AIU wishes to congratulate our graduate- for his most recent success. Our graduate- Hassan Elsan Mansaray- has published a book with Lambert Academic Publishing based on his PhD thesis that he submitted at AIU. You can find his published book- “The Impact of Mining in the Local Communities in Sierra Leone” in the online bookshop MoreBooks! The abstract of his book can be found below:
The book is about the views of the local communities in Tankoro- Imperi and Marampa chiefdoms regarding socioeconomic conditions- environmental and mining operational effects of these local communities. The study revealed that the people in Tankoro- Imperi and Marampa chiefdoms have high expectations of foreign investments in their communities. The expectations were that the sector would generate more revenue- increased employment opportunities for locals that would not only raised their living standards but- would also lead to knowledge and technological transfer that would develop the affected communities. It was obvious that these huge expectations are yet to be seen by the arrival of these Multinational mining companies. All the same- mining has played an important role in the socioeconomic development of Sierra Leone. Besides- many studies have shown significant social and economic benefits to communities as a result of mining. Thus- mineral resources foster socioeconomic development in the mining communities.
You can find his published book on the following link:
Hassan Elsan Mansaray has completed a Doctorate program in International Management at Atlantic International University.
We wish you the best on all your future projects and we congratulate you for all of your achievements!