in a few words how AI is expected to impact us in the near future.
Give 2 interesting statistics. Next, Mention how AIU integrated 3 Leading AI tools to the Virtual Campus for use by students faculty and
staff (ChatGPT, Dal-EE, MidJourney). Give a 1 sentence description of
each tool.
AIU will soon be adding several new AI tools in the following weeks.
Be part of the sea change that is Artificial Intelligence. Take the
optional assignment below to learn how you can use AI today at AIU to
change the world and your reality.
Optional Course:
Will AI replace humans?
Optional Course description:
Study the course material. Write an essay on the topic. In your essay summarize and analyze the study material. What do you learn? What are your opinions on the topic?
Assignment is to write an essay of 4 to 7 pages (double-spaced) about this topic. In your essay, include a cover page, introduction, conclusion, and a minimum of 3 bibliographic sources.
Note: This course can be completed to develop your knowledge if you find this subject interesting. The course name will appear on your AIU transcript.