AIU EXPERIENCEMy AIU experience is a landmark in my academic pursuit. It was a leap into self-discovery. A journey on a new path and road in education quite different from what I was used to before. The AIU andragogy system of learning whereby the focus and center piece of attention and learning activity revolves around the student who is the major player, rather than focusing and depending on the teacher as in the traditional system, stirs the student to re-discover himself. Allowing the student to be 100% involved in creating and designing his own curriculum, and taking major steps towards his study program, empowers the student to strive to bring out the best in him. And enable the students to discover their hidden potentials, which ordinarily may not have been realized.My AIU experience was indeed rewarding as it offered me the opportunity through its experiential learning to package and connect my retrospective, current and prospective experiences together. However, I would like to suggest that AIU should device a means by which students running the same study program could relate and connect to each other and share ideas together. As that would alleviate the student feeling like an only child, or like a lonely traveler in a wilderness. As my people say that, a person only is not good for a journey.