Appointement of IDSR

February 22, 2021. One of our graduates, Francis Chishala, was officially appointed as International Disability Special Rapporteur (IDSR) of People of African descent with Disabilities by the Global Pan Africanism Network (GPAN) Accra, Ghana dated 20th November 2020, and subsequently confirmed through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the office of the Permanent Secretary (International Relations and Cooperation) Ambassador Chalwe Lombe, Lusaka, Zambia. Francis Chishala has completed a Master's program in Occupational Health at Atlantic International University.

Article published

February 26, 2021. One of our graduates, Oluseyi Adefila, published an article titled, “Education as a Human Right,” at AIU. You can read an abstract of the article below: Abstract: Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators; however learners can also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy. Formal education is commonly divided formally into such stages as preschool or kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and then college, university, or apprenticeship. A right to education has been recognized by some governments and the United Nations. In most regions, education is compulsory up to a certain age. There is a movement for education reform, and in particular for evidencebased education with global initiatives aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4, which promotes quality education for all.
Find his article here: Oluseyi Adefila has completed a Master’s program in Computer Science at AIU.

New book published

February 23, 2021. One of our Academic Advisors, Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam, has published his book titled, “Bioester production from shea oil using ethanol and alkaline catalyst - Bioester with medicinal property offers opportunity to be used in pharmaceutical and personal care product industries” and is available on MoreBooks! Summary: Shea butter is a vegetable oil, a tiny yellowish or ivory-colored fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree. It is widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion. It is edible and is used in food preparation in Africa. One problem associated with the use of neat shea butter is its relatively high viscosity (80 mm2/s at 50oC). Possible process for the reduction of viscosity is splitting off of glycerol backbone thorough transesterification.
Find his book here: Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam has completed a Doctorate program in Chemical Engineering at Atlantic International University.

Book published

March 16, 2021. One of our graduates, James Komolafe, and his wife Veronica Komolafe, have published a book together titled, “Depression: Recognising The Stages And Walking Away From It” and it is available on Amazon. Summary: The rate at which people think, imagine and handle issues of life around them is today reaching an unacceptable dimension. This situation is further worsened by the biting times and the inability to find relevant answers within their scope of expression and influence given the soaring expectation, the mounting bills in the face of inadequate and dwindling resources. In view of this, many appear stranded within, slumping from sadness to the trough of depression even without knowing it. They continue to think the bad and the ugly-the negatives. Up till now, recounting the old analogue photography “Negatives are developed in the darkroom”.
Find their book here: James Komolafe has completed a Doctorate program in Behavioral Health with Honors CUM LAUDE at Atlantic International University.

Book published

March 3, 2021. One of our graduates, Abdou Mahaman Dango, has published a book titled, “Guide de l'Energie Durable en Afrique de l'Ouest” with Editions Universitaires Europeennes in January 2021, which is the French version of the book he published earlier in 2019 titled “A Guide to Sustainable energy in West Africa” with Cambridge Scholar Publishing. Abstract in French: Celivre souligne l’abondance des ressources en énergie propre dont l’Afrique de l’Ouest est dotée. Il montre le rythme avec lequel le secteur d’énergies renouvelables progresse et comment il contribue à l’atténuation du réchauffement climatique. L’ouvrage identifie en détail le stock des diverses ressources, l’environnement des affaires propice et l’état de développement des technologies solaires et hydroélectriques. Abstract in English: This book highlights the abundance of clean energy resources West Africa is endowed. It shows the pace with which the renewable energy sector is growing and how it is contributing to global warming mitigation.
Find this book in French through the following link:
Abdou Mahaman Dango has completed a Doctorate program in Renewable Energy at AIU.

Dissertation published

March 12, 2021. One of our graduates, Gabriel Wimmerth, has published his Doctorate Dissertation titled, “The Porosity of a Reservoir Determines the Quantity of Oil and Gas. The More Pores a Reservoir Contains the More Quantity, Volume of Oil and Gas is Present in a Reservoir,” at AIU. Abstract: The oil and gas industry, petroleum engineering, exploration, drilling, reservoir and production engineering have taken an enormous toll since the early forties and sixties and it has predominantly reached he peak in the early eighties and nineties. The number of oil and gas companies have been using the vertical drilling approach and successfully managed to pinch the reservoir with productive oil or gas. Many others have also failed in the same process. Namibia on the other hand also tried its luck, onshore and offshore, since the early 1908 but never has been successful in hitting an oil or gas reservoir. They only managed to hit a WILDCAT. What has been the problem in Namibia as its counterpart with the same rock formations Brazil has been successful on several oil and gas reservoirs along their two dominant oil and gas Basins, Santos and Campos?
Find his article here: Gabriel Wimmerth has completed a Doctorate program in Civil Engineering at Atlantic International University.


Call for Papers This Conference will be held 27–28 May 2021 at University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/ interactive sessions, posters/ exhibits, colloquia, focused discussions, innovation showcases, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks. 2021 Special Focus: “The shape of recovery: futures of responsible travel and leisure” Theme 1: Methods, models, and practices Theme 2: Participation, access, impacts. Theme 3: Communicating experience. Theme 4: Future practices. Become a Presenter: 1. Submit a proposal 2. Review timeline 3. Register Late proposal deadline 27 April 2021 Late registration deadline 27 May 2021 Visit the website:

AIU students & Graduates BREAKING PARADIGMS

AIU is proud to share with you some videos about members of our family. May you enjoy and be inspired by them. This video is about Dr. Marcela Engermann. She is a linguistics specialist, a lecturer, researcher and speaks many languages. She is truly a disruptive force in the world.

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This video is about David Karpeles. He has over 60 historical monographs relating to the Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum, which he has been able to expand.

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Graduated with Honors

March, 2021. These graduate students completed the majority of the requirements to obtain honors, which included a 4.0 GPA, published works, recommendation from their respective advisors, patent a product, etc. Congratulations to all of them!
Oscar Angel Nogales Escalera
Doctor of Philosophy
Sanitary and Environmental

Manuela Paone Di Simone
Doctor of Psychology
Clinical Psychol
Glenn Roberts Fry
Doctor of Science

Maria Estela Almada
Bachelor of Public Health
Health Rese arch

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

The NCCIH Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series provides overviews of the current state of research and practice involving complementary health approaches and explores perspectives on the emerging discipline of integrative medicine.

May 4, 2021 12:00 p.m. ET to 1:00 p.m. ET This event will be videocast

Healing the Opioid Crisis with Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE): Clinical Efficacy and Neurophysiological Mechanisms

Eric Garland, Ph.D., LCSW
Distinguished Endowed Chair in Research, Professor, and Associate Dean for Research. University of Utah. Event description Some of our most pressing “diseases of despair,” such as addiction and chronic pain, disrupt the brain’s capacity to experience healthy pleasure and extract meaning from naturally rewarding events and experiences. For example, prolonged opioid use in the context of chronic pain and distress can blunt positive emotions and compel opioid misuse as a way to hold on to a shrinking sense of well-being. ...

June 8, 2021 12:00 p.m. ET to 1:00 p.m. ET This event will be videocast

Cooperative Pain Education and Self-Management (COPES): A Technology-Assisted Intervention for Pain

Alicia Heapy, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychiatry. Yale School of Medicine.

Event description Evidence supports behavioral and self-management therapies for people with chronic pain; however, there are many obstacles to their widespread implementation and uptake. Technology offers a way to address a number of such barriers. Dr. Heapy will discuss research she is leading in the Veterans Health Administration health care system on a nondrug intervention for pain —Cooperative Pain Education ...
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Genoveva de Fátima Kamukete
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Marilia dos Santos de Figueiredo
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Danilo Ransay Joaquim Mabiala
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Business Management
Wanda Silvia Condarco Palto
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Quality Management and Health Management
Oscar Angel Nogales Escalera
Doctor of Philosophy
Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
Nestor Ndavyirakora
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Evaluation and Measurement
Desmond Itiose
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Guillermo Andrés Cortés Roco
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Donaldo Barrios Gelez
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Inegbenekalo Ibhade Tuesday
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Noel Nsanzineza
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Hlamphane Emmanuel Maepa
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Carlos Estevez
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Marisabel Amparan Uzcategui
Bachelor of Psychology
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Types of education

Thomson Ng’ambi | Legal Studies | Excerpt

INTRODUCTION Within a strict definition, education is the action or process of educating or of being educated and, a: stage of such a process; b: the knowledge and development resulting from the process of being educated a person of little education. Education also means: the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in. Education is the process of bringing desirable change into the behavior of human beings. It brings knowledge, skills and understanding in one’s life. Education can be described in different shapes. The right to education is a human right and indispensable for the exercise of other human rights. Quality education aims to ensure the development of a fullyrounded human being. For this human right to work there must be equality of opportunity, universal access, and enforceable and monitored quality standards How does Human rights relate to education? Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental. Education is a gradual process which brings positive changes in human life and behavior. We can also define education as “a process of acquiring knowledge through study or imparting the knowledge by way of instructions or some other practical procedure”.

Education brings a natural and lasting change in an individual’s reasoning and ability to achieve the targeted goal. It facilitates us to investigate our own considerations and thoughts and makes it ready to express it in various shapes. Education is the main thing that encourages us to distinguish between right and wrong because in the absence of education, we can’t do what we need or we can’t achieve our goal. Straightforwardly, we can say, “education is the passage to progress”. It is additionally the way to our fate as achievements can only be accomplished when individuals have information, aptitudes, and frame of mind. In this way, education resembles a medium through which we can associate with various individuals and offer our thoughts.

To tackle issues and do inventiveness we first need to gain proficiency with some essential abilities. We require learning and abilities to wind up increasingly imaginative. So education is fundamentally learning of abilities and ideas that can make us increasingly innovative and issue solver. Education is to pick up the capacity to develop and take care of issues in order to achieve their lawful motives. Education also means helping people to learn how to do things and encouraging them to think about what they learn. It is also important for educators to teach ways to find and use information. Through education, the knowledge of society, country, and of the world is passed on from generation to generation. In democracies, through education, children and adults are supposed to learn how to be active and effective citizens. More specific, education helps and guides individuals to transform from one class to another. Empowered individuals, societies, countries by education are taking an edge over individuals stand on the bottom pyramid of growth.

TYPES OF EDUCATION Education goes beyond what takes place within the four walls of the classroom. A child gets the education from his experiences outside the school as well as from those within on the basis of these factors. There are three main types of education, namely, Formal, Informal and Non-formal. Each of these types is discussed below.

1. Formal education Formal education or formal learning usually takes place in the premises of the school, where a person may learn basic, academic, or trade skills. Small children often attend a nursery or kindergarten but often formal education begins in elementary school and continues with secondary school. Post-secondary education (or higher education) is usually at a college or university which may grant an academic degree. It is associated with a specific stage and is provided under a certain set of rules and regulations. The formal education is given by specially qualified teachers they are supposed to be efficient in the art of instruction. It also observes strict discipline. The student and the teacher both are aware of the facts and engage themselves in the process of education.

Examples of formal education • Learning in a classroom. • School grading/certification, college, and university degrees. • Planned education of different subjects having a proper syllabus acquired by attending the institution.

Characteristics of formal education • It is structured hierarchically. • It is planned and deliberate. • Scheduled fees are paid regularly. • It has a chronological grading system. • It has a syllabus and subject- oriented. The syllabus has to be covered within a specific time period. • The student is taught by the teachers

Advantages of formal education • An organized educational model and up to date course contents. • Students acquire knowledge from trained and professional teachers. • Structured and systematic learning process. • Intermediate and final assessments are ensured to advance students to the next learning phase. • Institutions are managerially and physically organized. • Leads to a formally recognized certificate. • Easy access to jobs. Disadvantages of formal education • Sometimes, brilliant students are bored due to the long wait for the expiry of the academic session to promote to the next stage. • Chance of bad habits adoption may be alarming due to the presence of both good and bad students in the classroom. • Wastage of time as some lazy students may fail to learn properly in spite of motivation by the professional trainers. • Some unprofessional and non-standard education system may cause the wastage of time and money of the students which leads to the disappointment from formal education and argue them to go for non-formal education. • Costly and rigid education as compare to other forms of learning

2. Informal education Informal education may be a parent teaching a child how to prepare a meal or ride a bicycle. People can also get an informal education by reading many books from a library or educational websites. Informal education is when you are not studying in a school and do not use any particular learning method. In this type of education, conscious efforts are not involved. It is neither preplanned nor deliberate. It may be learned at some marketplace, hotel or at home. Unlike formal education, informal education is not imparted by an institution such as school or college. Informal education is not given according to any fixed timetable. There is no set curriculum required. Informal education consists of experiences and actually living in the family or community.

Examples of informal education • Teaching the child some basics such as numeric characters. • Someone learning their mother tongue. • A spontaneous type of learning, “if a person standing in a bank learns about opening and maintaining the account at the bank from someone.”

Characteristics of informal education • It is independent of boundary walls. • It has no definite syllabus. • It is not pre-planned and has no timetable. • No fees are required as we get informal education through daily experience and by learning new things. • It is a lifelong process in a natural way. • The certificates/degrees are not involved and one has no stress for learning the new things. • You can get from any source such as media, life experiences, friends, family etc.

education • More naturally learning process as you can learn at anywhere and at any time from your daily experience. • It involves activities like individual and personal research on a topic of interest for themselves by utilizing books, libraries, social media, internet or getting assistance from informal trainers. • Utilizes a variety of techniques. • No specific time span. • Less costly and time-efficient learning process. • No need to hire experts as most of the professionals may be willing to share their precious knowledge with students/public through social media and the internet. • Learners can be picked up the requisite information from books, TV, radio or conversations with their friends/family members.

Disadvantages of informal education • Information acquired from the internet, social media, TV, radio or conversations with friends/family members may lead to disinformation. • Utilized techniques may not be appropriate. • No proper schedule/time span. • Unpredictable results which lead to wastage of time. • Lack of confidence in the learner. • Absence of discipline, attitude and good habits.

3. Non-formal education Non-formal education includes adult basic education, adult literacy education or school equivalency preparation. In nonformal education, someone (who is not in school) can learn literacy, other basic skills or job skills. Home education, individualized instruction (such as programmed learning), distance learning and computerassisted instruction are other possibilities. Non-formal education is imparted consciously and deliberately and systematically implemented. It should be organized for a homogeneous group. Non-formal, education should be programmed to serve the needs of the identified group. This will necessitate flexibility in the design of the curriculum and the scheme of evaluation.

Examples of non-formal education • Boy Scouts and Girls Guides develop some sports program such as swimming . • Fitness programs. • Community-based adult education courses. • Free courses for adult education developed by some organization.

Characteristics of non-formal education • It is planned and takes place apart from the school system. • The timetable and syllabus can be adjustable. • Unlike theoretical formal education, it is practical and vocational education. • It has no age limit. • Fees or certificates may or may not be necessary. • It may be full time or parttime learning and one can earn and learn together. • It involves learning of professional skills.

Advantages of non-formal education • Practiced and vocational training. • Naturally growing minds that do not wait for the system to amend. • Literacy with skillfulness growth in which self-learning is appreciated. • Flexibility in age, curriculum and time. • Open-ended educational system in which both the public and private sector are involved in the process. • No need to conduct regular exams. • Diploma, certificates, and awards are not essential. Disadvantages of non-formal education • Attendance of participants is unsteady. • Sometimes, it’s just wastage of time as there is no need to conduct the exam on regular basis and no degree/ diploma is awarded at the end of the training session. • Basic reading and writing skills are crucial to learn. • No professional and trained teachers. • Students may not enjoy full confidence as the regular students enjoy. • Some institutes provide fake certification through online courses just for the sake of earning.

CONCLUSION The right to education has been recognized as a human right in a number of international conventions, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which recognizes a right to free, compulsory primary education for all, an obligation to develop secondary education accessible to all, on particular by the progressive introduction of free secondary education, as well as an obligation to develop equitable access to higher education, ideally by the progressive introduction of free higher education. Today, almost 75 million children across the world are prevented from going to school each day. As of 2015, 164 states were parties to the Covenant. The right to education also includes a responsibility to provide basic education for individuals who have not completed primary education from the school and college levels. In addition to these access to education provisions, the right to education encompasses the obligations of the students to avoid discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set minimum standards of education and to improve the quality of education.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: United Nations (UN) • Wikipedia.

The rover Perseverance example

By Dr. Rosa Hilda Lora M. Advisor at AIU |

The Perseverence is an electric rover, electric vehicle, powered by nuclear power created by the Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States, USA. The Engineers who designed this rover were the same ones who designed Curiosity. NASA has its programs; we are witnessing the NASA program: the Mars 2020 Mission. This Mission is a program that includes trips to the Moon. On July 30, 2020; the aforementioned mission begins with the departure to Mars of the Perseverance rover robot. The mission of this rover is to find if there was microbial life on Mars. The Jezero crater was chosen because it is known that there was a lake there, with its river delta, 3.5 billion years ago. Perseverance arrived on Mars on February 18, 2021. The trip was 470 million km. The events that happen on Mars and transmitted by Perseveance take place 11 minutes 22 seconds before we perceive them on Earth. The Perseverance carries 23 cameras and two microphones.

It will take the team on this spacecraft more than a month to load software to activate a drill to collect samples from the soil of Mars. This robot also carries a method to see if oxygen is produced on Mars. With Perseverance traveled the Ingenuity Mars helicopter. The rover will be exploring Mars for 687 days; two years. It’s planned to make, again, for 2024, trips to the Moon. By 2028 they have as a project to have a human presence on Earth’s satellite, the Moon. If life is found on Mars, science will demonstrate what has long been a hypothesis: life is part of the Universe. How are these triumphs achieved? The example that these triumphs demonstrate is the work of science people where it doesn’t matter where you were born; it matters what you know about science. In this NASA Mission there are Engineers, men and women, from different countries. An example is the Colombian Diana Trujillo, Aerospace Engineer. Engineer Trujillo also had the task of broadcasting the landing of Perseverance to Mars. This disclosure was made for the Spanish-speaking world. There are, in this Mission, researchers from Spain, Japan, Argentina and countries that we never imagined. The Engineer who designed the Curiosity space rover was the same one who designed Perseverance. This work was done by Engineer Luis Enrique Velasco. He is Mexican.

How does Perseverance set us an example? The Mission carried out by this rover was developed by people from all over. We have a year with a Pandemic that the only sure thing is that the virus has already mutated and that we are going for another wave. The obvious is that politicians took over, joined the pharmaceutical companies, and the world seems to spend two years with the economy in decline, unemployment reigning, more and more deaths and infections alike. Each country threw the towel for its side and world society doesn’t know when the problem will end. They didn’t let the scientists work; the product of Engineers from many countries at NASA, who will also be joined by the European Space Agency, shows us that there’s a union because what matters is what needs to be done. Reach the goal because we have a common goal.

With the Coronavirus pandemic, it seems that every place on Earth is a different world. The common, the generalized is the pandemic; the solution is of each group according to the interests of the one who governs. The politicians and all their visions generated a divided world where the only thing that is the same is the advance of the coronavirus pandemic. Vaccines do not reach all countries; the infected multiply as well as the dead. The question is: is that the world that later the politicians will take to the whole universe? If there had been a union between the countries and they had let those who know science work, the situation would not be the way we are living it. How long will this event last? Who knows? There are the organizations created after World War II for the most serious problems, but they seem to be infected with interests.

Perseverance has given us an example that when there is union for the facts of which we have knowledge; these events can be achieved. A small planet, inside a galaxy of the immensity that is the universe, and we are not able to find a solution that makes life possible for all of us. We aren’t capable of living all well, in our pale blue point, as Carl Sagan called our planet.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. NASA- HOMEPAGE. Recuperado el 15 de Febrero 2021. | Sagan, Carl. (2003). El Punto azul Pálido; una visión del futuro humano en el espacio. México: Planeta.



Covid-19 has persuaded some parents that it is better.

Helping their children learn remotely during the pandemic has driven many parents to distraction. A few have found it easier and more rewarding to take complete control of their children’s lessons. Research published in November by the Association of Directors of Children’s Services ... found the number of home-educated children in England had increased by 40% to about 75,000 in the year to October 2020. That represents a little under 1% of school-aged children but it is double the number who were home educated four years before. In America ... the numbers are higher. A survey published in October by the Pew Research Centre found that around 7% of American parents were formally home-schooling their children, up from around 3% in the spring. Supervising remote learning during the pandemic has helped some parents recognise that their children are trailing a long way behind their classmates, says Juliet English of Headhub ... in Britain. Others have discovered that the work schools are setting is much easier than they think their children can handle, reckons Paula Lago, an Argentine who runs a website offering advice to home educators in Latin America. Parents of the youngest schoolchildren have not enjoyed seeing them forced to learn from screens. ... Read full text:

Chen Qiufan

Sci-fi writer or prophet?

Chen has win virtually every sci-fi literary award in China, and establish himself as a leading voice among the country’s growing roster of acclaimed writers in the genre. But unlike Liu Cixin, the lionized author of The Three Body Problem, who grapples with the faraway grandeur of outer space, Chen is drawn more to the interior lives of characters struggling to anchor themselves in a moment of accelerated change —much the way nearly anyone in China struggles to anchor themselves today. His work is often described as “science fiction realism.” At the beginning of his writing process, Chen says, he often tries to act like “an anthropologist conducting fieldwork.” Before writing his debut novel, The Waste Tide, a 2013 ecothriller about a workers’ uprising in a futuristic dump called Silicon Isle, Chen spent time in the southeastern city of Guiyu, one of the world’s largest dumping grounds for electronic waste, observing migrant workers toil in the toxin-laden trash. Once he has a feel for a given landscape in the real world, he transports the scene into what he calls the imagined “hyperreal” —a zone where the fantastical and factual are so blurred it is unclear where one begins and one ends. ... He wants his writing to provoke a sense of both wonder ... Read full text:

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Imaginary numbers

Might be essential for describing reality.

Mathematicians were disturbed, centuries ago, to find that calculating the properties of certain curves demanded the seemingly impossible: numbers that, when multiplied by themselves, turn negative. Imaginary numbers, labeled with units of i (where, for instance, (2i)2 = -4), gradually became fixtures in the abstract realm of mathematics. For physicists, however, real numbers sufficed to quantify reality. Sometimes, so-called complex numbers, with both real and imaginary parts, such as 2 + 3i, have streamlined calculations, but in apparently optional ways. No instrument has ever returned a reading with an i. Yet physicists may have just shown for the first time that imaginary numbers are, in a sense, real. A group of quantum theorists designed an experiment whose outcome depends on whether nature has an imaginary side. Provided that quantum mechanics is correct —an assumption few would quibble with— the team’s argument essentially guarantees that complex numbers are an unavoidable part of our description of the physical universe. “These complex numbers, usually they’re just a convenient tool, but here it turns out that they really have some physical meaning,” said Tamás Vértesi, a physicist ... who, years ago, argued the opposite. ...
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3 Myths

...about how our brain works.

Being wrong is a normal and inevitable part of the scientific process. We scientists do our best with the tools we have, until new tools extend our senses and let us probe more deeply, broadly, or precisely. Over time, new discoveries lead us to major course corrections in our understanding of how the world works, such as natural selection and quantum physics. Failure, therefore, is an opportunity to discover and learn. ... Myth #1. Specific parts of the human brain have specific psychological jobs. According to this myth, the brain is like a collection of puzzle pieces, each with a dedicated mental function. ... Today, we know ... the human brain is a massive network of neurons. Most neurons have multiple jobs, not a single psychological purpose. Myth #2. Your brain reacts to events in the world. ... Brains, however, don’t work by stimulus and response. All your neurons are firing at various rates all the time. What are they doing? Busily making predictions. ... Myth #3. There’s a clear dividing line between diseases of the body, such as cardiovascular disease, and diseases of the mind, such as depression. ... Neuroscientists have found, however, that the same brain networks responsible for controlling your body also are involved in creating your mind. ... Read full text

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Auditory system

COVID-19 may be linked to tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo.

In a new study, published this week in the International Journal of Audiology, researchers ... in the UK carried out a systematic review of dozens of studies investigating the link between COVID-19 and auditory symptoms. Among people who were infected with COVID-19, around 7.6% suffered from hearing loss and 14% experienced tinnitus, a persistent ringing or whooshing sound in the ears. A further 14.8% of people also reported vertigo, a dizzy sensation that everything is spinning around you. This sensation is usually caused by a problem with your inner ear, as this is the HQ of the vestibular system responsible for balance. Odd case studies of such symptoms have been reported before, but few studies have taken a broad look at the scale of the problem. “There is an urgent need for a carefully conducted clinical and diagnostic study to understand the long-term effects of COVID-19 on the auditory system,” Kevin Munro, Professor of Audiology at The University of Manchester ... said in a statement. ... It may be that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease, is directly damaging the tissues involved in the auditory system. After all, it’s known that COVID-19 is much more than a simple respiratory disease and can lead to damage to many major organ systems ... Read full text:

South Africa

Can the world learn from their vaccine trials?

Vaccine trials are often done in wealthier countries. Scientists say the South Africa experience proves the value of trials in the global south. In a year that has seesawed between astonishing gains and brutal setbacks on Covid-19, few moments were as sobering as the revelation last month that a coronavirus variant in South Africa was dampening the effect of one of the world’s most potent vaccines. That finding —from a South African trial of the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot— exposed how quickly the virus had managed to dodge human antibodies, ending what some researchers have described as the world’s honeymoon period with Covid- 19 vaccines and setting back hopes for containing the pandemic. As countries adjust to that jarring turn of fortune, the story of how scientists uncovered the dangers of the variant in South Africa has put a spotlight on the global vaccine trials that were indispensable in warning the world. “Historically, people might have thought a problem in a country like South Africa would stay in South Africa,” said Mark Feinberg, the chief executive of IAVI, a nonprofit scientific research group. “But we’ve seen how quickly variants are cropping up all around the world. Even wealthy countries have to pay a lot of attention to the evolving landscape all around the world.” ... Read full text:
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Inked remotely via robot arm

One brave woman from the Netherlands, actress Stijn Fransen, remained at ease as a robot arm worked a needle into her inner forearm to create what would be the “world’s first” remotely-done tattoo. Her real tattoo artist, Wes Thomas, was controlling the machinery all the way in London. The session was organized by T-Mobile Netherlands and Londonbased technologist Noel Drew to push the boundaries of remote communication and showcase how far 5G cellular technology can go. According to a report by PCMag, the robot deliberately designed for this session went through six weeks of rigorous testing with Drew’s design studio, The Mill, to ensure it was safe and able to deliver clean strokes on human skin. ...
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Designing for diversity

Inclusive design

Inclusive design is often confused with simply designing for people with disabilities. However, true inclusive design is much more than this —it is about designing for as diverse a range of people possible. It is a philosophy that encourages us to consider how size, shape, age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, education levels, income, spoken languages, culture & customs, and even diets shape the way we interact with the world. More importantly, it is about designing products and services in light of this understanding. Not so long ago, the term ‘inclusive design’ did not exist. There was also a view among many that one-size may fit all, and designing for an ‘average man’ was good enough. Today, we are still surrounded by products that only work well for a limited range of people. ... It is not always completely clear why products are designed to exclude people. Often, it’s a perceived efficiency-thoroughness trade off. ... Much of the time it is simply that the designers haven’t thought enough about the diversity of the people who wish to interact with the product that they are designing, often because it’s not in the culture of the company. It is also the case that the number of excluded people is dramatically underestimated. Capabilities are frequently thought of in binary terms —you can either see or you can’t, or you can hear or you can’t. In reality, our sensory, cognitive and physical capabilities all tend to sit on a long spectrum. Our cognitive abilities also lie on a spectrum, and it’s not quite as simple as a link to IQ. Some people may have exceptional memories, problemsolving skills, communication abilities, recognition or attention. However, our capability in one aspect is rarely an accurate predictor for another. ... The old adage ‘it’s downhill from forty’ is not strictly true, in terms of our capabilities, it is actually more like mid-thirties! ... However, we are increasingly remaining in work for much longer. As such, the role of inclusive design is becoming more important if we wish to remain an efficient and effective part of the workforce. ... When thinking about capabilities it’s useful to think of them on three levels: 1. Permanent (e.g. having one arm) 2. Temporary (e.g. an arm injury) 3. Situational (e.g. holding a small child) The market for people with one arm is relatively small, however, a product that can be used by people carrying a small child (or using one of their arms for another task) is much larger. As such, designing for the smaller market of permanent exclusions is often a very effective way of developing products that make the lives of a much wider group more flexibility, efficient and enjoyable. The first step on the path to designing more inclusive products is to understand where the current challenges are. ... The second step is to make informed decisions about the product specification. ... The task does not end here however, the remaining step is to continually test and evaluate the design throughout the design process. ... Read full text:

Live a better life learning how to keep your body, mind and soul balanced. Visit regularly MyAIU Body / MyAIU Mind / MyAIU Spirit and MyAIU Energy.

The runner’s high

Getting to the bottom of it.

We can stop crediting endorphins, the natural opioid painkillers produced by our bodies, for the floaty euphoria we often feel during aerobic exercise, according to a nifty new study of men, women and treadmills. In the study, runners developed a gentle intoxication, known as a runner’s high, even if researchers had blocked their bodies’ ability to respond to endorphins, suggesting that those substances could not be behind the buzz. Instead, the study suggests, a different set of biochemicals resembling internally homegrown versions of cannabis, better known as marijuana, are likely to be responsible. The findings expand our understanding of how running affects our bodies and minds, and also raise interesting questions about why we might need to be slightly stoned in order to want to keep running. In surveys and studies of experienced distance runners, most report developing a mellow runner’s high at least sometimes. The experience typically is characterized by loose-limbed blissfulness and a shedding of anxiety and unease after half an hour or so of striding. In the 1980s, exercise scientists started attributing this buzz to endorphins, after noticing that blood levels of the natural painkillers rise in people’s bloodstreams when they run. ...
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Quiet your mind

To break the tape loop in your head.

We’ve all been there. Stuck in our own heads, fixated on a two-minute conversation from three days ago. We replay it over and over. I shouldn’t have snapped at Dad. He was always so patient when I was growing up. We get stuck. The voice in our heads goes from an ally to a vicious nag, just looping uselessly over the same things, again and again and again. Ethan Kross, an experimental psychologist and neuroscientist, wants to teach us how to control the voices in our heads. Not the voices of mental illness, mind you, just the little voice we all have, cheerily (or naggingly) narrating our lives as we go about our days. According to Kross, our inner voices can be one of our greatest strengths —when we can control them. Those inner voices can take us to whole other worlds, allow us to imagine different pasts or exciting futures, but they can also trap us in a hell of our own making. In his new book, Kross walks readers through a number of different strategies to control mental chatter. A key strategy is “distanced self-talk,” using language to create mental distance from yourself. The best medicine for being stuck on a problem is to gain perspective on it. And a way to gain that perspective is to talk to yourself as if you were another person. You can never be certain what he was thinking, Liz. He might have appreciated your retort. ...
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Live a better life learning how to keep your body, mind and soul balanced. Visit regularly MyAIU Body / MyAIU Mind / MyAIU Spirit and MyAIU Energy.

Nature conservation

Indigenous peoples could lead the way.

With a million species at risk of extinction, dozens of countries are pushing to protect at least 30 percent of the planet’s land and water by 2030. Their goal is to hammer out a global agreement at negotiations to be held in China later this year, designed to keep intact natural areas like old growth forests and wetlands that nurture biodiversity, store carbon and filter water. But many people who have been protecting nature successfully for generations won’t be deciding on the deal: Indigenous communities and others who have kept room for animals, plants and their habitats, not by fencing off nature, but by making a small living from it. The key to their success, research shows, is not extracting too much. In the Brazilian Amazon, Indigenous people put their bodies on the line to protect native lands threatened by loggers and ranchers. In Canada, a First Nations group created a huge park to block mining. In Papua New Guinea, fishing communities have set up no-fishing zones. And in Guatemala, people living in a sprawling nature reserve are harvesting high-value timber in small amounts. ... “If you’re going to save only the insects and the animals and not the Indigenous people, there’s a big contradiction,” said José Gregorio Díaz Mirabal, who leads an umbrella group, the Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin. “We’re one ecosystem.” ... Read full text:
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The active forest management scam.

There are daily news stories about the recent large wildfires in 2020. In nearly all of these media accounts, almost always attributed to a lack of active forest management. In other words, proponents of logging/thinning forests assert fuel reductions would diminish fire severity. The prevailing assumption is that fuels are the major cause of large blazes. This chainsaw prescription is all a scam to promote logging. I have to wonder how many large high-severity fires these proponents have visited. I’ve visited dozens from Alaska to New Mexico, Montana to California to understand how they burned and what may or may not have influence fire spread. There is a common denominator in all the large blazes —wind. Chainsaw medicine does nothing about wind. The wind blows embers miles ahead of the fire front, starting new spot fires and crossing any barriers erected to thwart fire spread. I have observed what some research has documented: under extreme fire weather conditions of drought, low humidity, high temperatures, and wind, nothing stops a fire. I have seen where wind-driven fires have burned through clearcuts, thinned forests, prescribed burns, and even closely cropped grasslands. ... Read full text

Get a better knowledge about our rights and the way we can use them on a daily basis to prevent any abuse or limitations of them. Visit MyAIU Human Rights.

South Korean women

...have taken their struggle against misogyny into the open.

Under the post-war dictatorship, South Korea’s growth model relied on a clear division of labour: men did military service and went out to work, women raised the children and did the housework. What paid work women did tended to be subordinate to men’s, serving, for instance, to pay for their brothers’ education. ... Jung Se-young and Baeck Hana, two twenty-something women who live on their own in Seoul ... last year set up a YouTube channel about single living after meeting at a feminist discussion group. They regale their 40,000 subscribers and ... more casual viewers with tales of blissful holidays free of the obligation to cook for a roomful of male family members. They also offer... investment advice and budgeting tips for solo living ... . They are part of a wave of feminist activism that has swept South Korea. In early 2018 a state prosecutor, inspired by the global #MeToo movement, spoke out on national television about being sexually assaulted by one of her bosses. Others followed her lead, resulting in cases against several high-profile men, including a theatre director and a provincial governor. Since then tens of thousands of women have taken to the streets and to the internet to protest against sexual harassment, illegal spycam videos and the country’s restrictive abortion laws. ... Read full text:

Dolphin hunts

Japan’s global dolphin trade still kills.

Taiji in Wakayama Prefecture is one of Japan’s dolphin hunting towns, made notorious by the documentary The Cove. The film provoked an international outcry over the cruelty of the dolphin trade. Environmentalists say that some dolphins take up to 30 minutes to drown. In extreme distress, dolphins are capable of killing themselves, said Richard O’Barry ... Before the coronavirus pandemic overwhelmed the world, international activists flew to this small seaside town of about 3,400 people to protest the dolphin trade. But as Japan closed its borders to foreigners, the only activist left standing is Ren Yabuki, director of Life Investigation Agency, an advocacy group against animal abuses. ... Dolphin hunters have turned to the trade of live dolphins. Taiji’s fishermen are allowed to catch 1,749 dolphins or small whales during one hunting season. Hunters can make $48,000 per live dolphin, as opposed to the mere $480 when slaughtered. Some of these captured dolphins are sent to China, where 90 dolphins were purchased in 2018. Yabuki, who witnessed baby dolphins being killed, described how the killings are hard to take. ... Watch video Inside Japan's Global Dolphin Trade (graphic content):
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Eco Tip: Simplify your life as much as possible. Only keep belongings that you use/enjoy. Change your life, get sustainable, visit MyAIU Knowledge


Quantum mischief rewrites the laws of cause and effect

Alice and Bob, the stars of so many thought experiments, are cooking dinner when mishaps ensue. Alice accidentally drops a plate; the sound startles Bob, who burns himself on the stove and cries out. In another version of events, Bob burns himself and cries out, causing Alice to drop a plate.

Over the last decade, quantum physicists have been exploring the implications of a strange realization: In principle, both versions of the story can happen at once. That is, events can occur in an indefinite causal order, where both “A causes B” and “B causes A” are simultaneously true. “It sounds outrageous,” admitted Časlav Brukner, a physicist at the University of Vienna.

The possibility follows from the quantum phenomenon known as superposition, where particles maintain all possible realities simultaneously until the moment they’re measured. In labs in Austria, China, Australia and elsewhere, physicists observe indefinite causal order by putting a particle of light (called a photon) in a superposition of two states. They then subject one branch of the superposition to process A followed by process B, and subject the other branch to B followed by A. In this procedure, known as the quantum switch, A’s outcome influences what happens in B, and vice versa; the photon experiences both causal orders simultaneously. Over the last five years, a growing community of quantum physicists has been implementing the quantum switch in tabletop experiments and exploring the advantages that indefinite causal order offers for quantum computing and communication. It’s “really something that could be useful in everyday life,” said Giulia Rubino, a researcher at the University of Bristol who led the first experimental demonstration of the quantum switch in 2017. But the practical uses of the phenomenon only make the deep implications more acute. Physicists have long sensed that the usual picture of events unfolding as a sequence of causes and effects doesn’t capture the fundamental nature of things. They say this causal perspective probably has to go if we’re ever to figure out the quantum origin of gravity, space and time. But until recently, there weren’t many ideas about how post-causal physics might work. “Many people think that causality is so basic in our understanding of the world that if we weaken this notion we would not be able to make coherent, meaningful theories,” said Brukner, who is one of the leaders in the study of indefinite causality.

That’s changing as physicists contemplate the new quantum switch experiments, as well as related thought experiments in which Alice and Bob face causal indefiniteness created by the quantum nature of gravity. Accounting for these scenarios has forced researchers to develop new mathematical formalisms and ways of thinking. With the emerging frameworks, “we can make predictions without having well-defined causality,” Brukner said.

Correlation, not causation Progress has grown swifter recently, but many practitioners trace the origin of this line of attack on the quantum gravity problem to work 16 years ago by Lucien Hardy, a British-Canadian theoretical physicist at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada. “In my case,” said Brukner, “everything started with Lucien Hardy’s paper.” Hardy was best known at the time for taking a conceptual approach made famous by Albert Einstein and applying it to quantum mechanics. Einstein revolutionized physics not by thinking about what exists in the world, but by considering what individuals can possibly measure. In particular, he imagined people on moving trains making measurements with rulers and clocks. By using this “operational” approach, he was able to conclude that space and time must be relative. In 2001, Hardy applied this same approach to quantum mechanics. He reconstructed all of quantum theory starting from five operational axioms. He then set out to apply it to an even bigger problem: the 80-year-old problem of how to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity, Einstein’s epic theory of gravity. “I’m driven by this idea that perhaps the operational way of thinking about quantum theory may be applied to quantum gravity,” Hardy told me over Zoom this winter. The operational question is: In quantum gravity, what can we, in principle, observe? Hardy thought about the fact that quantum mechanics and general relativity each have a radical feature. Quantum mechanics is famously indeterministic; its superpositions allow for simultaneous possibilities. General relativity, meanwhile, suggests that space and time are malleable. In Einstein’s theory, massive objects like Earth stretch the space-time “metric” —essentially the distance between hash marks on a ruler, and the duration between ticks of clocks. The nearer you are to a massive object, for instance, the slower your clock ticks. The metric then determines the “light cone” of a nearby event —the region of spacetime that the event can causally influence. When you combine these two radical features, Hardy said, two simultaneous quantum possibilities will stretch the metric in different ways. The light cones of events become indefinite —and thus, so does causality itself. Most work on quantum gravity elides one of these features. Some researchers, for instance, attempt to characterize the behavior of “gravitons,” quantum units of gravity. But the researchers have the gravitons interact against a fixed background time. “We’re so used to thinking about the world evolving in time,” Hardy noted.

He reasons, though, that quantum gravity will surely inherit general relativity’s radical feature and lack fixed time and fixed causality. “So the idea is really to throw caution to the wind,” said the calm, serious physicist, “and really embrace this wild situation where you have no definite causal structure.” Over Zoom, Hardy used a special projector to film a whiteboard, where he sketched out various thought experiments, starting with one that helped him see how to describe data entirely without reference to the causal order of events. He imagined an array of probes drifting in space. They’re taking data —recording, say, the polarized light spewing out of a nearby exploding star, or supernova. Every second, each probe logs its location, the orientation of its polarizer (a device like polarized sunglasses that either lets a photon through or blocks it depending on its polarization), and whether a detector, located behind the polarizer, detects a photon or not. The probe transmits this data to a man in a room, who prints it on a card. After some time, the experimental run ends; the man in the room shuffles all the cards from all the probes and forms a stack. The probes then rotate their polarizers and make a new series of measurements, producing a new stack of cards, and repeat the process, so that the man in the room ultimately has many shuffled stacks of out-of-order measurements. “His job is to try to make some sense of the cards,” Hardy said. The man wants to devise a theory that accounts for all the statistical correlations in the data (and, in this way, describes the supernova) without any information about the data’s causal relationships or temporal order, since those might not be fundamental aspects of reality. How might the man do this? He could first arrange the cards by location, dealing out cards from each stack so that those pertaining to spacecraft in a certain region of space go in the same pile.

In doing this for each stack, he could start to notice correlations between piles. He might note that whenever a photon is detected in one region, there’s a high detection probability in another region, so long as the polarizers are angled the same way in both places. (Such a correlation would mean that the light passing through these regions tends to share a common polarization.) He could then combine probabilities into expressions pertaining to larger composite regions, and in this way, he could “build up mathematical objects for bigger and bigger regions from smaller regions,” Hardy said. ...
Read full text by Natalie Wolchover:

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Omne eternal.

The first helmet of its kind which can charge itself from any light, indoors and outdoors. With sensors to monitor light conditions which will activate automatically when worn. It is lightweight, safe, well ventilated and comfortable. No on/off switches, no charging ports, no fiddly cables, no lights to forget at home.

Weed worker.

The Ergonomic Garden Weed Removal Tool quickly clears weeds by pushing or pulling. The no-rust tempered steel head is sharpened inside and out for efficient weed removal. Features a handle with strong silicone rubber grips for added comfort and efficiency. By Skidger.


Your new observation station, the perfect combination of a telescope and a camera —a revolution in the world of Astronomy.

Werner Karl Heisenberg. (1901—1976)

“Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it’s stranger than we can think.”

Werner Karl Heisenberg. (1901—1976) German theoretical physicist. One of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics.

Good Advice


Sometimes the one thing you need for growth is the one thing you are most afraid to do. Source:

Bachelor's of New Media


The Bachelor of New Media (BSc) program objective is to provide professionals a wide range of media skills giving them opportunity to develop professional capabilities in their chosen area of work, while building an understanding of the way all parts of the communication process interact together. The Bachelor of New Media (BSc) program is offered online via distance learning. After evaluating both academic record and life experience, AIU staff working in conjunction with Faculty and Academic Advisors will assist students in setting up a custom-made program, designed on an individual basis. This flexibility to meet student needs is seldom found in other distance learning programs. Our online program does not require all students to take the same subjects/ courses, use the same books, or learning materials. Instead, the online Bachelor of New Media (BSc) curriculum is designed individually by the student and academic advisor. It specifically addresses strengths and weaknesses with respect to market opportunities in the student’s major and intended field of work. Understanding that industry and geographic factors should influence the content of the curriculum instead of a standardized one-fits-all design is the hallmark of AIU’s unique approach to adult education. This philosophy addresses the dynamic and constantly changing environment of working professionals by helping adult students in reaching their professional and personal goals within the scope of the degree program.


Below is an example of the topics or areas you may develop and work on during your studies. By no means is it a complete or required list as AIU programs do not follow a standardized curriculum. It is meant solely as a reference point and example. Want to learn more about the curriculum design at AIU? Go ahead and visit our website, especially the Course and Curriculum section:

Orientation Courses:

Organization Theory (Portfolio)
Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
Academic Evaluation (Questionnaire)
Fundament of Knowledge (Integration Chart)
Fundamental Principles I (Philosophy of Education)
Professional Evaluation (Self Evaluation Matrix)
Development of Graduate Study (Guarantee of an Academic Degree)

Core Courses and Topics

Introduction to digital social media
Information society
New media and communication
Digital communities
Rhizome theory
Community manager
Managing tech for digital media
Analytics and research methodology
Digital media policy, law, practices, and regulation
Theories of human communication
Introduction to mass media
Writing for the media
Television production
Audio production
History of the moving image
TV directing
Advanced television production
Broadcast news
Advanced video editing Media programming
Communication law

Research Project

Bachelor Thesis Project
MBM300 Thesis Proposal
MBM302 Bachelor Thesis
(5,000 words)

Contact us to get started

Each graduate is encouraged to publish their research papers either online in the public domain or through professional journals and periodicals worldwide

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Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)


Each Bachelor graduate is encouraged to publish their research papers either online in the public domain or through professional journals and periodicals worldwide.

About Us


Atlantic International University offers distance learning degree programs for adult learners at bachelors, masters, and doctoral level. With self paced program taken online, AIU lifts the obstacles that keep professional adults from completing their educational goals. Programs are available throughout a wide range of majors and areas of study. All of this with a philosophically holistic approach towards education fitting within the balance of your life and acknowledging the key role each individual can play in their community, country, and the world. Atlantic International University is accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC). ASIC Accreditation is an internationally renowned quality standard for colleges and universities. Visit ASIC’s Directory of Accredited Colleges and Universities. ASIC is a member of CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA, an approved accreditation body by the Ministerial Department of the Home Office in the UK, and is listed in the International Directory of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The University is based in the United States and was established by corporate charter in 1998.

Our founding principles are based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; per article 26, AIU believes that Higher Education is a Human Right. The University has implemented a paradigm shifting educational model for its academic programs that have allowed it to move closer to this goal through the self-empowerment of its students, decentralization of the learning process, personalized open curriculum design, a sustainable learning model, developing 11 core elements of the Human Condition within MYAIU, and utilizing the quasi-infinite knowledge through the use of information technology combined with our own capacity to find solutions to all types of global issues, dynamic problems, and those of individuals and multidisciplinary teams. Due to these differentiations and the university’s mission, only a reputable accrediting agency with the vision and plasticity to integrate and adapt its processes around AIU’s proven and successful innovative programs could be selected. Unfortunately, the vast majority of accrediting agencies adhere to and follow obsolete processes and requirements that have outlived their usefulness and are in direct conflict with the university’s mission of offering a unique, dynamic, affordable, quality higher education to the nontraditional student (one who must work, study what he really needs for professional advancement, attend family issues, etc.). We believe that adopting outdated requirements and processes would impose increased financial burdens on students while severely limiting their opportunities to earn their degree and advance in all aspects. Thus, in selecting the ASIC as its accrediting agency, AIU ensured that its unique programs would not be transformed into a copy or clone of those offered by the 10,000+ colleges and universities around the world. Since ASIC is an international accrediting agency based outside the United States, we are required by statute HRS446E to place the following disclaimer: ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IS NOT ACCREDITED BY AN ACCREDITING AGENCY RECOGNIZED BY THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF EDUCATION. Note: In the United States and abroad, many licensing authorities require accredited degrees as the basis for eligibility for licensing.

In some cases, accredited colleges may not accept for transfer courses and degrees completed at unaccredited colleges, and some employers may require an accredited degree as a basis for eligibility for employment. Potential students should consider how the above may affect their interests, AIU respects the unique rules and regulations of each country and does not seek to influence the respective authorities. In the event that a prospective student wishes to carry out any government review or process in regards to his university degree, we recommend that the requirements of such are explored in detail with the relevant authorities by the prospective student as the university does not intervene in such processes. AIU students can be found in over 180 countries, they actively participate and volunteer in their communities as part of their academic program and have allocated thousands of service hours to diverse causes and initiatives. AIU programs follow the standards commonly used by colleges and universities in the United States with regards to the following: academic program structure, degree issued, transcript, and other graduation documents. AIU graduation documents can include an apostille and authentication from the US Department of State to facilitate their use internationally.

The AIU Difference

It is acknowledged that the act of learning is endogenous, (from within), rather than exogenous.

This fact is the underlying rationale for “Distance Learning”, in all of the programs offered by AIU. The combination of the underlying principles of student “self instruction”, (with guidance), collaborative development of curriculum unique to each student, and flexibility of time and place of study, provides the ideal learning environment to satisfy individual needs.

AIU is an institution of experiential learning and nontraditional education at a distance. There are no classrooms and attendance is not required.

Mission & Vision


To be a higher learning institution concerned about generating cultural development alternatives likely to be sustained in order to lead to a more efficient administration of the world village and its environment; exerting human and community rights through diversity with the ultimate goal of the satisfaction and evolution of the world.


The empowerment of the individual towards the convergence of the world through a sustainable educational design based on andragogy and omniology.

Organizational Structure

Dr. Franklin Valcin
President/Academic Dean
Dr. José Mercado
Chief Executive Officer
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Ricardo González, PhD
Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez
Chief Operation Officer
and MKT Director
Linda Collazo
Logistics Coordinator
Dr. Silvia Restorff
Academic Advisor
Dr. Miriam Garibaldi
Viceprovost for Research
Irina Ivashuk
Alumni Association
Dr. Prakash Menon
Academic Advisor
Dr. Ofelia Miller
Director of AIU
Clara Margalef
Director of Special Projects
of AIU
Carlos Aponte
Juan Pablo Moreno
Director of Operations
David Jung
Corporate/Legal Counsel
Dr. Nilani Ljunggren De Silva
Academic Advisor
Paula Viera
Director of
Intelligence Systems
Bruce Kim
Dr. Scott Wilson
Academic Advisor
Felipe Gomez
Design Director / IT Supervisor
Thomas Kim
Accounting Counsel
Dr. Mohammad Shaidul Islam
Academic Advisor
Daritza Ysla
IT Coordinator
Camila Correa
Quality Assurance Coordinator
Dr. Edgar Colon
Academic Advisor
Nadeem Awan
Chief Programming Officer
Maricela Esparza
Administrative Coordinator
Deborah Rodriguez
Academic Tutor Coordinator
Dr. Jack Rosenzweig
Dean of Academic Affairs
Chris Benjamin
IT and Hosting Support
Cyndy Dominguez
Academic Tutor Coordinator
Dr. Edward Lambert
Academic Director
Mayra Bolivar
Accounting Coordinator
Kinmberly Diaz
Admissions Support Tutor
Dr. Ariadna Romero
Advisor Coordinator
Roberto Aldrett
Communications Coordinator
Amalia Aldrett
Admissions Coordinator
Nadia Gabaldon
Academic Coordinator
Giovanni Castillo
IT Support
Sandra Garcia
Admissions Coordinator
Jhanzaib Awan
Senior Programmer
Jaime Rotlewicz
Dean of Admissions
Jose Neuhaus
Admissions Support
Leonardo Salas
Human Resource Manager
Dr. Mario Rios
Academic Advisor
Junko Shimizu
Admissions Coordinator
Benjamin Joseph
IT and Technology Support
Michael Phillips
Registrar’s Office
Veronica Amuz
Admissions Coordinator
Rosie Perez
Finance Coordinator
Rene Cordon
Admissions Support
Alba Ochoa
Admissions Coordinator
Chris Soto
Admissions Counselor
Jenis Garcia
Admissions Counselor


School of Business and Economics

The School of Business and Economics allows aspiring and practicing professionals, managers, and entrepreneurs in the private and public sectors to complete a self paced distance learning degree program of the highest academic standard. The ultimate goal is to empower learners and help them take advantage of the enormous array of resources from the world environment in order to eliminate the current continuum of poverty and limitations. Degree programs are designed for those students whose professional experience has been in business, marketing, administration, economics, finance and management.

Areas of Study:

Accounting, Advertising, Banking, Business Administration, Communications, Ecommerce, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Home Economics, Human Resources, International Business, International Finance, Investing, Globalization, Marketing, Management, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Public Administrations, Sustainable Development, Public Relations, Telecommunications, Tourism, Trade.

School of Social and Human Studies

The School of Social and Human Studies is focused on to the development of studies which instill a core commitment to building a society based on social and economic justice and enhancing opportunities for human well being. The founding principles lie on the basic right of education as outlined in the Declaration of Human Rights. We instill in our students a sense of confidence and self reliance in their ability to access the vast opportunities available through information channels, the world wide web, private, public, nonprofit, and nongovernmental organizations in an ever expanding global community. Degree programs are aimed towards those whose professional life has been related to social and human behavior, with the arts, or with cultural studies.

Areas of Study:

Psychology, International Affairs, Sociology, Political Sciences, Architecture, Legal Studies, Public Administration, Literature and languages, Art History, Ministry, African Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies, Islamic Studies, Religious Studies.

School of Science and Engineering

The School of Science and Engineering seeks to provide dynamic, integrated, and challenging degree programs designed for those whose experience is in industrial research, scientific production, engineering and the general sciences. Our system for research and education will keep us apace with the twenty-first century reach scientific advance in an environmentally and ecologically responsible manner to allow for the sustainability of the human population. We will foster among our students a demand for ethical behavior, an appreciation for diversity, an understanding of scientific investigation, knowledge of design innovation, a critical appreciation for the importance of technology and technological change for the advancement of humanity.

Areas of Study:

Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Communications, Petroleum Science, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Nutrition Science, Agricultural Science, Computer Science, Sports Science, Renewable Energy, Geology, Urban Planning.

Online Library Resources

With access to a global catalog created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 participating institutions, AIU students have secured excellent research tools for their study programs.

The AIU online library contains over 2 billion records and over 300 million bibliographic records that are increasing day by day. The sources spanning thousands of years and virtually all forms of human expression. There are files of all kinds, from antique inscribed stones to e-books, form wax engravings to MP3s, DVDs and websites. In addition to the archives, the library AIU Online offers electronic access to more than 149,000 e-books, dozens of databases and more than 13 million full-text articles with pictures included. Being able to access 60 databases and 2393 periodicals with more than 18 million items, guarantees the information required to perform the assigned research project. Users will find that many files are enriched with artistic creations on the covers, indexes, reviews, summaries and other information.

The records usually have information attached from important libraries. The user can quickly assess the relevance of the information and decide if it is the right source.

Education on the 21st century

AIU is striving to regain the significance of the concept of education, which is rooted into the Latin “educare”, meaning “to pull out”, breaking loose from the paradigm of most 21st century universities with their focus on “digging and placing information” into students’ heads rather than teaching them to think. For AIU, the generation of “clones” that some traditional universities are spreading throughout the real world is one of the most salient reasons for today’s ills. In fact, students trained at those educational institutions never feel a desire to “change the world” or the current status quo; instead, they adjust to the environment, believe everything is fine, and are proud of it all.

IN A WORLD where knowledge and mostly information expire just like milk, we must reinvent university as a whole in which each student, as the key player, is UNIQUE within an intertwined environment. This century’s university must generate new knowledge bits although this may entail its separation from both the administrative bureaucracy and the faculty that evolve there as well. AIU thinks that a university should be increasingly integrated into the “real world”, society, the economy, and the holistic human being. As such, it should concentrate on its ultimate goal, which is the student, and get him/her deeply immersed into a daily praxis of paradigm shifts, along with the Internet and research, all these being presently accessible only to a small minority of the world community. AIU students must accomplish their self-learning mission while conceptualizing it as the core of daily life values through the type of experiences that lead to a human being’s progress when information is converted into education. The entire AIU family must think of the university as a setting that values diversity and talent in a way that trains mankind not only for the present but above all for a future that calls everyday for professionals who empower themselves in academic and professional areas highly in demand in our modern society. We shall not forget that, at AIU, students are responsible for discovering their own talents and potential, which they must auto-develop in such a way that the whole finish product opens up as a flower that blossoms every year more openly.

THE AIU STANCE is against the idea of the campus as a getaway from day-to-day pressure since we believe reality is the best potential-enhancer ever; one truly learns through thinking, brainstorming ideas, which leads to new solutions, and ultimately the rebirth of a human being fully integrated in a sustainable world environment. Self-learning is actualized more from within than a top-down vantage point, that is to say, to influence instead of requesting, ideas more than power. We need to create a society where solidarity, culture, life, not political or economic rationalism and more than techno structures, are prioritized. In short, the characteristics of AIU students and alumni remain independence, creativity, self-confidence, and ability to take risk towards new endeavors. This is about people’s worth based not on what they know but on what they do with what they know.

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AIU Service

AIU offers educational opportunities in the USA to adults from around the world so that they can use their own potential to manage their personal, global cultural development. The foundational axis of our philosophy lies upon self-actualized knowledge and information, with no room for obsoleteness, which is embedded into a DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEM based on ANDRAGOGY and OMNIOLOGY. The ultimate goal of this paradigm is to empower learners and help them take advantage of the enormous array of resources from the world environment in order to eliminate the current continuum of poverty and limitations.

This will become a crude reality with respect for, and practice of, human and community rights through experiences, investigations, practicum work, and/ or examinations. Everything takes place in a setting that fosters diversity; with advisors and consultants with doctorate degrees and specializations in Human Development monitor learning processes, in addition to a worldwide web of colleagues and associations, so that they can reach the satisfaction and the progress of humanity with peace and harmony.

Contact us to get started

Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home. For additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us.

Pioneer Plaza / 900 Fort Street Mall 410 Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)

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