The experience at the Atlantic International University has been an extraordinary one indeed. Iimmediately fell in love with the institution from my first day of simply enquiring about the Doctor ofPhilosophy Degree in International Relations. The staff who in addition to emailing me, made severalcalls to my work telephone and my mobile phone even after not getting through on numerousoccasion. This to me, was indeed more than just a marketing gesture. It communicated to mesomething about the AIU which is unique; A deep commitment to meeting the needs of anyone withinterest in enhancing themselves through education. The humility of the staff and tutors have beenvery humbling and admirable. You are made to feel part of a family and given assurances that arewithin themselves a total package of motivation, inspiration and encouragement.The availability of information on enrolment as well as complete and clear explanations as to how toaccess online libraries as well as explore and make full use of the online facilities are really impressiveand highly encouraging to me. These ensure that I felt as though I was in a real university setting withall the physical elements. The virtual space has a real connection with students that make you feelthat you are constantly in an academic, scientific and social environment. The course details wereclearly stated including assistance in fees and all modes of paying for my program. An interestingaspect of this was the fact that from the very beginning, you are guided in making commitmentsregarding the timelines of your studies without any administrative pressures. The fact that my studieswas well organized in clear phases was really phenomenal.The Campus site is really active and updated constantly. I liked quite a lot the fact that one could havea visual experience through photographs and videos of so many activities including graduation amongothers. These served as a stimulus for me while pursuant of my programme and made the experiencean AIU really an awesome one. The choices of assignments for seminars and references to recentpublications and books made me see the scientific world and research experience in a totally newlight. Indeed I was exposed to some of the best modern day written books and publications onInternational Studies both political and economic as well as business. The most intriguing experienceat AIU was the fact that when the going got tough with me and illness and excess of work at my officebecame an impediment to my studies, the institution never abandoned me. I was assigned a new tutorwho continued working with me to guide and advise me and ensure that I could take advantage of allthe opportunities that presented themselves to enable me to complete my work and finalise mystudies. For this I will be eternally grateful to the AIU.Finally I honestly believe that the institution provides a perfect opportunity for persons all over theworld to realise their dream and obtain a decent education in an excellent environment at areasonable cost. I would strongly recommend The AIU for the many hundreds of thousands of studentsand young people are all over the world seeking a good education at an affordable price withouthaving to totally abandon their job or country. Thank God and thank you AIU. Long live the AIU!!.