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“Oaxaca is one of the richest States of the Mexican Republic due to its cultural diversity and its abundant natural resources. It is a magical and ancestral land that is divided into eight regions: Cañada, Costa, Istmo, Mixteca, Papaloapan, Sierra Sur, Sierra Norte, and Valles Centrales. Its diversity gives life to the Guelaguetza, a typical festival in which the cultural talent of Oaxaca meets year after year.

Talking about Oaxaca is talking about mezcal, history, tradition, archaeological zones, crafts, festivities, gastronomy, tourist developments, beaches, starry skies, indigenous, Afro-descendant, and mestizo cultures. It is the land of the sun. Without a doubt, Oaxaca has it all!", says the city's website.

In fact, Oaxaca leads the ranking of the best cities in the world, according to Travel + Leisure 2022 magazine, which recently published its famous annual ranking in which it publishes, among other categories, the 25 Best Cities in the World, and four on the list were Mexican cities, being Oaxaca the creditor of the first place.

Definitely, given its relevance, Oaxaca is a city of great political importance in the Mexican State.

Education and Politics

Doctor Sergio Bello Guerra began in politics several years ago, after a long professional career, where, in fact, he was dedicated to business politics. With the change of course and his interest in entering the Oaxaca Congress, he set the goal of obtaining a doctorate that endorses his education, after completing the Master's.

Bello Guerra comments in his graduation interview “I needed a worthwhile doctorate to make laws, to be able to manage, to have a social responsibility, to have the ability to help others, but at the same time to help myself too. I loved AIU, because it teaches you the work that you really have to do because they have highly trained tutors who help you with personal, professional, and social growth at the same time.

All this has taught me how to teach, better to others, but more than anything to myself to know how to manage change within my life and society”.

His main concern is to get involved and work for a real policy, with a great social impact. At the time of receiving his Ph.D. in Sciences and Humanities from Atlantic International University, Bello Guerra was working as a Councilor in the Municipal Government of Oaxaca.

Experience at Atlantic International University

“AIU is definitely an excellent option to continue your studies". From his experience, Doctor Bello Guerra narrates that his time at AIU was constant work, especially when you do not have the time to attend in person.

“You have all the openness to get your achievements, allowing to which allows you to reach your goals without attending a physical campus, and the best thing is how your own experience and work that you do daily is taken into account, it is something that helps you a lot in your growth, both personally and professionally”.

“At AIU you have support from the tutors, but you also get everything in their tools through the portal. Their attention is immediate, and they always try to solve the problems. There are many options for immediate communication with AIU tutors and staff. It is a University that is really worth it through the Internet, pointed out Bello Guerra.

Sergio A. Bello Guerra LinkedIn Profile

Congreso del Estado de Oaxaca

Designó PAN a Sergio Bello como candidato a edil de la capital

Portal oficial del Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca

Entrevista AIU

Oaxaca lidera el ranking de mejores ciudades en el mundo