Miriam L. Austin
Experience at AIU
My experience at AIU has been positive, and has resulted in my completion of a doctoral program in Ecology. I have dreamed of completing a PhD since early childhood, and I have been afforded this wonderful opportunity through the flexible and supportive academic environment maintained by AIU.
I believe that academic endeavors should result in personal and scientific integrity, the components of which are sadly lacking in many modern forums. The AIU program has allowed me to pursue needed directions to complement my existing academic and professional experience. My Ph.D. program through AIU has also provided me with an opportunity to complete original and unique research, while continuing to maintain existing professional responsibilities.
The opportunity to carry out unique research in a supportive environment free from pedagogical restraint has enabled me to reach research conclusions that will likely exert a profound influence within the fields of wildlife conservation and natural resource management for years to come.
My experience at AIU has provided me with an opportunity to work with dedicated counselors and advisors, and I hereby express my deep appreciation for the understanding and caring concern I experienced throughout the duration of my AIU program.
Miriam L. Austin