Dear fellow students:
It is my pleasure to share a valuable experience here at AIU.It can be divided into three important parts.
The first time I started at the university, I faced a challenge on exploring myself as there is a long list of questions to be answered.Lots of them are issues I have never realized before.This has been really an opportunity to explore the real me.Moreover, the selected books for reading have assisted expanding the knowledge and vision to the present world.It is a great experience one should not miss.However, some of the readings need lots of re-reading as I have to think back of my own environment.
Second phase of the study is the in-depth study of the subject I have designed on my own.It was strange at first to design the curriculum by myself instead of the University doing so.Once I completed my own curriculum, I was highly satisfied as all the subjects contained in it are what I really would want to study.This is great!I study what I want to know, not what others want me to know.
Third phase is the toughest of all.I proposed what I want to research and got approved.While I was completing the project, it has taken so much energy, time, and discipline.It was quite stressful at this phase and I felt like quitting several times.Several attempts were made and it is like climbing up a high mountain.When it was complete, it was a victory and really self-fulfilled.
All the above experiences are those I will never forget and thanks to AIU for giving such an opportunity.
Boonnet Esharoe.