My experience at AIU during my studies for the Master of Science program in Electrical engineering was challenging and rewarding. Studying on line with my advisor and tutor was educative and interesting. My studies improved my skills and knowledge in the field of Electrical Engineering and my computer skills.
From the beginning of my studies, I could not easily find my way out in my assignments. Everything started as though my study was going to be difficult; especially, in starting completing an assignment according to requirements. However, I overcame this challenge by courageously asking for the guidance and help of my advisor and tutor. Thanks AIU for their qualified and professional faculty. They really helped and guided me in achieving my goal. They were patient and encouraging.They helped me to understand the steps and procedures about how to start and write my assignments and how and where to do research.
After completing my first assignment, I understood the procedures and methods require doing my assignments. Nothing gave me great job than to see myself writing my assignments and doing research with internet especially using as my primary source of research because in Liberia recent and modern engineering books are scarce.
Basically, my learning process at AIU was almost self-educative which means I spent quality time to do research and to develop my courses planned in my curriculum design. To achieve your goal require a lot of time to do research and write.I had to discipline and encourage myself and had to be committed to spent such quality time doing my studies at home and/or at work. Time and energy are actually required to achieve your goal at AIU.
My dream of earning a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering has become a reality because of self determination and commitment which I hope every student enrolling in the distance learning degree program of AIU will desire to have ifhe/she must achieve his/her goal of advancement in his/her career.
Best regards.
Sincerely yours,
Beharrel N. Nyanfor