It is with great pleasure to inform you of a couple of achievements of one of AIU’s very prominent students. Dr. Laura Lugo-Casado has published two valuable books en her field of studies- which are:
· Cibermedios de comunicación en la sociedad del conocimiento
· Cosmovisiones de la Educación Virtual
No doubt both publications are a great contribution to the university community of AIU and the world because they manage through pleasant writing- provide the reader with valuable information on the subject of virtual education which today is so current and important.
As stated in one of her books: “We are guided by new territories- the book guides us along the paths transiting Virtual Education- with a view from the cosmos (space) and from various fields of knowledge. The VEPS (Virtual Education Position System) analogy arises because it portrays a framework to help understand that the Applied Technology Education is not a threat but an extraordinary creation of the human intellect- which allows us to maximize the regulatory effect of education on society. “
The aforementioned books can be purchased through Amazon under the following links:
Cosmovisiones de la Educación Virtual.
Cibermedios de comunicación en la sociedad del conocimiento
Dr. Laura Lugo Casado successfully completed in AIU a Doctorate in Education.
We are very proud of the achievements of Dr. Laura Lugo-Casado and we know that her success will multiply in the future.