When you study every day, your knowledge grows exponentially faster. AIU has Mini-Courses of 15 to 30-minutes, which allow you to sharpen your knowledge daily.
Instructions If you like a mini-course, start by clicking on the button up and to the right that says “Add course/Earn credits”. The course will then be added to your list of courses in the phase 2 tab on the homepage of your student portal. Then, to start a lesson, click on a video of the lesson. Watch the video. When you finish watching the video, then click on the button to the right of the lesson below for “Earn more credits”. Then go through the screens to earn course credits…
Click on the image below to see the AIU web page showcasing all of the available Mini-courses. |
Click on any Mini-Course that interests you. (You must be Logged into your Student section).
Study every day to optimize the learning in your brain.