Juan Moreno

Master in Business Administration
  • Position:

    Director of Operations at Unides

  • Country of Birth:

    United States

  • Graduation Date:


I was born on November 27, 1985 in Caracas, Venezuela. I am the fifth of six brothers. Three men (including me) and three women. My both parents are from Cuba. My father was a political prisoner (he just try to left Cuba around 1951-1952). However, he never relayed hate to me but love. I got my High School Diploma in 2003 and went to the Universidad Metropolitana where I studied "Estudios Liberales" and a Diplomado on "International Politics".

I got accepted at "Universidad Metropolitana" on 2003. One of the most prestigious universities and the most expensive one in Venezuela. I studied "Liberal Arts" for almost 5 years (economic, history, philosophy, politics). I learned a lot from my bachelor degree. I also got a"diplomado" on "international politic" (I started the diplomado at the last year of my bachelor). When I finished, I went to "Brujula Internationa" in Caracas an studied "Relaciones Internacionales y Resolucion de conflictos" por un año.