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Dr. Lucila M Del Rosario is a beacon of knowledge and compassion in the intricate tapestry of psychology and human development. Embarking on her academic odyssey, she earned a Post-Doctorate in Human Development Psychology from Atlantic International University and built a narrative of expertise and cultural bridging.

Educational Prowess

Dr. Del Rosario's academic pursuits reached their zenith with an andragogy-driven post-doctoral degree in human development psychology from Atlantic International University. This distinguished qualification reflects her commitment to academic excellence and her profound understanding of the intricate nuances of human growth and development.

Professional Impact

Dedicating herself to the professional exercise of psychology, Dr. Del Rosario has become a linchpin in the lives of those she serves. Her current role involves working as a clinician with immigrant children and adolescents, where her individual, family, and group therapy skills shine. From managing speech problems in three-year-olds to handling cases of ODD, ADHD, disruptive behavior, depression, and anxiety, she has proven to be a versatile, holistic, and compassionate practitioner.

Published Insights

Dr. Del Rosario's influence extends beyond the therapy room. The academic freedom she experienced at AIU has contributed to her profoundly contributing to various publications, sharing her insights and wisdom.

1. Del Rosario L. 2021 [The day of my birth and birthday: between Borders and Techniques CUH, El Faro Latino, July 29, 2021.

2. Del Rosario L. (2020) "Best Gift from Mothers Vs. Challenges 2020 and Periods During Disorders and Death," published in El Faro Latino, May 8, 2020, USA. (58 comments left on the article).

3. Del Rosario L. (2020) "World Earth Day raining books in spring... a. April 22, 2020, · b. Verses to the planet, delivering books to the earth, sharing its beauty.

4. Del Rosario L. (2020) World Earth Day raining books in spring from the USA to Italy, published on YouTube. Techniques for success from our bedroom. - YouTube , April 4, 2020.

5. Del Rosario L. (2019) "Spring in Autumn 2019" Celebrating my 41 years as a writer, November 8.

6. Challenges and approaches facing periods of emergency, deaths, and a global crisis (1 of 2). "We must emphasize solutions to achieve balance at the mental- emotional, socio-cultural level, and reduce traumas, depression, or anxiety for those who need us." El Faro Latino, April 20, 2020 (29 comments).](

AIU Congratulates and Takes Pride in Dr. Lucila M Del Rosario's Achievements

a remarkable display of global impact, Dr. Lucila M Del Rosario, a distinguished doctorate student at Atlantic International University (AIU), recently authored an insightful article titled "The Day of My Birth and Birthday: Between Borders and CUH Techniques." Published on the Dominican web portal El Faro Latino, the article showcases Lucila's extensive work, conducting workshops and therapies across continents.


Between 2020 and 2021, Lucila has been actively involved in conducting workshops, group, and individual therapies, catering to young minds from diverse corners of the globe—ranging from African countries like Egypt and Senegal to European nations like Italy and various American countries, including Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, and Nicaragua. These individuals, often traversing borders in search of improved opportunities, bring a wealth of knowledge and skills. Lucila's professional endeavors delve into themes explored in her recent books, notably "Examining VITA vs. Periods of Illness and Death."

For a comprehensive overview of Lucila's article, you can access :
AIU congratulates Dr. Lucila M Del Rosario on her significant achievements and takes immense pride in her accomplishments as a dedicated post-doctorate student contributing to Human Developmental Psychology. Her multifaceted contributions serve as a shining example for the AIU community, reflecting the institution's commitment to fostering global leaders in psychology.

Celebrating 41 Years as a Writer

In 1977, a pivotal year when Lucila embarked on her poetic odyssey at 15. Initiated by the celebration of Independence Month in the Dominican Republic and in homage to the revered patriarch, Francisco Del Rosario Sanchez, she presented one of her inaugural poems at the esteemed "Liceo United States of America." Her fellow students' resounding applause and joyous "I love Lucy" shouts marked a transformative moment. Lucila discovered her innate calling to express emotions, ideas, and inspirations through the written word. Acknowledging this newfound identity, her school director gave her the title "The Poet."

"Spring Dreams" to "Spring Dreams in Autumn"

The culmination of her early works resulted in the publication of "Spring Dreams" at 18 in 1983. Urged by her sister, Dr. Del Rosario unveiled a collection of poems written between 1977 and 1983. The success of this endeavor was evident as her book was showcased at an international book fair and became part of a collection of eight bilingual books in 2008. Fast forward to 2019, "Spring Dreams in Autumn" not only stands as a testament to her enduring literary presence but also forms an integral part of a three-generational family book collection.

The Essence of "Primavera en Otoño"

"Primavera en Otoño," a poetic masterpiece, encapsulates the spirit of Dr. Del Rosario's journey. Presented during a tribute to the Dominican Republic's patriarch, Francisco Del Rosario Sanchez, it solidified her destiny as a wordsmith. The resounding cheers of her peers chanting, "I love Lucy," echoed the beginning of a lifelong commitment to expressing emotions, ideas, and inspirations through the written word.

A Cultural Homage

The roots of Lucila's poetic expression were intertwined with cultural celebrations and homage to the Dominican Republic's heritage. The poetic recital in 1977 during the month of patria at "Liceo Estados Unidos de America" became a symbol of national pride, and her school director aptly named her "La Poetiza."

Multimedia Legacy

Lucila's dedication to sharing her insights extends beyond the written word. Her YouTube channel, "Lucila Del Rosario videos," and the platform "Lucila del Rosario Books" serve as vibrant avenues where her wisdom resonates globally.

Connecting Through Art and Literature

For those curious to explore more of Lucila's literary world, a treasure trove of information awaits at The website is a portal into her artistic endeavors, bridging her words and the eager minds seeking literary enrichment. Her famous books are also available to be purchased here.
For further inquiries or engagements, one can reach out via email to

Community Engagement

Dr. Del Rosario's impact goes beyond the academic and professional spheres. As the Founder and President of "Crecimiento Socio Alegre," she has spearheaded sociocultural programs and played a pivotal role in organizing international conferences, seminars, and Human Growth Seminars since 2007.

Recognition and Accolades

Her tireless efforts have earned her numerous accolades, including a 2021 Recognition from the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, a 2020 acknowledgment from the Rector of UTESA in Gaspar Hernandez, Dominican Republic, and a 2019 recognition by professionals of Autonomous University UASD.

Author Spotlight: Lucila Del Rosario's Insightful Contribution to Mental Health

On August 3, 2021, we celebrate the noteworthy achievement of Lucila Del Rosario, an accomplished graduate of Atlantic International University. Having completed a Post-Doctorate program in Human Development Psychology, Lucila demonstrates her commitment to advancing the field. Her recent publication, *Examining VITA vs. Periods of Disorders, Diseases & Death Post 2020 (Remastered and Full Color Illustrated), is a testament to her dedication to mental health and well-being. Published with Omiamerica Productions, this book goes beyond conventional boundaries, offering a unique blend of socio-cultural educational guidance and therapeutic insight.


Examining VITA vs. Periods of Disorders, Diseases & Death Post 2020 is more than a book; it's a comprehensive tool for psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, teachers, social workers, lawyers, and health professionals. Lucila's work provides a valuable resource for clinical intervention, offering guidance on progress notes and follow-up within contemporary interdisciplinary scientific models.

The book addresses the myriad challenges impacting life patterns and integrated health. Its relevance spans demographics, transcending gender, age, race, status, and beliefs. Lucila's approach reflects a nuanced understanding of the evolving expectations in mental health practices, making her book pertinent to the field. For those eager to delve into the profound insights Lucila offers, the book is available here:

This publication showcases Lucila's academic prowess and her commitment to enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities. Her work embodies the values upheld by Atlantic International University, and we take pride in celebrating Lucila's success and meaningful contributions to psychology.

Check Out a Special Mention about Dr. Rosario at AIU Magazine

Summing Up

In conclusion, Dr. Lucila M Del Rosario's unique and unrepeatable journey is a symphony of academic excellence, cultural resonance, and compassionate service. Hers is one of AIU’s best success stories. From earning a post-doctorate in Human Development Psychology to her impactful role as a clinician and founder of "Crecimiento Socio Alegre," her story embodies a commitment to holistic well-being.

Her literary legacy, celebrated in publications and poetic masterpieces, transcends borders and resonates globally. The culmination of 41 years as a writer, from the initiation of her poetic journey at 15 to the publication of "Spring Dreams in Autumn," is a testament to the enduring impact of her words.

As a cultural ambassador, Dr. Del Rosario's poetic recitals during significant Dominican Republic celebrations and multimedia presence exemplify her ability to bridge cultures. Recognition from esteemed institutions, including the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania and Autonomous University UASD, underscores the profound impact of her contributions.

Dr. Lucila M Del Rosario is an inspiring figure in crafting a narrative that nurtures minds and bridges cultures, leaving an indelible mark on psychology, literature, and community service. Her journey continues to unfold, an ongoing testament to the transformative power of education, compassion, and the written word.
Join AIU to emulate Dr. Lucila M Del Rosario's success in Human Development Psychology – where academic excellence meets cultural impact!

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Success Growth Techniques and Engagement by Lucila M Del Rosario

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