Bachelors in Communications

Bachelors in Communications

School of Social and Human Studies

Academic Freedom to Discover Your Purpose
Open Curriculum Design at Atlantic International University

Atlantic International University (AIU) offers an exciting opportunity for students seeking a Bachelor’s in Communications through its online program. This globally recognized institution provides a flexible and accessible platform for individuals to pursue higher education in the field of communication from anywhere in the world.

One of the key advantages of AIU’s online Bachelor’s in Communications is its emphasis on interdisciplinary learning. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of communication theory, media studies, public relations, and digital communication. This diverse curriculum equips graduates with a well-rounded skill set that is highly sought after in today’s job market.

AIU’s online learning platform offers convenience and flexibility, allowing students to study at their own pace while maintaining work, family, and other commitments. The university also provides a supportive network of professors and advisors who assist students throughout their academic journey.

Furthermore, AIU’s commitment to global education ensures that students benefit from a multicultural and diverse learning environment. This program prepares graduates to excel in a wide range of careers, including journalism, marketing, public relations, and corporate communication.

Overall, Atlantic International University’s online Bachelor’s in Communications offers a comprehensive and flexible education that prepares students for success in the dynamic field of communication.

Important: Here’s an illustrative glimpse into potential study topics and areas you might explore throughout your academic journey. Please note, this is not an exhaustive or mandatory list, as AIU’s programs prioritize personalized learning paths over standardized curriculum. This example serves as a reference to showcase the breadth of possibilities. If you’re curious about the unique curriculum structure at AIU, would you like to delve deeper into understanding its design?

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Courses and Topics in Bachelors in Communication

AIU’s Bachelor’s in Communication online program encompasses a wide range of courses and topics designed to equip students with a strong foundation in the field.

Students can expect to delve into courses such as Communication Theory, Mass Media and Society, Intercultural Communication, and Digital Media Production. These courses explore key concepts in communication, media studies, and the evolving digital landscape.

Additionally, the program covers topics like Public Relations, Advertising, and Crisis Communication, providing practical insights into these specialized areas. Students also have the opportunity to engage in hands-on projects and internships to gain real-world experience, making them well-prepared for a diverse array of careers in the communication field upon graduation.

  • Theories of Human Communication
  • Introduction to Mass Media
  • Writing for the Media
  • Television Production
  • Audio Production
  • History of the Moving Image
  • TV Directing
  • Advanced Television Production
  • Broadcast News
  • Advanced Video Editing
  • Media Programming
  • Communication Law

Orientation Courses

AIU’s in Communication online program offers orientation courses designed to provide students with a strong academic foundation and prepare them for a successful learning journey. These orientation courses play a pivotal role in helping students adapt to the online learning environment and understand the program’s structure and requirements.

One of the key orientation courses is “Introduction to Online Learning,” where students learn about the virtual classroom, navigation of the learning management system, and effective online communication. This ensures that students are comfortable with the digital tools and resources essential for their studies.

Another crucial orientation course is “Program Overview and Expectations,” which provides a comprehensive understanding of the Bachelor’s in Communication program’s curriculum, course requirements, and academic expectations. This course helps students set clear goals and expectations for their academic progress.

Furthermore, AIU offers “Time Management and Study Skills” to equip students with strategies for effective time management, research, and study techniques, crucial for success in an online learning environment.

Overall, these orientation courses at AIU are an integral part of the Bachelor’s in Communication program, ensuring that students are well-prepared and confident as they embark on their educational journey in the online setting.

  • Communication & Investigation (Comprehensive Resume)
  • Organization Theory (Portfolio)
  • Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
  • Academic Evaluation (Questionnaire)
  • Fundament of Knowledge (Integration Chart)
  • Fundamental Principles I (Philosophy of Education)
  • Professional Evaluation (Self Evaluation Matrix)
  • Development of Graduate Study (Guarantee of an Academic Degree)

Research Projects in Bachelors in Communication

Communication education from AIU places a significant emphasis on research projects, providing students with opportunities to explore and contribute to the field of communication.

Students are encouraged to engage in research projects that align with their interests and career goals. These projects may involve studying topics such as media effects, interpersonal communication, or digital media trends.

Under the guidance of experienced faculty, students learn to formulate research questions, gather and analyze data, and present their findings effectively. This hands-on experience enhances critical thinking and research skills, preparing students for future academic and professional endeavors in communication-related fields.

By fostering a culture of research and inquiry, AIU empowers its graduates to become innovative and informed communicators, equipped to address the evolving challenges and opportunities in the dynamic field of communication.

  • MBM300 Thesis Proposal
  • MBM302 Bachelor Thesis (5,000 words)

Publication: At AIU, we recognize the vital role of disseminating groundbreaking research. Our commitment to academic excellence extends to providing platforms for the publication of research outcomes. In the vibrant field of Communication, we encourage our students to share their innovative findings, contributing significantly to the wider academic discourse. Emphasizing the publication of student research not only elevates the practical relevance of their scholarly endeavors but also lays a lasting foundation for future scholars in the field of Communication.

The synergy between research activities and their publication underlines our dedication to fostering the next wave of creative and informed communication expert. This focus on sharing research outcomes demonstrates our continuous commitment to developing a future generation of inventive and well-educated communication experts.

Dissertation & Thesis Defense

In the final stage of the Bachelor’s in Communication at AIU, students are presented with a unique chance to demonstrate their proficiency and innovative capabilities through an extensive thesis proposal. This critical stage marks the culmination of their educational journey, providing a venue to delve into complex topics within Communication studies program. The thesis defense, a fundamental element of the program, enables students to exhibit their research abilities, analytical thinking, and the practical use of their acquired knowledge, highlighting their preparedness to make significant contributions to the field after graduating from AIU. 

Shape Stories and Influence Minds with a Bachelor’s in Communication.

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Transformative Journey of Bachelor’s Degree Student at AIU

The Bachelor’s in Communication online program at AIU offers a transformative educational journey that empowers students with a wealth of knowledge and practical skills. Throughout this program, students undergo a profound transformation in their understanding of communication and its impact on society.

In the early stages of the program, students embark on a foundational journey, exploring courses in Communication Theory, Media Studies, and Interpersonal Communication. These courses lay the groundwork for a comprehensive understanding of communication principles.

As the program progresses, students have the opportunity to delve into specialized areas such as Public Relations, Advertising, and Digital Media Production. Through hands-on projects and real-world applications, they gain practical experience that prepares them for a diverse range of career opportunities.

The transformative aspect of AIU’s communication education extends beyond the academic realm. Students also develop crucial soft skills like critical thinking, effective communication, and adaptability. Moreover, the global perspective offered by AIU’s international student body enriches their cultural awareness and broadens their worldview.

In the end, graduates emerge from the Bachelor’s in Communication program at AIU not only with a degree but also with a transformed outlook on the power of effective communication in today’s interconnected world. This transformative journey equips them to excel in various communication-related roles and make a meaningful impact in their chosen careers.

Community & Social

The online program at AIU cultivates an energetic community using cutting-edge technologies and collaborative tools, ensuring a nurturing academic journey. Through platforms like the Virtual Campus, Mobile APP, MYAIU, AIULink, and AIUTV, students, faculty, and alumni come together, creating a network of interconnected minds. Engaging in thought-provoking symposiums, webinars, and conferences fosters global connections among the community.

Accessing the Merlin Media Center provides a wealth of academic resources while staying linked through AIULink ensures ongoing connectivity. The AIU Virtual Campus, APP compatible with both Android and iOS, offers effortless access to programs, tools and academic resources. These platforms facilitate the sharing of personal narratives, exploring holistic development, and contributing to the betterment of humanity, shaping an AIU experience that stands unparalleled.

Academic Resources

At Atlantic International University, the Virtual Campus serves as an innovative center equipped with more than 25 specialized tools, all geared towards supporting and empowering students throughout their educational endeavors. Our newest feature, the Virtual Reality 3D immersive experience, elevates community interaction, nurturing growth, motivation, and inspiration among our diverse student population. 

Also, AIU includes the leading Artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT, Dall-E and Midjoruney, PDF Executive Assistance, Slide Generator Slide Generator plus others and is adding new AI tools to ensure students are fluent in this emerging trend and benefit from the boost in productivity they bring.

Within our extensive online library, comprising 260,000 books and 30 million peer-reviewed articles, alongside 105,000 resources co-curated by the AIU community, we establish an unmatched academic setting dedicated to fostering the growth, development, and success of our students.

Live Classes

AIU introduces an innovative approach to virtual learning by incorporating dynamic live sessions twice daily. One can also access these live classes from the archive that hosts 100s of classes that can be combined to personalize the academic journey of a student. Led by seasoned faculty and experts from various industries, these sessions offer real-time discussions, interactive Q&A segments, and collaborative problem-solving, enriching your comprehension of community and public health. 

Participating in these sessions augments your expertise, equipping you to shape policies and refine your skills in hospitality. AIU’s live classes promise intellectually engaging dialogues, up-to-the-minute industry perspectives, and personalized feedback from instructors, guaranteeing a rewarding journey through the study of Communications. 

Following are the live classes you can check if you are interested in studying Bachelors in Communication.

Art of Communication by Silvana Mici/ The importance of Communication in project management by Sergen Kaan/ Project Communication with Discord by Bachahally Radhakrishnan V

Special Projects, Research, Publications, and Co-Authoring

AIU’s Bachelor’s in Communication fosters a dynamic academic environment where students engage in special projects, conduct research, and collaborate on publications. Through hands-on projects, students explore real-world applications. They actively participate in research initiatives, gaining insights into cutting-edge developments. The program encourages co-authoring publications, enabling students to contribute to scholarly discourse and cultivate a robust professional portfolio.

Join the Communication Revolution with a Bachelor’s in Communication for a Brighter Tomorrow.

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Career Center for Bachelors in Communication

AIU recognizes the importance of equipping students with the necessary tools and support for a successful career in communication. To facilitate this, AIU offers a dedicated Career Center specifically tailored for Bachelor’s in Communication students.

The Career Center at AIU provides a wide range of services, including career counseling, resume building, interview preparation, and job search assistance. Students can access resources that help them identify potential career paths within the field of communication and develop strategies for achieving their professional goals.

Moreover, the Career Center fosters connections between students and industry professionals, offering networking opportunities and internships. This valuable support system ensures that graduates of AIU’s Bachelor’s in Communication program are well-prepared to embark on their career journeys with confidence and a competitive edge in the dynamic field of communication.

Job Description

A Bachelor’s in Communication from Atlantic International University opens up a wide range of career opportunities. Graduates of this program are well-equipped to excel in various roles across industries. One common job description for Bachelor’s in Communication graduates is that of a Public Relations Specialist. In this role, professionals are responsible for managing an organization’s public image, crafting press releases, organizing media events, and maintaining positive relationships with the media.

Another career path is that of a Social Media Manager. These professionals are tasked with creating and implementing social media strategies to enhance an organization’s online presence, engage with audiences, and manage online communities.

Furthermore, graduates can pursue roles such as Corporate Communication Specialist, Marketing Coordinator, or Content Writer, depending on their specific interests and skills. The flexibility and adaptability of a Bachelor’s in Communication degree make it a valuable asset in today’s job market.

Employment Opportunities for Bachelors in Communication

A Bachelor’s in Communication degree opens up a diverse range of employment opportunities across various sectors. Here are some potential career paths and employment opportunities for individuals with a Bachelor’s in Communication:
  • Public Relations Specialist: Public relations specialists are responsible for managing an organization’s public image. They craft press releases, organize media events, and maintain positive relationships with the media to ensure a positive public perception.
  • Social Media Manager: In today’s digital age, organizations rely heavily on social media. Social media managers create and execute strategies to enhance an organization’s online presence, engage with audiences, and manage online communities.
  • Content Writer/Editor: Content writers and editors create and edit written content for various platforms, including websites, blogs, newsletters, and marketing materials. They ensure that content is clear, engaging, and aligned with the organization’s goals.
  • Marketing Coordinator: Marketing coordinators assist in the development and implementation of marketing campaigns. They collaborate with teams to plan and execute marketing strategies, which may include advertising, email marketing, and events.
  • Corporate Communication Specialist: Corporate communication specialists manage internal and external communication for organizations. They may be responsible for employee communication, crisis management, and maintaining a consistent corporate identity.
  • Media Planner/Buyer: Media planners and buyers work in advertising agencies or marketing departments to strategize and purchase advertising space in various media outlets, such as TV, radio, print, and digital platforms.
  • Event Planner: Event planners organize and coordinate events, conferences, and meetings for organizations. Effective communication skills are crucial in this role to ensure successful event execution.
  • Journalist/Reporter: Graduates with a passion for journalism can work as reporters, correspondents, or broadcast journalists, covering news and events for newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, or online media outlets.
  • Market Research Analyst: Market research analysts gather and analyze data to help organizations make informed business decisions. They conduct surveys, collect data, and interpret market trends to provide valuable insights.
  • Political Campaign Manager: In the political arena, communication graduates can work as campaign managers, overseeing communication strategies, public appearances, and messaging for political candidates.
  • Human Resources Specialist: HR specialists with a communication background excel in roles that involve employee relations, conflict resolution, and communication training within organizations.
  • Public Affairs Specialist: Public affairs specialists work in government agencies, non-profits, or advocacy groups to communicate policy initiatives, engage with the public, and promote public awareness on specific issues.
  • Digital Marketing Specialist: These professionals focus on online marketing strategies, including SEO, SEM, email marketing, and content marketing, to promote products and services in the digital space.
  • Freelance Writer/Consultant: Some communication graduates opt for freelance work, offering writing, consulting, or communication services to multiple clients and industries.

The field of communication is dynamic and ever-evolving, providing a wide array of career options. Graduates with a Bachelor’s in Communication possess strong communication skills, adaptability, and versatility, making them valuable assets in various industries and roles.

Tools for Professionals with Bachelors in Communication

These tools cover a wide range of tasks and functions that communication professionals frequently encounter in their roles, from content creation to project management and data analysis.

Associations for Professionals with Bachelors in Communication

These associations provide networking opportunities, resources, and support for communication professionals.

Public Relations Society of America (PRSA): PRSA is a leading organization for public relations and communication professionals. It offers networking events, educational resources, and advocacy for the industry.
Website: PRSA

International Association of Business Communicators (IABC): IABC is a global network for communication professionals. It provides access to communication resources, professional development, and a supportive community.
Website: IABC

American Marketing Association (AMA): AMA is a hub for marketing and communication professionals. It offers access to marketing research, events, and educational resources.
Website: AMA

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC): AEJMC is dedicated to journalism and mass communication education and research. It provides opportunities for educators and scholars.
Website: AEJMC

National Communication Association (NCA): NCA is a leading organization for communication scholars and practitioners. It offers resources, conferences, and publications for communication professionals.
Website: NCA

Association for Women in Communications (AWC): AWC focuses on the advancement of women in communication fields. It offers networking, mentorship, and professional development opportunities.
Website: AWC

Communication Excellence Awaits You: Enroll Today.

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Requirements for Bachelors in Communication

To pursue a Bachelor’s in Communication at AIU, prospective students need to meet certain requirements to ensure eligibility for the program. The specific requirements may vary, but generally include:

  • Educational Background: Applicants typically need a high school diploma or equivalent qualification to be considered for admission. Some programs may require a minimum GPA or standardized test score.
  • Application Form: Students must complete an application form provided by AIU, which can usually be submitted online through the university’s website.
  • Transcripts: Applicants must provide official transcripts from their previous educational institutions to demonstrate their academic history and qualifications.
  • English Language Proficiency: For international students or non-native English speakers, proof of English language proficiency through standardized tests like TOEFL or IELTS may be required.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Some programs may request letters of recommendation from teachers, employers, or other individuals who can attest to the applicant’s qualifications and character.
  • Personal Statement: A personal statement or essay may be required, outlining the applicant’s motivations, career goals, and reasons for choosing a Bachelor’s in Communication.
  • Interview: In some cases, AIU may conduct an interview as part of the admissions process to assess an applicant’s suitability for the program.

It’s important for prospective students to review the specific admission requirements for the Bachelor’s in Communication program at AIU and ensure they meet all criteria before submitting their application. Meeting these requirements is the first step toward embarking on a fulfilling educational journey in the field of communication.

How Can You Apply?

  • Research Programs: Explore universities or colleges offering Bachelor’s in Communication degrees. Check their websites for detailed program information.
  • Meet Requirements: Ensure you meet the program’s admission requirements, which typically include a high school diploma or equivalent, transcripts, test scores (if applicable), and language proficiency proof for non-native English speakers.
  • Complete Application: Fill out the university’s application form, either online or through a paper application, providing accurate personal and academic details.
  • Submit Documents: Send in required documents, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement.
  • Pay Fees: Pay the application fee, if applicable, and await an admission decision.
  • Financial Aid: Explore financial aid options and scholarships to help fund your education.
  • Enroll: Upon acceptance, complete the enrollment process to secure your spot in the program.

Financial Support & Scholarships

We are thrilled to offer a range of scholarships tailored for our undergraduate students. Please provide your information to explore various scholarship opportunities designed to support your academic pursuits. Let us assist you in achieving your educational goals and nurturing your scholarly ambitions.

How Much Does Bachelors in Communication Cost Per Year?

We recognize the significance of financial flexibility in your educational endeavors. Hence, depending upon the type of program you choose, we have introduced a convenient monthly payment plan to make your pursuit of a bachelor degree manageable and free from financial worries. Our exceptionally affordable tuition fee covers the expense Bachelors in Communication. So, secure your future with AIU, where first-rate education aligns perfectly with your budget. Your aspirations are well within your grasp. 


Career opportunities for communications graduates?

Communication graduates have a wide range of career opportunities available to them across various industries and sectors. Here are some common career paths and opportunities for communication graduates:

  • Public Relations Specialist: These professionals manage an organization’s public image, handle media relations, and create communication strategies to maintain a positive reputation.
  • Marketing Coordinator/Manager: Marketing roles involve promoting products or services through various channels, including advertising, social media, and content marketing.
  • Corporate Communication Specialist: Corporate communicators oversee internal and external communication within organizations, ensuring consistent messaging and alignment with company goals.
  • Social Media Manager: In the age of digital media, social media managers create, curate, and manage content on social platforms to engage with audiences and build brand presence.
  • Content Writer/Editor: Content professionals write and edit articles, blogs, marketing materials, and other written content for websites, publications, and marketing campaigns.
  • Event Planner/Coordinator: Event professionals organize and execute events, conferences, and meetings, requiring strong communication and organizational skills.
  • Journalist/Reporter: Journalism careers involve reporting news and stories for newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or online media outlets.
  • Advertising Account Executive: Account executives work in advertising agencies, managing client relationships and coordinating advertising campaigns.
  • Market Research Analyst: These analysts collect and analyze data to help organizations make informed business decisions and understand market trends.
  • Human Resources Specialist: HR professionals with communication skills excel in roles involving employee relations, training, and communication within organizations.
  • Digital Marketing Specialist: These specialists focus on online marketing strategies, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and email marketing.
  • Public Affairs Specialist: These professionals work in government agencies, non-profits, or advocacy groups to communicate policy initiatives and engage with the public.
  • Technical Writer: Technical writers create user manuals, product documentation, and technical guides to make complex information understandable to a wide audience.
  • Media Planner/Buyer: Media planners and buyers work in advertising agencies or marketing departments to strategize and purchase advertising space in various media outlets.
  • Non-profit Communication Coordinator: Non-profit organizations rely on communication specialists to promote their mission, engage donors, and advocate for social causes.
  • Healthcare Communication Specialist: In healthcare, communication professionals ensure effective communication between patients, healthcare providers, and institutions.
  • Academic/Researcher: Graduates can pursue careers in academia or research, contributing to the field’s knowledge base and educating future communicators.

These career opportunities showcase the versatility of a communication degree, allowing graduates to apply their skills in a variety of roles and industries. Effective communication is a valuable asset in virtually any field, making communication graduates sought after in the job market.

Specialization options in communications during bachelor's studies?

Specialization options in bachelor’s studies in communications include Public Relations, Digital Media, Journalism, Advertising, Corporate Communication, Health Communication, Political Communication, Sports Communication, International Communication, Entertainment Communication, Visual Communication, Environmental Communication, Non-profit Communication, Technical Communication, and Interpersonal Communication. These specializations allow students to focus on specific areas of interest and prepare for careers in various industries, from media and marketing to healthcare and politics.

Skills developed through a Bachelor's in Communications program?

A Bachelor’s in Communications program fosters a wide range of skills, including effective written and verbal communication, critical thinking, research and analysis, media literacy, digital and social media proficiency, public speaking, intercultural competence, strategic planning, problem-solving, and teamwork. Graduates are equipped with the ability to convey messages clearly, engage diverse audiences, and excel in various communication-related roles across industries.

Differences between a Bachelor's in Communications and related degrees like marketing or journalism?

A Bachelor’s in Communications provides a broader focus on communication theory and skills applicable across industries. Marketing degrees emphasize marketing strategy and consumer behavior, while journalism programs focus on news reporting and storytelling. While all three fields involve communication, Communications offers a versatile skill set, marketing focuses on promoting products, and journalism emphasizes news reporting and storytelling.

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