Doctor of Educational Administration (PhD)

Doctor of Educational Administration (PhD)

School of Science and Engineering

Academic Freedom to Discover Your Purpose
Open Curriculum Design at Atlantic International University

A Doctorate in Educational Administration is your key to unlocking leadership potential in the field of education. AIU’s Doctorate in Educational Administration is a beacon of excellence in the realm of education leadership. This advanced degree equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to shape the future of educational institutions. Through rigorous coursework and research, you’ll delve deep into topics like educational policy, leadership theory, and organizational management. 

As a doctoral student, you’ll have the opportunity to explore real-world challenges, develop innovative solutions, and make a lasting impact on the education system. Whether you aspire to lead a school, university, or government agency, a Doctorate in Educational Administration empowers you to drive positive change and inspire the next generation of educators.

What sets AIU apart is its commitment to flexibility, allowing working professionals to pursue their doctorate while balancing their career and personal life. The program encourages critical thinking and research, fostering the development of innovative solutions to cater to the most pressing challenges in education.

AIU’s Doctorate in Educational Administration opens doors to exciting career opportunities and empowers individuals to drive positive change within educational institutions, making a lasting impact on students, communities, and society as a whole.

Courses and Topics in Doctorate in Educational Administration

AIU’s Doctorate in Educational Administration boasts a dynamic curriculum encompassing courses designed to cultivate exceptional educational leaders. Core subjects include Educational Policy Analysis, Leadership Theory and Practice, and Organizational Management in Education, providing a solid foundation in administrative theory and practice. 

Additionally, specialized electives allow students to tailor their education to their interests, with options such as Curriculum Development, School Finance, and Educational Law. Throughout the program, research methodologies are emphasized, culminating in a dissertation project that encourages in-depth exploration of critical issues in educational administration. AIU’s courses in this program are structured to empower aspiring educational leaders with the knowledge and skills to drive positive change in the field.


Financial Management in Higher Education
Advanced Qualitative Research
Gender and Higher Education


Formal Organizations in Education
Research Design and Educational Policy
Politics of Education


Orientation Course

Orientation courses for a Doctorate in Educational Administration hold immense importance. They serve as a foundational step, providing students with a clear roadmap for their academic journey. These courses offer an introduction to the program’s structure, expectations, and resources, ensuring students start on the right foot. They help build a sense of community, fostering relationships among peers and faculty. 

Additionally, orientation courses assist students in understanding the academic rigor and research methodologies they will encounter, minimizing anxiety and improving their preparedness. Overall, these courses are a crucial element in ensuring that doctoral candidates enter their program with confidence, focus, and a strong understanding of the path ahead, setting the stage for a successful educational leadership journey.

  • Communication & Investigation (Comprehensive Resume)
  • Organization Theory (Portfolio)
  • Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
  • Academic Evaluation (Questionnaire)
  • Fundament of Knowledge (Integration Chart)
  • Fundamental Principles I (Philosophy of Education)
  • Professional Evaluation (Self Evaluation Matrix)
  • Development of Graduate Study (Guarantee of an Academic Degree)

Research Projects in Doctorate in Educational Administration

Research projects within a Doctorate in Educational Administration are like treasure hunts through the vast realm of education, with doctoral candidates as the intrepid explorers. These projects are more than just academic exercises; they’re opportunities to unravel critical issues, innovate, and make a lasting effect on the educational landscape.

In this journey, students embark on in-depth investigations, conducting rigorous research that can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and novel solutions. The focus might span from policy analysis to institutional leadership, shedding light on the complex challenges faced by educators and administrators alike.

Research projects also foster critical thinking and analytical skills, honing students’ abilities to dissect multifaceted issues and develop evidence-based strategies. They allow for the creation of actionable recommendations, providing tangible benefits to educational institutions and the communities they serve. But it’s not just about the destination; the research process itself is a transformative experience. It encourages collaboration, innovation, and a thirst for knowledge. Doctoral candidates become thought leaders, making contributions that influence educational practices and policies.

  • Doctoral Dissertation Project
  • MBM900 Doctoral Proposal
  • MBM902 Doctoral Dissertation (15,000 words)Publication – Moreover, these projects equip graduates with skills that extend far beyond their academic journey, opening doors to diverse career opportunities in educational leadership, research, policy development, and more. So, for those pursuing a Doctorate in Educational Administration, research projects are the compass guiding them toward a brighter, more equitable future for education.

    Innovate, lead, and succeed with a Doctorate in Educational Administration from AIU

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Transformative Doctorate Student Journey at AIU

The transformative journey of a Doctorate in Educational Administration student at AIU is a remarkable odyssey of growth, knowledge, and impact. From the moment a student enrolls, they embark on a path that challenges, inspires, and shapes them into educational leaders of exceptional caliber.

AIU’s program immerses students in the complexities of educational leadership, policy, and administration. Through rigorous coursework and engaging research, they develop a deep understanding of the field, from the inner workings of educational institutions to the broader societal impact of their decisions.

But it’s not just about academics; the AIU experience fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative skills. Students engage with a diverse community of peers and expert faculty, learning from each other and expanding their horizons.

Research projects become a defining part of this journey, where students tackle real-world issues, conduct in-depth analysis, and propose innovative solutions. These projects are not just assignments; they are opportunities to make a meaningful difference in the world of education.

By the time they earn their doctorate, AIU students have evolved into visionary leaders, capable of driving change, inspiring others, and shaping the future of education. Their transformative journey equips them with the knowledge, and passion to create a more equitable, innovative, and impactful educational landscape.

Community & Social

AIU’s online program has meticulously nurtured a dynamic and interconnected community. We harness cutting-edge technologies and collaborative tools to ensure your educational journey is far from solitary. Our Virtual Campus, Mobile App, and a range of platforms such as MYAIU, AIULink, and AIUTV serve as digital bridges, connecting students, alumni, and faculty from around the world.

Furthermore, our program goes beyond academic excellence; it’s a voyage of personal growth and self-discovery. Engaging in reflective practices and self-assessment allows students to unearth deeper insights into their leadership styles, strengths, and areas for potential development. This heightened self-awareness is invaluable for personal and professional growth, propelling individuals into influential and effective leadership roles.

Additionally, the AIU Campus APP, compatible with both Android and iOS devices, offers seamless access to your program and a vast array of resources, right at your fingertips. These digital channels are not just educational tools; they provide avenues for you to share your unique journey and explore the holistic aspects that contribute to individual growth and the collective advancement of humanity.

So, immerse yourself in a diverse array of symposiums, webinars, and conferences, forging connections with fellow scholars across the globe. Dive into a wealth of academic resources available at the Merlin Media Center and stay connected with the AIU community through AIULink, our customized social media platform designed for campus interactions.

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Whether you’re looking to acquire new skills, advance your career, or simply explore new interests, AIU is your gateway to a world of opportunities. With free access to 3400 lessons and hundreds of courses the ability to earn credits and earn certificates there’s no better time to start learning.
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Academic Resources

The Virtual Campus at AIU is a bastion of innovation, offering an impressive array of more than 25 essential tools meticulously crafted to propel students towards the peak of their academic and personal potential. In our relentless pursuit of cutting-edge technology, our novel Virtual Reality 3D immersive experience fosters a vibrant sense of community, significantly amplifying the growth, motivation, and inspiration of our students.

At the core of our academic offerings, a wealth of resources awaits, including an online library housing an extensive collection of over 260,000 books and an astonishing 30 million peer-reviewed articles, journals, and publications. This invaluable reservoir is complemented by a vast database comprising over 105,000 academic resources, thoughtfully curated by the thriving AIU community.

For individuals embarking on a Doctorate in Educational Administration or any leadership-focused doctorate, these resources serve as a pivotal springboard for your development and success. Catering to a diverse spectrum of academic interests, each resource is meticulously customized to address the distinct needs and aspirations of our students, ensuring they possess the requisite tools to transform their dreams into reality and accomplish their program objectives.

Live Classes

AIU’s Doctorate in Educational Administration program pushes the boundaries of online education. We take pride in delivering live, interactive classes that inject energy into the virtual classroom, crafting a fully immersive and dynamic learning environment for our students. These live sessions, expertly led by our experienced faculty and industry professionals, provide an invaluable platform for real-time discussions, extensive Q&A sessions, and collaborative problem-solving endeavors.

Participating in these live classes not only cements your grasp of intricate strategic leadership concepts but also nurtures meaningful connections with your peers, fostering a strong sense of community and camaraderie. Enrolling in AIU’s live classes opens doors to engaging in intellectually stimulating dialogues, staying current with the latest trends and innovations in the economics field, and receiving timely, personalized feedback from your instructors.

This pioneering approach to online learning ensures that your academic journey in the Doctorate in Educational Administration, whether pursuing a Doctorate of Educational Administration or an equivalent degree, is not just educational but also profoundly enriching and tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.


Special Projects

At AIU, our Doctorate in Educational Administration program incorporates unique projects that are thoughtfully designed to provide students with practical, hands-on experiences that seamlessly complement the robust academic curriculum. These projects play a crucial role in our commitment to fostering a well-rounded approach to leadership development, ensuring that our students can effectively apply theoretical knowledge in real-world situations.

Within our Doctor of Educational Administration program, these distinctive projects often involve collaborative initiatives with industry experts and leading thinkers. This provides our students with a valuable repository of insights and access to the latest trends and best practices in the field of leadership.

Shaping Minds, Shaping Futures with a Doctorate in Educational Administration from AIU

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Career Center

The Career Center offers an exciting and rewarding path, opening up numerous opportunities in various industries and fields. A Doctorate in Educational Administration equips individuals with advanced knowledge and leadership skills to drive positive change in education. Graduates are prepared to lead schools, districts, and institutions, shape policies, and address complex educational challenges, ultimately enhancing the quality and equity of the educational system.

 For those in search of an online learning environment, the center provides the convenience and adaptability of pursuing advanced education without the constraints of a conventional classroom setup. These programs are thoughtfully designed to accommodate the needs of busy professionals, granting them the chance to advance their education while effectively juggling their work obligations and other commitments.


Job Opportunities

The ideal job description for a Doctorate in Educational Administration include:

The ideal job description for a Doctorate in Educational Administration is a canvas of leadership, innovation, and transformative impact. As an educational administrator with a doctoral degree, you are the guiding force behind educational institutions, shaping policies, fostering excellence, and ensuring equity.

  • Strategic Visionary: Craft and execute visionary strategies to enhance educational institutions, driving them toward academic excellence and success.
  • Educational Policy Expert: Shape education policies, ensuring they align with best practices and meet the diverse needs of students and communities.
  • Change Agent: Lead change initiatives, driving innovation, and transforming schools and districts to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
  • Mentor and Developer: Mentor and develop educators, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.
  • Community Builder: Forge strong community relationships, ensuring schools are integral parts of their communities.
  • Researcher and Data-Driven Decision-Maker: Conduct research and use data to make informed decisions that benefit students and institutions.
  • Advocate for Equity: Champion diversity, equity, and inclusion, working to reduce educational disparities.
  • Communication Maestro: Effectively communicate and collaborate with diverse stakeholders, from teachers to parents to policymakers.

Employment Opportunities after completing Doctorate in Educational Administration

A Doctorate in Educational Administration opens up various prestigious and rewarding career paths, each of which demands a strong command of economic theories, excellent analytical skills, and the capability to apply the same in real-world situations.
  • Academic Positions: Professors, researchers, or lecturers at prestigious universities and colleges, contributing to the development of economic theories and practices through teaching and research.
  • Government and Policy Analysis: Economic advisors or analysts for government agencies, helping to shape monetary and fiscal policies, and providing insights on the economic implications of policy decisions.
  • Finance and Banking Sector: Economists or financial analysts in banks and financial institutions, conducting economic research to guide investment decisions and financial strategies.
  • Finance and Banking Sector: Economists or financial analysts in banks and financial institutions, conducting economic research to guide investment decisions and financial strategies.
  • International Organizations: Working as economic experts in international bodies like the World Bank, IMF, or United Nations, contributing to global economic development and policy making.
  • Research Institutions and Think Tanks: Conducting in-depth research on various economic issues, and providing valuable insights to shape public opinion and policy.
  • Private Sector and Consulting: Economists in consulting firms or corporations, analyzing market trends, forecasting economic conditions, and advising on business strategies.
  • Non-profit and Development Agencies: Working with NGOs or development agencies to analyze and address economic challenges in different regions, and contributing to sustainable development initiatives.


Tools used in Educational Administration

Educational administration relies on a variety of tools and software to efficiently manage and improve educational institutions.

  • PowerSchool: A comprehensive student information system.
  • Blackboard: A learning management system used for course delivery.
  • Skyward: Offers a suite of administrative and instructional tools for K-12 schools.
  • Edmodo: A secure learning platform for K-12 education.
  • Jenzabar: Provides software solutions for higher education institutions.


  • Ellucian: Offers software and services for higher education institutions.
  • Infinite Campus: A student information system for managing K-12 student data.
  • Finalsite: A platform for school website design and digital marketing.
  • Follett Destiny: A library management system for schools.
  • Renaissance Learning: Offers educational software and assessment tools.
  • Pearson eCollege: A platform for online learning and course management.


Associations for Professionals in Educational Administration

These associations offer networking opportunities, professional development, research resources, and advocacy support for professionals in educational administration, from school principals and superintendents to higher education administrators and researchers.

American Educational Research Association (AERA): This is a prominent international organization dedicated to advancing educational research and its practical applications. It provides a platform for educational administrators, researchers, and scholars to collaborate and share insights.

National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP): NAESP represents elementary and middle school principals in the United States. It offers resources, professional development, and advocacy for school leaders focusing on elementary education.

National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP): NASSP is an organization for secondary school principals. It provides support, advocacy, and professional development opportunities to enhance leadership skills.

American Association of School Administrators (AASA): This premier organization representing superintendents and school system leaders in the United States. It advocates for public education and offers professional development for administrators.

National Association of School Superintendents (NASS): NASS is a professional association for school superintendents. It focuses on professional development, advocacy, and networking opportunities for educational leaders.

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE): AACTE is dedicated to the improvement of teacher preparation programs. It serves educators, deans, and administrators in colleges and schools of education.

National Association of Community College Teacher Education Programs (NACCTEP): NACCTEP focuses on improving the quality of community college-based teacher and administrator preparation programs.

Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE): AALHE is dedicated to improving assessment and accountability in higher education. It is a valuable resource for educational administrators in the higher education sector.

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC): NAEYC focuses on early childhood education. It is a valuable resource for administrators in pre-K and early childhood settings.

Transform the field of education with a redefined leadership: Complete your Doctorate in Educational Administration from AIU


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Requirements for Doctorate in Educational Administration

Typical requirements for a Doctorate in Educational Administration include a master’s degree, professional experience in education, letters of recommendation, a SOP, and standardized test scores (e.g., GRE). Applicants may also need to submit transcripts, a writing sample, and participate in an interview. Program length varies, but completion generally involves coursework, research, and a dissertation.

How Can You Apply?

The steps to apply for a Doctorate in Educational Administration are mentioned below:

  • Research Programs: Explore the program to align with your goals and interests.
  • Check Requirements: Review the specific admission requirements of the program you’re interested in.
  • Prepare Application Materials: Gather required documents, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, a SOP, and standardized test scores (if needed).
  • Write a Statement of Purpose: Craft a compelling essay explaining your goals, experience, and reasons for pursuing a doctorate in educational administration.
  • Secure Letters of Recommendation: Request strong letters of recommendation from the academic dean.
  • Take Standardized Tests: If required, take tests like the GRE and meet the minimum score requirements.
  • Complete the Application Form: Fill out the application form provided by the institution and pay the application fee.
  • Submit Transcripts: Provide official transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attended.
  • Interview: Prepare well for the interview since few programs require it.
  • Financial Aid: Explore financial aid options, such as scholarships, grants, or assistantships, and submit any necessary applications.
  • Application Deadline: Ensure your application is submitted by the program’s application deadline.
  • Follow Up: Monitor your application status and promptly respond to any requests for additional information.
  • Acceptance: Once admitted, respond to the offer and complete any additional enrollment requirements.


Financial Support & Scholarships

We’re thrilled to present an array of  scholarships customized for our doctoral candidates. We encourage you to provide your details, granting you access to a rich pool of scholarships thoughtfully crafted to assist your academic and intellectual endeavors. Allow us to play a part in turning your educational aspirations into reality. 

How Much Does a Doctorate of Educational Administration Cost Per Year?

Embark on your academic voyage with AIU, where we present our Doctorate in Educational Administration Andragogic Online Program at a cost-effective tuition fee


Q. What is a doctoral degree in education administration?

Ans: A doctoral degree in educational administration is a terminal degree that focuses on advanced study and research in the field of education leadership and administration. It is typically designed for educators and professionals who aspire to leadership roles in educational institutions, such as schools, school districts, colleges, and universities.

Common doctoral degrees in educational administration include:

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.): This degree often emphasizes practical applications of leadership and administration in education. Ed.D. programs may focus on preparing administrators for K-12 schools or higher education institutions.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Educational Administration: Ph.D. programs tend to have a stronger research orientation, preparing graduates for roles in academia, research, policy development, and high-level leadership positions in education.

Key components of a doctoral degree in educational administration typically include coursework in leadership theory, educational policy, research methods, and organizational management. Students often conduct original research and complete a dissertation as a significant part of their degree requirements.

The goals of such programs are to prepare individuals to lead educational institutions effectively, promote positive change, address complex challenges, and drive improvements in teaching, learning, and administration. Graduates of doctoral programs in educational administration may pursue careers as school principals, superintendents, college deans, educational researchers, policy analysts, and more.

Q. Is a Doctorate in Educational Administration useful?

Ans: Yes, a Doctorate in Educational Administration can be very useful, depending on your career goals and aspirations. Here are some of the advantages of obtaining a Doctorate in Educational Administration:

Leadership Opportunities: It opens doors to leadership roles in educational institutions, such as becoming a school principal, district superintendent, or university administrator.

Expertise: You gain a deep understanding of educational leadership, policy, and administration, which enables you to make informed decisions and lead with confidence.

Research Skills: Doctoral programs typically emphasize research, equipping you with the skills to conduct meaningful research and contribute to evidence-based decision-making in education.

Innovation: You can drive positive change and innovation within educational institutions, improving teaching and learning for students.

Career Advancement: It can lead to higher earning potential and increased career opportunities, especially in leadership positions.

Advocacy: With a doctorate, you’re better equipped to advocate for educational reform and address issues related to equity, inclusion, and quality of education.

Networking: You’ll have the opportunity to network with educators, administrators, and policymakers, expanding your professional connections.

However, it’s essential to note that a Doctorate in Educational Administration is an extensive and demanding commitment in terms of time, effort, and often financial resources. Therefore, it’s valuable for those who are passionate about educational leadership and committed to making a long-term impact on the field. It’s important to align your educational goals with your career objectives to ensure that this degree is the right fit for you.

Q. How can a Doctorate in Educational Administration help to achieve my dream?

Ans: A Doctorate in Educational Administration can significantly aid in achieving your dreams in the field of education. Here’s how:

Leadership Opportunities: With a doctorate, you become eligible for high-level leadership positions, such as school principal, district superintendent, or university administrator, which can be crucial if your dream is to lead educational institutions.

Expertise and Knowledge: It equips you with in-depth knowledge of educational administration, policy, and leadership, making you a well-informed and effective leader.

Research Skills: A doctorate program hones your research and analytical skills, allowing you to explore complex educational challenges and develop innovative solutions to realize your dream of improving education.

Advocacy and Reform: If your dream involves advocating for education reform, a doctorate can provide you with the credentials and knowledge needed to influence policies and drive positive change.

Networking: Doctoral programs offer opportunities to connect with professionals, educators, and policymakers, expanding your network and opening doors for collaborations that can help turn your dream into a reality.

Teaching and Mentoring: If your dream involves teaching and mentoring the next generation of educators, a doctorate prepares you for roles in academia, where you can inspire and guide future leaders.

Research and Publication: If you aspire to contribute to the field through research and publication, a doctorate is essential for developing expertise and credibility as a researcher.

Personal Growth: Pursuing a doctorate is a transformative journey that can instill leadership skills, perseverance, and a strong commitment to your dream.

To make the most of your Doctorate in Educational Administration, ensure that your educational and career aspirations align with your dreams, and use the knowledge and skills gained from the program to work purposefully toward achieving them. Whether your dream is to reform education, lead institutions, conduct research, or make a lasting impact on students, a doctorate can be a pivotal stepping stone.



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