only would I walk away with a degree to help me out when it comes down to do
most of my work, but I will also gain the necessary useful and successful
skills that would also come in handy.
And not only does
attending Atlantic International University Bsc-Monitoring & Evaluation program given
me a one step closer to being qualified for a career of my dream, but AIU has
also allows me to have fun while working hard and see other opportunities. Having
professors that care about you and want to see you excel inside and outside the
classroom. This made me to explore a whole new realm of conceptual frame-works
that was presented in
most of the lessons and be able to take an array of classes that peak
your interest and meet your wildest desires, of course all along with working
hard towards that degree in the end which will help me ensure a job after
Academically the program provided me with an overview of
Clear understanding of Concepts of Monitoring and Evaluation. And , also a presentation a Conceptual and Operational framework for
Monitoring and Evaluation in a results-based management context, by promoting
evaluative knowledge and learning around results; and to simplify policies and
procedures that guide Monitoring and Evaluation, to bring about Change in the
mind-set and approach which places a premium on coherent and long-range
planning around Results; partnering for development change; capacity building
for and ownership of monitoring and evaluation; and promoting the use of
evaluative evidence based evaluation reporting.
the end, AIU to me isn’t just a place where I had to do my study and get
my degree but it is a place that has benefits in so many ways. Now having spent
time as an AIU student I understand that when doing school comes a whole lot of
responsibility and independence. Not only do I get the freedom to take classes
of my choice but also to peak my interest that will push me closer to my
desired career. To me AIU stands for me getting a higher education to
help me succeed later on in my life and find out the type of person I am going
to become. Therefore my AIU education means the world to me and it is going to
be something I will not put a price on, because it will be so valuable and
priceless to me, it is simply outweigh the costs.