Book published

June 1, 2018. One of our graduates, Joseph Désiré Atangana, has published his book (in Spanish), “The Role of the hermeneutic of Hans- Georg Gadamer in Education.” Joseph Désiré Atangana completed a Doctorate program in Educational Sciences at AIU. You can find more information about the book through the following links:
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Article published

june 8, 2018. One of our graduates, Edomah Norbert, has published an article on the IEEE Access Journal titled, “Modelling Future Electricity: Rethinking the Organizational Model of Nigeria’s Electricity Sector.” Read it here: document/8094118/?reload=true Norbert completed a Master’s program in Information Systems at AIU and has also completed a Doctorate program at Angila Ruskin University, Cambridge UK.

Graduate appointed as Chief Executive Officer in Lamu County

june 15, 2018. One of our graduates, Kuria Joseph Nganga, has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports, Gender, Culture and Social Services in the County Government of Lamu, Kenya. This was after he was interviewed, vetted, and approved by the County Assembly of Lamu. The new appointment was based on his wealth of experience in community development affairs and excellent performance in his Doctoral studies at AIU. Kuria Joseph Nganga completed a Doctorate program in Community Development at Atlantic International University.

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Student Testimonials

Helder Sebastião Chitombe
Master of Information Technology
May 30, 2018

“My name is Helder, and I am here to talk to you about my experience at AIU. My journey began when a friend who also belongs to the AIU community came to me and introduced me to this opportunity and to know about the university. He was my colleague at high school where we studied science for many years. I started to work very earlier, which is very common in Africa. It is like this, because sometimes the government do not have enough human resources to fulfill the need or because and most of the cases people do not have conditions to carry on with the studies and they are forced to sick for a job earlier. Before I join the AIU community, I had joined local universities to do my degree but the factor time was not friendly to me... I couldn’t conciliate the job and the presence at school, it was so impossible to be at the work and at the varsity at the time. So I ended up postponing it. But when this opportunity came to me, I said to myself... this is it... I have to do it no matter what. ... Read full text: mID=1465&rcid=73&pcid=63&cid=73
Kenneth Kwadwo Obeng
Doctor of Accounting
June 8, 2018

“I am very happy to successfully complete my Doctorate in Accounting degree. It was a great experience going through the admission process and beginning the programme in 2015. All my certificates and other documents had to be scanned to the Admissions Office. When the course finally began, it was a bit tedious making all manner of researches and timely making up the phases of the structured programme. My lecturers were kind and attentive and advised on a number of presented assignments and other issues. The programme was very interesting and encouraging. With determination, I have managed to complete the course successfully. Assignments were marked promptly, and scores released for an update of one’s academic records timeosly. Reading the campus bulletins and other literatures have also helped in broadening my mind. I have learnt a lot of things going on at the campus and around the world. I thank AIU for making my dreams come true.
Saadi hussain Ali Alkhalidi
Post Doctorate of Criminal Justice
June 15, 2018

“My experience at AIU has largely impacted my life both academically and socially. It has not only changed my life, but it has contributed to the betterment of the community, nation, and neighboring countries. My experience at AIU was quite valuable as during my enrollment process I found the tutors and other staffs of the university supportive and ready to offer any advice that improved my learning outcomes. I gained immense experience in curriculum design and development as the tutors responsible were prompt in returning emails and other correspondence. Before joining AIU, I found it hard to design a curriculum by myself, but through their support, I am now in a position to do so and it is highly satisfying. The curriculum was able to cover all the subjects that I wished to study. It also comprised of all the necessary components of a curriculum including the accredited hours of study of a specific program. As a result, I study what I want to know and not what others want me to know. ... Read full text: mID=1469&rcid=73&pcid=63&cid=73
Comfort Araba Aryertey
Bachelor of Accounting
June 19, 2018

“There were a lot of factors which led me to become a student of Atlantic International University. Being a working mother, it was very difficult for me to attend lectures, I went to the Internet and I saw a pop up of Atlantic International University advertisement and I took the opportunity to do a search on AIU. Fortunately for me, Catherine called to give me all the necessary information I needed as a student and I was happy to enrolled with Atlantic International University, Catherine has been very helpful throughout my study with AIU and I am glad to be part of this online university. The University’s willingness to help out students applying for universities was something I always kept in mind when I had to make my final choice. AIU provided me with a lot of helpful information and also provided me a scholarship when I was about to pay my final fees to graduate. Knowing AIU to be an American university, I was offered equal opportunity to study, the online library... Read full text: mID=1471&rcid=73&pcid=63&cid=73

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Addressing barriers of nursing and midwifery practice autonomy in Ghana

George Yaw Segnitome | Doctor of Community Public Health | Part 1/2

INTRODUCTION This presentation is situated within the context of the theme for the 14th biennial delegates meeting which is ‘Strengthening Nursing and Midwifery Practice Autonomy in Ghana’. For purposes of dealing with the theme, the topic ‘Addressing Barriers of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Autonomy’ is most appropriate. Examining the issues underpinning the topic, we will define key words, identify some barriers militating against nursing and midwifery practices with the framework of empirical scenarios elsewhere and attempt to draw some similarities with the Ghanaian circumstances and eventually make a few recommendations for policy makers including Government, Ministry of Health (MOH), Ghana Health Service (GHS), Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana (NMCG) and Ghana Registered Nursing and Midwifery Association (GRNMA). The preparation of this paper is borne out of web-search and my own opinions of some of the consequences arising from the barriers of nursing and midwifery practice.

DEFINING KEY WORDS A Barrier refers to something immaterial that impedes or separates as in behavioural barriers1. Synonyms of “Barrier” include obstacle, handicap, hurdle, limitation, hitch, drawback, snag, obstruction, stumbling block, impediment, hindrance, check, difficulty, restriction, hazard, stumbling block2 . Autonomy- "one who gives oneself their own law". It is the capacity of a rational individual to make an informed, un-coerced decision. In moral and political philosophy, autonomy is often used as the basis for determining moral responsibility and accountability for one's actions, choices, mistakes, failures, etc.3. Nurse/midwife Understanding of Autonomy. According to An Bord Altranais4 in articulating the responsibilities of a nurse, World Health Oraganization (WHO) has stated that "the nurse is an autonomous practitioner of nursing, accountable for the care he or she provides." There are many reasons why a nurse or midwife would perceive a barrier to exercising their autonomy. These reasons are discussed into more detail as highlighted below.

The power of autonomy If nurses and midwives are expected to be held accountable for the areas of patient/ client care for which they hold responsibility, they need to have the necessary autonomy to practice according to their professional judgement. Autonomy has been defined as the: “freedom to make discretionary and binding decisions consistent with one’s scope of practice and freedom to act on those decisions”5. Thus, the importance of defining the scope of nursing and midwifery is explicit in this definition. If nurses and midwives are to exercise their autonomy they must first decide what the parameters of their practice are. The parameters of nursing and midwifery practice in Ghana are contained in their duties emanating from the syllabi for training. Difficulties with autonomy Nurses and midwives have expressed a desire to be autonomous in the practice of nursing and midwifery 4. While nurses have identified that autonomy is an issue that has been pursued by nurses, unsuccessfully in most cases, midwives have identified that they have always been entitled to practice autonomously as midwives, but that due to the medicalisation of childbirth and the organisation of the maternity services, the practice of midwifery has largely not been autonomous in the recent past. The fear factor Although autonomy was identified by a large number of nurses and midwives as desirable for the development of patient care and the profession, some have identified that a fear of autonomy often acts as a barrier to nurses and midwives expanding their practice4. A study carried out by Batey and Lewis5 suggested that the extent to which nurses had autonomy to act varied; directors of nursing reported that even when they had negotiated with other groups for nurses to be autonomous in their responsibility for a particular charge, the nurses tended to avoid doing so out of fear. In Ghana no study has been carried out to assess the fear of autonomy of nurses and midwives. However, a similar phenomenon could not be far-fetched.

If as a nurse/midwife you are to exercise your autonomy, then think for a few moment. You may ponder over what the boundaries of your practice are. These would include the level of experience, legal constraints and knowledge. I wish to suggest that we define clearly the boundaries of nursing and midwifery practice and display these as protocol in every health facility? Task delegation The United Kingdom Central Council (UKCC) in their Scope of Professional Practice have, as the guiding principles, the nurse's and midwife's professional accountability that reflect the belief that practice is based on principles and not tasks delegated from doctors4. Nurses and midwives should be concerned with role expansion but not role extension. Role Extension- involves tasks borrowed from other professionals while role expansion deals with a higher level of nursing/ midwifery practice within the existing boundaries of nursing.It is preferable to role extension in relation to the development of nursing/midwifery practice. It is more consistent with a holistic approach to patient/client care. An Bord Altranais recognises that both nursing and midwifery roles are evolving and recommends that as a method of evolving, the term expansion of practice rather than extension of practice be adopted. Let us take cursory look at what is contained in the practice of nursing and midwifery.

Nursing practice According to Kathleen A. Russel6 one’s nursing care is both directed and measured by the Nursing Practice Act (NPA) and rules. The standards and scope of nursing practice within an NPA are aligned with the nursing process. For example, comprehensive nursing assessment based on biologic, psychological, and social aspects of the patient’s condition; collaboration with the health care team; patientcentered health care plans, including goals and nursing interventions, can all be language within the NPA. Further standards include decision making and critical thinking in the execution of independent nursing strategies, provision of care as ordered or prescribed by authorized health care providers, evaluation of interventions, development of teaching plans, delegation of nursing intervention, and advocacy for the patient.

In providing care to the patients, nurses implement a nursing care plan which is based on initial condition of the patient. It is based on a specific nursing theory. The scope of nursing practice includes the sets of duty that a nurse needs to perform in her job which can vary from place to place and state to state. It is necessary for the nurses to familiarize with new changes. In Ghana, it is unclear if there are new changes in the practice of nursing and midwifery. In the United States of America, the Nursing Practice Act (NPA) sets out the scope of practice and responsibilities for Registered Nurses (RN) and formulates the rules and regulations which specify the implementation of the law.

Midwifery and scope of practice Midwifery as practiced by certified nurse-midwives and certified midwives encompasses a full range of primary health care services for women from adolescence beyond menopause7. These services include primary care, gynaecologic and family planning services, preconception care, care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, care of the normal newborn during the first 28 days of life, and treatment of male partners for sexually transmitted infections. Midwives provide initial and ongoing comprehensive assessment, diagnosis and treatment.

They conduct physical examinations; prescribe medications including controlled substances and contraceptive methods; admit, manage and discharge patients; order and interpret laboratory and diagnostic tests and order the use of medical devices Midwifery care also includes health promotion, disease prevention, and individualized wellness education and counselling. These services are provided in partnership with women and families in diverse settings such as ambulatory care clinics, private offices, community and public health systems, homes, hospitals and birth centres. Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) are educated in two disciplines: midwifery and nursing. They earn graduate degrees, complete a midwifery education programme and pass a national certification examination to receive the professional designation of CNM. Certified Midwives (CMs) are educated in the discipline of midwifery and pass the same national certification examination as CNMs to receive the professional designation of CM. CNMs and CMs must demonstrate that they meet the Core Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice upon completion of their midwifery education programs and must practice in accordance with Standards for the Practice of Midwifery. For the purposes of the discussion it is prudent to identify some the functions of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana (NMCG) as regulatory body of nurse and midwives.

Functions of the Nursing and Midwifery Council in Ghana include the following:8 It shall be concerned with the Nursing and Midwifery Professions and in particular with the Organization of training and education of Nurses and Midwives and the maintenance and promotion of standards of professional conduct and efficiency. It issues Professional Identification Numbers (PINs) / Auxiliary Identification Numbers (AINs) Certificates and Badges to those who have attained the required standard of proficiency in Nursing or Midwifery. The Council regulates the following programmes among others: 1. Registered General Nursing 2. Registered Midwifery 3. Registered Mental Health Nursing 4. Registered Community Nursing 5. Public Health Nursing 6. Ophthalmic Nursing 7. Critical Care Nursing 8. Peri Operative Nursing 9. Ear Nose & Throat Nursing 10. Paediatric Nursing 11. Community Psychiatric Nursing 12. Post EN / CHN / HAC Midwifery 13. Enrolled Community Health Nursing 14. Health Assistant (Clinical) It makes regulations governing nursing and midwifery practices9. Its Legislative Instrument10 codifies the Practice of Nurses. However, it seems the same L.I. does not make provision for the practice of Midwifery. Regulatory bodies exercise a regulatory function, that is: imposing requirements, restrictions and conditions, setting standards in relation to any activity, and securing compliance, or enforcement. These functions should stress in no uncertain terms if the autonomy of nurses and midwives is to achieved.

SOME BARRIERS IN NURSING AND MIDWIFERY PRACTICE Lack of Teamwork Acceptance of each profession’s contribution to patient care as essential fosters good team spirit, cohesion and trustworthiness. Let me add that in New York a Nurse Practitioner was once elected Medical Staff President.11 He was the clinical director of emergency medicine. He was elected to this influential position by his physician colleagues and enjoyed great support from the hospital’s medical staff. Lack of teamwork among professionals is an disincentive for another’s autonomy while the converse motivates.

Nurse led models of care have been tried in some general practices with promising results. In an Australian study12, it was found that a nurse led model of chronic disease management in a general practice environment was acceptable and feasible. Similarly, another Australian study found that a nurse led immunization clinic saved general practitioners time and improved immunization rates13. To ensure that other professionals recognize the worth of nurses and midwives and by extension their autonomy, we should demonstrate competence by designing models of patient care and be assertive. One is not too sure if the Nursing Process (NP) model taught in the classroom to professional nursing students without putting theory into concrete out of school practice is worth taunting. An informal complaint is that managements are not supportive of the implementation of the NP; they are not willing to commit resources. Nurses also find the process so cumbersome to work with. Perhaps we need to make the Nursing Care Plan (NCP) user-friendly and convince our financiers that it is an effective tool to guaranteeing quality client care. Opportunities to empower nurses and midwives through training are dwindling. The consequential effect is knowledge deficit and lowering of self-esteem and independent functionality. We cannot talk of autonomy in the circumstances.
To be continued


By Dr. Rosa Hilda Lora M. Advisor at AIU |

Talking about a university, talking about schools means studying, it means researching. For students it is the least beautiful because they always think about the facilities, the colleagues and those who follow their programs at distance universities their thinking is: if I will be able to use the Platform and if I will be able to do what they ask me.

Enrolling in a university is always the excitement of I’m already a university student, I’m already a student, I will have a degree and in the end I will achieve a good salary. When they send me the first activity that I have to do, the following questions arise: what do I have to do, I don’t understand how to do what they ask me, what happens to me, what happens with what is now learned. (See image 01) They begin a series of emotions and feelings something special: I can ask and see if I understand what I have to do or I can fill myself with frustration and say: this is not for me anymore, I’m old and this will not be possible and the best It will be to ask to leave the university. It happens that I enroll in a university and I am thinking about the works I did years ago and I haven’t think in the way things are changing and what they are asking me doesn’t fit into the scheme I had of what it is to study. I begin to see that in this author the citations or references appear in one way, in this other the bibliography is different and I’m very confused. In my previous article of Campus Mundi, June and # 55, I presented the different forms that exist to make citations or references and even the Latin model of making the bibliography where the works appear in the order in which the document presents them; In addition, the model changes so much that it is no longer used.

“All you had to do to discover a Law or a Principle was to observe and collect data in an appropriate way and from them the scientific truth would inevitably arise”. (Pozo and Gómez Crespo, 2001, p. 23). Science in this way doesn’t solve the social and human situation that culture is building. They tell us at the university that this will be our Curriculum or they tell us that we can do whatever we want. The interesting thing is that the curriculum has changed little and the student feels it is something strange. The current society is growing in all aspects very fast and what the university asks us seems very difficult because we forget, or rather we didn’t realize all the changes, in all aspects, that occurred in that time that we didn’t study. Researchers in education and within them Pozo and Gómez Crespo, say the following about the Curriculum and the students: “…the problem is precisely that the science curriculum has barely changed, while the society to which this teaching of science and the formative demands of the students are directed has changed”. (Pozo and Gómez Crespo, 2001, p. 23). They ask us for a job that seems complicated and in reality it is not because the change of society has been greater than that of the school. The university as an organization of knowledge must give us more than we know because otherwise we can’t insert ourselves in the way in which resources are being produced. “The new culture of learning that opens in this horizon of the 21st century is hardly compatible with school formats and educational goals that have hardly changed since the constitution of school institutions as such in the nineteenth century.” (Pozo and Gómez Crespo, 2001, p. 23). Today we have to learn to insert ourselves into the society in which we live or we will become strangers in our own world. Everything was done with taking notes and going to treat the test tubes to a small laboratory. Everything was composed of a positivist science in most cases. The previous positivist conception has been overcome between the historians of the sciences and the philosophers but it continues to prevail in the classrooms. Scientific knowledge arises from the theories and models with which scientists try to explain reality.

Science today has to give answers and solve. Scientific theories are social constructions that show everything we understand by our world. Students have to understand that science is a process that relates the development of it, the technological production and social organization and being this dynamic process science is not a finished product. Science is the search for answers instead of a process of repeating knowledge “In a society where knowledge and training demands change so quickly, it is essential that future citizens be effective and flexible learners, who have procedures and capabilities that allow them to adapt to these new demands.” (Pozo and Gómez Crespo, 2001, p. 52). The above is what universities have to do. If you go to study at a university the question of I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how I have to do it is the mental contrast between what you knew and the new thing to learn with a different model for learning. The problem is that we have images for everything and in the situation we describe as students we look for an image of what we have to do and that image doesn’t appear. The world that the student needs is what Popper says: “In this way, as Popper pointed out, between the physical world and the psychic world, thanks to the union and the pertinent mixture between the two, a new world appears, the world of culture. (Neira, 2000, p. 8). The culture, the civilization in which we live is from images, so to think abstractly in the knowledge becomes very difficult. “Culture is a product of man, and man, in turn, is a product of culture.” (Neira 2000, p. 8). What do we have to do to see the image of our work? The easiest thing is to graph what the description of my work says. The changes are and will continue.

“No one doubts that we are in a state of radical change, which covers all areas of existence. It’s a planetary change”. (Neira 2000, p. 24). From the world of images, of color, of flavors, of information, we will not leave. “The new generations are confused by the successive waves of information and contemplate, every day, the school as an archaic precinct, unalterable against the noise of the present.” (Neira 2000, p. 62). We have to transform what the school gives us in texts in images because there is a difference between the world of marketing and that of scientific thought in which everything can’t be taken to images because they are products of reasoning and deducing, inferring, inducing, we make them in the mind where an image of the objects can be but everything can’t be taken to the object.

“The school will have to teach how to organize information, to give it meaning and significance, as it has already been pointed out repeatedly, it will have to teach to know and know how to continue knowing, that this is what it means, among other things, to learn and learn to learn”. (Neira 2000, p. 62). What you have to do? Make as many graphs as you can to form the mental image of the new knowledge. You like the images, the colors; you can make a graph for the essay like the following (See Image 02). “Each human life is a dynamic, living, broad and plural trajectory. We can say that human life is like a problem that must be solved successively, at the rhythm of its development. And like any problem, the important thing is to raise it well “. (Rojas, 1999, p. 129). What you as student have to do when you have new knowledge is to think how I can see it and make the graph that I enjoy more instead of thinking it is that I can’t, this is very different from how I thought and leave what I started with such pleasure with so much motivation. In the new world, in the new society things change every day and we have to have a quick adaptation power or we don’t do anything and we are left out of what we do have the capacity to do.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. Neira, T. R. (2000). La cultura contra la escuela. (Primera reimpresión) México: Ariel. | Pozo Municio, J. I. y Gómez Crespo, M. A. (2001). Aprender y enseñar ciencia. Del conocimiento cotidiano al conocimiento científico. (Tercera reimpresión). España: Morata. | Rojas, E. (1999). El hombre light. Una vida sin valores. México: Planeta.


Cerebral maturation

Brain matures faster with early childhood stress.

A new study has discovered that stress in early childhood leads to faster maturation of certain brain regions during adolescence. In contrast, stress experienced later in life leads to slower maturation of the adolescent brain, according to a long-term study conducted by researchers at Radboud University in the Netherlands. For the study, researchers monitored 37 subjects for almost 20 years. In 1998, the group —which then was made up of 129 one-year-olds and their parents— was tested for the first time. Over the past 20 years, researchers studied the children’s play sessions and interactions with parents, friends, and classmates. The children were also subjected to MRI scans. The data allowed Karin Roelofs, professor of experimental psychopathology, her Ph.D. student Anna Tyborowska, and other colleagues at the university to investigate how stress in various stages of life affected the adolescent brain of these children. More specifically, the researchers looked at the effects on cerebral maturation. The researchers investigated two types of stressors —negative life events and negative influences from the social environment— in two life stages of their subjects: Early childhood (0-5 years) and adolescence (14-17 years).
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Tapping your inner wolf

“The point is, alpha males are not aggressive.”

Men often face pressure to measure up as alpha males, to “wolf up” as it were. Alpha male connotes the man who at every moment demonstrates that he’s in total control in the home, and who away from home can become snarling and aggressive. This alpha male stereotype comes from a misunderstanding of the real thing. In fact, the male wolf is an exemplary male role model. By observing wolves in free-living packs in Yellowstone National Park, I’ve seen that the leadership of the ranking male is not forced, not domineering and not aggressive to those on his team. “The main characteristic of an alpha male wolf,” the veteran wolf researcher Rick McIntyre told me as we were watching gray wolves, “is a quiet confidence, quiet self-assurance. You know what you need to do; you know what’s best for your pack. You lead by example. You’re very comfortable with that. You have a calming effect.” The point is, alpha males are not aggressive. They don’t need to be. ... There is an evolutionary logic to it. “Imagine two wolf packs, or two human tribes,” Mr. McIntyre said. “Which is more likely to survive and reproduce? The one whose members are more cooperative, more sharing, less violent with one another; or the...
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Disease detectives

Why are they in a cave crawling with snakes?

The 18-foot pythons in Uganda’s Python Cave don’t bother Brian Amman too much. It’s the black forest cobras that worry him. “They’re extremely venomous and known to be fairly aggressive,” says Amman, a disease ecologist with the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. A single bite from one of the 10- foot snakes can kill a human in as little as 30 minutes. “Although we’ve not had any encounters,” he explains, “because they’re in there with all this food.” In 2008, Amman found himself in Python Cave looking for that food source: a population of roughly 50,000 Egyptian fruit bats. Scientists believed they could be carriers for Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever virus closely related to Ebola, and they were studying the bats’ behavior to try to understand how the disease spreads from animals to humans. Amman is one of the CDC’s elite team of disease detectives, who travel the world to study dangerous viruses and bacteria in the hope of preventing human illness and death. He goes in prepared, carrying traps and nets (and even pillowcases) to catch and transport the bats. ... “We think the bats with Marburg virus are going out and they’re going into farmers’ cultivated fruit crops,” Amman says. “They’ll give it a little bite.” Sometimes they’ll leave it behind on the ground, still carrying live virus. “If the next day ... some(one) ... comes along and eats that fruit,” he says, “it could very easily start the next outbreak.”
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New fundamental particle

It is called the Sterile Neutrino.

There are three types of neutrinos in the Standard Model, the blueprint of particle physics. But in past experiments, scientists have thought there could be a fourth, more mysterious type. Results from an experiment called MiniBooNE, combined with data from another called the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector, seem to add even further evidence for the existence of the sterile neutrino. Neutrinos are perhaps the second most common particle in the universe, after light particles, called photons. Physicists have long known about the electron neutrino, the muon neutrino, and the tau neutrino. They’ve also known that the neutrinos can swap identities, or oscillate, between types. And experiments seemed to observe neutrinos disappearing and reappearing, as if they’d swapped into a fourth, more difficult-to-observe identity. Last year, a paper cast doubt on the existence of a sterile neutrino. But a new report from scientists at Mini- BooNE provides even more evidence for the particle. MiniBooNE is a detector that measures neutrinos originating from protons hitting a source at Fermilab in Illinois. It’s a 40-foot-diameter sphere, filled with over 800 tons of a special kind of oil. When electron neutrinos hit the oil, they create tiny flashes of light.
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AIU makes a huge contribution to the world by giving new scient ifics the space for original investigations and research. Visit MyAIU Evolution

Women of power

Women of power is a series of 29 portraits and interviews now made into a book of modern-day Polish witches, healers, enchantresses, visionaries and spiritual leaders. Poland is more than 90% Catholic. Christianity, introduced now many centuries ago, erased almost all traces of paganism, witchcraft and shamanic traditions. For some, especially women, this has left a yearning for something more. Katarzyna Majak, feeling a personal void and the need for other knowledge set out on a search for women identifying themselves with the spirituality of their ancestors, be it Mother Goddess, pagan beliefs, and other old sources of wisdom. Her fascinating journey from woman to woman (the youngest in her early 30s, the oldest in her late 80s) led her all over her native land as she sought female wisdom and the plurality of spiritual paths hidden within Poland’s mono-religious society.

Maria. A healer and a visionary. Maria Ela belongs to the “tribal Elders” of the new times. Searches for truth and love, truth of love, inner truth. The search for the meaning of existence, sacredness of everyday life and roots has led her to teaching, knowledge and wisdom of the indigenous people, especially the first inhabitants of the American continent. She is a Pipe Carrier for Poland.
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Walk faster

It could help you live longer.

Want to prolong your life? Put some pep in your step. Walking at an average pace was linked to a 20 percent reduction in the risk of mortality compared with walking at a slow pace, while walking at a brisk or fast pace was associated with a risk reduction of 24 percent, according to a new study. A similar result was found for risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. It’s not too late to start. In fact, the benefits were far more dramatic for older walkers. Average-pace walkers aged 60 years or over experienced a 46 percent reduction in risk of death from cardiovascular causes and fast-pace walkers a 53 percent risk reduction, the study found. The findings appear in a special issue of the British Journal of Sports Medicine dedicated to walking and health, edited by Emmanuel Stamatakis, a professor of physical activity, lifestyle and population health at the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Center and School of Public Health in Australia. “A fast pace is generally five to seven kilometers (three to 4.3 miles) per hour, but it really depends on a walker’s fitness levels,” Stamatakis said in a statement. He has another suggestion to increase your heart rate: “Walk at a pace that makes you slightly out of breath or sweaty when sustained.” The study was a collaboration between the Universities of Sydney, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Limerick and Ulster.
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Empathetic people

They interact with music as if it were a person.

It’s no surprise our level of empathy impacts how we process social interactions with other people. But how might empathy affect the way we process music? That’s the question addressed in a first-of-its-kind study published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. The results showed that high-empathy people not only got more pleasure from listening to music, but also experienced more activity in brain regions associated with social interactions and rewards. The implication is that empathy can make you interact with music as if it were a person, or a “virtual persona,” as described in a 2007 study: “Music can be conceived as a virtual social agent… listening to music can be seen as a socializing activity in the sense that it may train the listener’s self in social attuning and empathic relationships.” The researchers conducted two experiments to examine how empathy impacts the way we perceive music. In the first, 15 UCLA students listened to various sounds made by musical instruments, like a saxophone, while undergoing an fMRI scan. ... Read full text:

Live a better life learning how to keep your body, mind and soul balanced. Visit regularly MyAIU Body / MyAIU Mind / MyAIU Spirit and MyAIU Energy.

World’s plastics problem

China won't solve it any more.

For a long time, China has been a dumping ground for the world’s problematic plastics. In the 1990s, Chinese markets saw that discarded plastic could be profitably recreated into exportable bits and bobs —and it was less expensive for international cities to send their waste to China than to deal with it themselves. China got cheap plastic and the exporting countries go rid of their trash. But in November 2017, China closed its doors to contaminated plastic, leaving the exports to be absorbed by neighboring countries (Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand). And without the infrastructure to absorb all the waste that China is rejecting, the plastics are piling up. Between now and 2030, 111 million metric tons of trash will have nowhere to go, according to a paper published in Science Advances on Wednesday (june 20). That’s as if every human on Earth contributed a quarter of their body mass in mostly single-use plastic polymers to a massive, abandoned pile of garbage. While it is China’s new policy that will lead to this precipitous increase, the buildup isn’t exactly its fault. China processed trash from 43 countries in addition to its own in 2016, and high-income countries are responsible for nearly 90% of plastic exports since 1988. The EU was the top exporter, followed by North America and Japan. Read full text:

Lazy mowers are heroes

Mowing less often can benefit your local bees.

There’s no shame in an unmowed lawn. Not only can wild yards and gardens look better than commonly believed, but cutting back on cutting grass can save significant time, energy and money. According to a new study, it could even help save bees. Led by ecologist Susannah Lerman at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the U.S. Forest Service, the study examined how homeowners can boost bee habitat with their lawncare habits. Mowing every other week seems to be the sweet spot. “We found that backyards can be a surprisingly beneficial habitat for bees,” Lerman says in a statement. “Mowing less frequently is practical, economical and a time-saving alternative to replacing lawns or even planting pollinator gardens.” Why would bees care how often we cut our grass? By mowing every two weeks instead of weekly, we allow more blooming of “weed” flowers like clover and dandelions, thus providing more foraging habitat for local bees. Habitat loss is an increasingly dire problem for many bees and other pollinators, whose ancestral wildflower meadows are increasingly replaced by human development. ...
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Eco Tip: Simplify your life as much as possible. Only keep belongings that you use/enjoy. Change your life, get sustainable, visit MyAIU Knowledge

HIV-infected babies

Nigeria has more than anywhere in the world.

On a January morning, 12-yearold Yusuf Adamu slumps in his father’s lap, head pressed against his chest. Infected at birth with HIV, he is tiny for his age and has birdlike limbs. He has been feverish for 3 days, which is why his father, Ibrahim, brought him to the pediatric HIV/AIDS clinic at Asokoro District Hospital in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital. “He’s been losing weight, he is not eating well, he’s still taking his drugs, and he’s complaining of chest pains and coughing,” Ibrahim tells the nurse. Yusuf’s records show that at his last blood check 6 months ago, HIV had already ravaged the boy’s immune system, even though he was receiving antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. When the doctor, Oma Amadi, examines his mouth, it is filled with white sores from candidiasis, a fungal infection. ... Amadi suspects Yusuf has tuberculosis, and after x-raying his lungs, the doctors put him in an isolation room. Yusuf’s mother was never tested for HIV before he was born: She received no prenatal care and delivered at home. Yusuf was not tested for the virus until she died of AIDS 3 years later. Ibrahim then learned that he, too, is HIV-positive, as are his two other wives. One ended up transmitting the virus to a second child, now 4. ...
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The secret life of cows

Aims to show animals as thinking, feeling beings.

A slim mahogany-colored cow, Dolly was an attentive mother to her first four offspring, all boys, at Kite’s Nest farm in Worcestershire, England. Then Dolly II, a pale-colored girl, was born and became the recipient of that bovine love. In The Secret Life of Cows, published in the U.S. by Penguin Press, farmer Rosamund Young tells the story of what happened when Dolly II grew up and gave birth herself. Dolly II’s calf was born dead and her womb was displaced in the process, requiring a vet’s care at the farm. Young left Dolly II once she was resting comfortably, weak and unable to stand but appearing to be content where she lay. One hour later when Young went back to check on her, Dolly II was nowhere to be seen. “After much searching we found her three fields away,” Young writes, “lying at the feet of her clever old mother being licked all over and comforted far more ably than we could ever have done.” Dolly II had needed her mother and, on a large farm, she set out to find her. “We were glad to see,” Young notes, “that our policy of leaving gates open to allow all the stock to choose where to roam had been vindicated.” Six days later, Dolly II felt strong enough to resume life on her own and departed from her mother’s side. No mother-daughter interaction of this nature could possibly take place...
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Get a better knowledge about our rights and the way we can use them on a daily basis to prevent any abuse or limitations of them. Visit MyAIU Human Rights.


Thinking about thinking

How metacognition can help your life

Metacognition, thinking about how you think, has been shown to help students improve their grades. Stanford University researchers published a new study that outlines a 15-minute thinking hack that led to an average improvement of one third of a letter grade for the participants. The research stems from the insight that while many resources are provided by educational institutions, students don’t always know how to use them effectively. Patricia Chen, a postdoctoral research fellow who led the study, hypothesized that if students were made more self-reflective about how they approach their studies and the available resources, they could do better. “Blind effort alone, without directing that effort in an effective manner, doesn’t always get you to where you want to go,” said Chen. The team conducted two experiments using a “Strategic Resource Use” intervention they designed, which combines educational and social psychological theories. For the experiments, the control group, which consisted of half the class, received just a regular reminder of a statistics exam coming up in a week. The intervention group also got a 15-minute online survey that made students think about what they expected will be on the exam, what grade they might get, what resources would be best used for preparation and how they would use them. In particular, they were asked to choose from 15 available class resources like practice questions, readings from the textbook, lecture notes or peer discussions. Students in the first study got an average of 3.45% higher in points than their classmates in the control group. For the second study, that average difference was 4.65 percentage points. The researchers found that strategic thinking had additional psychological benefits, helping students feel more empowered about their education. Students in the intervention group were also less stressed out about the upcoming exams. Chen sees the strategy of metacognition to be useful in other parts of life, not just in education. You can use it to achieve goals like losing weight, learning any new skill or in parenting. “Actively self-reflecting on the approaches that you are taking fosters a strategic stance that is really important in life,” she said. “Strategic thinking distinguishes between people of comparable ability and effort. This can make the difference between people who achieve and people who have the potential to achieve, but don’t.” You can read her study in the journal “Psychological Science”. Other studies have also highlighted the positive effects of utilizing metacognition. A study from the University of Newcastle in Australia looked at over 2,000 PhD students and found a relationship between how they thought about the learning process to their successes and failures in achieving their degrees. The British Educational Endowment Foundation discovered that students who received interventions that made them think about their writing skills showed 9 to 18 months worth of academic improvement. Source:

Help others study and change their lives. Visit MyAIU Pledge. Learn how to have a better financial control. Visit MyAIU Money.

Bobby urban backpack.

Antitheft and ideal for travel. The main fabric is cut-proof and water-resistant. Hidden zippers, and steel enforced lock.

RAINS backpack.

Water-resistant fabric with a matte finish. Has an inside laptop pocket, a spacious main compartment and a hidden phone pocket.


A retro-style versatile mechanical keyboard. Connect it to your computer with a USB cable, or to mobile devices via Bluetooth. The keys are backlit. By KnewKey.

–Rita Levi-Montalcini. (1909–2012).

Italian scientist. Nobel Prize-winning neurobiologist who co-discovered nerve growth factor.

Advice from movies

1. Don’t procrastinate Sometimes you have to bend with the breeze or you break. — Vin Tanner /

The Magnificent Seven Named must your fear be before banish it you can. — Yoda / The Empire Strikes Back

When you go fishing you can catch a lot of fish, or you can catch a big fish. You ever walk into a guy's den and see a picture of him standing next to fourteen trout? —Sean Parker / Social Network

Bachelor of Organizational Development


The Bachelor of Organizational Development program is offered online via distance learning. After evaluating both academic record and life experience, AIU staff working in conjunction with Faculty and Academic Advisors will assist students in setting up a custom-made program, designed on an individual basis. This flexibility to meet student needs is seldom found in other distance learning programs. Our online program does not require all students to take the same subjects/courses, use the same books, or learning materials. Instead, the online Bachelor of Organizational Development curriculum is designed individually by the student and academic advisor. It specifically addresses strengths and weaknesses with respect to market opportunities in the student’s major and intended field of work. Understanding that industry and geographic factors should influence the content of the curriculum instead of a standardized one-fits-all design is the hallmark of AIU’s unique approach to adult education. This philosophy addresses the dynamic and constantly changing environment of working professionals by helping adult students in reaching their professional and personal goals within the scope of the degree program..


Below is an example of the topics or areas you may develop and work on during your studies. By no means is it a complete or required list as AIU programs do not follow a standardized curriculum. It is meant solely as a reference point and example. Want to learn more about the curriculum design at AIU? Go ahead and visit our website, especially the Course and Curriculum section:

Core Courses and Topics

Values of Organizational Development
Phases of the Organizational
Development Programs
Organizational culture
Organizational Change
Work satisfaction
Perception and Decision Making
Bases of Group Conduct
Administration Finance
Quality engineering
Production Administration
Operations research
International logistics

Orientation Courses

Communication & Investigation (Comprehensive Resume)
Organization Theory (Portfolio)
Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
Academic Evaluation (Questionnaire)
Fundament of Knowledge (Integration Chart)
Fundamental Principles I (Philosophy of Education)
Professional Evaluation (Self Evaluation Matrix)
Development of Graduate Study (Guarantee of an Academic Degree)

Skills Obtained

Interested in people and human behavior · Able to analyze and solve problems · Organizational ability · Good communication and interpersonal skills. · Resources for those with bachelor’s in Organizational Development field

Contact us to get started

Submit your Online Application, paste your resume and any additional comments/ questions in the area provided.

Pioneer Plaza/900 Fort Street Mall 410
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)


Each graduate is encouraged to publish their research papers either online in the public domain or through professional journals and periodicals worldwide.

Research Project

Bachelor Thesis Project MBM300 Thesis Proposal MBM302 Bachelor Thesis (5000 words)

About Us


Atlantic International University offers distance learning degree programs for adult learners at bachelors, masters, and doctoral level. With self paced program taken online, AIU lifts the obstacles that keep professional adults from completing their educational goals. Programs are available throughout a wide range of majors and areas of study. All of this with a philosophically holistic approach towards education fitting within the balance of your life and acknowledging the key role each individual can play in their community, country, and the world. Atlantic International University is accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC). ASIC Accreditation is an internationally renowned quality standard for colleges and universities. Visit ASIC’s Directory of Accredited Colleges and Universities. ASIC is a member of CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA, an approved accreditation body by the Ministerial Department of the Home Office in the UK, and is listed in the International Directory of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). AIU meets all state and federal laws as a degree-granting institution in the United States and the State of Hawaii. The University was legally established by corporate charter in 1998 and is in good standing.

While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning utilizing standard teaching methods, every country has its own standards and accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. AIU’s Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession. Although Atlantic International University’s individualized Distance Learning Degree Programs, are distinct from traditional educational institutions, we are convinced of their value and acceptance worldwide. Non-traditional programs are important because they recognize knowledge gained outside the classroom and incorporate a broader more comprehensive view of the learning experience. Many great institutions are unaccredited. We invite you to compare our programs and philosophy with traditional classroom-based programs to determine which is best suited to your needs and budget. AIU has chosen private accreditation through the Accrediting Commission International (ACI), obtained in 1999. ACI is not regulated or approved by the US Department of Education. ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IS NOT ACCREDITED BY AN ACCREDITING AGENCY RECOGNIZED BY THE UNITED

STATES SECRETARY OF EDUCATION. Note: In the U.S., many licensing authorities require accredited degrees as the basis for eligibility for licensing. In some cases, accredited colleges may not accept for transfer courses and degrees completed at unaccredited colleges, and some employers may require an accredited degree as a basis for eligibility for employment. AIU is incorporated in the state of Hawaii. As a University based in the U.S., AIU meets all state and federal laws of the United States.

There is no distinction between the programs offered through AIU and those of traditional campus based programs with regards to the following: your degree, transcript and other graduation documents from AIU follow the same standard used by all U.S. colleges and universities. AIU graduation documents can include an apostille and authentication from the U.S. Department of State to facilitate their use internationally. Authentication from the U.S. Department of State is a process that will ultimately bind a letter signed by the U.S. Secretary of State (permanently with a metal ring) to your graduation documents. If a student outside the U.S. wishes to carry out a particular procedure within a country’s Department of Education regarding their degree earned at AIU, such procedures are to be carried out independently by the student. AIU respects the unique rules and regulations of each country and does not intervene or influence the respective authorities. We recommend prospective students who intend to carry out such procedures outside the U.S. to verify in detail the steps and requirements needed in order to be fully informed.

The AIU Difference

It is acknowledged that the act of learning is endogenous, (from within), rather than exogenous.

This fact is the underlying rationale for “Distance Learning”, in all of the programs offered by AIU. The combination of the underlying principles of student “self instruction”, (with guidance), collaborative development of curriculum unique to each student, and flexibility of time and place of study, provides the ideal learning environment to satisfy individual needs.

AIU is an institution of experiential learning and nontraditional education at a distance. There are no classrooms and attendance is not required.

Mission & Vision


To be a higher learning institution concerned about generating cultural development alternatives likely to be sustained in order to lead to a more efficient administration of the world village and its environment; exerting human and community rights through diversity with the ultimate goal of the satisfaction and evolution of the world.


The empowerment of the individual towards the convergence of the world through a sustainable educational design based on andragogy and omniology.

Organizational Structure

Dr. Franklin Valcin
President/Academic Dean

Ricardo González
Chief Operation Officer
Ofelia Hernandez
Director of AIU
Clara Margalef
Dir. of Special Projects of AIU
Juan Pablo Moreno
Director of Operations
Paul Applebaum
IT Director
Nadeem Awan
Chief Programing
Dr. Jack Rosenzweig
Dean of Academic Affairs
Paula Vieria
Admissions Manager
Dr. Edward Lambert
Academic Coordinator
Dr. Ariadna Romero
Academic Coordinator
Maricela Esparza
Administrative Coordinator
Jaime Rotlewicz
Admissions Coordinator
Carlos Aponte
Telecom. Coordinator
Rosie Perez
Finance Coordinator
Nadia Gabaldon
Student Services Supervisor
Dr. José Mercado
Chief Executive Officer

Linda Collazo
Student Services Coordinator
Kingsley Zelee
IT Coordinator
Felipe Gomez
Design Director
Giovanni Castillo
Operations assistant
Liliana Peñaranda
Logistics Coordinator
Amalia Aldrett
Admissions Coordinator
Alba Ochoa
Admissions Coordinator
Sandra Garcia
Admissions Coordinator
Veronica Amuz
Admissions Coordinator
Junko Shimizu
Admissions Coordinator
Roberto Aldrett
Communications Coordinator
Nazma Sultana
Assistant Programming
Jhanzaib Awan
Assistant Programming
Chris Benjamin
Hosting Server
Dr. Ricardo González

Vivian Calderon
Registrar Office
Daritza Ysla
Accounting Coordinator
Patricia C. Domenech
Human Resources
Irina Ivashuk
Administrative Assistant
Kimberly Diaz
Academic Tutor
Renata Da Silva
Academic Tutor
Lourdes Puentes
Academic Tutor
Rina Lehnhoff
Academic Tutor
Renato Cifuentes
Academic Tutor
Arturo Vejar
Academic Tutor
Arhely Espinoza
Academic Tutor
Luisa Villar
Academic Tutor
Cyndy Dominguez
Academic Tutor
Paulina Garcia
Academic Assistant

School of Business and Economics

The School of Business and Economics allows aspiring and practicing professionals, managers, and entrepreneurs in the private and public sectors to complete a self paced distance learning degree program of the highest academic standard. The ultimate goal is to empower learners and help them take advantage of the enormous array of resources from the world environment in order to eliminate the current continuum of poverty and limitations. Degree programs are designed for those students whose professional experience has been in business, marketing, administration, economics, finance and management.

Areas of Study:

Accounting, Advertising, Banking, Business Administration, Communications, Ecommerce, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Home Economics, Human Resources, International Business, International Finance, Investing, Globalization, Marketing, Management, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Public Administrations, Sustainable Development, Public Relations, Telecommunications, Tourism, Trade.

School of Social and Human Studies

The School of Social and Human Studies is focused on to the development of studies which instill a core commitment to building a society based on social and economic justice and enhancing opportunities for human well being. The founding principles lie on the basic right of education as outlined in the Declaration of Human Rights. We instill in our students a sense of confidence and self reliance in their ability to access the vast opportunities available through information channels, the world wide web, private, public, nonprofit, and nongovernmental organizations in an ever expanding global community. Degree programs are aimed towards those whose professional life has been related to social and human behavior, with the arts, or with cultural studies.

Areas of Study:

Psychology, International Affairs, Sociology, Political Sciences, Architecture, Legal Studies, Public Administration, Literature and languages, Art History, Ministry, African Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies, Islamic Studies, Religious Studies.

School of Science and Engineering

The School of Science and Engineering seeks to provide dynamic, integrated, and challenging degree programs designed for those whose experience is in industrial research, scientific production, engineering and the general sciences. Our system for research and education will keep us apace with the twenty-first century reach scientific advance in an environmentally and ecologically responsible manner to allow for the sustainability of the human population. We will foster among our students a demand for ethical behavior, an appreciation for diversity, an understanding of scientific investigation,

Areas of Study:

Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Communications, Petroleum Science, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Nutrition Science, Agricultural Science, Computer Science, Sports Science, Renewable Energy, Geology, Urban Planning.

Online Library Resources

With access to a global catalog created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 participating institutions, AIU students have secured excellent research tools for their study programs.

The AIU online library contains over 2 billion records and over 300 million bibliographic records that are increasing day by day. The sources spanning thousands of years and virtually all forms of human expression. There are files of all kinds, from antique inscribed stones to e-books, form wax engravings to MP3s, DVDs and websites. In addition to the archives, the library AIU Online offers electronic access to more than 149,000 e-books, dozens of databases and more than 13 million full-text articles with pictures included. Being able to access 60 databases and 2393 periodicals with more than 18 million items, guarantees the information required to perform the assigned research project. Users will find that many files are enriched with artistic creations on the covers, indexes, reviews, summaries and other information. The records usually have information attached from important libraries. The user can quickly assess the relevance of the information and decide if it is the right source.

Education on the 21st century

AIU is striving to regain the significance of the concept of education, which is rooted into the Latin “educare”, meaning “to pull out”, breaking loose from the paradigm of most 21st century universities with their focus on “digging and placing information” into students’ heads rather than teaching them to think. For AIU, the generation of “clones” that some traditional universities are spreading throughout the real world is one of the most salient reasons for today’s ills. In fact, students trained at those educational institutions never feel a desire to “change the world” or the current status quo; instead, they adjust to the environment, believe everything is fine, and are proud of it all.

In a world where knowledge and mostly information expire just like milk, we must reinvent university as a whole in which each student, as the key player, is UNIQUE within an intertwined environment. This century’s university must generate new knowledge bits although this may entail its separation from both the administrative bureaucracy and the faculty that evolve there as well. AIU thinks that a university should be increasingly integrated into the “real world”, society, the economy, and the holistic human being. As such, it should concentrate on its ultimate goal, which is the student, and get him/her deeply immersed into a daily praxis of paradigm shifts, along with the Internet and research, all these being presently accessible only to a small minority of the world community. AIU students must accomplish their self-learning mission while conceptualizing it as the core of daily life values through the type of experiences that lead to a human being’s progress when information is converted into education. The entire AIU family must think of the university as a setting that values diversity and talent in a way that trains mankind not only for the present but above all for a future that calls everyday for professionals who empower themselves in academic and professional areas highly in demand in our modern society. We shall not forget that, at AIU, students are responsible for discovering their own talents and potential, which they must auto-develop in such a way that the whole finish product opens up as a flower that blossoms every year more openly.

The AIU stance is against the idea of the campus as a getaway from day-to-day pressure since we believe reality is the best potential-enhancer ever; one truly learns through thinking, brainstorming ideas, which leads to new solutions, and ultimately the rebirth of a human being fully integrated in a sustainable world environment. Self-learning is actualized more from within than a top-down vantage point, that is to say, to influence instead of requesting, ideas more than power. We need to create a society where solidarity, culture, life, not political or economic rationalism and more than techno structures, are prioritized. In short, the characteristics of AIU students and alumni remain independence, creativity, self-confidence, and ability to take risk towards new endeavors. This is about people’s worth based not on what they know but on what they do with what they know.

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AIU Service

AIU offers educational opportunities in the USA to adults from around the world so that they can use their own potential to manage their personal, global cultural development. The foundational axis of our philosophy lies upon self-actualized knowledge and information, with no room for obsoleteness, which is embedded into a DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEM based on ANDRAGOGY and OMNIOLOGY.

The ultimate goal of this paradigm is to empower learners and help them take advantage of the enormous array of resources from the world environment in order to eliminate the current continuum of poverty and limitations.

This will become a crude reality with respect for, and practice of, human and community rights through experiences, investigations, practicum work, and/ or examinations. Everything takes place in a setting that fosters diversity; with advisors and consultants with doctorate degrees and specializations in Human Development monitor learning processes, in addition to a worldwide web of colleagues and associations, so that they can reach the satisfaction and the progress of humanity with peace and harmony.

Contact us to get started

Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home. For additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us.

Pioneer Plaza / 900 Fort Street Mall 410
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)

Online application: