Experience Letter
While attending AIU, I have my time to be quite pleasant. Everyone here has been utmost helpful in helping me get through the monotony of the programs as well as trying to figure out what the next step was. I would fully recommend the University to anyone and everyone. I attended the University a total of 6 years and thoroughly enjoyed it. While attending the University I learned the meaning of self paced education as well as having to push myself to complete scheduled task on time. I also learned that I could benefit from both the time I saved not having to join a traditional; college classroom and the time I saved on being able to work on assignments at night or on weekends.
All in all I would have to say that Atlantic International University is very great and it is truly a pleasure to be able to have joined their Alumni. I too hope that more students will take the University for granite and will join and follow in the footsteps of the past and the present.
Shawn Gibson