Lorna P. Thompson, PhD in Curriculum Design

Lorna P. Thompson, PhD in Curriculum Design

Lorna P. Thompson, PhD in Curriculum Design
January 26, 2014

My Experience at Atlantic International University.
There is an old time song that my mother loves to sing that reminds me of my sojourn at AIU. It says:
Out on life’s ocean I drifted one day.
The billows were rough, and I soon lost my way.
Then out of the darkness a voice called to me.
You are safe with the pilot you masters the sea.

The voice was so gentle like that of a friend.
I looked, and there stood the Saviour of men.
He lifted me up, and he whispered to me.
You are safe with the pilot who masters the sea.
The Atlantic International University came to my rescue. They provided the platform I needed to accomplish my dreams. A well rounded staff, a very organized structure, ready and timely feedback and true motivation. It was certainly a joy completing all assignments. My creativity was heightened and hence the tasks were rich and meaningful. There was never a dull moment. Even now I want to continue with the course. I felt completely comfortable and at home.
A… an outstanding institution
T… that empowers individual
L… learners to maximize their
N… Natural God given
T… talent.
I… impressive institution that allows
C…creativity to soar

I… indelible experience
N… noteworthy of emulation.
T… truly an oasis.
E… excellent, extraordinary, ethos for learning.
R… rare but real.
N… natural abilities that laid dormant are kindled.
A… attainable goals are achieved.
T… the epitome of genuine learning.
I… inspired by true adult educators.
O… opportunities galore for self- directed learning.
N… new and innovated ideas are encouraged.
A… AIU learners are challenged to be or become who they want to be
L… lifelong learners: living, learning and leaving a legacy.

U…unmatchable advisors and tutors
N… not to mention the quality support given.
I… indeed a memory to cherish.
V… visionary conceptualizers.
E… every learner is given the chance to
R… reach the peak of their profession journey all set to fly.
S… simply the best.
I… I’m thankful for the opportunity
T… that was afforded me to venture into the unknown.
Y… yes, the opportunity to achieve this significant milestone.

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