Doctorate in Sports Psychology

Doctorate in Sports Psychology

School of Business and Economics

Academic Freedom to Discover Your Purpose
Open Curriculum Design at Atlantic International University

At the core of our Doctoral Program in Sport Psychology lies a commitment to two distinct yet interconnected fields of application and research: psychology of physical activity and sport and health psychology. This unique program is designed to cater to your individual goals and aspirations, offering a dynamic blend of application and research that sets it apart from traditional doctoral programs. What makes this program exceptional is the convergence of these two domains, spearheaded by our dedicated team of professors who are the best in their respective fields.

In health psychology, we delve into the intricacies of human behavior, cognitive processes, and emotional well-being. We empower individuals to lead healthier and happier lives. Whether it is helping people overcome obstacles, manage stress, or adopt positive lifestyle changes, our focus on health psychology is a lifeline for those seeking to improve their general well-being.

One of the hallmarks of our program is the freedom it offers. We believe no two individuals are the same, and their academic journey shouldn’t be either. Our program only requires some students to study the same subjects or rely on identical learning materials. You can chart your path, guided by our expert faculty members, who will support you in achieving your unique goals.


Courses and Topics in Doctorate in Sports Psychology

For those passionate about sports and athletics, our program offers a unique avenue to explore the psychology behind physical activity and sports performance. You’ll delve into the mental aspects of training, competition, and peak performance. With your expertise in the psychology of physical activity and sport, you’ll be poised to initiate change in the lives of athletes, helping them achieve their full potential.

If you are a purpose-driven individual with a burning desire to make a difference in the world, our Doctoral Program in Sport Psychology is tailor-made for you. Here, you will not only gain a deep understanding of the human mind but also learn how to apply this knowledge to enhance the lives of individuals, whether they are part of the general population or elite athletes.

By enrolling in our program, you’ll be taking a significant step toward becoming a catalyst for positive change, helping individuals achieve their potential, both in health and in the realm of sports. Your journey begins here, and the possibilities are limitless.

Unleash your potential, make a solid contribution to the world, and embark on an extraordinary academic and professional adventure with the Doctoral Program in Sport Psychology. Your future awaits!


Stress, coping, and health
Lifestyle, physical activity and health
Motivation and sport
Psycho-oncology and palliative care
Risk prevention and health promotion
Mindfulness, psychoneuroimmunology, and chronic pain


Health psychology
Sport psychology
Psychology of physical activity
Researcher specialized in the health field
Researcher specialized in the field of sports


Orientation Course

Sports Psychology is a field that blends the principles of psychology with the dynamics of sports and physical activity. In this orientation course, we’ll cover the fundamentals, giving you a solid foundation in this field. We’ll explore psychological concepts and strategies essential for athletes, coaches, and anyone interested in sports and peak performance.

Our orientation courses provide a comprehensive exploration of the theoretical, methodological, and practical dimensions of Sports Psychology. Our program will enable you to develop the skills to critically assess, analyze, and implement the latest concepts. It will allow you to craft, enhance, disseminate, and effectively employ educational content utilizing technology to its maximum potential.

One of the distinctive attributes of our program lies in its adaptability. We do not adhere to a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we tailor your educational journey to align with your interests, objectives, and passions. Each student’s path is unique, allowing you to select your research areas, explore diverse avenues within educational technology, and fashion a personalized curriculum that aligns with your vision.

  • Communication & Investigation (Comprehensive Resume)
  • Organization Theory (Portfolio)
  • Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
  • Academic Evaluation (Questionnaire)
  • Fundament of Knowledge (Integration Chart)
  • Fundamental Principles I (Philosophy of Education)
  • Professional Evaluation (Self Evaluation Matrix)
  • Development of Graduate Study (Guarantee of an Academic Degree)

Research Projects in Doctorate in Sports Psychology

In the Doctorate in Sports Psychology program, research projects are the cornerstone of academic exploration. Students delve into engaging research topics, such as athlete motivation, mental resilience, performance optimization, and team dynamics. 

Research projects enable students to delve deeply into specific topics, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Engaging in research projects allows students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, honing their practical skills and problem-solving abilities. 

These projects are designed to advance our understanding of the psychological underpinnings of athletic achievement. They not only contribute to the field’s knowledge base but also have practical applications, benefiting athletes, coaches, and sports organizations. From investigating the impact of mental imagery on performance to exploring leadership strategies in sports teams, our research projects are dynamic and relevant, fostering innovation and excellence in sports.

  • Doctoral Dissertation Project
  • MBM900 Doctoral Proposal
  • MBM902 Doctoral Dissertation (15,000 words)

Publication – Students develop critical thinking and analytical skills as they evaluate research methodologies, data, and findings, enhancing their ability to assess and interpret information effectively. Collaborating on research projects provides opportunities to connect with faculty members, fellow students, and professionals in the field, potentially leading to future career opportunities and collaborations. Also, students acquire valuable research skills, such as data collection, analysis, and interpretation, which are transferable to various career opportunities.

Explore the psychology of sports with a Doctorate in Sports Psychology from AIU.

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Transformative Doctorate Student Journey at AIU

Students can engage in innovative research contributing to the evolving sports psychology field. This research not only advances knowledge but also has practical applications in the sports world, making students active contributors to the discipline. The program boasts a dedicated and experienced faculty with a deep understanding of sports psychology. Students benefit from the mentorship and guidance of these experts, helping them grow academically and professionally.

AIU’s program is adaptable to students’ interests and goals. It allows them to customize their academic path, choose research areas that align with their passions, and tailor their learning experience to their unique vision. The program emphasizes the practical application of sports psychology concepts. Students learn how to make a tangible impact on athletes’ lives, enhancing their mental resilience, performance, and overall well-being. AIU fosters collaboration and interdisciplinary learning. Students interact with peers from diverse backgrounds, gaining insights and perspectives that enrich their understanding of sports psychology and its intersection with other fields.

The program equips students with the skills and knowledge needed for a successful career in sports psychology, whether as practitioners, researchers, or educators. They graduate with a strong foundation and the ability to make a difference in the sports world. Beyond academics, the program encourages personal growth. Students discover more about themselves, their strengths, and their passions, paving the way for a fulfilling and purpose-driven career.

The AIU community provides opportunities to connect with faculty, professionals, and fellow students in sports psychology, creating a valuable network for future collaborations and career prospects.

Community & Social

AIU’s online program has fostered a vibrant and interconnected community with meticulous care. We harness state-of-the-art technologies and collaborative tools to ensure that your educational journey is anything but solitary. Our Virtual Campus Mobile App, along with platforms such as MYAIU, AIULink, and AIUTV, serve as digital conduits, forging connections among students, alumni, and faculty members worldwide.

The Doctorate in Sports Psychology at AIU transcends mere academia; it’s a transformative expedition. It represents an exploration of knowledge, ingenuity, and leadership, empowering students to chart a path toward a brighter, more equitable future, not just for themselves but for the realm of education and beyond. It’s a voyage that leads to a future where ideas come to life and challenges are met with inventive solutions.


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Academic Resources

The AIU Virtual Campus is an innovation hub, presenting a diverse collection of over 25 thoughtfully designed tools that empower students throughout their academic and personal journey. Our unwavering dedication to cutting-edge technology is exemplified by our pioneering Virtual Reality 3D immersive experience, which fosters a vibrant sense of community, significantly amplifying student development, motivation, and inspiration.

At the heart of our academic offerings, an abundance of resources is readily at your fingertips. This encompasses an online library housing an extensive repository of more than 260,000 books and 30 million peer-reviewed articles, journals, and publications. This invaluable reservoir is complemented by a comprehensive database of over 105,000 academic assets, carefully curated by the thriving AIU community.

For individuals embarking on a Doctorate in Sports Psychology or any related doctoral program, these resources form an indispensable foundation for your personal growth and academic success. Catering to a broad spectrum of academic interests, each help is thoughtfully personalized to meet the distinct needs and aspirations of our students, ensuring that they possess the essential tools to transform their dreams into tangible accomplishments and fulfill their program objectives.


Live Classes

AIU’s Doctorate in Sports Psychology program redefines the landscape of online education. We take immense pride in delivering live, interactive classes that breathe life into the virtual classroom, creating a fully immersive and dynamic learning environment for our students. These real-time sessions, skillfully guided by our seasoned faculty and industry experts, offer an invaluable platform for immediate discussions, extensive Q&A opportunities, and collaborative problem-solving initiatives.

Engaging in these live classes not only solidifies your understanding of intricate strategic leadership concepts but also nurtures genuine connections with your peers, fostering a strong sense of community and camaraderie. Enrolling in AIU’s live classes opens the door to participating in intellectually stimulating dialogues, staying updated in the sports psychology field, and receiving timely, personalized feedback from your instructors.

This pioneering approach to online learning guarantees that your academic journey toward the Doctorate in Sports Psychology, whether pursuing a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology or a related degree, transcends conventional education, providing an exceptionally enriching experience tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

Special Projects

At AIU, our Doctorate in Sports Psychology program stands out for its custom-tailored projects. It is strategically crafted to offer students a practical, hands-on learning experience that seamlessly complements the rigorous academic coursework. These projects are at the core of our commitment to nurturing a comprehensive approach to leadership development, ensuring that students can effectively translate theoretical knowledge into real-world scenarios.

Within our Doctor of Sports Psychology program, these unique projects frequently involve collaborative ventures with experienced industry professionals and esteemed thought leaders. This provides our students with a valuable source of expertise and informs them about the latest advancements and industry best practices in leadership.

AIU’s Doctorate in Sports Psychology program boasts a diverse array of distinctive projects, each meticulously designed to offer students hands-on exposure and real-world applications of their academic understanding.

Be a Game Changer by Building Resilience in Sports with a Doctorate in Sports Psychology from AIU.

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Career Center

The Career Center unfolds an exciting and enriching pathway, offering many opportunities across diverse industries and domains. AIU’s Doctorate in Sports Psychology equips students with advanced expertise, research capabilities, and leadership skills, preparing them for influential roles in academia, industry, and policy development. Through demanding coursework, research initiatives, and exposure to a global perspective, graduates emerge as pioneers propelling technological advancement and addressing intricate challenges within the field.

For those individuals seeking the convenience of online education, the center allows them to pursue advanced studies, liberating them from the confines of a traditional classroom. These programs are meticulously designed to accommodate the demanding schedules of working professionals, enabling them to enrich their education while effectively managing work commitments and other responsibilities.


Job Opportunities

As a Doctorate in Sports Psychology, you will be essential in improving the mental and emotional well-being of athletes, coaches, and sports teams. You will apply your expertise in psychological principles to help individuals or groups reach their full potential in sports and physical performance.

Individual Counseling: Provide one-on-one counseling to athletes to address performance anxiety, stress management, motivation, goal setting, and mental toughness.

Team Workshops: Conduct group workshops and sessions to improve team dynamics, communication, leadership, and cohesion.

Assessment and Evaluation: Administer psychological assessments to identify areas of improvement and develop tailored intervention plans for athletes.

Mental Skills Training: Develop and implement cognitive skills training programs to enhance concentration, visualization, and self-confidence in athletes.

Performance Enhancement: Collaborate with coaches to develop strategies that improve athletes’ performance, both individually and as a team.

Injury Rehabilitation: Assist injured athletes in managing psychological aspects of recovery and return to play.

Research: Contribute to sports psychology research, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements.

Consultation: Consult coaches, sports organizations, and support staff to create a psychologically healthy and supportive athletic environment.

Crisis Intervention: Offer support during crises or high-pressure situations, such as game-day stress or unexpected challenges.

Employment Opportunities after Completing Doctorate in Sports Psychology

The diverse employment opportunities available to Doctorate in Sports Psychology graduates offer a chance to make a significant impact in sports and well-being, whether directly with athletes, in academia, or within various related industries. So, you are a passionate and dedicated Sports Psychologist with a Doctorate in Sports Psychology. In that case, you will have exposure to several employment opportunities after completing a Doctorate in Sports Psychology. Here are some potential career paths:
  • Sports Psychologist: Many graduates become licensed sports psychologists who work directly with athletes and sports teams. They help athletes improve their mental skills, cope with performance pressure, and enhance overall mental well-being.
  • Academic Careers: Some graduates choose to pursue careers in academia. They can become professors, lecturers, or researchers in sports psychology departments at universities and colleges, conducting research and teaching the next generation of sports psychologists.
  • Sports Coach or Trainer: A Doctorate in Sports Psychology can also open doors to coaching and training roles, where graduates can apply their psychological expertise to help athletes and teams excel in their respective sports.
  • Clinical Psychologist: Graduates can opt to work as clinical psychologists specializing in sports psychology. They provide mental health support to athletes and individuals dealing with sports-related issues such as performance anxiety or injury recovery.
  • Consultant: Many sports organizations, from professional teams to youth leagues, hire sports psychology consultants to improve team dynamics, leadership, and performance. Graduates can work as consultants in these settings.
  • Health and Wellness Coach: With an enhanced focus on holistic well-being, graduates can work as health and wellness coaches, helping individuals make healthy lifestyle choices, manage stress, and maintain a balanced life.
  • Researcher: Opportunities exist in sports psychology research, where graduates can contribute to the understanding of various psychological aspects of sports, including motivation, performance enhancement, and mental resilience.
  • Athletic Director: Some graduates transition into roles as athletic directors at educational institutions. They oversee sports programs, manage budgets, and ensure the overall well-being of student-athletes.
  • Performance Analyst: Graduates may find employment as performance analysts, studying data and providing insights to improve an athlete’s performance through data-driven strategies.
  • Media and Communication Specialist: Some graduates leverage their knowledge of sports psychology to work in sports media and communication, providing expert commentary and analysis on athlete performance and mental aspects of sports.
  • Entrepreneurship: Graduates can start their private practice as sports psychologists, offering mental coaching services to athletes, coaches, and teams.
  • Corporate Wellness Programs: Some organizations hire sports psychologists to enhance employee well-being, productivity, and teamwork through wellness and performance programs.


Tools used in Sports Psychology

Here’s a list of some software tools commonly used in Sports Psychology.


  • PlayerTek: AMS software used to track and manage athletes’ physical and mental performance data.
  • Kinovea: It help sports psychologists analyze athlete performance videos, assess technique, and provide feedback.
  • Qualtrics: An online survey and data collection tool that allows sports psychologists to gather and analyze data from athletes and coaches.
  • Nvivo: Qualitative data analysis software used for in-depth analysis of interviews and textual data, often relevant for case studies in sports psychology.
  • PARiConnect: Programs like this are used for psychological assessment, including personality tests and cognitive assessments.

Associations for Professionals in Sports Psychology

Here’s a list of professional associations related to Sports Psychology.

Elevate Athletes’ Minds with a Doctorate in Sports Psychology from AIU. 

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Requirements for Doctorate in Sports Psychology

Typically, when seeking a Doctorate in Sports Psychology, you will be expected to have completed a master’s degree, provide your academic transcripts, secure letters of recommendation, submit a statement of purpose (SOP), and share your standardized test scores. Furthermore, specific programs may mandate a portfolio, a research proposal, or relevant professional experience as part of their admission criteria. It’s crucial to note that admission requirements can differ from one institution to another, so it’s advisable to consult the specific program for precise prerequisites. 

How Can You Apply?

Applying for a Doctorate in Sports Psychology typically involves several steps. Here’s a general overview of the application process:

  • Start by researching Doctorate in Sports Psychology programs offered by universities or institutions. Look for programs that align with your academic and career goals.
  • Ensure you meet the prerequisites for the program, which often include a relevant bachelor’s and master’s degree in psychology or other related fields.
  • Collect the required application materials.
  • Look for scholarships, grants, or assistantships that may help fund your doctoral studies.
  • Check with the university’s financial aid office or academic department for opportunities.
  • Select the universities or institutions where you want to apply. 
  • Consider location, faculty expertise, program reputation, and available resources.
  • Complete the online application for each chosen school. 
  • Ensure the application deadlines and submit all required materials.
  • Prepare for these interviews to discuss your academic and career goals.
  • After making your choice, complete the enrollment process, including registering for classes and arranging housing, if necessary.  

Financial Support & Scholarships

We enthusiastically introduce a range of scholarships explicitly tailored for our doctoral candidates. We invite you to share your information, granting you access to a diverse array of fellowships designed to support your academic and intellectual pursuits. Embark on this journey with us and transform your educational dreams into a reality.

How Much Does a Doctorate in Sports Psychology Cost Per Year?

Begin your academic journey at AIU, where you have the option to enroll in the Andragogic Online Program for the Doctorate in Sports Psychology at the cost of only $13,500.00, or you can select the Pedagogic Online Program at a rate of $19,850.00.

Understanding the importance of financial flexibility in your pursuit of education, we have introduced convenient monthly payment plans. Depending on your chosen program, you can opt for a monthly installment of $600.00 for 28 months or $650.00 for 37 months, ensuring that your path to earning a doctoral degree is not only cost-effective but also hassle-free. At AIU, we seamlessly blend high-quality education with budget-friendly options, making your educational aspirations easily achievable.



Q. How many years is a Doctorate In Sports Psychology?

Ans: A Doctorate in Sports Psychology typically takes around 3 to 5 years to complete, depending on various factors such as the program structure, individual progress, and whether a student is pursuing the program on a full-time or part-time basis.

Q. Can you earn your Doctorate In Sports Psychology online?

Ans: Yes, you can earn your Doctorate in Sports Psychology online. Many universities and institutions offer online doctoral programs in sports psychology, which provide the flexibility to pursue advanced education while accommodating your existing commitments, such as work and family. Online doctoral programs typically include a combination of online courses, virtual seminars, research projects, and even on-site or practical experiences when necessary.

Q. Is sports psychology in demand?

Ans: The demand for sports psychology has increased in recent years, and it continues to grow. Here are some factors contributing to the increasing demand for sports psychology:

Performance Enhancement: Athletes and sports teams constantly seek ways to gain a competitive edge. Sports psychology offers strategies to improve mental toughness, concentration, and performance.

Mental Health Awareness: Mental health in sports has gained visibility and importance recently. Athletes are seeking support for issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress. Sports psychologists play a crucial role in addressing these concerns.

Injury Rehabilitation: Sports psychologists assist in the psychological aspects of injury recovery, helping athletes cope with emotional challenges and facilitating a smoother return to play.

Youth Sports: Youth sports have become increasingly competitive, and parents and coaches recognize the benefits of mental skills training for young athletes.

Collegiate and Professional Sports: Colleges and professional sports organizations often employ sports psychologists to support their athletes. This trend is expected to continue.

Coaching: Coaches at all levels are incorporating sports psychology principles into their training and leadership strategies.

Research Opportunities: The field of sports psychology continues to evolve, providing opportunities for researchers and academics to contribute to the understanding of human performance in sports.

Career Opportunities: As the field grows, there are expanding career opportunities for sports psychologists, including academic positions, clinical practice, consultancy, and work with sports organizations.

However, it’s essential to note that the demand for sports psychology can vary by region, level of competition, and specific sports. While the field is experiencing growth, competition for positions can be intense. Sports psychologists must often build their reputation and network to secure job opportunities. As mental health awareness in sports and the understanding of the role of sports psychology continue to expand, the demand for sports psychology services will likely remain strong.

Q. Which country is best for PhD in Sports Psychology?

Ans: The choice of the best country for a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology depends on your specific research interests, career goals, and personal preferences. Several countries are known for offering solid programs in sports psychology. Here are some countries that are well-regarded for their Ph.D. programs in this field:

United States: The U.S. has many universities offering Ph.D. programs in sports psychology. Programs are often well-funded and provide diverse research opportunities. Notable universities include Florida State University, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
United Kingdom: The U.K. is known for its high-quality research in sports psychology. Institutions like Loughborough University, the University of Birmingham, and the University of Edinburgh offer excellent Ph.D. programs.
Australia: Australia has made its place in sports science and sports psychology. Universities such as the University of Queensland and the University of Sydney offer Ph.D. programs focusing on sports psychology.
Canada: Canadian universities, including the University of Ottawa and the University of British Columbia, offer Ph.D. programs in sports psychology, with a strong emphasis on research and applied practice.
Netherlands: The Netherlands is known for its expertise in sports and exercise psychology. VU University Amsterdam and the University of Groningen offer high-quality Ph.D. programs.
Sweden: Sweden has a strong focus on sports psychology research. Institutions like Lund University and Halmstad University offer Ph.D. programs in the field. When choosing a country for your Ph.D. in Sports Psychology, consider the following factors:
Research Opportunities: Look for universities with research areas that align with your interests.
Funding and Scholarships: Investigate funding options, scholarships, and assistantships that can support your studies.
Faculty Expertise: Assess the expertise and research interests of the faculty members in the program.
Career Opportunities: Consider the potential for practical experience and job opportunities in the region.
Language Requirements: Ensure you meet any language requirements for your chosen country or university.

Ultimately, the best country for your Ph.D. in Sports Psychology will depend on your goals and priorities. It’s advisable to research specific programs and reach out to potential advisors or program coordinators to learn more about the opportunities available.

Q. Do you need a PhD to be a sports psychologist?

Ans: While a Ph.D. is a common and prestigious qualification for sports psychologists, it’s not the only path to becoming one. The specific educational requirements and professional titles in the field of sports psychology can vary, and individuals can pursue careers in sports psychology with different levels of education.

Doctorate (Ph.D. or Psy.D.): Many sports psychologists hold a Doctorate in Clinical or Counseling Psychology with a specialization in sports psychology. This extensive education is typically required for those who want to provide clinical or counseling services to athletes or teams. A Ph.D. or Psy.D. allows individuals to become licensed psychologists.

Master’s Degree: Some individuals with a Master’s degree in Sports Psychology or a related field can work as sports psychology consultants. While they may not provide clinical counseling, they can offer mental skills training, coaching, and performance enhancement services to athletes and teams.

Bachelor’s Degree: A Bachelor’s degree in Psychology or a related field can provide a foundation for working in sports psychology-related roles, such as sports coaching or sports science. However, this level of education is often considered entry-level, and further education is generally necessary to become a sports psychologist.

Certification: In addition to formal education, individuals can pursue certification from organizations like the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). Certification may be available to professionals with varying levels of education and experience.

It’s important to note that the specific requirements for practicing as a sports psychologist can vary by region and country. In some cases, licensure as a psychologist may be required to provide clinical services, while in other cases, individuals may practice as consultants without licensure.

Ultimately, the level of education and credentials you need as a sports psychologist will depend on your career goals and the types of services you want to provide. It’s advisable to research the specific requirements in your area and seek guidance from relevant professional organizations to determine the best educational and certification path for your chosen career in sports psychology.



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