One more book published by our graduate Esther on Amazon

August 17, 2020

Un libro mas publicado por nuestra alumna Esther en Amazon

Queremos felicitar a nuestra alumna- Esther Coronel de Iberkleid- por su mas reciente logro…


We would like to congratulate our graduate on her most latest achievement. Our graduate- Esther Coronel de Iberkleid- published another book called- “MANUAL – GUIDE TO FIND ONLINE COUPLE AFTER 50- 60- 70 AND MORE” in English and Spanish on Amazon. You can find a summary of the book below:



What we believed for a long time- of which we were convinced would last forever- can change in a second. One day I felt like if an alien came to visit me- with instructions from the sky above- sent directly by whom my friends know I call the Big Chief- grab me by the shoulders- lift me through the air- took me off the path I walked through- for more than three decades and put me on a new unknown path with a totally different direction. For many years I fought with this alien- telling him it was a mistake and he was wrong about his mission- since I was not the person he was looking for. I asked him not to get me out of my own path again.


Each time he came to visit- he took me out of my path- and put me on the new path- I returned back to the old path. I thought my old path was my path forever. The alien was committed and engaged with his mission- and came back to visit and put me on the new path many times; each time I did the same: returned back to my old path. Again- and again this happened- and it was impossible to negotiate anything with this alien- there was no way! I told him he was wrong- and I wanted him to understand; still he was clear- I was the one that had to understand. It took me years to finally accept this lesson and understand I needed to change direction. I was not willing under any circumstances to accept the change of path- even being who I am and doing what I do- understanding the deep meaning of life and its lessons. I did not want to accept the change since the work done over more than three decades along my “thought to be forever path” had been huge. I was unable to consider a possibility like that- and wanted to continue moving forward in the same direction. I did not agree with the change.


What I didn’t know was that there was a different plan for me of which I was not aware at that time. It had been enough on that old path and another path and chapter was showing up in front of me- where I would be able to apply what I learned to grow and evolve from another life perspective. I thought this was impossible to happen to me. I got mad at everything! Nothing could help me reverse the situation to what I thought it should be. Nothing changed and things got even worse. I sank even more into ignorance about what was happening. Life kept showing me that the previous path was over and I had to start a new one. Everything I tried for this not to happen- didn’t work. The resources I used failed. The Universe kept telling me “wrong direction- do not go that way”- as this was no longer my path and the journey to follow had to be the new path. I had to finally accept and welcome “change”. Even though entrepreneurship is one of the topics I love- I didn’t want to implement the concept at all- considering that change of direction.


It took me years to accept the facts and understand the reasons behind what I was going through. Yes- this is definitely how life shows up sometimes. One day I realized there was no other way to get where I wanted to be- than accept the “change of path” involving personal transformation toward growth and evolution- understanding life- my own life and what I came to do by living my life. As I always was- I am and I will be a warrior of light- I put on the warrior costume to fight the most significant battle of my own existence- making a deal with myself to overcome the situation and win. I didn’t know how or what I would do to achieve my goal and decided to wait for guidance.


And this is how it happened. I washed my face- end regretting- since nobody was interested in my regrets and even though no one believed I did not know how I would overcome the situation- I began to walk the new journey. 


You can find the book published in Kindle or Paperback version in English and Spanish at the following link:






Esther Coronel of Iberkleid has completed a Doctorate program in Business Project Management- Education and Personal Development at Atlantic International University.

We wish you the best in all your future projects and congratulate you on all your achievements!

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