student, and get him/her deeply immersed into a daily praxis of paradigm shifts, along with the Internet and research, all these being presently accessible only to a small minority of the world community. AIU students must accomplish their self-learning mission while conceptualizing it as the core of daily life values through the type of experiences that lead to a human being’s progress when information is converted into education. The entire AIU family must think of the university as a setting that values diversity and talent in a way that trains mankind not only for the present but above all for a future that calls everyday for professionals who empower themselves in academic and professional areas highly in demand in our modern society. We shall not forget that, at AIU, students are responsible for discovering their own talents and potential, which they must auto-develop in such a way that the whole finish product opens up as a flower that blossoms every year more openly.

The AIU stance is against the idea of the campus as a getaway from day-to-day pressure since we believe reality is the best potential-enhancer ever; one truly learns through thinking, brainstorming ideas, which leads to new solutions, and ultimately the rebirth of a human being fully integrated in a sustainable world environment. Self-learning is actualized more from within than a top-down vantage point, that is to say, to influence instead of requesting, ideas more than power. We need to create a society where solidarity, culture, life, not political or economic rationalism and more than techno structures, are prioritized. In short, the characteristics of AIU students and alumni remain independence, creativity, self-confidence, and ability to take risk towards new endeavors. This is about people’s worth based not on what they know but on what they do with what they know.

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AIU Service

AIU offers educational opportunities in the USA to adults from around the world so that they can use their own potential to manage their personal, global cultural development. The foundational axis of our philosophy lies upon self-actualized knowledge and information, with no room for obsoleteness, which is embedded into a DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEM based on ANDRAGOGY and OMNIOLOGY.

The ultimate goal of this paradigm is to empower learners and help them take advantage of the enormous array of resources from the world environment in order to eliminate the current continuum of poverty and limitations.

This will become a crude reality with respect for, and practice of, human and community rights through experiences, investigations, practicum work, and/ or examinations. Everything takes place in a setting that fosters diversity; with advisors and consultants with doctorate degrees and specializations in Human Development monitor learning processes, in addition to a worldwide web of colleagues and associations, so that they can reach the satisfaction and the progress of humanity with peace and harmony.

Contact us to get started

Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home. For additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us.

Pioneer Plaza / 900 Fort Street Mall 410
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)

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