Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management

Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management

School of Business and Economics

Academic Freedom to Discover Your Purpose
Open Curriculum Design at Atlantic International University

At AIU, we offer a cutting-edge Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management designed for aspiring professionals keen on mastering the intricacies of logistics and global supply chain operations. Our logistics and supply chain bachelor’s program is meticulously crafted to equip students with essential supply chain strategy, logistics optimization, and global operations management skills. Emphasizing an andragogy-driven approach to education, AIU blends rigorous academic principles of global supply chain management degree with practical, real-world applications, preparing students for success in the dynamic field of supply chain management. Whether pursuing studies on campus or through our innovative distance online learning platform, AIU ensures a comprehensive learning experience of a supply chain bachelor’s degree that fosters critical thinking, leadership, and proficiency in navigating today’s interconnected global marketplaces.

Core Courses & Topics: Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management

Important: Below is an example of the topics or areas you may develop and work on during your studies. By no means is it a complete or required list, as AIU programs do not follow a standardized curriculum. It is meant solely as a reference point and example. Want to learn more about the curriculum design at AIU? Check here: Course and Curriculum

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Research Program

The Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management at AIU offers a robust curriculum designed to cultivate expertise in the dynamic field of logistics and supply chain operations. Fundamental courses include Supply Chain Strategy, Inventory Management, Transportation Logistics, Global Sourcing, and Supply Chain Analytics. Students delve into supply chain optimization, risk management, sustainable logistics practices, and global supply chain bachelor’s operations online at AIU.

This holistic and asynchronous approach to teaching supply chain management courses at AIU equips graduates with essential technical skills. It prepares them for diverse careers in supply chain management across industries worldwide. Whether pursuing studies online or on campus, AIU ensures a flexible and interactive learning environment for undergraduate global supply chain students tailored to meet the demands of today’s global marketplace.

  • Introduction to Supply Chain Management
  • Logistics and Transportation Management
  • Supply Chain Strategy and Design
  • Inventory Management
  • Global Sourcing and Procurement
  • Supply Chain Analytics
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Practices
  • Risk Management in Supply Chains
  • Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma
  • Supply Chain Information Systems
  • International Business and Global Operations
  • Project Management in Supply Chains
  • Strategic Negotiations and Contract Management
  • Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains

Orientation Courses

AIU’s Bachelor’s program in Supply Chain Management offers essential orientation courses that lay a solid foundation in logistics and supply chain operations. Students begin with Logistics Management, learning the fundamentals of transportation, warehousing, and distribution networks crucial for efficient supply chain operations. Supply Chain Strategy courses focus on developing strategic approaches to optimize supply chain performance and enhance competitive advantage. 

Procurement and Sourcing courses delve into the strategic acquisition of goods and services, emphasizing supplier relationships and cost management. Finally, Inventory Management courses explore techniques for effective inventory control, forecasting, and demand planning, which are essential for maintaining operational efficiency. These integrated orientation courses equip students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of modern supply chain environments effectively.

  • Communication & Investigation (Comprehensive Resume)
  • Seminar Administrative Development (Book Summary)
  • Organization Theory (Portfolio)
  • Seminar Cultural Development (Practical Experience)
  • Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
  • Seminar International Development (Publications)

Research Projects

Throughout the Bachelor’s program in Supply Chain Management at AIU, students engage in impactful research projects that enhance their understanding and application of key concepts. Projects often explore Transportation and Distribution, where students analyze the efficiency of various transportation modes and distribution strategies to optimize logistical operations. In Transportation and Distribution Operations Management projects, students delve into improving productivity, quality control, and process optimization within supply chain environments. 

Supply Chain Analytics projects focus on leveraging data-driven insights to enhance decision-making processes, utilizing forecasting, predictive modeling, and performance metrics analysis techniques. These research projects sharpen students’ analytical skills and prepare them to tackle real-world challenges in supply chain management, making meaningful contributions to the field’s continuous evolution and innovation.

  • MBM300 Thesis Proposal
  • MBM302 Masters Thesis (5,000 words)

Publication – At AIU, students pursuing a Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management can contribute to publications showcasing their expertise and insights in the field. These publications serve as platforms for students to share research findings, case studies, and innovative ideas related to global logistics, supply chain strategy, procurement, and more. 

Whether through academic journals, newsletters, or online platforms, students can publish articles highlighting their understanding of current industry trends, emerging technologies, and sustainable practices in supply chain management. This experience enhances their academic profile and prepares them for careers where effective communication and thought leadership are essential. Through student publications, AIU encourages students to actively contribute to advancing knowledge within the global supply chain management discipline.

Thesis Defense

The thesis defense for a Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management at AIU represents the culmination of rigorous academic inquiry and practical application in the field. During this milestone event, students present their research findings and defend their thesis before a panel of faculty and industry experts. This process demonstrates their comprehensive understanding of key concepts such as logistics optimization, supply chain strategy, and global operations management and showcases their ability to contribute original insights to the discipline. 

Through compelling arguments and evidence-based analysis, students illustrate how their thesis addresses significant challenges or explores innovative solutions within global supply chain management. The thesis defense at AIU serves as a testament to students’ academic achievements. It prepares them for future leadership roles where critical thinking, research proficiency, and strategic decision-making are paramount.

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Incredible Student Experience for Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management

At AIU, the student experience in the Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management program is enriched by cutting-edge AI tools that foster interactive learning and practical application. Students benefit from innovative resources such as ChatGPT for personalized academic support and guidance, ensuring complex concepts and coursework clarity. Dall-E enhances creativity and visualization skills, particularly useful in supply chain strategy and design projects. Additionally, MidJourney provides simulation tools that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing students to develop problem-solving skills in logistics and operations management. These AI tools augment classroom learning and prepare students to adapt to technological advancements shaping the future of global supply chains. At AIU, integrating AI enhances the student experience by promoting collaboration, creativity, and proficiency in applying theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges in supply chain management.

Community & Social

The Bachelor’s in Supply Chain Management program at AIU offers a vibrant community and robust social experience despite its online format. Through innovative platforms like the Virtual Campus and Mobile App, students seamlessly connect with peers, alumni, and faculty. Symposiums, conferences, and webinars allow students to explore current trends and network with industry leaders. MYAIU and AIULINK are hubs for collaboration and resource-sharing, while AIUTV and the Curriculum Builder Tool provide multimedia learning opportunities tailored to individual educational paths. 

The Merlin Media Center enriches coursework with interactive content, enhancing understanding of complex supply chain concepts. Live and archived webinars, virtual conferences, and live chats foster real-time interaction and knowledge exchange. Furthermore, the Language Center supports global communication skills, preparing students for international careers. With comprehensive support from tutors, academic advisors, and a supportive AIU alumni network, students experience a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that prepares them for success in the evolving field of supply chain management.

Academic Resources

The Bachelor’s program in Supply Chain Management at AIU is supported by an extensive array of academic resources designed to empower students towards achieving their full potential. Central to this is the Virtual Campus, which integrates over 25 unique tools aimed at fostering development, growth, motivation, and inspiration among students. Recently enhanced with a cutting-edge Virtual Reality 3D immersive experience, the Virtual Campus serves as a dynamic hub for interactive learning and community engagement within Atlantic International University.

Students benefit from access to a wealth of academic resources meticulously curated to support their academic journey. The AIU Online Library grants students instant access to a vast repository of resources, including 260,000 books and over 30 million peer-reviewed articles, journals, and publications. Furthermore, students can leverage the Merlin Media Center to access and contribute to more than 105,000 AIU-created academic content, enriching their understanding of supply chain management concepts through multimedia resources. These comprehensive resources ensure that students have the tools they need to excel academically and achieve their program goals, fostering a learning environment that promotes exploration, collaboration, and scholarly achievement.

Live Classes

As part of the Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management program at AIU, students engage in two daily live classes designed to enhance their learning experience and interaction with faculty and peers. These live sessions are strategically scheduled to accommodate diverse time zones, ensuring accessibility for students worldwide. During these classes, students participate in real-time discussions, case studies, and interactive activities that deepen their understanding of supply chain strategies, logistics optimization, procurement practices, and global operations management. 

The live format allows immediate instructor feedback and facilitates a dynamic exchange of ideas among classmates, promoting collaborative learning and critical thinking skills. This structured approach to live classes fosters academic rigor and cultivates a sense of community and engagement within the global supply chain management program at AIU.

AIU Live Classes Examples on Global Supply Chain Management Local Economies – A Key to Strengthening Communities via Short Supply Chains 

Special Projects, Research Publications, & Co-Authoring

In the Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management program at AIU, students can engage in special projects, research publications, and co-authoring endeavors that enrich their academic journey and professional development. Special projects allow students to delve into practical applications of supply chain theory, tackling real-world challenges through hands-on experiences and industry collaborations. Research publications enable students to contribute to the academic discourse by exploring cutting-edge logistics, procurement, and operations management topics. Through co-authoring opportunities with faculty and peers, students gain valuable insights and mentorship while enhancing their writing and critical analysis skills. These initiatives deepen students’ understanding of global supply chain dynamics and position them as thought leaders in the field. By participating in special projects, research publications, and co-authoring ventures, AIU students are equipped to significantly contribute to the evolution and innovation of global supply chain management practices.

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Career Center for Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management

At AIU, the Career Center for the Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management program is dedicated to empowering students with the resources and support needed to launch successful careers in the dynamic field of supply chain management. The Career Center provides personalized guidance through career counseling sessions, resume reviews, and mock interviews tailored to the specific needs of supply chain professionals. Students have access to industry insights and job opportunities through networking events, career fairs, and employer presentations hosted both online and on-campus. Additionally, the Career Center offers workshops and seminars on job search strategies, professional development, and industry trends to enhance students’ marketability and competitiveness in the global workforce. By leveraging the Career Center’s comprehensive resources and industry connections, AIU students are well-prepared to pursue diverse career paths in supply chain strategy, logistics management, procurement, and global operations.

Job Description

Graduates of the Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management program at AIU are well-equipped to excel in a variety of rewarding career paths within the global marketplace. Armed with a deep understanding of logistics optimization, procurement strategies, and supply chain analytics, students are prepared to tackle the complexities of modern supply chains across diverse industries. They possess critical skills in strategic planning, risk management, and operational efficiency, making them valuable assets in roles that require meticulous coordination and innovation in supply chain practices. With AIU’s emphasis on practical, hands-on learning and cutting-edge industry insights, graduates emerge ready to contribute effectively to the following job roles:

  1. Supply Chain Analyst
  2. Logistics Coordinator
  3. Procurement Specialist
  4. Operations Manager
  5. Inventory Manager
  6. Demand Planner
  7. Supplier Relationship Manager
  8. Warehouse Operations Manager
  9. Transportation Manager
  10. Supply Chain Consultant

These roles span various sectors, including manufacturing, retail, healthcare, technology, and logistics services, offering AIU graduates diverse opportunities to make impactful contributions and advance their global supply chain management careers.

Tools for Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management

Studying global supply chain management as a bachelor’s student involves mastering a variety of analytical, logistical, and collaborative skills. To excel in this field, students often rely on a diverse set of tools and resources. These tools aid in data analysis, project management, and understanding global market dynamics.


Here are some essential tools:

  1. Microsoft Excel: For data analysis, spreadsheet modeling, and visualization.
  2. Tableau: Powerful software for creating interactive data visualizations.
  3. SAP ERP: Enterprise resource planning software used extensively in supply chain management.
  4. Oracle SCM: Another ERP software suite focusing on supply chain operations.
  5. Salesforce: Customer relationship management (CRM) software for managing customer interactions and data.
  1. Trello: Project management tool for organizing tasks and collaborations.
  2. Slack: Communication platform for team collaboration and real-time messaging.
  3. Power BI: Business analytics service by Microsoft for interactive visualizations and business intelligence.
  4. Supply Chain Guru: Software for network design, optimization, and simulation in supply chain management.
  5. Google Analytics: To understand web traffic and behavior, crucial for e-commerce and digital supply chains.

These tools collectively enhance a student’s ability to analyze supply chain data, optimize operations, and manage global logistics effectively.

Associations for Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management Professionals

Global supply chain management professionals with a Bachelor’s degree are equipped with a robust understanding of the intricacies of managing the flow of goods and services across international borders. Their expertise spans logistics, procurement, operations management, and strategic planning, making them indispensable in today’s interconnected business environment. These professionals play pivotal roles in optimizing supply chain efficiencies, reducing costs, mitigating risks, and ensuring timely delivery of products to global markets.

Associations for Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management professionals:

  1. Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) : Offers networking opportunities, professional development, and resources for supply chain practitioners.
  2. The Institute of Supply Chain Management (ISM) : Provides certifications, training programs, and industry insights to enhance supply chain management skills.
  3. Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM): This organization focuses on advancing end-to-end supply chain management through education, research, and certification programs.
  4. International Warehouse Logistics Association (IWLA): Specializes in warehouse logistics, providing educational resources and networking opportunities.
  5. American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS): This organization offers certifications and educational resources for operations and supply chain management professionals.

These associations offer valuable platforms for networking, professional development, and staying updated with industry trends, ensuring that Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management professionals remain competitive and well-informed in their field.

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Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management Requirements

Admission requirements for a Bachelor’s degree in Global Supply Chain Management typically include the completion of a high school diploma, a GED certificate, or an equivalent qualification from a recognized educational institution. Prospective students must often submit their high school transcripts, demonstrating proficiency in core subjects such as mathematics, English, and social sciences. Overall, meeting these academic standards ensures that students are prepared to embark on a comprehensive education in supply chain management, equipping them with the skills necessary for success in this dynamic and increasingly vital field.

How Can You Apply?

Here are the steps to apply for a Bachelor’s degree in Global Supply Chain Management:

  1. Browse Through Courses: Start by researching AIU’s Bachelor’s programs in Global Supply Chain Management degree. 
  2. Enter Details for Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management Degree: Once identified, navigate to the university’s admissions portal and enter your personal and professional details.
  3. Submit Application: Review the application thoroughly to ensure all information is accurate and complete and submit it
  4. Expect a Call from an Academic Advisor: After submitting your application, anticipate a follow-up from the university. Typically, an academic advisor or admissions counselor will contact you to discuss your application, provide more information about the program, and answer any questions you may have. This conversation may help clarify aspects of the program and assist you in making an informed decision.

By following these steps systematically, you can navigate the application process for a Bachelor’s degree in Global Supply Chain Management with confidence and increase your chances of gaining admission to your desired program.

Financial Support & Scholarships

At AIU, pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Global Supply Chain Management is affordable and enriched by opportunities for financial support and scholarships. The university is committed to assisting students in achieving their academic goals by offering various forms of financial aid, including scholarships based on merit, need, and specific achievements in supply chain management. 

These scholarships help alleviate tuition costs and provide recognition for exceptional academic performance and leadership potential. Additionally, AIU’s dedicated financial aid office works closely with students to explore federal and state grants, loans, and work-study programs to support their educational journey further. By making education accessible and rewarding, AIU ensures students can focus on their studies and thrive in an exciting and dynamic field like global supply chain management.

What’s the Cost Per Year for Pursuing a Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management at AIU?

At AIU, pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Global Supply Chain Management is designed to be financially accessible with flexible installment options and an affordable tuition structure. The AIU online tuition for this is structured to accommodate diverse financial circumstances, allowing students to plan their education within manageable budgets. Additionally, AIU offers transparency in pricing, ensuring students understand the total costs involved upfront. This approach empowers students to focus on their studies and career goals without financial stress, supported by a commitment to providing quality education that prepares graduates for success in the dynamic global supply chain management field.


What are the career opportunities with a Bachelors in Global Supply Chain Management?

A Bachelor’s degree in Global Supply Chain Management opens various career opportunities across various industries and sectors. Graduates are equipped with the skills and knowledge to excel in roles such as logistics manager, supply chain analyst, operations planner, procurement specialist, inventory control manager, and transportation manager. 

These professionals play critical roles in optimizing the efficiency of supply chains, ensuring timely delivery of goods, managing global distribution networks, and implementing strategic sourcing strategies. The demand for skilled supply chain professionals continues to grow as companies seek to streamline operations, reduce costs, and mitigate risks in an increasingly globalized marketplace. With their expertise in logistics, procurement, and strategic planning, graduates of this program are well-positioned to pursue rewarding careers in a dynamic and evolving field.

What subjects are covered in this program?

The Bachelor’s program in Global Supply Chain Management typically covers logistics and transportation management, procurement and sourcing strategies, inventory management, supply chain analytics, operations management, global trade and regulations, supply chain risk management, sustainable supply chain practices, and strategic supply chain planning. These courses are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of managing global supply chains efficiently and effectively.

How long does it take to complete the degree?

Typically, it takes approximately four years of full-time study to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Global Supply Chain Management. However, this duration may vary slightly depending on the specific program and individual factors such as part-time enrollment or transfer credits.

What career opportunities are available with a Bachelor's in Global Supply Chain Management?

Graduates with a Bachelor’s in Global Supply Chain Management can pursue careers as logistics managers, supply chain analysts, operations planners, procurement specialists, inventory control managers, transportation managers, and supply chain consultants. They can work in various industries such as manufacturing, retail, logistics services, healthcare, government, and technology, where their expertise in optimizing supply chain efficiencies and managing global distribution networks is highly valued.

What are the core courses in the Global Supply Chain Management program?

Core courses in a Global Supply Chain Management program typically include:

  1. Logistics and Transportation Management
  2. Procurement and Sourcing Strategies
  3. Inventory Management
  4. Supply Chain Analytics
  5. Operations Management
  6. Global Trade and Regulations
  7. Supply Chain Risk Management
  8. Sustainable Supply Chain Practices
  9. Strategic Supply Chain Planning

These courses provide students with the knowledge and skills to manage and optimize global supply chains effectively.

Does AIU offer any practical training or internships for this program?

Yes, AIU offers practical training and internships for the Global Supply Chain Management program.

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