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Change is a universal experience. For over 2500 years, humanity has discussed the concept of change and its implications on our daily lives. During our days, change remains "the only constant," turning our ability to adjust into a primary skill for all dimensions of our lives, for that is the pillar to face unforeseen situations.

Rosendo Huerta, a Venezuelan Mechanical Engineer, understands change pretty well. In 2019, Huerta graduated from the Atlantic International University and became a Doctor in Project Management. However, his transformation started before this.

Knowledge and skills

Huerta started his professional career in Zulia, one of Venezuela's oil states. Despite graduating from Mechanical Engineering, coming from an oil state, his career naturally led him to this industry, the central sector of the Venezuelan economy.

After a general strike in 2002, Huerta had to leave PDVSA, where he worked for 16 years. Since this company holds all the hydrocarbon manufacturing in the country, Doctor Huerta had no choice but to search for other opportunities that allowed him to continue working on his passion.

Still, he made his story a success. An avid learner, Rosendo Huerta is continuously updating himself on different topics. This skill allowed him to create new possibilities for himself and his career, and it was the same reason to achieve a Doctorate title from AIU: a passion for knowledge.

Tools for resilience

Huerta's testimony is one of learning how to overcome adversity. Despite all the situations that threaten to end his career, his ability to face change helped him make the best of his circumstances. Through knowledge and perseverance, he became an international specialist in his field and today contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

With his expert advice, companies in Venezuela and other countries secure successful outcomes. Through this, he is helping those clients contribute to the Industry Innovation and Infrastructure Goal and Decent Work and Economic Growth. Doctor Huerta's thirst for knowledge is supporting him to live his passion. And by doing it, he's contributing to building a better world.

Ready for change? Sign up today with Atlantic International University and begin your transformation.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Venezuela, Engineering, Project Management, Oil, Change, Knowledge, Education

Rosendo Huerta - Venezuela Atlantic International University - AIU 2019