Bachelors in Nutritional Science

Bachelors in Nutritional Science

School of Science & Engineering

Academic Freedom to Discover Your Purpose
Open Curriculum Design at Atlantic International University

At AIU, we offer a dynamic Bachelors in Nutritional Science designed to equip students with a deep understanding of nutrition’s vital role in health and wellness. Our Nutritional Science Degree is crafted to provide comprehensive knowledge through a curriculum that blends theoretical foundations with practical application. Undergraduate Nutrition Programs at AIU emphasize hands-on learning experiences, ensuring students gain proficiency in assessing dietary needs, designing nutrition plans, and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Our Nutritional Science Courses are curated to reflect the latest research and industry trends, preparing graduates to excel in diverse fields such as clinical nutrition, public health, and sports nutrition. AIU’s education is driven by andragogy principles, fostering a learning environment where adult learners can thrive through interactive online platforms and flexible distance learning options. Whether on campus or virtually, our commitment to excellence in nutritional education ensures graduates are well-prepared to make a meaningful impact in the health and wellness sector.

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Core Courses & Topics: Bachelors in Nutritional Science

Important: Below is an example of the topics or areas you may develop and work on during your studies. By no means is it a complete or required list, as AIU programs do not follow a standardized curriculum. It is meant solely as a reference point and example. Want to learn more about the curriculum design at AIU? Check here: Course and Curriculum

The BS in Nutritional Science at our institution offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide students with a robust foundation in nutrition and dietetics. Core courses cover essential topics such as human nutrition, metabolism, food science, and nutritional assessment. Students also delve into specialized areas, including community nutrition, clinical nutrition, and sports nutrition, gaining practical skills in meal planning, dietary analysis, and health promotion strategies. Our Nutritional Science Degree program integrates hands-on experiences and laboratory work, ensuring graduates are well-equipped for healthcare, research, education, and public health careers. Discover the breadth and depth of our Nutrition and Dietetics Degree Program, where rigorous academic training meets the latest and holistic advancements in nutritional science.

  • Introduction to Nutrition
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Nutritional Assessment
  • Food Science
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Nutrition Education and Counseling
  • Public Health Nutrition
  • Nutrition and Disease
  • Ethics in Nutrition

Orientation Courses

In a Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science, orientation courses lay the groundwork for a comprehensive understanding of nutrition’s fundamental principles and applications. These courses typically include foundational subjects such as Introduction to Nutrition, Human Anatomy and Physiology, and Biochemistry, which collectively provide insights into how nutrients interact with the human body at a cellular and systemic level. Additionally, students delve into topics like Food Science, learning about the composition, processing, and food safety, which is essential for understanding nutritional quality. 

Courses in Nutritional Assessment equip students with skills in evaluating and analyzing dietary intake and nutritional status, crucial for designing personalized nutrition plans. These integrated orientation courses build a solid academic foundation and prepare students for more specialized studies in clinical nutrition, community health, sports nutrition, and beyond, ensuring they are well-prepared for diverse careers in nutritional science.

  • Communication & Investigation (Comprehensive Resume)
  • Seminar Administrative Development (Book Summary)
  • Organization Theory (Portfolio)
  • Seminar Cultural Development (Practical Experience)
  • Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
  • Seminar International Development (Publications)

Research Projects

Bachelor’s programs in Nutritional Science offer various engaging research projects that allow students to explore diverse aspects of the field. Research opportunities may include investigating the impact of dietary patterns on human nutrition, exploring innovative approaches in dietetics and clinical nutrition, and examining food science principles such as food composition and processing techniques. 

Projects often focus on promoting nutrition and wellness through community-based interventions or studying public health nutrition strategies to address population health challenges. These research initiatives not only enhance students’ understanding of nutritional science but also cultivate critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to contribute meaningfully to advancements in health and nutrition.

  • MBM300 Thesis Proposal
  • MBM302 Bachelors Thesis (5,000 words)

Publication – Students pursuing a Bachelor’s in Nutritional Science have the opportunity to contribute to impactful student publications that showcase their expertise in areas such as Nutritional Biochemistry and Clinical Nutrition. These publications serve as platforms for sharing research findings, innovative approaches, and evidence-based practices in understanding the biochemical processes of nutrition and their implications for health. Students may explore topics ranging from metabolic pathways to nutrient interactions, providing insights into how dietary components influence physiological functions. Through these publications, students not only deepen their knowledge but also contribute valuable perspectives to the field, preparing them for future careers in clinical practice, research, and public health nutrition.

Thesis Defense for Bachelors in Nutritional Science

The thesis defense for a Bachelor’s in Nutritional Science marks a pivotal moment where students showcase their culmination of research and academic growth. During this event, students present their thesis, which typically explores a specific aspect of nutrition such as Nutritional Biochemistry or Clinical Nutrition. They defend their research methodology, findings, and conclusions before a panel of faculty and peers. This rigorous examination assesses their ability to critically analyze literature, conduct independent research, and contribute novel insights to the field. The thesis defense not only demonstrates students’ expertise and scholarly achievement but also prepares them for future endeavors in graduate studies or professional roles in areas like dietetics, community nutrition, or research institutions focused on advancing nutritional knowledge and practice.

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Bachelors in Nutritional Science Student Experience

The Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science at AIU provides students with a transformative academic journey enriched by diverse learning experiences and innovative tools. From hands-on laboratory sessions to interactive online modules, students gain practical skills and theoretical knowledge crucial for understanding the intricate dynamics of nutrition and its impact on health. AIU fosters a supportive learning environment where students can explore their interests through research projects, internships, and community engagements.

Moreover, AIU integrates cutting-edge AI tools into the curriculum, enhancing the student experience with advanced learning technologies. These tools include AI-driven simulations for nutritional assessment, personalized learning platforms that adapt to individual learning styles, and virtual labs for practical experimentation in food science and clinical nutrition. Such technologies augment understanding and prepare students to navigate the evolving landscape of nutritional science with confidence and proficiency.

Community & Social

The Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science at AIU offers more than just academic excellence; it fosters a vibrant community experience enhanced by cutting-edge technologies and collaborative tools. Despite being an online program, students are deeply integrated into the AIU Community through platforms like the Virtual Campus, Mobile App, and various innovative technologies. Through these channels, students connect with peers, alumni, and faculty at symposiums, conferences, webinars, and competitions, fostering meaningful interactions and networking opportunities.

Central to this community experience are tools such as MYAIU and AIULink, AIU’s social media platform, which facilitate connections based on interests, research areas, and professional backgrounds. Students also benefit from access to AIUTV for engaging multimedia content, the Curriculum Builder Tool for personalized academic planning, and the Merlin Media Center boasting over 105,000 academic resources. The AIU Campus App ensures seamless access to program resources and updates on the go, available on Android and iOS platforms.

Furthermore, AIU’s robust support system includes dedicated tutors, academic advisors, and a network of fellow alumni, providing comprehensive assistance throughout the educational journey. The AIU Online Library enriches research capabilities with over 260,000 books and millions of peer-reviewed articles and publications. Together, these resources cultivate a dynamic learning environment where students in Nutritional Science excel academically and thrive socially and professionally, preparing them to make significant contributions to nutrition and beyond.

Academic Resources

In today’s educational landscape, access to diverse and high-quality learning resources has expanded exponentially beyond traditional classroom settings. At AIU, the Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science leverages this wealth of knowledge through innovative academic resources tailored to meet the dynamic needs of modern learners. Beyond conventional academic courses, students can access many learning platforms, including experts’ lectures, social media channels, YouTube, and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). These resources directly provide real-world insights and practical learning experiences from industry leaders and practitioners.

AIU embraces the concept of microlearning, where complex topics in Nutritional Science are distilled into concise, 15-minute intervals. This approach optimizes learning efficiency by focusing on the most relevant and applicable content, achieving significant knowledge transfer comparable to longer traditional lectures. By simplifying and summarizing information while removing unnecessary details, AIU ensures that students gain practical skills and up-to-date knowledge essential for their academic and professional growth in the field of Nutritional Science.

Live Classes

In the Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science at AIU, students benefit from a dynamic learning schedule that includes two live classes each day. These sessions are designed to foster interactive engagement and real-time discussions on key topics such as human nutrition, food science, clinical applications, and public health strategies. Led by experienced faculty members and industry experts, these live classes provide a collaborative environment where students can actively participate, ask questions, and deepen their understanding of complex concepts. This structured approach not only enhances learning outcomes but also cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for future careers in nutritional science and related fields.

AIU Live Classes Examples on Nutritional Science: Nutrition Education & Counseling | Healthy Diet | Nutrition & Cancer

Special Projects, Research Publications, & Co-Authoring

In the Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science at AIU, students can engage in special projects, research publications, and co-authoring endeavors that amplify their academic experience. These initiatives empower students to delve deeply into specific areas of interest within the field, conducting original research under the guidance of faculty mentors. Through collaborative efforts with peers and experts, students contribute to scholarly publications exploring emerging nutrition trends, clinical applications, and public health interventions. This hands-on approach enhances their understanding of theoretical concepts and cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to communicate findings effectively. Such experiences prepare students to make significant contributions to the advancement of nutritional science while building a robust foundation for future academic and professional pursuits.

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Career Center for Bachelors in Nutritional Science

The Career Center for Bachelor’s in Nutritional Science at AIU is a pivotal resource dedicated to empowering students for successful transitions into professional roles. Tailored to meet the specific needs of nutritional science graduates, the center offers comprehensive career development services, including personalized career counseling, resume and interview preparation workshops, and networking opportunities with industry leaders and employers. Students benefit from access to job postings, internships, and career fairs that align with their career aspirations in clinical nutrition, research, public health, and other specialized fields. The Career Center at AIU equips students with the necessary skills and resources to thrive in competitive job markets. It fosters lifelong learning and professional growth, essential for a fulfilling career in nutritional science.

Job Description

A Bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Science opens doors to diverse career opportunities across various sectors where expertise in nutrition and health is highly valued. Graduates may pursue roles such as:

  1. Clinical Dietitian/Nutritionist: Providing personalized dietary advice and management plans in healthcare settings.   
  2. Community Nutritionist: Developing and implementing nutrition education programs for communities or public health organizations.
  3. Food Safety Specialist: Ensuring food safety and compliance with food production and distribution regulations.
  4. Nutrition Consultant: Offering expertise in nutrition to individuals, corporations, or sports teams for optimal health and performance.
  5. Research Assistant: Supporting research projects in universities, hospitals, or research institutions focused on nutrition and health outcomes.
  6. Public Health Nutritionist: Designing and implementing nutrition policies and programs to improve public health outcomes.
  7. Corporate Wellness Coordinator: Promoting health and wellness programs within organizations to enhance employee well-being.
  8. Food Product Developer: Creating and testing new food products with a focus on nutritional value and consumer preferences.
  9. Health Educator: Conducting workshops and educational sessions on nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices.
  10. Nutrition Writer/Content Creator: Producing educational content on nutrition for websites, magazines, or social media platforms.

These roles highlight the versatility of a Nutritional Science degree, catering to a wide range of interests and career paths aimed at promoting health and improving quality of life through nutrition.

Tools for Bachelors in Nutritional Science

Here’s a list of tools commonly used in Bachelor’s programs in Nutritional Science program:

  1. Nutrient Analysis Software: Tools for analyzing the nutritional content of foods and creating dietary plans.
    – USDA Food Composition Databases:
    – Cronometer: 
  1. Biochemical Analysis Equipment: Instruments for studying metabolic pathways and biochemical processes related to nutrition.
    – Thermo Fisher Scientific:
    – Bio-Rad Laboratories: 
  1. Virtual Laboratories: Online platforms offering simulated experiments in food science and clinical nutrition.
    – Labster: 
  1. Dietary Assessment Tools: Resources for evaluating dietary intake and nutritional status in individuals and populations.
    – Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR): 
  1. Research Databases: Access to databases containing peer-reviewed journals, articles, and studies in nutritional science.
    – PubMed:
    – Google Scholar: 

These tools are essential for enhancing learning, conducting research, and preparing students in Nutritional Science for careers in clinical practice, research, public health, and more.

Associations for Bachelors in Nutritional Science Professionals

In Nutritional Science, professional associations play a crucial role in fostering collaboration, advancing research, and setting standards for practice. As a Bachelor’s student at AIU, you can connect with these esteemed organizations, gaining access to valuable resources, networking opportunities, and ongoing professional development. These associations provide platforms for staying updated on the latest trends and innovations in nutrition, advocating for policy changes, and enhancing your career prospects in areas such as clinical nutrition, public health, and research.

  1. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND): The world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals, promoting optimal nutrition and well-being through evidence-based practice. 
  2. American Society for Nutrition (ASN): Dedicated to advancing the science and practice of nutrition, supporting research and education initiatives in the field. 
  3. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB): Promotes effective nutrition education and communication strategies to improve health outcomes.
  4. International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN): This organization focuses on the science and application of sports nutrition and exercise physiology. 
  5. Nutrition Society: Based in the UK, this organization promotes the study of nutrition science, fostering collaboration among researchers, educators, and practitioners. 
  6. Association for Nutrition (AfN): Sets standards for professional nutrition practice in the UK, supporting registered nutritionists and promoting public health nutrition. 

These associations offer student memberships, conferences, webinars, publications, and volunteer opportunities that can enrich your educational journey and prepare you for a successful career in Nutritional Science.

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Bachelors in Nutritional Science Requirements

Admission to the Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science at AIU requires candidates to have completed high school with a strong academic background. Prospective students should demonstrate proficiency in relevant subjects such as biology, chemistry, mathematics, and English. Additionally, submission of transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement detailing their interest in nutritional science may be required. AIU seeks motivated individuals who are passionate about health and nutrition, ready to embark on a rigorous academic journey aimed at preparing them for impactful careers in the field.

How Can You Apply?

Here are the steps to apply for the Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science at AIU:

  1. Browse through the Course: Visit the AIU website and navigate to the section detailing the Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science. Review the curriculum, admission requirements, and any other relevant information.
  2. Enter Details: Complete the online application form provided on the AIU website. Enter personal information, educational background, and contact details accurately.
  3. Submit Application: After filling out the application form, submit it through the online portal. Ensure all required documents, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement, are uploaded as per the instructions provided.
  4. Academic Advisor Call: Following submission, expect a call from one of AIU’s academic advisors. They will discuss your application, clarify any queries you may have, and provide guidance throughout the admissions process.
  5. Application Review: The admissions team at AIU will review your application, considering your academic achievements, personal statement, and compatibility with the program’s objectives.

By following these steps, you can successfully apply for the Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science at AIU and embark on your journey towards a rewarding career in the field of nutrition and health sciences.

Financial Support & Scholarships

At AIU, we understand the importance of making higher education accessible and affordable. That’s why we offer a range of financial support options and exciting scholarships specifically designed for students pursuing a Bachelor’s in Nutritional Science. These scholarships are merit-based and aim to recognize academic excellence, leadership potential, and commitment to the field of nutrition and health. Additionally, AIU provides comprehensive guidance on federal financial aid programs, grants, and student loans to eligible candidates.

Our goal is to ensure that every qualified student has the opportunity to pursue their educational aspirations without financial barriers. Whether through scholarships celebrating academic achievement or assistance navigating financial aid options, AIU is committed to empowering students to succeed in their academic journey and beyond in Nutritional Science.

What's the Cost Per Year for Pursuing Bachelors in Nutritional Science at AIU?

At AIU, pursuing a Bachelor’s in Nutritional Science is both affordable and exciting, offering a competitive cost per year that makes quality education accessible. The tuition fees are structured to provide exceptional value while maintaining high standards in academic excellence and student support. Additionally, AIU offers various financial aid opportunities, scholarships, and flexible payment plans to help students manage their educational expenses effectively.

Beyond AIU online tuition, the investment in a Bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Science at AIU includes access to state-of-the-art learning resources, personalized academic advising, and opportunities to engage in research and professional development. This holistic approach ensures that students receive a comprehensive education that prepares them for successful careers in nutrition and health sciences.


What is a Bachelors in Nutritional Science?

A Bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Science is a comprehensive academic program focused on the study of food and nutrition and their impact on human health. This interdisciplinary field integrates biology, chemistry, physiology, and social sciences to explore how nutrients interact with the body at both cellular and systemic levels. Students in this program learn about the role of nutrition in disease prevention, optimal health maintenance, and therapeutic interventions.

What career paths can I pursue with a Bachelors in Nutritional Science?

With a Bachelor’s in Nutritional Science, you can pursue various rewarding career paths in healthcare, public health, research, and industry. Typical roles include Clinical Dietitian/Nutritionist, where you provide personalized dietary advice and manage nutrition plans in healthcare settings. You could also become a Community Nutritionist, designing and implementing nutrition programs for public health organizations. Other options include roles in food safety, nutrition research, corporate wellness, and nutrition education. This degree equips you to address nutrition-related challenges, promote health, and improve overall well-being through evidence-based practice and innovation.

How long does it take to complete a Bachelors in Nutritional Science?

A Bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Science typically takes four years of full-time study to complete.

What are the main subjects studied in a Nutritional Science program?

In a Nutritional Science program, students typically study subjects such as:

– Biochemistry
– Physiology
– Microbiology
– Food Science
– Nutrient Metabolism
– Public Health Nutrition

Can I complete a Bachelors in Nutritional Science online?

Yes, you can complete a Bachelor’s in Nutritional Science online through AIU; we offer distance learning programs.

What is the difference between Nutritional Science and Dietetics?

Nutritional Science focuses on studying nutrients and their effects on health, encompassing broader aspects of food science, biochemistry, and physiology. On the other hand, dietetics is a specialized field within nutritional science that involves applying scientific principles to plan and manage therapeutic diets for individuals and groups, often involving clinical practice and patient care.

Are there internship opportunities during the Nutritional Science program?

Yes, AIU offers Nutritional Science programs where students can gain practical experience in clinical settings, community nutrition programs, food industry labs, or research institutions.

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