Dr. Franklin Valcin

Dr. Franklin Valcin

Position: President/Academic Dean
Categories: Board Members
Location: Honolulu, United States

President/Dr. Franklin Valcin AIU


Dr. Valcin, has been the Academic Dean of Atlantic International University since 2000.  During these years, he has collaborated with the Students, and the rest of the Faculty and Staff to further AIU’s name, and achieve the mission of the University. He has been recognized in different Universities for his achievements  as a Teacher, and his contributions to the Education Field as well.

Education/ Special Training:

Nova Southeastern University,

Ft Lauderdale, FL

Doctorate Degree and a major in Education with concentration on Instructional Technology/Design & Distance Education

The University of Miami,

Coral gables, FL

Master’s and a major in Education with concentration in TESOL

The Union University,

Cincinnati, OH

Undergraduate degree

Major: Education with concentration on Modern Language Education.


English: Good writing / Good conversation

Spanish: Good writing / Good conversation


Education at Dade County Public Schools, Miami Dade College, Broward Community College, United Nations Organization, The US Department of Education, and Atlantic International University

6 years in Administration

24 years in the classroom Experience mainly in the field of Education: 6 years in administration, 24 years in the classroom, from Kindergarten to University level, with

The State of Florida & Schwab Investigations

Family Services, Counseling, Broadcasting, and Investigations

The University of Miami


Zelick’s Corporation

Retail Store Management

Bryant Corporation

Protective Services

Sporadic Missions as a Faculty Trainer for The Stevens Institute of Technology, Dade County Public Schools, Translations Engineer, Interpreter, Instructional Designer, Computer Guru, Desktop Publishing Specialist


English & French:

“Curriculum based on Students’ Needs” in Sunshine TESOL Journal, EWriters,” school-based newsletter,

“Anges et Démons,” Tome I and II (Unveil The Yankee),

“Lunch Time” (short story), and freelance-based articles in The Miami Herald.


Honored among the best teachers in the USA in “Who’s Who among America’s Teachers” in March 2000

Honored as the Director of the Educational Opportunity Center of Miami Dade College as the best support program in higher learning, in February 2004

Let us know your goals and aspirations so we can chart a path at AIU to achieve them!
Admissions Counselor
Rene Cordon
Admissions Counselor
Juan Mejia
Admissions Counselor
Veronica Amuz
Admissions Counselor
Sandra Garcia-Fierro
Admissions Counselor
Ariadna Romero