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Byron Daniel Hernandez Pichiya is a Guatemalan Doctor in Auditory, graduate of the October 2020 class from Atlantic International University.

Doctor Hernandez is also a teacher with over 20 years of career. For two decades, he has helped more than 5000 students to learn about business, finances, and administration in the hopes of building a better future for Guatemala.

Deep challenges

Guatemala is a country from Central America and, according to the World Bank's data, the largest economy of this territory. However, like many Latin American countries, Guatemala faces a poor economy and high inequality.

According to the World Bank's data, 85% of Guatemala's total population is poor or at risk of poverty. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, close to 45% of Guatemala's total population lived under the international poverty line (1.9$ per day). Also, at least a fifth of the population lived within US$5.5 and US$13 per day. With the pandemic effects, institutions predict at least 1 million more Guatemalans will fall under the poverty line, deepening inequality even more.

But this is not all. This lack of development hits the population harder due to weather and climate. Guatemala occupies the ninth place in risk for climate change, deepening the problems of an already exposed population. Even with their government's involvement, measures are not enough to affect the Guatemalan economy tangibly.

As a teacher, Hernandez Pichiya worries about this inequality crisis and centers his interest in education, where he sees a lever for progress in the Central American Nation.

Responses in the digital era

Hernandez believes that his country can overcome the crisis, but adopting digital platforms and technology will be fundamental for this purpose.

In alliance with Guatemalan institutions, Hernandez participates in planning and implementing automation projects to secure a better future for this Central American country.

The work that Hernandez Pitiya does for Guatemala directly impacts this country's human development index. By providing Quality Education, as established by the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development goals, he also works towards Reduced inequality, No poverty, and Zero hunger. Thanks to the work of men and women like Byron Hernandez, who actively contribute and create alliances for success, Guatemala's future seems brighter. Want to make a positive impact in your country and the world? Sign up with AIU, and let's make it happen.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Guatemala, Education, Climate Change, Poverty, Central America, Automation

Byron Daniel Hernandez Pitiya - Guatemala Atlantic International University - AIU 2020

Guatemala Education Statistics 1970-2016

The World Bank In Guatemala


Sistema Nacional de Inversión Pública