I Wisdom Dzikunu, enrolled in AIU to pursue BSc Information Technology in 2014. I was offered scholarship by way of discount in my tuition fees.
I started the course with high enthusiasm after I gained admission ands access to my student’s portal. I had estimated twenty-four (24) months to graduate by the end of 2016.
I had no issues with course assignment and other lectures, of which all were online. I was met with unexpected challenges in raising funds to pay for my tuition. Then a sudden delay set in which continued for years, stalling my progress pace. Various course advisors called to follow up on my progress.
The course and module materials for learning are very easy to understand and apply to solve assignments. The students’ support and resources are available 24-7.
I would wish to enroll in an advance program when the need arises.
I wish to thank all the staff, especially tutors and counsellors of AIU, who in one way or another played a role in my success.
The best of my thanks goes to Dr. Freddy Frejus for going the extra mile to ensure my successful completion of my tuition and making me eligible to graduate.
Wisdom Dzikunu