
Article about upwards social mobility

August 20, 2021. One of our graduates, Ambrues M Nebo, Sr., wrote the article titled, “Politics: A major Conduit to Upward Social Mobility within Liberia the Liberian Society,” in the International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), volume V, issue VII, July 2021 (ISSN 2454-6186) Introduction: Every society is characterized by the trends of observed social phenomena. These fascinating phenomena include multifaceted social, economic, and political social facts integral to the existence of society. The Liberian society is replete with these multifaceted phenomena that continued to shape its direction. One of the observed social phenomena is social mobility introduced by the Russianborn American sociologist and political activist Pitirim Sorokin. It connotes individuals’ opportunities for progression within the social hierarchy (Nunn, Johnson, Monro, Bickerstaffe, Kelsey, 2007). Or, better put it, movement alone the social ladder in society. In most societies, there are... Find the article here: https:// www.rsisinternational.org/virtuallibrary/ papers/politics-a-majorconduit- to-upward-social-mobilitywithin- liberia-the-liberian-society/ Ambrues M Nebo, Sr. completed a Doctorate program in Sociology at AIU.

Article about Universal Human Growth

August 27, 2021. One of our graduates, Lucila Del Rosario, has recently written the article titled, “The day of my birth and birthday: between borders and CUH techniques”, in the Dominican web portal El Faro Latino. Abstract: Between 2020 and 2021 Lucila has been globally conducting workshops, group and individual therapies with young people from African countries, Egypt and Senegal; Europe, Italy; and America, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, among others. She writes about those who cross borders to other countries in search of better lives and opportunities, bringing their knowledge and skills. The author has been sharing a professional work with themes from their recent books “Examining VITA vs. Periods of Illness and Death.” Find the article here: https:// elfarolatino.com/el-dia-de-minacimiento- y-cumpleanos-entrefronteras- y-tecnicas-cuh/ Dr. Lucila del Rosario completed a PhD program in Human Developmental Psychology at AIU.

Invited as speaker

September 3, 2021. One of our Academic Advisors, Dr. Edward Lambert, was invited as a speaker at the graduation of the Life Skills Facilitator program. This virtual conference on August 9, 2021 was to celebrate the graduation of this important facilitator training program and hosted by the Dynamic Cadet Corps (Jamaica) & Espere Advising (Grenada). Dr. Edward Lambert has a PhD background with a specialization in Banking Management and is currently completing a Post-Doctoral program with a specialization in Holistic Development at Atlantic International University.

Thesis Defense

August 23, 2021. Atlantic International University is delighted once again to share the Thesis Defense of one of our students, Abraham Bogale. Abraham recently presented his thesis defense which was graded with an A. His thesis was titled, “WASH-health nexus in Ethiopia”. Abstract: This study was to emphasize the pivotal significance of the WASHHealth nexus with evidence and look at areas that hinder the WASH-Health nexus in Ethiopia. Extensive literature reviews on previous researches, papers, reports, and articles have been conducted to comprehend the nexus among the two sectors in focus and the extent of nexus hindrance in Ethiopia. This was fundamental in the formulation of the research design and methodology. Questionnaire surveys, interviews, and a case study have been employed to search the significance of the nexus and barriers (if any). Accordingly, a purposive random... Abraham Bogale completed a Doctorate program with a major in Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering at Atlantic International University.

Thesis defense

September 10, 2021. Atlantic International University is delighted once again to share the Thesis Defense of one of our students, Sonia Rachel Boby. Sonia recently presented his thesis defense which was graded with an A. His thesis was titled, “An evaluation of health management strategies on employee engagement of the lowest pay band within Thesis defense construction companies in the US”. Abstract: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the role and impact of workplace health and wellness programs on the engagement of employees. The study focuses on exploring and evaluating the impact of wellness programs on engagement of lower salary band (LSB) employees of construction companies in ... Sonia Rachel Boby completed a PhD program in Healthcare Administration at AIU.

Article about physical motor activity

September 15, 2021. One of our graduates, Dr. Julio Salazar Gonzales, has published a great article about Physical Motor Activity titled, “The beneficial role of Physical Motor Activity in people with ASD Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Sport and Autism” in the Blogspot of the NGO Nutrition and Behavior Attitude. Abstract: The beneficial role of Physical Motor Activity in people with ASD Neurodevelopmental Disorders. The National Library of Medicine of the United States of America Medline Plus defines Autism Spectrum Disorders as those that affect behavior, communication and social skills. It tells us that they appear before the age of two. The word spectrum means that autism has a wide variety of symptoms. The symptoms of autism range from mild to severe. Some children with ASD cannot function without the support of their parents and caregivers. Others need less support and manage to live independently. You can find the article here: https://ongactitud.blogspot. com/2021/07/el-rol-beneficioso-dela- actividad.html Dr. Julio Salazar Gonzales completed a Bachelor’s degree program in Nutrition at Atlantic International University.

Software patent

September 6, 2021. One of our graduates, Harold Alvarez Campos, has been granted the Software Patent of the product AdecuaTIC Software that has been created to support the population with Down Syndrome, and presents the different risks and information on the proper use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). Said software “allows you to navigate the concepts and definitions of the responsible use of ICT; know the risks that can arise when having email and mobile devices; become familiar with the parts of the computer and other elements related to computer technology, which guide the students in approaching the content through an avatar named Silvana”, says Harold. AdecuaTIC Software has been registered in the National Directorate of Copyright (Colombia), and allows the user to place this tool at the service of the educational community, contributing to education and inclusion. Harold Alvarez Campos has completed a Doctorate program in Educational Technology at AIU.

Thesis defense

September 10, 2021. Atlantic International University is delighted once again to share the Thesis Defense of one of our students, David Wayne Vincent. David recently presented his thesis defense which was graded with an A. His thesis was titled, “Center for Disease Controls and Prevention (CDC) preparedness for pandemic event in the United States”. Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate, analyze, and assess the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) its preparedness to control, prevent and manage a pandemic event in United States (U.S.). Pandemic outbreaks have the potential to cause untold damage, suffering to humans and impact social, political, and economic systems. Dangers of pandemics are aptly manifested by past outbreaks of diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Spanish flu, Tuberculosis, and SAR-CoV-2 David Wayne Vincent completed a Doctorate program with a major in Public Health at AIU.

Thesis defense

September 17, 2021. Atlantic International University is delighted once again to share the Thesis Defense of one of our students, Jotham Okome Arwa. Jotham recently presented his thesis defense which was graded with an A. His thesis was titled, “Truth, Justice and Admissibility of Evidence Obtained in Violation of Constitutionalized Human Rights: Towards a Constructive Interpretation of Article 50(4) of the Constitution of Kenya 2021.” Introduction: This thesis seeks to carry out a constructive interpretation of Article 50(4) of the Constitution with a view to offering prescriptive guidance to the courts on how they should treat evidence obtained in violation of constitutionalized human rights. It is based on three key premises: first, that the judicial response to evidence obtained unconstitutionally must be intellectually rigorous, disciplined and principled; secondly, that Article 50(4) referred to above, being a constitutional evidentiary rule, must be interpreted in the light of the principles and values rooted in the Constitution itself, unlike any other statutory or customary law evidentiary rule. And finally, that Article 50(4) of the Constitution must receive the interpretation that “makes it the best possible example of ... Jotham Okome Arwa completed a PhD in Legal Studies at Atlantic International University.

Thesis defense

September 17, 2021. Atlantic International University is delighted once again to share the Thesis Defense of one of our students, Akeem Omotayo Badmus. Akeem recently presented his thesis defense which was graded with an A. His thesis was titled, “Economics and Public Policy PhD Dissertation Report on Racial Financialization Justice.” The theme for his Thesis was: Breaking the silence on the united nations SDG8 racial financialization marginalism (RFM) on the un submandate entrepreneurship development agenda (EDA) exploring the socioeconomics policy gap on the inclusive financialization of the united nations sustainable development goal 8 and the economics of credit unionism efficiency in a capitalist economy. Abstract: The Sustainable Finance Three Fundaments Transformative Triangulation Transitioning Framework of the 21st century of hybrid BBNN-SBMA formalism is the new historical vista happenstance of the UN SDG8- Entrepreneurship Development Agenda Moment 2020 agitates the phenomenological ascent of sustainable financial inclusivity (Ferguson, 2008) order premised on the Research-Thesis-Analytic- Policy-Constructionism Historical-Detective-Mechanism of Monetary Policy positivism of the Sustainable- Finance-Framework formative legitimacy of Micro Finance Instrument as the Ethnocentric Community Hybrid Best Better-New-Normal of the Social-Business ... Akeem Omotayo Badmus completed a Doctorate program with a major in Economic and Public Policy at AIU.


Call for Papers This Conference will be held 13–15 July 2022 at University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/ interactive sessions, posters/ exhibits, colloquia, focused discussions, innovation showcases, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks. 2021 Special Focus: “Intercultural Learning in Plurilingual Contexts” Theme 1: Pedagogy and Curriculum. Theme 2: Assessment and Evaluation. Theme 3: Educational Organization and Leadership. Theme 4: Early Childhood Learning. Theme 5: Learning in Higher Education. Theme 6: Adult, Community, and Professional Learning. Theme 7: Learner Diversity and Identities. Theme 8: Technologies in Learning. Theme 9: Literacies Learning. Theme 10: Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning. Become a Presenter: 1. Submit a proposal 2. Review timeline 3. Register Early proposal deadline December 13, 2020 Advance registration deadline October 13, 2020 Visit the website: https://thelearner.com

Zimbabwe cultural heritage

August 24, 2021. One of our graduates, Sammy Garikai Chayikosa, has received the registered version of the Zimbabwe Cultural Heritage Trust for work done in his cultural promotion organization. “The idea to form and register the organization came from the fact that I have been an artist since 1974. I am a good performer of traditional Mbira and the Mbira instrument is played at important cultural events including the installation of a chief and rain making ceremonies according to the Shona culture of Zimbabwe. The instrument is also played when the living want to invite the spirits of ancestors for guidance and blessings, and the process involves brewing traditional beer and food. However, I have observed that our Shona culture is slowly being negated as a result of intergenerational gaps that my Organization is trying to bridge, through the promotion of cultural practices, including the arts. It is also necessary to preserve heritage sites for the sake of humanity. Additionally, indigenous knowledge, which is fundamental to building resilient communities and sustainable development, must be harnessed for the good of humanity. It is envisaged to promote traditional food production and consumption at all levels in Zimbabwe, as traditional foods have medicinal properties to control and treat health problems such as blood pressure and diabetes. It should be noted that peoples without culture are a great danger to themselves and to the global village. The rule of law and good governance can only be realized among cultured people and communities. Through music, dance, storytelling, etc., negative practices such as gender-based violence and child abuse can be eliminated at the domestic, community, national and global levels. The Organization will work to transform systems to be responsive to the needs of humanity, based on the principles of natural law. The human-centered development approach is the Organization’s theory of change.” Sammy Garikai Chayikosa completed a Bachelor's degree program with a major in Legal Studies at Atlantic International University.


September, 2021. This graduate student completed the majority of the requirements to obtain honors, which included a 4.0 GPA, published works, recommendation from her advisors, patent a product, etc. Congratulations!

Manuela Malo Pérez
Bachelor of Science

Thesis defense

August 30, 2021. Atlantic International University is delighted once again to share the Thesis Defense of one of our students, Robert Horsley. Robert recently presented her thesis defense which was graded with an A. Her thesis was titled, “Chasing Hailstorms: Attachment Theory and Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse.” Abstract: The number of studies with focus on attachment principles in the understanding of sexual offending is growing rapidly amongst the research fraternity, but research has yet to confirm the link between attachment styles and specific sexual offending behaviours. Sexual offending and sexual violence are acts buttressed by multiple social practices, norms, and locations, occurring on a continuum that span both the micro and macro aspects and levels of society. Societal structures are very often not equipped to deal with the complexity involved to mediate the behavioural outcomes, considering also hat the legal; and correctional judgements often fail to consider that ... Robert Horsley completed a Doctorate program with a major in Psychology at Atlantic International University.

Graduated with Distinction

August-September, 2021. These graduate students completed their program with a high cumulative grade point average, which reflects the quality of performance within their respective major. Congratulations!

Carlos José Rosario
Doctor of Public Administration
Public Administration

Luis Germán Ochoa González
Doctor of Project Management
Project Management

Silvia Godoy Cubilla
Doctor of Education
Art History

Carol Deborah Wood
Doctor of Philosophy International Business

Jose Adolfo Herrera Acevedo
Doctor of Science
Civil Engineering

Janak Raj Shah
Doctor of Philosophy
Privatization Management

Yvonne Ngouemeta
Doctor of Philosophy
Information Systems Management

Daniel Christopher Andreae
Doctor of Philosophy
Health Biology

Latest News: www.aiu.edu/news.aspx News Archive: https://www.aiu.edu/media-center/

María Laura Gianfrini
Bachelor of Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Antoine Niragire Twagirumukiza
Doctor of Philosoph y
Public Health
Eryn Rose Chatham
Bachelor of Science
Jessica Araujo Sciammarelli
Bachelor of Science
Comp uter Science
Germán Leonidas Rodríguez Albornoz
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Hydraulics and Water Management
Colomb ia
Gbenga Bode Babatunde
Doctor of Political Science
Political Comm unication
María Victoria Santana Castro
Bachelor of Music
Classical Piano and Musical Reading
Dominican Republic
Vladimir De Jesus Troncoso Tavarez
Bachelor of Science
Mechanical Engineering
Dominican Republic
Carlos José Rosario
Doctor of Public Administration
Public Administration
Dominican Republic
Elizabeth Rodriguez Gil
Bachelor of Management
Hospitality Management
Dominican Republic
Mario Marques Cabral
Doctor of Philosoph y
Project Management
East Timor
Miguel Anibal Lema Acosta
Bachelor of Science
Petroleum Engineering
Alexandra Soledad Pabon Nieto
Bachelor of Science
Carolina Navas Cobo
Bachelor of Science
Political Science
Jordy Steeven Castillo Armijos
Master of Legal Studies
Legal Studies
Ahmed Fouad Metwally Aly Salama
Doctor of Science
Hilario Tortosa Segura
Master of Business Administration
Equatorial Guinea
Juan Abaga Ondo Alene
Certificate of Business Administration
Business Management
Equatorial Guinea
Nomfundo N. Maphalala
Bachelor of Science
Inform ation Technology
Netsanet Takele Tsegaw
Doctor of Education
Abigail Okyere Siabour
Doctor of Health Science
Researc h Methodology
Gifty Acheampomaa
Master of Science
Public Health
Pablo César Maldonado Soch
Bachelor of Science
Highways Construction
Phagoo Singh
Bachelor of Management
Project Management
Phagoo Singh
Master of Management
Project Management
Héctor Osmin Cárcamo Padilla
Bachelor of Arts
Plastic Arts
Ramon Eduardo Ramirez Salinas
Bachelor of Education
Juanita Garcia Villegas
Bachelor of Science
Marco Cella
Bachelor of Science
Arc hitecture
Stacey Kerrian Denis
Doctor of Philosoph y
App lied Mathematics
Silah’s C. K. Sum
Bachelor of Business Administration
Public Administration
Jotham Okome Arwa
Doctor of Legal Studies
Conflict Resolution
William Benson Kholongo
Doctor of Philosoph y
Sustainable Developm ent
Juana Monserrat Jaime Flores
Master of Science
Luis Germán Ochoa González
Doctor of Project Management
Project Management
Gabriela Isabel Sáenz Ruiz
Bachelor of Science
Rosaura García Valdez
Doctor of Education
Education Sciences
Vanessa E. G. Picardo Ferrão
Master of Public Health
Public Health
Mozamb ique
Mercy Efeturi Ukoko
Doctor of Philosoph y
Coaching and Leadership
Fidelis Ndudirim Anorue
Doctor of Philosoph y
Project Management
Olufemi Adeoye Fabamwo
Doctor of Philosoph y
Business Administration
Silvia Godoy Cubilla
Doctor of Education
Art History
Francisca Sanja Harry
Master of Science
Speech and Language Disorders
Saint Lucia
Bernadette Offiajiaku
Master of Science
Saint Lucia
Carol Deborah Wood
Doctor of Philosoph y
International Business
South Africa
Robert Mark Burnaford Davey
Doctor of Science
South Africa
Fannie Sifiso Dlamini
Bachelor of Science
Comp uter Science
Ally Hassan R. Ilanga
Bachelor of Science
Telecomm unications Engineering
Purachat Thongserm
Doctor of Business Management
Business Management
Behçet Yaşar
Doctor of Arts
Business Administration
Moatasam Hejazi
Bachelor of International Relations
Ousman Jallow
Bachelor of International Relations
International Relations
United Arab Emirates
Charles Chukwudi Okonyia Okeyia
Doctor of Philosoph y
Business Management
United Kingdom
Carmen M. Mendez
Bachelor of Education
Early Childhood Education
Luis Xavier Alvarado Alvarado
Bachelor of Architecture
Interior Design and Landscaping
Jose Adolfo Herrera Acevedon
Doctor of Science
Civil Engineering
Thamar Durozel Baptiste
Bachelor of Science
Business Administration
Alfredo Vela Hernández
Bachelor of Business Administration
Business Administration
Mamadou Cire Bah
Doctor of Science
Njase Joel
Doctor of Project Management
Project Management
Zamb ia
Fidelis Ndudirim Anorue
Doctor of Science
Legal Studies
Zimb abwe

Find More Graduates

Gallery: aiu.edu/Graduation/grids/currentgallery.html
Interviews: www.aiu.edu/Graduation/grids/interviews.html
This month we have graduates from: Argentina · Bangui · Botswana · Brazil · Colombia · Croatia · Dominican Republic · East Timor · Ecuador · Egypt · Equatorial Guinea · Eswatini · Ethiopia · Ghana · Guatemala · Guyana · Honduras · Italy · Jamaica · Kenya · Malawi · Mexico · Mozambique · Nigeria · Paraguay · Saint Lucia · South Africa · Swaziland · Tanzania · Thailand · Turkey · UAE · UK · USA · Zambia · Zimbabwe



María Moreno
Bachelor of Hispanic Literature
August 6, 2021
“Atlantic International University meets its promise of providing a great opportunity to students “set forth a path uniquely tailored to the needs, interests, opportunities, and real world demands that surround each student. The Virtual Campus and MyAIU platform bring online learners closer to the university than ever before.” While the delivery method used by AIU is not for everyone, those looking for flexibility, affordability, and strong support, will place the perfect place at AIU; it was great for me. Studying at distance is not an easy task, it requires lots of commitment, self-empowering, and strong focus on your ultimate goal to move forward and achieve the desired results; with the constant support and follow up received by AIU’s outstanding team, the burden of this challenge was manageable; I cannot thank them enough. It was very valuable for me, to experience the large amounts of academic resources and courses available; I was given the opportunity to excel on performance by working on areas of knowledge I was interested the most and, creating a final project for my Master’s degree on specialized subject incorporating influences of the current environment. Keep in mind that becoming an AIU’s student comes with higher expectation of yourself as a human being; constantly looking to positively influence its students AIU upholds and commits to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the 17 sustainable development goals. I find this side of AIU a to be an example for other academic institutions; as an individuals your thinking and your will gets empower to make a difference in your community and in the World. I am very satisfied with my experience at Atlantic International University, I would definitively recommend to others reaching to advance personally, academically, and professionally... Read full text: https://www.aiu.edu/Testimonialdetail. html?ItemID=1750&rcid=73&pcid=63&cid=73

Adeola Essien
Doctor of Entrepreneurship, Research
and Business Management August 12/, 2021

“I’m writing to let you know that I finished my doctorate at Atlantic International University and to tell you about my unique experience. Writing about my time at AIU brings back good memories. From the moment I arrived at AIU, I had a fantastic time. AIU made every effort to ensure that I could pursue my lifetime desire of obtaining a Ph.D. in order to better position myself to achieve my full potential. I obtained the necessary cash assistance. Atlantic International University made sure I understood that I am one-of-a-kind and unrepeatable, and they made sure I was one-of-a-kind and unrepeatable. The seminars were crucial life lessons for me, exposing me to the concept of interconnectedness and how to apply the knowledge I gained at AIU to better my life and society. My majors’ learning methods were intriguing. The lessons in SDGs and human rights allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the world and where I need to contribute. Anyone who does not go through these lessons, in my opinion, will never truly know who they are or maximize their potential. The team’s support and encouragement, including Dr. Valcin, Dr. Lambert, all of my advisors, my one-of-a-kind Tutor, Schadrack and the rest of the finance and administrative personnel. I am grateful to each and every one of you. Thank you for being a part in making my aspirations come true. I strongly advise anyone seeking a true and comprehensive education to enroll at Atlantic International University.

Netsanet Takele Tsegaw
Doctor of Education
August 20, 2021

“I am result oriented and selfmotivated team player with vast professional experience, demonstrated at various levels of work including curriculum development, departmental duties, mainstreaming and coordinating school activities, capacity building, program of new teachers. Fifteen years of solid work experience with international organizations have equipped me with the necessary skills needed for managing international and local school programs, developing partnerships, networking and working in multi-racial and cultural societies. I forced myself to continue my education so that I will be more helpful to my students and the community as a whole. My accomplishment at Atlantic International University is a blessing in a disguise during this rough and difficult ongoing global pandemic Corona virus disease. In terms of experience at AIU, it is beyond my words. Atlantic International University not only encourages me to be academically strong but also causes me to be a better teacher and person in life.

The life of a seafarer a post covid-19 strategy

Capt. Paul Mandela Ogoun | Doctorate in Transportation & Logistics | Part 2/2

Post Covid-19 Strategy In the aspect of post covid-19 strategy in respect to the life of seafarers; steps should be taken in to manage the processes involved in embarkation and debarkation of the seafarers and the ship as a whole. Where it comes to the processes of embarkation and boarding proper, it is imperative for ship operators put into consideration a requirement whereby the seafarers are mandated to complete a period referred to as shipboard self-distancing (SSD) upon embarkation. The interest therein is to proffer effective time and means to monitor the health of the seafarers and to manage the risk in case of any possible asymptomatic infection at the time of embarkation. However, it is the author’s view that there may not be any need of the processes stated above where mandatory quarantine for a minimum period of 14 days is implemented in the country of embarkation and was already completed by the seafarer before embarkation17 In the same manner, ship operators ought to have a specific definition of what constitutes the elements and period of SSD and such should be followed. Based on recommendations; seafarers ought to adopt, adapt, and practice SSD for the first 14 days upon embarkation, the question it raises is whether or not such practice should prejudice seafarers from performance of their assigned duties and responsibilities. Where maintaining appropriate distancing or reducing the rate of close contact appears to be complex or nearly impossible, it is suggested that ship operators should mandate the seafarers in consideration to always put on a face mask, engage in a regular hand washing and abide an appropriate and effective respiratory hygiene. Recommendations on effective SSD practices for seafarers involve the following18:

• Maintaining a WHO recommended social distance of at least one metre when working alongside other seafarers to the extent possible; • Avoiding all non-essential contact or close proximity with other seafarers and any other persons; • Using external stairways/ escape routes and walkways to move around the ship when possible, but only if conditions and circumstances permit and it is safe to do so; • Disinfecting their own work areas, equipment and tools as appropriate after use; • Refraining from using any common areas on board, such as the mess/day room, laundry area or recreational areas when being used by others, unless special arrangements or measures are in place; • Returning to their cabin immediately after completing work hours; • Remaining in their cabin during rest hours, except when arrangements or measures are in place to permit them to spend some rest time on deck; and • Receiving and eating all meals in their cabin, provided it is safe to do so. Disembarkation of seafarers (and any passengers) from ships needs to be carefully managed to reduce the risk of being infected with the covid- 19 during disembarkation from the ship (including interaction with any personnel or infrastructures in the port/terminal). The health of seafarers should be monitored prior to disembarkation to ensure that, as far as reasonably practicable, they are sufficiently healthy to disembark and travel for the purposes of repatriation. Measures to monitor and assess the health of seafarers (and any passengers) at the time of disembarkation include screening questionnaires, temperature scanning or measurement, and testing. Ship operators may be advised that testing is available in ports or terminals for seafarers (and any passengers) who will be disembarking from the ship. Currently, it is imperative that any form of testing ought to be done by delegates from the health departments of the Port. In a case where and when a seafarer had earlier tested positive to covid-19; it is imperative that a fresh medical assessment be conducted ashore prior to any travelling.

Accordingly, seafarers and any other passengers on board must be directly contacted and enquiries made as per any subsisting and recent illnesses in any form. Where a seafarer or any passenger falls under the criteria for being conditioned as a probable carrier of the pandemic, such seafarer or passenger ought to be isolated and followed in the most appropriate manner. Thus, all probable cases should be recorded in a special medical log book19. For the purpose of safety measures and SSD, it is necessary to also put into perspective the conditioning as it relates to persons who may be classified as close contact. This is because measures taken in any given probable case should be extended to a close contact. For the foregoing purposes; a person is categorized as a close contact in any of the following instances20: • Has stayed in the same cabin with a suspect/confirmed COVID-19 case; • Has had close contact within one metre or was in a closed environment with a suspect/ confirmed COVID-19 case (for example tank work, shared watch in an engine control room, eaten a meal with); • Participated in the same immediate travelling group without quarantine before embarking the ship; • Is a cabin steward who cleaned the cabin; or • Is a medical support worker or other person providing direct care for a COVID-19 suspect or confirmed case. Notwithstanding the instances stated above, where it is observed and confirmed that there is widespread transmission in a ship; it follows that all persons on board the ship could possibly be considered as close contacts owing to the probable high risk exposure. Generally, the measure to be taken in respect to close contacts is that where practicable, they should proceed on self-isolation in their respective cabin; where such is not practicable as a result of their individual roles on board and the need to maintain operational demands and requisites of the ship; the seafarers and any other concerned passengers must ideally do the following21: • Self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms, including fever of any grade, cough or difficulty breathing, for 14 days from their last exposure; • Immediately self-isolate and contact health services in the event of any symptom appearing within 14 days. (If no symptoms appear within 14 days of their last exposure, the contact person is no longer considered likely to develop COVID-19); and • Practice SSD, wear a medical mask, ensure regular hand washing and good respiratory hygiene. It is required that the health authorities of the Port (State) must be informed in any suspicious case and the authorities may possibly make provisions and guidelines setting out the approaches and strategies to be applied as measures in relation to persons classified as close contacts and other persons – all in accordance to measures applicable within the locality of the port. Such requirements may include but not limited to the following22: • Active monitoring by the port health authorities for 14 days from last exposure; • Daily monitoring (including fever of any grade, cough or difficulty breathing); In any state where quarantine measures are to be followed; the WHO guidance on individuals’ quarantine in respect to covid-19 should be followed. It is important for ships to be given a pre-notice to enable them to identify close contacts and trace accordingly especially in a case where any personnel subsequently after disembarking feels ill with any or all symptoms of covid-1923.

The assessment of close contacts and appropriate advice as to testing, medical management, further isolation/quarantining and contact tracing, etc. ought to be continued by the national authorities of the Port upon the ship being docked. The risk assessment to be conducted by the authorities will be for the purpose of contacts’ identifications as well as proffering instructions and measures to be followed until the laboratory test results are made available. Where persons on board are found to fall under the definition of a close contact; it is required that they should either remain on board in the ship and in their cabin, or at a facility ashore designated; such should be done pending when the laboratory result for the suspect case is made available. The option of making a transfer to an onshore facility may not be possible unless the ship is at a point of turnaround port, where embarkation/disembarkation of passengers or transfer of cargo takes place24. In a case where persons on board do not fall under the definition of a close contact; they are considered as having low risk exposure; however, it is necessary that a request be made to such persons wherein they are meant to state out their contact details and the locations/places they will be residing for the 14 days after disembarkation. As an addendum, concrete details regarding signs and symptoms of covid-19 and other key information on the pandemic should be given to the persons. In the attempt to restrict the spreading and transmission of the disease on board, isolation prior embarkation and after disembarkation appears to be a key factor. Until covid-19 have entirely be extinguished or weakened; unless a further assessment on shore-side is done or a wholesome resolutions of the symptoms; a seafarer must be treated as a positive case. Since the seafarer will not be given room to work, it is likely that a risk assessment which ascertains the possibility of safe operations on board the ship in such circumstances. Such step may extend to a form of consultation with the management at shore-side or a medic as the case may be. However, such procedures should be executed in company with the flag State25. Where there is a suspected case on board, the competent authority belonging to the next port should be ideally informed. However, where the ship under consideration is one considered to be on an international voyage; MDH should be completed and transmitted to the competent authority as recommended by the International Health Regulations (IHR) and local requisites. Also in consideration is whether or not the next port has the needed capacity to transport, isolate and proffer care for the suspected case. Where the next port of call does not have the needed capacity, the ship may where possible but at its own risk to proceed to another nearby port where the requisite capacity is available26. It is imperative for precautions should be taken and given at the medical facility of the ship. Considerably, persons in charge for medical care, assessment, etc. on board should be mandated to make use of PPE. Where there is a suspect case, the following precautions should be taken27:

• All suspect cases must be isolated; • Patients must cover their nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing; or a flexed elbow They should then clean their hands with an alcohol-based hand rub (at least 65–70%) or soap and water for 20 seconds; • Careful hand washing should occur after contact with respiratory secretions, e.g. mucus and blood; • Suspect cases must wear a medical mask once identified and be evaluated in a private room with the door closed, ideally an isolation room; • Any person entering the room must use PPE that should include a medical mask that covers the mouth and nose, goggles or a visor, a plastic apron or impermeable gown if this is available and disposable, nonsterile gloves; and • After preliminary medical examination, if the person(s) responsible for on board medical care believes a suspect case exists, the patient should remain isolated. Persons with respiratory symptoms not considered suspect cases should not return to any places where they will be in contact with others on board. A post covid-19 strategy in respect to seafarers should incorporate cleaning, disinfection and waste management, especially in respect to on board case management. Cabins and quarters where patients and close contacts used must be cleaned for the protocols for the cleaning and disinfection for infected cabins. Likewise, environmental surfaces ought to be thoroughly cleaned while making use of hot water, disinfectants and other cleaning agents. Also, surface areas where people usually touch or use should be cleaned and disinfected accordingly. Where a patient has been discharged or left the ship, the staff while wearing PPE should thoroughly clean the isolation cabin or quarters and disinfect all areas completely28. Accordingly, laundry, utensils and wastes from cabins used by suspect cases and close contacts should be considered as categorically infectious and should be handled in similar ways in which general infectious objects are to be handled. When the items and surfaces are to be cleaned and disinfected, safety gloves should be used and afterward disposed into a bin. A flow of information about persons in isolation should be encouraged and regular communications shared across departments in ships as well29. Where there are relevant policies and procedures or any form of legal or regulatory requirements for the purpose of managing the risks; shipping companies should necessarily take steps sure towards compliance by communicating contents thereof to the persons on board so as to minimise any form of risk of infection and to facilitate timeous detection and isolation. Other considerations may include30: Keeping full visibility of their officers and crew and especially supporting those on board vessels who cannot repatriate due to travel restrictions; Identifying critical voyages whereby crew may not be able to get on board due to port lockdowns; Identifying cases of seafarers who will extend their on boarding period beyond the eligible timeframes, and evaluate regulatory implications Developing programs for the wellbeing of seafarers spending an excessive amount of time on board the vessels

This study has attained its aim of discussing the life of a seafarer and proffering post covid-19 strategy in that respect. The study was able to sustain the argument that the point of services of a seafarer is a key term in defining who a seafarer is; therefrom a seafarer carries out ship-related services while on board a ship at sea and not at the port. The study showed that there are series of activities which seafarers are mandated to do which in most cases deny the seafarers ample opportunities of being with family, friends and relatives for a usual period of time; thereby compelling them to adopt and adapt to coping strategies which aids them to manage and deal with issues relating but not limited to depression, loneliness, fears, anxiety, helplessness, etc. The study was able to show that although, covid-19 had impacts and implications on all or most sectors of the economy across the globe; it is evidently observed that covid-19 had its strokes on seafarers in a great extent which may be attributable to the nature of the seafarers’ jobs. This study made germane efforts in providing salient and effective post covid-19 strategy which may be applied in the life of a seafarer. Interestingly, the study discussed the meaning of a seafarer, the job descriptions and the post covid-19 strategy in respect to the life of a seafarer. Finally, it is recommended inter alia that Shipboard Self-Distancing and effective safety measures be adopted at the point of embarkation and disembarkation from the ship.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. BBC, Seafarers in limbo as coronavirus hits shipping; 2020; Available on https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-52289303 [Accessed 12 May, 2021] | British Ports Association, UK Ports: Coronavirus Economic Recovery Plan 2020 and Beyond. London; | Coutroubis, A. D. Menelaou, A. A. and Adami, E. ‘Impact of coronavirus disease (covid-19) on seafarers’ life and well-being’, International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health 41(21): 16-27, 2020; | IMarEST (2020), Marine Professional, How Project Hygiea plans to save cruise sector from COVID-19; 2020. Available on https://www.imarest.org/themarineprofessional/interactions/item/5685-howproject-10iea-plans-tosave- cruise-sectorfrom-covid-19?utm_source=email&utm_medium=TMP%20Weekly&utm_campaign=Resend%20V2%20of%2026- 06- 2020 [Accessed on 13 May, 2021]; | International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), Global Supply and Demand for Seafarers. Available on https://www.icsshipping.org/shipping-facts/shipping-andworld-trade/ global-supply-and-demand-forseafarers [Accessed 13 May, 2021] | International Chamber of Shipping, ‘Coronavirus (covid-19) guidance for ship operators for the protection of the health of seafarers’ (London: Marisec Publications; 2020) | International Labour Organisation (ILO), Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 as amended, (MLC 2006). Available on https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/ en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:91:0::NO::P91_SECTION:MLCA_AMEND_A2 Accessed 13 May, 2021] | International Maritime Organisation, IMO, Circular Letter No.4204/Add.14, ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Recommended framework of protocols for ensuring safe ship crew changes and travel during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic; 2020.; | International Transport Federation (ITF). Available on https://www.itfglobal.org/en [Accessed 14 May, 2021]; | ITF Agreements. Available on https:// www.itfseafarers.org/en/your-rights/itf-agreements [Accessed 13 May, 2021] | Maritime and Coast Guard Agency (MCA), MGN 477(M), Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Seafarers’ Employment Agreements; 2020. Available on https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_ data/file/558110/MGN_477_MLC_SEAs.pdf [Accessed on 13 May, 2021] | STATISTA, Number of ships in the world merchant fleet as of January 1, 2019, by type; 2020. Available on https://www.statista. com/statistics/264024/number-of-merchant-shipsworldwideby-type [Accessed 14 May, 2021] | TIME magazine: World Health Organization Declares COVID-19 a 'Pandemic.'; 2020. Available on https://www. time.com/5791661/whocoronavirus-pandemic-declaration/ [Accessed on 13 May, 2021) | United Kingdom, Contingency planning for a possible influenza pandemic. 2006; Version 2. Available on https:// www.gov.uk/government/publications/contingency-planning-for-apossible-flu-pandemic [Accessed 13 May, 2021] | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, ‘COVID-19 and maritime transport: Impact and responses’; UNCTAD, 2020. | United States of America, Department of Homeland Security, ‘National Strategy for Pandemic Flu’; 2009. Available on https://www.dhs.gov/nationalstrategypandemicflu#:~: text=The%20National%20Strategy%20To%20Safeguard%20Against%20The%20Danger-address%20the%20threat%20 of%20avian%20and%20pandemic%20flu [Accessed 13 May, 2021];

Dear world: where are they taking you?

By Dr. Rosa Hilda Lora M. Advisor at AIU | rosa@aiu.edu

The human beings inhabiting planet Earth have created a society with an incredible development of science and technology. Communication in seconds to any place; Global trade, Remote jobs, Health Services with smart operating rooms, Space research. The imagination falls short. Unfortunately, those who benefit the most are the 10% owner of the world’s wealth. That 10% owner of world wealth walk without looking at the paths they have taken because we are also in an unimaginable global situation. On planet Earth, in the place where until now we can live at the same time as the world of the 10% owner of wealth, we have a global pandemic, unemployment because production and consumption have decreased, areas being consumed by fire, services of saturated health, students receiving classes from their homes and hurricanes and floods everywhere.

This has been a crisis for a year and a half in which we coexist with the pandemic. Ah! But now we have another guest at Baltazar’s dinner: geopolitical change. To end World War II, the European countries that formed the allies: United Kingdom of Great Britain, France, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Holland, Belgium and others had the support of the United States (USA), who entered this war because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The Berlin-Tokyo-Rome axis was those faced by the allies. The peace of this war occurred in 1945 after the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This was on August 6th and 9th. On August 15, Japan declared unconditional surrender.

With the end of World War II, the global organizations that we now have were formed whose purpose is to prevent a third war. Those are: · The United Nations (UN) 1945 · The International Monetary Fund (IMF) 1945 · The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1949 · The Organization of American States (OAS) 1948 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 15 republics, begins an expansionist path with an ideology opposed to United States and they separate. The USSR, which was formed in 1920, disappears when it is engulfed by the economy in 1980. In 1991 the USSR becomes the Russian Federation. The world in which we live today presents a global crisis. Aristotle must be smiling: not that reasoning doesn’t matter, the logic happened many years ago, logic for what. We talk about leadership and the world we live in. The US was a major factor in ending World War II and became a leader. The USSR, today the Russian Federation, also fighting for its part of the world. Ah, but the stone guest appeared! The change in geopolitics, in this 2021, has been marked by the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Many countries even those in the US area of influence always complaining that if the imperialism was to blame for their economic and social problems. Now who is going to defend us? We have to unite with those who were our enemies so that they don’t attack us because our leader left us alone. This leader, who took advantage of us for 70-odd years and left us alone. This leader who didn’t tell us what he was going to do and now we have to unite for whatever. The leader says: I can’t talk to you because you proclaim everything. I’m tired of giving them money to support this and that and they complain but don’t say everything they receive. I’m tired of these children who just want benefits. It turns out that the leader has his problems: I have a pandemic, a lot of children who don’t want to be vaccinated. I need to generate wealth because production is not going well. I need to end the fires, the floods and the hurricanes and these children wait and wait for me to take care of them. I’m going to see a way out of all this. Ah! Money, let’s see. You wanted to be free. You are already free and now you don’t know what to do. Oh who sent me to have so many children! Geopolitics begins to change. We have to think to make this world a livable place for everyone. We have a lot of science but at the same time the 10% owner of the wealth wants to make everything: marketing for marketing.

They own everything: means of production, means of communication, technology and natural resources. If it’s produced only by producing without importing any resource: so simple if a welfare society is not generated for all there is no sustainable development. Without consumption according to welfare laws for human beings and for the planet we’ll continue at the point where we are: the pandemic mutating every day, many protesting because they don’t know the meaning of the word freedom, hospitals and medical services saturated, major droughts, floods, hurricanes and famine looming for some countries. We are ending everything and without welfare for all. According Carl Sagan: this is the only place we can live; in this Pale Blue Dot. Dear world: Where are they taking you?

BIBLIOGRAPHY. Sagan, Carl. (2003). El Punto azul Pálido, una visión del futuro humano en el espacio. México: Planeta. Retrieved from: https://lasteologias.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/sagan-carl-un-punto-azul-palidouna- vision-del-futuro-humano-en-el-espacio.pdf


Growing up is hard

...especially for people with disabilities.

In interviews with the California Health Report, young adults with serious disabilities and their families pointed out that the transition to adulthood is filled with challenges. Accessing the medical care and transportation that would allow these young people to live more independently can be difficult. So can getting help with issues like socializing and pursuing hobbies because adult transition programs for youth with disabilities heavily focus on life skills, leaving little room for activities they enjoy, caregivers said. Meanwhile, high-functioning young adults with disabilities who’ve made it to college said trying to balance the demands of higher education and coordinate their own health care for the first time outside a pediatric setting can feel overwhelming. Preparation and education from staff at pediatric hospitals could ease the transition for youth, as could greater disability awareness on college campuses. Overall, young adults with disabilities and their parents argued that health care officials, regional centers, and school districts need to foster more awareness about what it’s like for youth with disabilities to transition to adulthood. Far too many families don’t know what to expect, they said, or how to get the services they need. ...Even if parents know what to do, a lot of the support their children need when they become adults just isn’t there ... Read full text:

Ancient potato

11,000-year-old solution to a modern problem.

With drought a persistent problem in the Southwest, Hopi/Tewa seed keeper Valerie Nuvayestewa has eagerly joined the effort to bring back an Indigenous superfood that her ancestors cultivated for 11,000 years. The Four Corners Potato can grow under dry conditions and provides triple the protein and twice the calcium of red organic potatoes. Scientists and leaders of Indigenous communities in the region have launched a drive to reintroduce the drought-resistant tuber, known scientifically as the Solanum jamesii, as a possible food solution for people hit by impacts of climate change. University of Utah scientists and Indigenous food activists say the spud can stay dormant for years under dry conditions, still offering nutritional benefits like iron and zinc to humans. “I have never grown the Four Corner Potato before, so this is going to be a challenge as I’m learning as I grow,” Nuvayestewa said. The need for innovative crops has grown more obvious since August 9, when the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report saying human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean, and land to levels “unprecedented” over the past 2,000 years. ... Read full text: Read full text:

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Black holes

New method established for weighing the most extreme.

Quasars are powered by some of the most extreme black holes in the universe. These black holes swallow material and release huge amounts of radiation in the process, and now astronomers have tested a new method to work out just how heavy these supermassive black holes really are. Precise measurements of their properties help us to understand these objects better, as well as improving our understanding of the Universe itself. Quasars are so bright that they can be seen even from incredible distances. With this new method —called spectroastrometry— researchers can learn about how big a black hole is and how gas moves around it. Key to that is the determination of the “broad emission-line region” (BLR). The gas around a black hole is very energetic and it’s moving at speeds of several thousand kilometers per second. All of this creates specific signals in the BLR. The team demonstrated that it is possible to estimate the whole structure from a single emission line, the socalled Hydrogen alpha (Hα) line. As reported in The Astrophysical Journal, the team measured the Hα line for the quasar J2123-0050 located in the constellation of Aquarius. The light of this quasar dates back to when the cosmos was just 2.9 billion years old. The method estimates that the supermassive black ...
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World’s largest carbon-capture plant, opens in Iceland.

The world’s largest direct air carbon capture and storage plant has started operating in Iceland, run by Swiss company Climeworks. Named Orca, the plant sucks carbon dioxide directly from the air and buries it as rocks deep underground, using technology from Climeworks’ Icelandic partner Carbfix. Orca has the capacity to remove 4,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere this way each year. The number equates roughly the emissions from 870 cars or 9,281 consumed barrels of oil, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency greenhouse gas calculator. The Orca plant is located in Hellisheidi, Iceland, adjacent to Icelandic energy company ON Power's geothermal power plant, and is entirely run on this renewable energy. Climeworks claims it is the “world’s first and largest climate-positive direct air capture and storage plant”, and says it makes the capture of atmospheric carbon on an industrial scale a reality. “Orca, as a milestone in the direct air capture industry, has provided a scalable, flexible and replicable blueprint for Climeworks' future expansion,” said Climeworks co-CEO and co-founder Jan Wurzbacher. “With this success, we are prepared to rapidly ramp up our capacity in the next years. Achieving global net-zero ... Read full text

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Mucosal vaccination

A new intranasal subunit vaccine for COVID-19.

Though remarkable progress has been made in developing intramuscular vaccines against SARS-CoV- 2, nothing yet —like a nasal vaccine— has been approved to provide mucosal immunity in the nose, the first barrier against the virus before it travels down to the lungs. But now, we’re one step closer. Navin Varadarajan, University of Houston M.D. Anderson Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and his colleagues, are reporting in iScience the development of an intranasal subunit vaccine that provides durable local immunity against inhaled pathogens. “Mucosal vaccination can stimulate both systemic and mucosal immunity and has the advantage of being a non-invasive procedure suitable for immunization of large populations,” said Varadarajan. “However, mucosal vaccination has been hampered by the lack of efficient delivery of the antigen and the need for appropriate adjuvants that can stimulate a robust immune response without toxicity.” To solve those problems, Varadarajan collaborated with Xinli Liu, associate professor of pharmaceutics at the UH College of Pharmacy, and an expert in nanoparticle delivery. Liu’s team was able to encapsulate the agonist of the stimulator of interferon genes (STING) with ... Read full text:

Immunizing kids

Pfizer says its vaccine is safe and effective in kids aged 5 to 11.

Comirnaty, the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, appears to be well tolerated and generating a robust immune response in children between 5 and 11, according to the drug makers. They plan to submit their results for health regulators’ consideration as soon as possible. The findings come from a Phase 2/3 clinical trial that included 2,268 participants who were 5 to 11 years of age. They tested a two-dose regimen for children, three weeks apart. Each dose is onethird of what has been given to anyone over the age of 12. One month after the second dose, the immune response from the children was similar to the one seen from teens and young adults, who were used as a control group. Pfizer and BionNTech are now planning to submit the data to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency (EMA), and other health regulators for Emergency Use Authorization, which is just as rigorously tested, but the application- to-roll-out is much quicker. The regulators will assess the quality of the clinical trial and decide if and when to recommend the vaccine to children. The full study, with children as young as six months, will be published by the end of the year. “We are pleased to be able to submit data to authorities for school-aged children before the winter ... Read full text:

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Quannah Chasinghorse

Growing up

Growing up the model Quannah Chasinghorse —whose Indigenous ancestry is both Hän Gwich’in (from Alaska and Canada) and Oglala Lakota (from South Dakota)— rarely saw her culture represented in the fashion she voraciously consumed. “I was obsessed with watching runway shows on television —Dior, Chanel, Prada— and I was always posing for pictures,” she says, but because of this lack of representation, “it was really hard for me to feel like I had the potential to be a model.” Now 19 and working from Fairbanks, Alaska, she is one of modeling’s freshest new faces after first being cast in a 2020 Calvin Klein campaign that stressed the importance of voting. ... Above: A snug Givenchy dress, sweater, and faux-mink mittens travel ably from day into night —and from the indoors into the elements. Bottega Veneta bag. Altuzarra shoe. De Vera headpiece. Left: Photography: Inez and Vinoodh. Styling: George Cortina. Hair: James Pecis. Make-Up: Fulvia Farolfi. Casting: David Chen. Vogue Mexico May/ Japan June 2021.
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Virtual installation

Visitors to this year’s London Design Festival can use mixedreality glasses to manipulate their walk through Medusa, a virtual installation by Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto. Created in collaboration with mixed reality studio Tin Drum, the virtual structure has been installed at the V&A Museum. Up to 50 guests at a time can put on a pair of mixed-reality glasses and explore the experimental architectural forms. As they move through Medusa, the dynamic structure “changes and evolves based on the movement of its admirers”. ... Read full text:

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How God works

The science behind the benefits of religion.

In the 20 years since I began this work [running a psychology lab], I’ve realized that much of what psychologists and neuroscientists are finding about how to change people’s beliefs, feelings, and behaviors —how to support them when they grieve, how to help them be more ethical, how to let them find connection and happiness— echoes ideas and techniques that religions have been using for thousands of years. ... My lab has found, for example, that having people practice Buddhist meditation for a short time makes them kinder. After only eight weeks of study with a Buddhist lama, 50 percent of those who we randomly assigned to meditate daily spontaneously helped a stranger in pain. Only 16 percent of those who didn’t meditate did the same. ... Gratitude, for instance, is something we had studied closely, and a key element of many religious practices. Even very subtle actions—like moving together in time—can exert a significant effect on the mind. We see synchrony in almost every religion the world over: Buddhists and Hindus often chant together in prayer; Christians and Muslims regularly kneel and stand in unison during worship; Jews often sway, or shuckle, when reciting prayers together. These actions belie a deep purpose: creating connection. ...
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Social media is here to diagnose you.

Videos about conditions like ADHD, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or Tourettes, and mental illnesses and disorders like depression, anxiety and PTSD, have boomed on social media over the past year: Paige Layle, a 21-year-old Canadian TikTokker with 2.6 million followers, posts relatable content about her experiences with ASD while Connor DeWolfe, another TikTok star, shares ADHD content with over 2.9 million followers. With the encouragement of Tik- Tok stars and Instagram influencers here and overseas, a number of New Zealanders are self-diagnosing using the vast resources of the internet, and declaring themselves neurodiverse or mentally ill without actually having a medical record to reflect it. Dr Kerry Gibson, a clinical psychologist and associate professor at the University of Auckland, says since the internet’s inception, self-diagnosis has been on the rise. “As long as we’ve had the virtual environment, we’ve had access to online quizzes asking ‘are you depressed?’ or ‘do you have ADHD?’,” she says, adding there’s been a “flurry” of social media posts about the symptoms of conditions like ADHD recently. But why is self-diagnosis of these conditions increasing, and what is the value – and risk – associated with these labels? ...
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Solar panels in Sahara

...could boost renewable energy but damage the global climate.

Researchers imagine it might be possible to transform the world’s largest desert, the Sahara, into a giant solar farm, capable of meeting four times the world’s current energy demand. Blueprints have been drawn up for projects in Tunisia and Morocco that would supply electricity for millions of households in Europe. While the black surfaces of solar panels absorb most of the sunlight that reaches them, only a fraction (around 15%) of that incoming energy gets converted to electricity. The rest is returned to the environment as heat. The panels are usually much darker than the ground they cover, so a vast expanse of solar cells will absorb a lot of additional energy and emit it as heat, affecting the climate. If these effects were only local, they might not matter in a sparsely populated and barren desert. But the scale of the installations that would be needed to make a dent in the world’s fossil energy demand would be vast, covering thousands of square kilometres. Heat re-emitted from an area this size will be redistributed by the flow of air in the atmosphere, having regional and even global effects on the climate. A 2018 study used a climate model to simulate the effects of lower albedo on the land surface of deserts caused by installing massive solar farms. Albedo is a measure of how well surfaces reflect sunlight. Sand, for example, ... Read full text: Read full text:

Air pollution

...is slashing years off the lives of billions, report finds.

Air pollution is cutting short the lives of billions of people by up to six years, according to a new report, making it a far greater killer than smoking, car crashes or HIV/Aids. Coal burning is the principal culprit, the researchers said, and India is worst affected, with the average citizen dying six years early. China has slashed air pollution in the last seven years, but dirty air is still cutting 2.6 years from its people’s lifespan. Fossil fuel burning is causing air pollution and the climate crisis, but nations have much greater power to cut dirty air within their own borders. The climate crisis is now also adding to air pollution by driving wildfires, completing a vicious circle, the scientists said. Coronavirus lockdowns cut pollution, revealing the Himalayas to some Indian city dwellers, while wildfires in the western US caused serious pollution on the other side of the continent in New York City. “Air pollution is the greatest external threat to human health on the planet, and that is not widely recognised, or not recognised with the force and vigour that one might expect,” said Prof Michael Greenstone ... Read full text

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...language class at University of Arkansas.

As part of the University of Arkansas Indigenous Studies Program, the Cherokee language is being taught for the first time at the school by Cherokee Nation citizen Lawrence Panther, of Kansas, Oklahoma. Indigenous Studies Program Director Sean Teuton, also a CN citizen, has worked for several years to get a Cherokee language class into the curriculum because of the state’s Cherokee history. “This is acknowledgement of the history of the Cherokee people here and the Cherokee language finally being spoken here again in a formal setting. There’s a lot to be proud of right now on this 200 year anniversary (of Sequoyah’s syllabary),” Teuton said. After moving from California to Arkansas, Teuton saw a need for the Indigenous Studies Program and the Cherokee language at the university. “We’re at this moment now where we see the great importance of having the Cherokee language taught here. And I worked for several years making trips over to Cherokee Nation,” he said. “It’s been very difficult. For one reason, I greatly respect the need to have any speaker working in the Cherokee Nation with the communities. On the other hand, it’s very important to have someone here at the university like we have at OU (University of Oklahoma), working with Cherokee students and others who want to learn our language.” ... Read full text:

Sea wolves

of the Great Bear Rainforest.

“The wolves eat the brains” says William Housty. If you’re walking along the creek beds of the Great Bear Rainforest and see decapitated salmon scattered about, it’s a tell-tale sign that sea wolves have been in the area. “They just take a bite take out of the head, and everything else is left fully intact.” This unusual feeding strategy has evolved among the coastal wolves that live in and around Bella Bella, B.C. Housty was born and raised here. His grandmother is head of the Wolf Clan of Heiltsuk Nation, and he chairs the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department Board. The wolves, he says, are shrewder than the local bears, who eat the fish whole and as a result are often riddled with tapeworm. Eating the head alone, might also be a way to avoid “salmon poisoning”, a bacterial toxicity from eating raw fish —concentrated in the kidneys and muscles— that can be fatal to dogs and other canids. “Wolves are very, very intelligent animals,” continues Housty, “We respect them, and they respect us.” I listen rapt as he shares stories of living alongside these beautiful howlers in his home territory, but I’m also bit embarrassed —embarrassed as I, too, grew up in British Columbia, but never realized we had “sea wolves” living on the coast. ... Read full text:

Eco Tip: Simplify your life as much as possible. Only keep belongings that you use/enjoy. Change your life, get sustainable, visit MyAIU Knowledge


Lucid dreamers

Scientists achieve real-time communication with a group of them.

Humanity has been able reach distant vistas, such as the Moon, the deep oceans, and the wild expanses at Earth’s poles. Now, scientists have made a new breakthrough in the exploration of a very different type of frontier —the hallucinatory world inside dreams. An international team of researchers was able to achieve real-time dialogues with people in the midst of lucid dreams, a phenomenon that is called “interactive dreaming,” according to a study published on Thursday [February 18th, 2021] in Current Biology.

Participants in the study were able to correctly respond to questions, such as simple math problems, while they were deep in the throes of rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep. The research reveals a “relatively unexplored communication channel” that could enable “a new strategy for the empirical exploration of dreams,” the study reports. “There are studies of lucid dreamers communicating out of dreams, and also remembering to do tasks,” said Karen Konkoly, a PhD student at Northwestern University and first author of the paper, in a call. “But there's a fairly limited amount of research on the stimuli going into lucid dreams.” “One thing that surprised us is that you could just say a sentence to somebody, and they could understand it just as it actually is,” she added. Konkoly and her colleagues recruited 36 people to fall asleep in laboratories located in the United States, France, Germany, and the Netherlands, with the aim of entering a lucid state in which the person was aware that they were in a dream. The study included several experienced lucid dreamers, including one individual with narcolepsy, as well as people who were less familiar with this type of dream. The researchers verified that participants had entered REM sleep by placing electrodes next to their eyes, on their scalps, and on their chins. By measuring activity such as brainwaves and eyeball movements, sleep experts can determine if a person had entered this deep sleep state. Some of the participants were then asked to confirm that they were in a dream with a pre-arranged ocular response in which they moved their eyes in a specific left-right pattern.

These eye signals, along with facial contortions, were used as a means of communication during the sleep sessions. For instance, the researchers asked an 19-yearold American participant to subtract six from eight while he was in a lucid dream, and he correctly signaled the answer “two” with two eye movements from left to right. When asked again, he repeated the correct answer. Roughly 18 percent of the trials resulted in this level of clear and accurate communication from the dreamer; 17 percent produced indecipherable answers, 3 percent ended with incorrect responses, and 60 percent did not provoke any response at all. “It’s amazing to sit in the lab and ask a bunch of questions, and then somebody might actually answer one,” Konkoly said. “It’s such an immediately rewarding type of experiment to do. You don’t have to wait to analyze your data or anything like that. You can see it right there while they’re still sleeping.” What’s more, many participants were able to recall the interactions with the researchers after they woke up, with individuals reporting that the prompts sounded like a voiceover narrator or a radio speaker that was clearly coming from outside of their dream. We’ve all had the experience of waking up from a vivid dream, only to feel as if its fragmentary details are rapidly receding into our waking minds until we can no longer recount its events. Along those lines, some individuals remembered different questions and answers after they woke up than the ones they received or gave in the dream, highlighting the difficulty of accurately reconstructing dreams once a person is awake.

The team plans to build on this study with more experiments that will probe the possibilities of two-way communication with lucid dreamers. “We’ve thought of so many experiments we could do with this,” Konkoly said. “I think one predicate that we’re working on now is: how can we optimize the procedure? How can we have this happen more? How can we have people have more lucid dreams? How can we communicate more reliably?” “We have a lot of different ideas,” she concluded, “and we’re excited to test them.”

Read full text by Becky Ferreira:

Help others study and change their lives. Visit MyAIU Pledge. Learn how to have a better financial control. Visit MyAIU Money.

Braun BC21.

A digital alarm clock that recalls the classic Braun DN40, first brought to life by Dieter Rams in 1976. Perfect for a bedside table, with a 10W charging pad for Qi-enabled devices. store.moma.org

Gemini espresso maker.

Keep flavor and temperature intact from stovetop to cup. Place the cups side by side after adding water and espresso grounds to the bottom chamber. Brew on your stovetop and the Gemini delivers two perfect cups simultaneously. Comes with two cups and saucers. store.moma.org

Ultrawave UV portable mask sterilizer.

Keep your reusable masks sanitary with this sterilizer. This tech design uses UV-C LED technology to provide 99.9% effective sterilization and disinfection of bacteria and pathogens commonly found on used face masks. store.moma.org

Billy Porter. (1969-).

“For years I tried to put myself in a box, and it frustrated me, so I had to let go and let the Universe take its course.”

Billy Porter. (1969-). American actor and singer

Good Advice


Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud. Source: www.inc.com

Bachelor's of Electromechanical Engineering


The Bachelor of Electromechanical Engineering (BS, BSEE) program objective is to provide students with a thorough grounding in the fundamentals that would allow a graduate to function effectively in industry or continue on to graduate school. Bachelor of Electromechanical Engineering (BS, BSEE) program is offered online via distance learning. After evaluating both academic record and life experience, AIU staff working in conjunction with Faculty and Academic Advisors will assist students in setting up a custom-made program, designed on an individual basis. This flexibility to meet student needs is seldom found in other distance learning programs. Our online program does not require all students to take the same subjects/ courses, use the same books, or learning materials. Instead, the online Bachelor of Electromechanical Engineering (BS, BSEE) curriculum is designed individually by the student and academic advisor. It specifically addresses strengths and weaknesses with respect to market opportunities in the student’s major and intended field of work. Understanding that industry and geographic factors should influence the content of the curriculum instead of a standardized onefits- all design is the hallmark of AIU’s unique approach to adult education. This philosophy addresses the dynamic and constantly changing environment of working professionals by helping adult students in reaching their professional and personal goals within the scope of the degree program.


Below is an example of the topics or areas you may develop and work on during your studies. By no means is it a complete or required list as AIU programs do not follow a standardized curriculum. It is meant solely as a reference point and example. Want to learn more about the curriculum design at AIU? Go ahead and visit our website, especially the Course and Curriculum section: http://aiu.edu/course-curriculum.html

Orientation Courses:

Communication & Investigation (Comprehensive Resume)
Organization Theory (Portfolio)
Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
Seminar Administrative Development (Book Summary)
Seminar Cultural Development (Practical Experience)
Seminar International Development (Publications)

Core Courses and Topics

Internal combustion engines
Automotive heating, ventilating and air conditioning
Fasteners and bolted joints
Polymer materials and processes
Engineering cost analysis
Mechanical engineering graphics
Introduction to engineering projects
Mechanics of materials
Manufacturing processes
Fluid mechanics
Kinematics & dynamics of machines
Design of machine elements
Computer aided engineering
Heat transfer
Automated manufacturing systems
Manufacturing facilities design
World class manufacturing
Robotics application
Mechanical vibrations
Finite element analysis
Micromechanics of materials
Fundamentals of quality systems

Research Project

Bachelor Thesis Project
MBM300 Thesis Proposal
MBM302 Bachelor Thesis (5,000 words)

Skills for Success

Each Bachelor graduate is encouraged to publish their research papers either online in the public domain or through professional journals and periodicals worldwide.

Contact us to get started

Each graduate is encouraged to publish their research papers either online in the public domain or through professional journals and periodicals worldwide


Pioneer Plaza/900 Fort Street Mall 410
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)

About Us


Atlantic International University offers distance learning degree programs for adult learners at bachelors, masters, and doctoral level. With self paced program taken online, AIU lifts the obstacles that keep professional adults from completing their educational goals. Programs are available throughout a wide range of majors and areas of study. All of this with a philosophically holistic approach towards education fitting within the balance of your life and acknowledging the key role each individual can play in their community, country, and the world. Atlantic International University is accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC). ASIC Accreditation is an internationally renowned quality standard for colleges and universities. Visit ASIC’s Directory of Accredited Colleges and Universities. ASIC is a member of CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA, an approved accreditation body by the Ministerial Department of the Home Office in the UK, and is listed in the International Directory of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The University is based in the United States and was established by corporate charter in 1998.

Our founding principles are based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; per article 26, AIU believes that Higher Education is a Human Right. The University has implemented a paradigm shifting educational model for its academic programs that have allowed it to move closer to this goal through the self-empowerment of its students, decentralization of the learning process, personalized open curriculum design, a sustainable learning model, developing 11 core elements of the Human Condition within MYAIU, and utilizing the quasi-infinite knowledge through the use of information technology combined with our own capacity to find solutions to all types of global issues, dynamic problems, and those of individuals and multidisciplinary teams. Due to these differentiations and the university’s mission, only a reputable accrediting agency with the vision and plasticity to integrate and adapt its processes around AIU’s proven and successful innovative programs could be selected. Unfortunately, the vast majority of accrediting agencies adhere to and follow obsolete processes and requirements that have outlived their usefulness and are in direct conflict with the university’s mission of offering a unique, dynamic, affordable, quality higher education to the nontraditional student (one who must work, study what he really needs for professional advancement, attend family issues, etc.). We believe that adopting outdated requirements and processes would impose increased financial burdens on students while severely limiting their opportunities to earn their degree and advance in all aspects. Thus, in selecting the ASIC as its accrediting agency, AIU ensured that its unique programs would not be transformed into a copy or clone of those offered by the 10,000+ colleges and universities around the world. Since ASIC is an international accrediting agency based outside the United States, we are required by statute HRS446E to place the following disclaimer: ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IS NOT ACCREDITED BY AN ACCREDITING AGENCY RECOGNIZED BY THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF EDUCATION. Note: In the United States and abroad, many licensing authorities require accredited degrees as the basis for eligibility for licensing.

In some cases, accredited colleges may not accept for transfer courses and degrees completed at unaccredited colleges, and some employers may require an accredited degree as a basis for eligibility for employment. Potential students should consider how the above may affect their interests, AIU respects the unique rules and regulations of each country and does not seek to influence the respective authorities. In the event that a prospective student wishes to carry out any government review or process in regards to his university degree, we recommend that the requirements of such are explored in detail with the relevant authorities by the prospective student as the university does not intervene in such processes. AIU students can be found in over 180 countries, they actively participate and volunteer in their communities as part of their academic program and have allocated thousands of service hours to diverse causes and initiatives. AIU programs follow the standards commonly used by colleges and universities in the United States with regards to the following: academic program structure, degree issued, transcript, and other graduation documents. AIU graduation documents can include an apostille and authentication from the US Department of State to facilitate their use internationally.

The AIU Difference

It is acknowledged that the act of learning is endogenous, (from within), rather than exogenous.

This fact is the underlying rationale for “Distance Learning”, in all of the programs offered by AIU. The combination of the underlying principles of student “self instruction”, (with guidance), collaborative development of curriculum unique to each student, and flexibility of time and place of study, provides the ideal learning environment to satisfy individual needs.

AIU is an institution of experiential learning and nontraditional education at a distance. There are no classrooms and attendance is not required.

Mission & Vision


To be a higher learning institution concerned about generating cultural development alternatives likely to be sustained in order to lead to a more efficient administration of the world village and its environment; exerting human and community rights through diversity with the ultimate goal of the satisfaction and evolution of the world.


The empowerment of the individual towards the convergence of the world through a sustainable educational design based on andragogy and omniology.

Organizational Structure

Dr. Franklin Valcin
President/Academic Dean
Dr. José Mercado
Chief Executive Officer
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Ricardo González, PhD
Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez
Chief Operation Officer
and MKT Director
Linda Collazo
Logistics Coordinator
Dr. Silvia Restorff
Academic Advisor
Dr. Miriam Garibaldi
Viceprovost for Research
Irina Ivashuk
Alumni Association
Dr. Prakash Menon
Academic Advisor
Dr. Ofelia Miller
Director of AIU
Clara Margalef
Director of Special Projects
of AIU
Carlos Aponte
Juan Pablo Moreno
Director of Operations
David Jung
Corporate/Legal Counsel
Dr. Nilani Ljunggren De Silva
Academic Advisor
Paula Viera
Director of
Intelligence Systems
Bruce Kim
Dr. Scott Wilson
Academic Advisor
Felipe Gomez
Design Director / IT Supervisor
Thomas Kim
Accounting Counsel
Dr. Mohammad Shaidul Islam
Academic Advisor
Daritza Ysla
IT Coordinator
Camila Correa
Quality Assurance Coordinator
Dr. Edgar Colon
Academic Advisor
Nadeem Awan
Chief Programming Officer
Maricela Esparza
Administrative Coordinator
Deborah Rodriguez
Academic Tutor Coordinator
Dr. Jack Rosenzweig
Dean of Academic Affairs
Chris Benjamin
IT and Hosting Support
Cyndy Dominguez
Academic Tutor Coordinator
Dr. Edward Lambert
Academic Director
Mayra Bolivar
Accounting Coordinator
Kinmberly Diaz
Admissions Support Tutor
Dr. Ariadna Romero
Advisor Coordinator
Roberto Aldrett
Communications Coordinator
Amalia Aldrett
Admissions Coordinator
Nadia Gabaldon
Academic Coordinator
Giovanni Castillo
IT Support
Sandra Garcia
Admissions Coordinator
Jhanzaib Awan
Senior Programmer
Jaime Rotlewicz
Dean of Admissions
Jose Neuhaus
Admissions Support
Leonardo Salas
Human Resource Manager
Dr. Mario Rios
Academic Advisor
Junko Shimizu
Admissions Coordinator
Benjamin Joseph
IT and Technology Support
Michael Phillips
Registrar’s Office
Veronica Amuz
Admissions Coordinator
Rosie Perez
Finance Coordinator
Rene Cordon
Admissions Support
Alba Ochoa
Admissions Coordinator
Chris Soto
Admissions Counselor
Jenis Garcia
Admissions Counselor

FACULTY AND STAFF PAGE: www.aiu.edu/FacultyStaff.html

School of Business and Economics

The School of Business and Economics allows aspiring and practicing professionals, managers, and entrepreneurs in the private and public sectors to complete a self paced distance learning degree program of the highest academic standard. The ultimate goal is to empower learners and help them take advantage of the enormous array of resources from the world environment in order to eliminate the current continuum of poverty and limitations. Degree programs are designed for those students whose professional experience has been in business, marketing, administration, economics, finance and management.

Areas of Study:

Accounting, Advertising, Banking, Business Administration, Communications, Ecommerce, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Home Economics, Human Resources, International Business, International Finance, Investing, Globalization, Marketing, Management, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Public Administrations, Sustainable Development, Public Relations, Telecommunications, Tourism, Trade.

School of Social and Human Studies

The School of Social and Human Studies is focused on to the development of studies which instill a core commitment to building a society based on social and economic justice and enhancing opportunities for human well being. The founding principles lie on the basic right of education as outlined in the Declaration of Human Rights. We instill in our students a sense of confidence and self reliance in their ability to access the vast opportunities available through information channels, the world wide web, private, public, nonprofit, and nongovernmental organizations in an ever expanding global community. Degree programs are aimed towards those whose professional life has been related to social and human behavior, with the arts, or with cultural studies.

Areas of Study:

Psychology, International Affairs, Sociology, Political Sciences, Architecture, Legal Studies, Public Administration, Literature and languages, Art History, Ministry, African Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies, Islamic Studies, Religious Studies.

School of Science and Engineering

The School of Science and Engineering seeks to provide dynamic, integrated, and challenging degree programs designed for those whose experience is in industrial research, scientific production, engineering and the general sciences. Our system for research and education will keep us apace with the twenty-first century reach scientific advance in an environmentally and ecologically responsible manner to allow for the sustainability of the human population. We will foster among our students a demand for ethical behavior, an appreciation for diversity, an understanding of scientific investigation, knowledge of design innovation, a critical appreciation for the importance of technology and technological change for the advancement of humanity.

Areas of Study:

Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Communications, Petroleum Science, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Nutrition Science, Agricultural Science, Computer Science, Sports Science, Renewable Energy, Geology, Urban Planning.

Online Library Resources

With access to a global catalog created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 participating institutions, AIU students have secured excellent research tools for their study programs.

The AIU online library contains over 2 billion records and over 300 million bibliographic records that are increasing day by day. The sources spanning thousands of years and virtually all forms of human expression. There are files of all kinds, from antique inscribed stones to e-books, form wax engravings to MP3s, DVDs and websites. In addition to the archives, the library AIU Online offers electronic access to more than 149,000 e-books, dozens of databases and more than 13 million full-text articles with pictures included. Being able to access 60 databases and 2393 periodicals with more than 18 million items, guarantees the information required to perform the assigned research project. Users will find that many files are enriched with artistic creations on the covers, indexes, reviews, summaries and other information.

The records usually have information attached from important libraries. The user can quickly assess the relevance of the information and decide if it is the right source.

Education on the 21st century

AIU is striving to regain the significance of the concept of education, which is rooted into the Latin “educare”, meaning “to pull out”, breaking loose from the paradigm of most 21st century universities with their focus on “digging and placing information” into students’ heads rather than teaching them to think. For AIU, the generation of “clones” that some traditional universities are spreading throughout the real world is one of the most salient reasons for today’s ills. In fact, students trained at those educational institutions never feel a desire to “change the world” or the current status quo; instead, they adjust to the environment, believe everything is fine, and are proud of it all.

IN A WORLD where knowledge and mostly information expire just like milk, we must reinvent university as a whole in which each student, as the key player, is UNIQUE within an intertwined environment. This century’s university must generate new knowledge bits although this may entail its separation from both the administrative bureaucracy and the faculty that evolve there as well. AIU thinks that a university should be increasingly integrated into the “real world”, society, the economy, and the holistic human being. As such, it should concentrate on its ultimate goal, which is the student, and get him/her deeply immersed into a daily praxis of paradigm shifts, along with the Internet and research, all these being presently accessible only to a small minority of the world community. AIU students must accomplish their self-learning mission while conceptualizing it as the core of daily life values through the type of experiences that lead to a human being’s progress when information is converted into education. The entire AIU family must think of the university as a setting that values diversity and talent in a way that trains mankind not only for the present but above all for a future that calls everyday for professionals who empower themselves in academic and professional areas highly in demand in our modern society. We shall not forget that, at AIU, students are responsible for discovering their own talents and potential, which they must auto-develop in such a way that the whole finish product opens up as a flower that blossoms every year more openly.

THE AIU STANCE is against the idea of the campus as a getaway from day-to-day pressure since we believe reality is the best potential-enhancer ever; one truly learns through thinking, brainstorming ideas, which leads to new solutions, and ultimately the rebirth of a human being fully integrated in a sustainable world environment. Self-learning is actualized more from within than a top-down vantage point, that is to say, to influence instead of requesting, ideas more than power. We need to create a society where solidarity, culture, life, not political or economic rationalism and more than techno structures, are prioritized. In short, the characteristics of AIU students and alumni remain independence, creativity, self-confidence, and ability to take risk towards new endeavors. This is about people’s worth based not on what they know but on what they do with what they know.

Read more at: www.aiu.edu

AIU Service

AIU offers educational opportunities in the USA to adults from around the world so that they can use their own potential to manage their personal, global cultural development. The foundational axis of our philosophy lies upon self-actualized knowledge and information, with no room for obsoleteness, which is embedded into a DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEM based on ANDRAGOGY and OMNIOLOGY. The ultimate goal of this paradigm is to empower learners and help them take advantage of the enormous array of resources from the world environment in order to eliminate the current continuum of poverty and limitations.

This will become a crude reality with respect for, and practice of, human and community rights through experiences, investigations, practicum work, and/ or examinations. Everything takes place in a setting that fosters diversity; with advisors and consultants with doctorate degrees and specializations in Human Development monitor learning processes, in addition to a worldwide web of colleagues and associations, so that they can reach the satisfaction and the progress of humanity with peace and harmony.

Contact us to get started

Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home. For additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us.

Pioneer Plaza / 900 Fort Street Mall 410 Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US) info@aiu.edu
808-924-9567 (Internationally) www.aiu.edu

Online application:
