Kelvin George Sakateti Doctor of Philosop hy Finance Angola |
Silvia Milagro Alvarez Doctor of Education Education Argentina |
Gatkuoth Simon Duol Kueth Doctor of Education Education Australia |
Weslley Guedes Silva Doctor of Music Musical Performance Brazil |
Larissa Pim Ferreira Cremaschi Master of Behavioral Science ABA in the Literacy of Autistic Children Brazil |
Errol Glenrock Montgomery Rollox Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Canada |
Mamadou Djibrine Bachelor of Business Administration Business Administration Chad |
Cristian Patricio Keupuchur Espinoza Doctor of Philosop hy Education Chile |
Rodrigo Andrés Quezada Guzmán Doctor of Philosop hy Psychology in Education Chile |
Maria Eugenia Ballestas Camargo Doctor of Science Nutrition, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Colombia |
Manuel Emilio Palacios Blandon Doctor of Business and Economics Economics Colombia |
Mario Pedraza Giraldo Master of Legal Studies International Relations Colombia |
Mario Pedraza Giraldo Bachelor of Legal Studies Juridical Sciences Colombia |
Altagracia Almonte Almonte Doctor of Education Education Dominican Republic |
Eridania Méndez Céspedes Doctor of Science Agronomy Greenhouse Management Dominican Republic |
Samira Isabel De la Cruz Matos Doctor of Science Plant Biotechn |
Elias Jair Zamora Machuca Bachelor of Science Animal Husbandry Ecuador |
Erick de Jesús Cruz Castro Post-Doctor of Philosop hy Philosophy El Salvador |
Kingsley Darko Mantey Doctor of Management Procurement and Supply Chain Mgmt. Ghana |
Gloria Korang Baafi Bachelor of Science Human Resources Management Ghana |
Guillermo Rodrigo Cáceres Barillas Doctor of Science Int. Mgmt. of Solids and Water Resources Guatemala |
Mamadou Saidou Diallo Doctor of Business Administration Business Administration Guinea |
Telford Layne Jr. Master of Science Developmental Psychology Guyana |
Riclès Thomas Doctor of Business Administration Project Management Haiti |
Janet Elizabeth McBean Master of Education Guidance and Counseling Jamaica |
Latoya Tania C. Marshall-Brown Doctor of Education Educational Leadership and Administration Jamaica |
Jarso Guyo Mokku Doctor of Philosop hy Project Management Kenya |
Bhojraj Sobha Doctor of Education Education Mauritius |
Gilberto Jarvio Cervantes Doctor of Science Mechanical Engineering Mexico |
Marco Antonio Lara Murillo Doctor of Science Civil Engineering Mexico |
Mohammed Abdullahi Saidu Doctor of Philosop hy Global Management Nigeria |
Nasser Said Salim Al Dhawi Doctor of Science Sociology Oman |
Abel Higinio Moscol Broncano Doctor of Civil Engineering Structures Peru |
Reina Esther Santiago Maldonado Doctor of Legal Studies Legal Studies Puerto Rico |
Bârdan Marius - Vasile Post-Doctor of Science Science Physics, Chemistry and Biology Roumania |
Zamzam Mohammed Hersi Bachelor of Communication Business Management Somalia |
Rebecca Young Darko Master of Science Public Health Switzerland |
Ali Karakus Bachelor of Science Quantum Engineering Türkiye |
Mutebi Edrine Doctor of Philosop hy International Trade and Shipping Economics Uganda |
Lony Titus Okello Doctor of Science International Public Health Uganda |
Valeri Oben Doctor of Philosop hy Epidemiology USA |
L. Robert Knowles Master of Science Social Psychology USA |
Christine Musaidizi Mutengwayire Doctor of Science Conflict Resolution and Peace Building USA |
Marc T. Wilson Bachelor of Arts Culinary Arts USA |
Khilsys Francina Garcia Galan Bachelor of Science Architecture USA |
Gervais Emgbang Doctor of Philosop hy Civil Engineering USA |
Melvin Robert Harris Doctor of Philosop hy Public Health USA |
Jael V Noguera Perez Doctor of Science Psychology USA |
Kelvin Nsemu Bachelor of Science Logistics and Supply Chain Management Zambia |
John Lungu Bachelor of Science Mining Engineering Zambia |
We are facing a world that
asks us: where are we
going? What do we have to do
for a satisfactory life?
A satisfactory life occurs
when we say we have an activity
through which I can: Have
an income that allows me to
buy my food, buy a decent
home, go to the school or
university that I like, feed my
children if I have a family, feed
the people who are dependent
on me, go to the health
institutions that the State has
created, whose origins are
always from the taxes that the
government charges me.
Now we are experiencing a
wave that is unknown to many:
governments and governments
that say they are going to do
things and in practice what we
experience seems to be a lack.
Do we ask ourselves what we
must do?
Those who have some formal
education, those who have gone
to a few years of school read
here and there about Artificial
Intelligence. Ah! what, with
that, miracles are done.
We are also immersed in a
society that hates speech here,
hate speech there and to this
we must add misinformation.
We say to ourselves, “Good
God! where should we run?”
The first thing, no matter
what happens, is that we have
to study because despite the
promises we see from many governments in which their
officials have chosen a form of
leadership and a discourse that
was not possible before because
the group of those people
showed us that they had studies,
nowadays it seems that
they came from everywhere
except a university.
It is sad to say it, but it
seems that many of them are
the merchants who sell in the
public square.
Before, they showed us with
their behavior and language
that they were highly educated
people; it was a competition
of who had studied at the best
university in the world.
Nowadays we hear from
many rulers that the competition
seems to be: who has the
most vulgar language or who
has the most hate speech and
who knows the least because
they say half-truths.
They say that Science is
useless, that they are the ones
who know, that Nobel Prizes
are worthless.
The big question we must
ask ourselves is:
What is the product of
Artificial Intelligence? What is
the product of Nuclear Physics?
What is the product of
the increase in the life limit of human beings? What is the
product of navigation? What
is the product of the medical
program for couples who want
children and is conception a
problem? What is the product
of the cultivation of agriculture
in arid lands? What is the
product of vaccines to prevent
Wherever we turn, we have
the results of science. Perhaps
many have not had the opportunity
to pursue university
studies, but nowadays we have
many of those who govern the
development of science, but
only for what suits them.
What science is. “Scientific
knowledge is proven
knowledge. Scientific theories
are derived, in some rigorous
way, from the facts of experience
acquired through observation
and experimentation.
Science is based on what we
can see, hear, touch, etc. Personal
opinions and preferences
and speculative imaginations
have no place in science”.
(Chalmers, 2023, p. 11).
When we talk about facts
of experience in science, we
refer to what researchers have,
whether physical or mental.
physicals have necessarily
passed through the mind.
When we talk in science
about doing experiments,
many only think of the laboratory;
formal sciences such as
logic and mathematics also do
experiments, only this one is
in the mind.
“Once a scientist has universal
laws and theories at his
disposal, he can draw various
consequences from them that
serve as explanations and predictions.”
(Chalmers, 2003, p. 17).
In science, it’s necessary
to demonstrate and prove to
peers and non-peers.
The demonstration corresponds
to the theoretical part
and the verification or checking
to what the experiment
supposes. In formal sciences,
this experiment is mental.
What is being done in science
now that there is so much
problem? The problem is in the
results, precisely of scientific
work, such as Cybernetics and
Artificial Intelligence.
Politicians are using the
great advance of science to generate their benefits by saying
what science is not or saying
as true what science itself
has already shown can’t be.
The work of science has
always been disseminated, we
have the Solvay Conferences
that are held every three years.
See photo #2. The Conferences
deal with Chemistry and Physics
as a topic. There were 22
Chemistry Conferences and 24
Physics Conferences.
These Conferences were
started by Ernest Solvay, a
Belgian industrial chemist. In
1911 he called the Conference
with the purpose of seeing
why there were two branches
of Physics: classical mechanics
and quantum mechanics.
The next Conference will be on
October 9, 2025.
There are many ways to
spread the word about where
science is at.
The United Nations Organization
–UN– has created World
Science Day. It was celebrated
on November 10, 2024. “Bringing
science closer to society is
essential so that individuals
have the necessary knowledge
and, in this way, can choose
their professional, personal and
political options. In addition, it
serves to attract citizens to the
exciting world of research”. UN.
United Nations. World Science Day for
Peace and Development, November 10,
world-science-day If society had more information
about scientific work, we
would have less misinformation.
“In August 2023, the
United Nations General Assembly
proclaimed the period
2024-2033 as the International
Decade of Science for Sustainable
Development (2024-
2033), which was a decisive
step in global efforts to take
advantage of scientific knowledge
for a sustainable future”.
It is very discouraging that
science is used to make politics
based on its ultimate results.
The United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cul- tural Organization (UNESCO)
organizes events for what is
UNESCO is creating a means
for every human being to learn
about what scientists do. It is
an extraordinary goal to create
wide dissemination of it and
avoid so much misinformation
and hate speech.
“Open science is a set of
principles and practices that
aim to make scientific research
in all fields accessible to everyone
for the benefit of scientists
and society. For example,
scientists and engineers can
use open licenses to share their
publications, data, software
and hardware more widely,
not only among themselves,
but with the rest of society.
Open science is about ensuring
not only access to scientific
knowledge, but also that the
production of that knowledge
is inclusive, equitable and
sustainable”. UNESCO - Introduction
to the UNESCO Recommendation
on Open Science. December 5, 2023.
This program, which UNESCO
has launched, will help to disseminate
knowledge better.
Universities have the function
of disseminating science,
but politicians, after leaving
many human beings without education, are now using it for
their own benefit.
We must help to disseminate
scientific knowledge; only in
this way will the wave of misinformation
and hate speech
end. Arguing with these groups
is pointless because they have
no information about what
science does; they rely on the
fact that they are important
and that their word is true.
UNESCO has precise information
about what is happening
because of the limited dissemination
of science: “Approximately
70% of the world's scientific publications are paid or
have limited access. During the
recent health crisis, this percentage
dropped to 30% in the
case of publications dedicated
to COVID-19. This proves that
science can be more transparent
and better used in common
for the benefit of all”. UNESCO -
International cooperation in scientific
research, its rationale, advantages and
examples. May 25, 2022. https://www.
UNESCO’s information is that:
“Women still represent only a third of the global scientific
community, and the percentage
has stagnated in the last
decade. In some countries,
less than 10% of researchers
are women”. UNESCO - UNESCO
laun ches the Imagine a world with
more women in science campaign.
What is happening with the
low representation of women
in scientific research? “These
disparities have real-world
consequences, such as missed opportunities for innovation,
unaddressed biases and
solutions that don’t meet
everyone’s needs. For example,
artificial intelligence is less effective
at recognizing women’s
voices, reflecting the lack of
diverse contributions during
its development”. UNESCO -
UNESCO laun ches the Imagine a world
with more women in science campaign.
We are already seeing the
reason why we have so much
hate speech and misinformation.
The world has the necessary
scientific development,
but more dissemination is
needed because the smart ones
for money found the loophole
to say what they want.
You are doing your program
at Atlantic International University
Study because knowledge
will allow you a
quiet life because you
will know how to search
for the truth.
Study so that you have
a job that allows you
a pleasant life by being
able to satisfy your
Study so that no one
uses you for their purposes.
Knowledge provides
the peace that we all
Our planet earth will
continue to exist as
such, with the fruits that
our organism as human
beings needs.
BIBLIOGRAPHY. Dialnet. La Conferencia Solvay de 1911: un
hito en el desarrollo de la Física.
articulo?codigo=3754157 | Chalmers, Alan. 2023. ¿Qué es esa cosa
llamada ciencia? Una valoración de la naturaleza y el estatuto de
la ciencia y sus métodos. México. Siglo XXI | Naciones Unidas.
ONU. Día Mundial de la Ciencia para la Paz y el Desarrollo, 10 de
noviembre 2024. |
UNESCO- Introducción a la Recomendación de la UNESCO sobre la
Ciencia Abierta. 5 de diciembre 2023.
introduccion-la-recomendacion-de-la-unesco-sobre-la-ciencia-abierta |
UNESCO- La cooperación internacional en la investigación científica,
su razón de ser, ventajas y ejemplos. 25 de mayo 2022. https://
and-examples?hub=348 | UNESCO- La UNESCO lanza la campaña
Imagine un mundo con más mujeres en la ciencia. https://www.
In an era where digital
connectivity drives business
efficiency, a robust telecommunication
infrastructure is
essential for operational success.
This study explores the
expansion of the network infrastructure
at Hwange Heights
Executive Lodge and The
Lookout Café-Wild Horizons,
two businesses in Victoria
Falls and Hwange, Zimbabwe.
Using Cisco Packet Tracer, I
designed and implemented
a scalable network solution
incorporating fibre optic connections,
routers, switches,
and IP phones. The project
aimed to enhance connectivity,
streamline communication,
and improve operational
efficiency across multiple
office locations. Having ideas
in networking technologies and
telecommunication principles,
this initiative highlights the critical role of structured communication
systems in modern
enterprises. Prospects include
advanced security integrations
and cloud-based solutions to
further optimize business connectivity
and resilience.
As a student of Atlantic
International University, I
imagined I were the owner
of Hwange Heights Executive
Lodge and The Lookout
Café-Wild Horizons, I undertook
a comprehensive network
expansion project to enhance
connectivity, streamline communication,
and improve overall
operational efficiency across
multiple office locations. Using
Cisco Packet Tracer, I designed
and implemented a strong
networking solution that
integrates fibre optic connections,
routers, switches, and IP
phones to facilitate seamless
communication within both
companies. (Pyles. T, 2023).
In today’s fast-paced and
technology-driven business
landscape, a reliable, scalable,
and secure network infrastructure
is no longer a luxury
but a necessity. (Stallings. W,
2020). Businesses, especially
those in the hospitality and
tourism industry, rely heavily
on seamless communication,
fast data access, and robust
security measures to ensure
smooth operations and enhance
customer experiences.
I also recognized the urgent
need to expand and modernise
the existing network infrastructure
to accommodate
business growth, improve
connectivity, and optimize
internal communication
across multiple locations. This
project will be undertaken
to future-proof the network,
ensuring that it can support
current business needs while
allowing for scalability and
integration of advanced technologies
in the years to come.
The primary objective of
this project was to expand the
existing network infrastructure
by incorporating additional
offices, upgraded devices,
and improved communication
tools. With businesses in
Victoria Falls and Hwange, as
they are operating in highly
competitive and tourist-driven
markets, uninterrupted connectivity
is crucial for internal operations, guest services,
and digital transactions. The
expansion project leveraged the
Cisco Packet Tracer to simulate,
configure, and test the
entire network setup before
full deployment. This approach
ensured that all devices and
configurations were optimized
for efficiency, security, and
high performance.
Recognizing the evolving
technological landscape, I
structured this project to incorporate
modern networking
solutions while maintaining
simplicity, cost-effectiveness,
and ease of management. By
implementing a structured and
secure network, this expansion
will not only enhance daily
business functions but also
support the adoption of cloudbased
services, remote access
solutions, and cybersecurity
measures in future upgrades.
The successful execution of
this project marks a significant
milestone in the digital transformation
of Hwange Heights
Executive Lodge and Lookout
Café-Wild Horizons, paving
the way for enhanced business
operations and an improved
customer experience.
Project Overview
The initial phase of the
project involved configuring
four IP phones, two of which
were assigned to Lookout Cafe-
Wild Horizons in Victoria Falls
and the other two to Hwange
Heights Executive Lodge.
The setup included configuring
routers, switches, and
PCs while ensuring automatic
phone number assignment
through router configuration.
This phase’s success led to the
project's expansion, aiming to
extend network capabilities to
additional offices.
Aim and Purpose
The aim of this research is to
enhance network infrastructure
and telecommunications within
business environments. The
purpose is to explore the impact
of advanced networking solutions
on operational efficiency
and communication reliability.
Problem Description
Many businesses in remote
or developing areas suffer from
inadequate network infrastructure,
leading to communication
challenges and operational
inefficiencies. This research
addresses the need for a robust,
scalable network solution
tailored to the demands
of Hwange Heights Executive
Lodge and The Lookout Café-
Wild Horizons.
Research Objective
1. Implement a scalable network
infrastructure using
Cisco Packet Tracer.
2. Enhance communication
and connectivity between business locations.
3. Optimize telecommunication
efficiency through fibre optic
and IP-based solutions.
4. Improve network security
and resilience.
5. Explore future integration
of cloud-based networking
Materials and Methods
This study utilized a Cisco
Packet Tracer for network
simulation and design. The
following materials were used
in the project:
Hardware Components
• Routers: Configured to facilitate
network communication between different office
• Switches: Used to interconnect
devices within each
• IP Phones: Configured to
support VoIP communication
for seamless voice
• Laptops: Replaced traditional
PCs for increased mobility
and efficiency.
• Fibre Optic Cables: Used as
the backbone for high-speed
network communication over
long distances.
• Ethernet Cables: Used for
local area connectivity within
office spaces.
• TP Server: Integrated to manage network-based services
• Printers: Placed in strategic
locations to support document
Software & Configuration
• Cisco Packet Tracer: Used
to design, configure, and
simulate the network setup.
• Routing Protocols: Configured
to manage network traffic
efficiently and ensure seamless
• Security Configurations:
Implemented firewall rules and
access control lists (ACLs) to
enhance security and protect
network resources.
Computer Network
The structure of a computer
network plays a fundamental
role in determining
its efficiency, scalability,
and security. In my project,
Expanding Hwange Heights
Executive Lodge and the
Lookout Café-Wild Horizons: A
Network Infrastructure Project
in Victoria Falls/Hwange,
Zimbabwe, I observed the
Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) model and the Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) model, both
of which offer systematic
approaches to designing and
managing networks. The OSI
model ensures that communication
processes are broken
down into seven distinct layers,
such as physical, network,
transport, and application
layers, each with a specific role
in facilitating seamless data
exchange. The TCP/IP model,
on the other hand, focuses on
end-to-end communication
between devices, making it the
primary protocol for modern
Systems and VoIP
Telecommunications play a
pivotal role in modern business
operations, ensuring that
voice, video, and data services
are transmitted efficiently
across networks. In my project,
I implemented Voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP), one
of the primary communication
technologies, allowing for
cost-effective and high-quality
voice communication over IP
networks. The integration of IP
phones in my network expansion
enhances inter-office
communication by replacing
traditional telephony with
digital voice services.
Network Security and
Risk Mitigation
A critical aspect of networking
is ensuring the security of
data transmission. I applied
network security principles
such as encryption, firewalls,
access control lists (ACLs), and
intrusion detection systems
to protect the business from
cyber threats. These security
configurations are essential for
safeguarding business communication
channels from
potential vulnerabilities.
Scalability and Redundancy
in networking
A key goal of my network
expansion project was
scalability, ensuring that the
network could support future
business growth without
compromising performance.
Redundancy, including backup
links and failover mechanisms,
was also crucial for minimising
downtime and ensuring
uninterrupted communication
across business locations.
Existing Literature
Numerous studies emphasise
the importance of structured
network expansion in business
environments, and I have
based my research on the following
Networking and Business
Tanenbaum and Wetherall
(2011) highlight the role of
structured networks in improving
communication, data
flow, and operational efficiency
within businesses. Their study
demonstrates that companies
with optimized networking
infrastructures experience
enhanced productivity, lower
communication costs, and
improved customer service.
This aligns with my project’s
goals of optimizing network
infrastructure for improved
business performance.
Fibre Optic Technology in Modern
Ramaswami (2014) discusses fibre optic technology as the
preferred solution for highspeed
networking, emphasizing
its ability to transmit
data over long distances with
minimal latency. This supports
my use of fibre optic backbone
connections in the project to
enhance inter-office connectivity
and performance.
VoIP and Unified
Communication Systems
Dousson (2017) highlights
the growing adoption of VoIP
technologies in modern businesses,
emphasizing that VoIPbased
communication systems
reduce operational costs,
provide greater flexibility, and
enable seamless integration
with cloud-based services. This
aligns with my project’s goal
of implementing IP phones for
enhanced internal communication
between office locations.
Network Security Challenges
and Solutions
Schneier (2020) explores
cybersecurity threats and best
practices for securing enterprise
networks. He underscores
the importance of implementing
firewalls, encryption, and
access control measures to
protect sensitive data from
cyberattacks. The security
measures applied in my project
align with his recommendations
to ensure the business
network remains resilient
against security breaches.
The Role of Network Simulations
in Design and Training
The Cisco Networking Academy
(2022) emphasizes the
effectiveness of the Cisco Packet
Tracer as a network simulation
tool for designing, testing, and
implementing networking solutions.
This resource highlights
how simulations help network
engineers develop scalable and
efficient network architectures
before actual deployment. I
used Cisco Packet Tracer in
my project to design and test
detailed network configurations
before physical implementation.
and Configuration:
The network expansion was
precisely designed to ensure
scalability and future adaptability.
The key aspects of implementation
• Establishing a reliable fibre
optic backbone to connect all
offices seamlessly.
• Configuring routers and
switches to manage traffic
• Integrating additional network
devices, including laptops
and printers, to support
business operations.
• To have a more visual concerning
my project, I have
demonstrated the types of
cables used for each device
and more especially for the
fibre by indicating 1632.93
metres as the length distance
of it since it is used for long
• Both the logical and physical
views will be shown.
• Ensuring a secure and optimized
network environment
to prevent vulnerabilities.
On the previous page and
on this page are the images
attached to my work as proof
of my hands-on experience in
Cisco Packet Tracer. The logical
view shows a detailed of the
whole system with the use us
adding measurements of the
fibre can and types of different
cables used and phone numbers
to IP phones with names
of all devices used. The physical
view shows how the devices
look like in reality.
The integration of IP phones
and the TP server resulted in
clear and reliable voice communications
between staff
members, reducing reliance
on external telephony services
and associated costs. The
deployment of laptops and
networked printers streamlined
workflows, allowing staff to
perform tasks more efficiently
and with greater flexibility.
The implementation of VLANs,
ACLs, and encryption protocols
fortified the network against
potential threats, safeguarding
sensitive business and customer
data. (Kurose, J. F., & Ross, K. W,
2021). The modular design
of the network infrastructure
provides a scalable foundation,
allowing for easy integration of
additional devices, offices, or
services as businesses expand.
Guests at both establishments
now benefit from improved
internet connectivity and reliable
communication services,
contributing to higher satisfaction
The network infrastructure
expansion project for Hwange
Heights Executive Lodge and
Lookout Café-Wild Horizons
was designed to enhance operational
efficiency, communication,
and security across both
establishments. This discussion
delves into the project's
implementation, the results
achieved, and the challenges
encountered. Project Implementation
The project commenced
with a comprehensive network
design and simulation phase.
Utilizing Cisco Packet Tracer,
a detailed network topology
was crafted to simulate the
integration of new devices and
configurations. This simulation
ensured that all components
would function harmoniously
before actual deployment.
In the hardware deployment
phase, desktop PCs in the newly
established offices were replaced
with laptops to provide staff with increased mobility
and flexibility. IP phones were
deployed across all offices to
facilitate seamless internal
and external communication.
(Forouzan, B. A, 2017). Additionally,
a Telephony Protocol (TP)
server was installed in the
main office to manage voice
communications efficiently.
Networked printers and other
essential peripherals were
integrated to support daily
The network configuration
phase involved implementing
Virtual Local Area Networks
(VLANs) to segment network
traffic, enhancing performance
and security by isolating
different departments
and services. Access Control
Lists (ACLs) were configured
to regulate traffic flow and
restrict unauthorised access to
sensitive information. Encryption
protocols were applied to
protect data in transit, ensuring
secure communication
channels. (Comer, D. E, 2014).
Extensive testing and validation
were conducted to assess
network performance, security
measures, and device interoperability.
Any identified issues
were promptly addressed to
ensure a robust setup.
Challenges and
Lessons Learned
Ensuring that adequate
resources were allocated for
both hardware and personnel
was crucial. Proper planning
and budgeting were essential
to prevent resource constraints
during implementation. Providing
staff with training on new
devices and protocols was vital
to ensure a smooth transition
and to maximize the benefits
of the upgraded infrastructure.
Establishing a system for ongoing
network monitoring has
proven beneficial in promptly
identifying and addressing
potential issues, thereby maintaining
optimal performance.
Impact and Future
The expanded network infrastructure
has significantly improved
internal communication,
allowing for smoother operations
and enhanced collaboration
between office locations.
With a reliable and scalable
network in place, Hwange
Heights Executive Lodge and
The Lookout Café-Wild Horizons
are now well-positioned
to leverage advanced networking
technologies, further increasing
operational efficiency
and customer service quality.
To accommodate business
growth, I planned an expansion
that included adding two more
office locations for each company,
resulting in three offices per
company. The new offices were
equipped with laptops instead
of PCs for increased mobility and efficiency. Additionally, a
TP server was introduced in the
main office, working alongside
the pre-configured IP phones
to optimize communication.
Other devices such as routers,
switches, and printers were
strategically placed in various
offices to enhance workflow
and connectivity. This project
serves as a testament to the
power of networking technology
in transforming business
operations, and I am excited
to continue innovating in this
This network expansion
project exemplifies the
strategic use of technology in
business growth and efficiency.
By using Cisco Packet Tracer
for simulation and implementation,
I successfully enhanced
the infrastructure of Hwange
Heights Executive Lodge and
The Lookout Café-Wild Horizons,
ensuring continuous
communication and operational
excellence. This experience
has reinforced my passion for
networking and telecommunications,
and I look forward
to undertaking more complex
projects in the future.
I would like to express
my sincere gratitude to Dr.
Kanbiro Orkaido my Academic
and program advisor and Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam,
the Publication Advisor at Atlantic
International University,
for their unwavering support,
guidance, and invaluable feedback
throughout my research
journey. Their expertise and
encouragement have been
instrumental in shaping the direction of my work.
I also extend my heartfelt
thanks to the entire AIU staff
for their dedication, assistance,
and contributions, which made
this research process both
enriching and rewarding. Your
support has been a vital part of
this academic achievement.
BIBLIOGRAPHY. Pyles, T. (2023). Cisco Networking Essentials (2nd
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Dr. Franklin Valcin Presi den t/Academic Dean |
Dr. José Mercado Chief Executive Officer Chairman of the Board of Trustees |
Ricardo González, PhD Provost |
Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez Chief Operation Officer and MKT Director |
Linda Collazo Logistics Coordinator |
AIU Tutors Coordinators: Deborah Rodriguez Amiakhor Ejaeta Amanda Gutierrez William Mora Miriam James Admissions Coordinators: Amalia Aldrett Sandra Garcia Junko Shimizu Veronica Amuz Alba Ochoa Jenis Garcia Judith Brown Chris Soto René Cordón Dr. Anderas Rissler Academic Coordinators: Dr. Adesida Oluwafemi Dr. Emmanuel Gbagu Dr. Lucia Gorea Dr. Edgar Colon Dr. Mario Rios Freddy Frejus Dr. Nilani Ljunggren De Silva Dr. Scott Wilson Dr. Mohammad Shaidul Islam |
Dr. Miriam Garibaldi Vice provost for Research |
Carolina Valdes Human Resource Coordinator |
Dr. Ofelia Miller Director of AIU |
Carlos Aponte Teleco mmunications Coordinator |
Clara Margalef Director of Special Projects of AIU |
David Jung Corporate/Legal Counsel |
Juan Pablo Moreno Director of Operations |
Bruce Kim Advisor/Consultant |
Paula Viera Director of Intelligence Systems |
Thomas Kim Corporate/ Accounting Counsel |
Felipe Gomez Design Director / IT Supervisor |
Maricela Esparza Administrative Coordinator |
Kevin Moll Web Designer |
Chris Benjamin IT and Hosting Support |
Daritza Ysla IT Coordinator |
Maria Pastrana Accounting Coordinator |
Daritza Ysla IT Coordinator |
Roberto Aldrett Communications Coordinator |
Nadeem Awan Chief Programming Officer |
Giovanni Castillo IT Support |
Dr. Edward Lambert Academic Director |
Antonella Fonseca Quality Control & Data Analysis |
Dr. Ariadna Romero Advisor Coordinator |
Adrián Varela Graphic Design |
Jhanzaib Awan Senior Programmer |
Vanesa D’Angelo Content Writer |
Leonardo Salas Human Resource Manager |
Jaime Rotlewicz Dean of Admissions |
Benjamin Joseph IT and Technology Support |
Michael Phillips Registrar’s Office |
Rosie Perez Finance Coordinator |