Awarded student

January 4, 2021. One of our students, Manisha Rodrigo, was awarded as the Young Corporate Leader of the Year in Sri Lanka, at the award ceremony organized by the Woman in Management Sri Lanka & Maldives and Sri Lanka Youth Services Council. Currently she is the Managing Director for Bopitiya Auto Springs and Chief Executive Officer at Bopitiya Auto Enterprises. Her goal as an Entrepreneur is to become an influencer to the industry and to capture into more international markets. While operating as the CEO of Bopitiya Auto Enterprises which manufactures Automotive Fastening and Suspension Components, the establishment idea of Bopitiya Auto Springs as her own enterprise emerged as to manufacture the main part coming under the suspension system which is the Leaf Spring. Manisha Rodrigo is completing a Doctorate program in Business Administration at Atlantic International University.

Pink it out!

January 13, 2021. One of our students, Dickson Sedzi, organized a Breast Screening last October dubbed “Pink it out!”. The program was a success and he had over 150 women passing through the hotel where it took place throughout the day to get screened. During the event, The Association of African Universities Heath- Afrik interviewed him. On the following link you can find the video of the Pink it Out! event on YouTube: com/watch?v=bzHebpjBKgw Dickson Sedzi is completing a Master’s program in Marketing at AIU.

Breaking paradigms

January 5, 2021. Atlantic International University is proud to share with you another video about one of our students who breaks paradigms. This video is about Ho Yin Lo. He graduated with a Masters degree in Information Systems at AIU. He is a leading systems analyst for a Hong Kong government project with revenue of US$40 million. He leads a ten-member team consisting of systems engineers, system analysts and project coordinators. In addition to equipment and operations management, he also managed a couple of vendors in infrastructure systems and services integration for some subcontracted project components. Find the video here: https:// AIU%20STUDENTS%20WHO%20 BREAK%20PARADIGMS%20HO%20 YIN%20LO.mp4 May you enjoy and be inspired by the video.

Book published

January 11, 2021. One of our Academic Advisors, Dr. Babatunde Olabode, has published his book titled Grace & Speed, and is available on Amazon and on Barnes & Noble. Summary: The life we live is a function of God’s grace, the Bible says ‘the race is not to the swift, the battle is not to the strong but time and chance happens to them all’. Grace is the God–factor in the race of life, the book of John 15 says without Him, we can do nothing. Life is very much about God, as many as appear before God in Zion go from strength to strength. Going through life without understanding places a man on a disadvantaged path. The book is about understanding the God–factor in our lives and how to properly connect to God. The chapters of the book showcase the need to see and connect to God in all aspects of life. The book also teaches about the basic necessities on how to maximize God’s grace to achieve full potential. Many in the Christendom have assumed that with ‘Grace’, you just go and sleep while Grace works even when you are doing nothing. ... Find his book on Amazon: John-Babatunde-Olabode/dp/9785789888 and Barnes & Noble: https://www. babatunde-olabode/1138334086?e an=9789785789881 Dr. Babatunde Olabode has completed a Post-Doctorate program in Peacebuilding at AIU.

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Student Testimonials

Saidou Aboubacar
Doctor of Physical Therapy
November 30, 2020

“From my first enrolment after I graduated, I had seeking for an other enrolment when I started my master degree in a private health school that I have already experienced. At AIU, I earned an immense experience through andragogic learning. These opportunities made me enthusiastic and permitted me to take a second enrolment for postgraduate in my field (PT). I need to reach these level but we have no possibility because in my country we have not the trained human resources in this scope to give lecture to other colleagues in PT. Perhaps they have some others PT but with low level people cannot accept you as competent. At my hospital people and other physicians are more confident now in my treatment and my point of view. I performed my skills in computer because of intensity of research I had done all the time for example. I use a lot of material from AIU library to do my topics and my own general culture that I don’t imagine the possibility before. AIU gives really some resources through andragogic courses to fight against the initiative weaknesses. I’m not fear to express my opinion when we discuss with colleagues (no possibility before AIU). All the staff manage to bring me his help when I expressed a needy through my student section. My academic advisor, and tutor are at any time ready to give their help if I’m asking. In my country internet is low speed but who cares, the AIU page display automatically and I can read easily the courses proposed to me. You know what? I have my choice to start my courses at any time I want. On the other hand I can get the university news at any time and the informed for all thing that happens there. I like to experience the graduation ceremony which I already experience by activating the link in my browser to match the ceremonies on YouTube. It’s so emotional. I was so sorry to not participate. Finally is not possible to the guy like me to attend this unforgettable event because of weakness of means.
Andreas Angu
Master of Project Management December 7, 2020

“My experience at the Atlantic International University, an online distance learning institution, as a student of Master of Business Administration with Major in Project Management is long journey entails with obstacles, challenges and above all, personal and goal achievements. When I enrolled exactly on Thursday, October 3rd, 2020. I never knew the big challenges waiting for me ahead. That of going back to school to re-study and achieve a Master. The last time I entered the University lecturing hall was in September 1997, when I was writing my final year exam of Bachelor’s Degree in International Economics. It has never occurred to me that I will return back to school for studies. Because after my graduation at the university, I had to search and apply for Job openings so as to able to support and provide financial assistance to my mum and my siblings. I started working in year 2000 (refer to my Resume), after several years working with diverse companies; audit firm, Micro-finance Institutions, International Organizations, volunteering with VSO JITLOEE Kenya and leading the Fuller Center For Housing Bamenda Cameroon (as CEO/ Founder). I thought it was the right time to advance or move to the next level with my professional career to attain senior positions and leadership. Acquiring more skills, expertise and greater professionalism advancement will be a personal fulfillment and dream realization. That is when, I started to search for online distance learning universities which could response to my goal. After several online search, I couldn’t find any suitable for my choice. “One faithful morning”, as I logged into to my mail box (Yahoo Mail), I found an advert on the scroll yahoo mail bar about Atlantic International University, an online distance learning. I clicked on the site to view what they offer. I suddenly realized that was what ... Read full text:

Find more testimonials from AIU students here:


Mohammad Shahidul Islam | Academic Advisor at AIU

Coronavirus, namely severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible for coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Coronavirus is emerged in the city of Wuhan, China, in 2019 and has since caused a large scale COVID-19 pandemic and spread to more than 222 other countries/areas/ territories is the product of natural evolution. As of December 20, 2020 globally 75,110,651 persons were infected. Out of these, 1,680,395 were death (WHO). Worse case scenarios were identified in USA with 17,314,834 confirmed cases with 1,680,395 death tolls.

After that Indian casualties were high with 10,031,223 confirmed cases and 145,477 death tolls. This COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global three pillars of sustainability: ecology, society and economy. Environment is a part of ecology. Contaminated environment infected COVID-19 disease exponentially. Later on this spread widely through transboundary environmental mobility. The infected persons experienced social and psychological problems due to compulsory requirement of institutional and home quarantine over long time. The obvious results of these environmental and social problems by COVID-19 pandemic caused negative impact on economy. To cut outbreak of this infectious COVID-19 pandemic, worldwide communication became seized. Vulnerable countries locked down their geographical boundaries, suspended land, water and air communications and advised their people not to communicate in and out of the country concerned. These caused complete breakdown of local, regional and global supply chains. If these continue over long time, there will be scarcity of necessary commodities. Effect of this will be revealed in raise in commodity price.

Sooner or later the vulnerable people will need to spend more money to buy their necessary commodities. In fact after one year of COVID-19 pandemic, this becomes rampant. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, questions striking in mind are: what lessons we have learnt? What experiences we have accumulated? And what opportunities we can offer to coup the present and future similar crisis? Answers to these questions most probably would be helpful to restore contemporary global balance of three pillars of environmental sustainability: ecology, society and economy.

Significant lessons we have learnt are: use of personal protective equipments (PPEs) to cut down disease spreading and process of development of a suitable vaccine to foster immune system against this COVID-19 disease. PPEs helped to cut down disease spreading in wider extent otherwise most probably there would be partial extinction of human species from this world due to absence of a suitable drug. Other lesson we have learnt is the process of development of a suitable vaccine by application of existing and new biotechnology.

Advanced biotechnological experiences are crucial to develop COVID-19 vaccine. USA biotech companies Pfizer and Mordana have developed their vaccines based on the virus’s genetic instructions for building the spike protein. The vaccines use messenger RNA, genetic material that our cells read to make proteins. The molecule —called mRNA for short— is fragile and would be chopped to pieces by our natural enzymes if it were injected directly into the body. To protect their vaccines, Pfizer and Mordana wrap mRNA in oily bubbles made of lipid nanoparticles and store at -70oC. After injection, the vaccine particles bump into cells and fuse to them, releasing mRNA. The cell’s molecules read its sequence and build spike proteins. The mRNA from the vaccine is eventually destroyed by the cell, leaving no permanent trace. Later on this spike protein develops antibody against corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) which is responsible for COVID-19 disease. This is how Pfizer’s and Mordana’s vaccines work. British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in collaboration with Oxford University have developed another COVID-19 vaccine.

The Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine is made from a cold-causing adenovirus that was isolated from the stool of chimpanzees and modified so that it no longer replicates in cells. When injected, the vaccine instructs human cells to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein —the immune system’s main target in coronaviruses. Likewise the previously mentioned vaccines, this spike protein also develops antibody against the corona virus. In phase III clinical trials, these vaccines were claimed to be 95-70% effective. Due to lack of adequate data, solid conclusion could not be made at this stage but these vaccines got approval from drug administrations of few countries to coup up the dangerous pandemic. These biotechnological experiences we have accumulated while worked with COVID-19 pandemic. These scientific lessons and experiences also offer opportunity to coup up with similar crisis in future. This time COVID- 19 vaccines took almost 10 months to be developed. Taking advantage of the previous lessons and experiences, it might be possible to develop vaccine to coup up with future pandemic if any in even shorter time span. We don’t want to have this type of pandemic in our beautiful world in future. We should avoid this in what so ever way we can to retain global balance of contemporary environmental sustainability for the greater interest of mankind.

The best start for positive parenting: Clinical psychology

Karen Akwuobi | Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

Abstract This article examines child psychological pathology, parental philosophy and positive parenting and subsequently provides access to a framework for parental assessment: this article will examine section 1: “Parenting Functioning” on the following key factors by explicating variations of models under the main hypothesis —The best way to get started on positive parenting: clinical psychology. The section begins by defining the importance of a child nurtured in an early age: parenting and it’s scienctific correlation, briefly explains time and its effect on parenting, this then reviews the five parenting styles and their Clinical Practice and Level of adaptive behaviour.

Background Lack of positive parenting and not having a clear direction on where to go for parenting help has driven children and youth to leave home before their readiness to leave home, live in homes with parents with no literal parent figure present, increases the number of dysfunctional families, increases concealed homelessness and sleeping rough in young adults which subsequently increases the number of adolescents and children in state care; foster care, emergency accommodation, homeless and hidden homelessness and sleeping rough. Managing this flow and developing a framework to support positive parenting style has been a major shortcoming in our society today.

Introduction Coming up with a positive parenting philosophy can be a challenge. How you decide to impart and teach a child can be a key element when it comes to raising a child, knowing the child, establishing mutual respect and a line of open communication. This article is an intervention guide that mirrors responsibility for all issues relating to parenting. Parents need to secure resources, articulate a vision of what childhood should be about and how parents can be helped in providing the best possible care for their children. It will examine child’s psychological pathology, parenting philosophy and positive parenting subsequently access to a framework for parental assessment

The importance of a child nurtured in an early age: parenting and it’s scienctific correlation According Bronson and Merryman, school-aged children whose mothers nurtured them early in life have brains with a larger hippocampus. What is the hippocampus? The hippocampus is a key brain structure important to learning, memory and stress response. This research focuses on the amygdala, which is the area of the brain connected to emotional memory and reactions, and the hippocampus, which consolidates information from short-term memory to long-term memory. The Washington University School of Medicine research shows that the critical region of children’s brain anatomy is linked to a mother’s nurturing. This research shows that full 10 percent in hippocampal mass between nurtured children and their extremely neglected counterparts. The way children are treated in their early years is important not only for the child’s emotional development, but also in determining the size of their brains. The size and growth of the brain’s structures relates directly to a child’s potential for learning, as well as long- and shortterm memory, and lifelong appropriate stress responses. The way a child is parented has a deep and indelible impact on that child’s life

Time and its effect on parenting Time is one of the major factors that can influence or inhibit parental functioning depending on how it is handled. According to paw research (Parenting children in the age of screens) shows that roughly seven-in-ten parents (68%) say they are at least sometimes distracted by their smartphone, with 17% saying this happens often. Statistic flow: parenting demand and screen: S Aman-Back, K Björkqvist survey showed the self-reported amount of active engagement time for parents. The amount of parental quality time decreased with the age of the child, the average across age groups being 4.4 +/- 3.0 hr. for mothers and 3.0 +/- 2.9 hr. for fathers per day and children reported spending roughly 1 hour more time with their parents than the latter reported (total hours 5.4+). According to the comparison parental commitment chart on the statistics flow of this research shows that this age parenting spends more time on screen and less time on parenting as required. Statistically, the more technology advances the lower the slope drops below the equilibrium of positive parenting. As the time spent on the screen increases (the slope rises) it automatically reduces the time spent on parenting (the slope decreases). The total parenting estimated time = 5 hrs 40 mins daily according S Aman- Back, K Bjorkavist survey depend on age. The equilibrium on parental commitment based on this research chart is 2 hrs 30 mins = 50%. According Paw Research on parental commitment 68% = 1 hr 45 mins operating below the equilibrium, sometimes distracted, more time spent on smartphone. However, if the time spent daily drops below the equilibrium, then parental pressures arise giving rise to societal dysfunction; where social disorganisation, social pathology or social dysfunction are analytical contexts in which the determinist relationship between crime and society are clearly suggested (Young, 1981). The higher the number of quality of parenting hours spent daily will determine the quality of societal relational structures. This means that parenting of this age is experiencing time constraints and the dynamic paradigm shift of technology is having negative impact on positive parenting.

Parenting functioning Parenting style has big impact on how children develop into adults and there are important implications for their future success. Under the hypotheses of parenting Functioning and its clinical approach this article will elaborate on the five main parenting styles and their implications for rearing successful children and leaders. The five parenting styles and their clinical practice: Neglectful parents, Permissive or indulgent parents, Authoritarian parents, Egocentric parents and Authoritative parents. (1) Neglectful parents. When parents simply don’t engage much in the parenting role, spend less time with their children and allow TV and video games to babysit. Clinical practice: The children of disengaged parents had the worst outcomes according to the research analysis: most did not do well in school, had problems with peer relationships, had trouble following rules, had behaviour problems due to a lack of self-control, communication skills and the highest levels of anxiety, depression and drug abuse. (2) Permissive or indulgent parents. Attentive parents, who provide a great deal of warmth and interaction, with few rules and constraints and seem more like friends than parents, tended to use manipulative methods to motivate and avoided confrontations, preferring to be seen as friends rather than authority figures. Clinical practice: according to the research analysis, the children of permissive parents were typically low in self-control, low in consideration of others, low in achievement motivation, few boundaries, and a sense of entitlement, one-sided interpersonal relationships, they are more probable to use drugs and leave home easily. (3) Authoritarian parents. This parent is adherence to rules, a dominating style, with a great deal of control and may be punitive and is likely to believe in the “spare the rod, spoil the child” rule. They are very critical, rigid in communication, harsh and with unpredictable consequences for disobedience.Clinical Practice: according to the research analysis, lack of confidence, prone to anxiety, depression, giving in to peer pressure, tempted to leave home before their readiness to leave home and more attracted to live apart from their parents. Research suggests that children of authoritarian parents may lack some of the critical social communication skills and interpersonal relationships skills. (4) Egocentric parents. Tend to be manipulative, emotion centred parents, when it appeases their emotion, they apply instant gratification and when it doesn’t it leads to parent systematic withdrawal. Their support is based on feelings and sentiments and it elicits unsettlement and dysfunctional families. Clinical practice: child makes incorrect assumptions about what other people are thinking or feeling, can feel just as empty and depleted, low self-esteem, apathy, unhealthy and engrossed with feelings of isolation. (5) Authoritative parents. Encourage their children to be independent at ageappropriate, but also set limits and boundaries, discipline is applied, but in a supportive, non-punitive way, high in expectations and high in support, give rational explanations for their rules and expectations, listen and take into account their child’s perspective, engage in give-and-take but do not base their decisions solely on their child’s desires, praise positive behaviour, involve in aged based routine and Consequences for misbehaviour logically related to the child’s actions. Clinical practice: according to the research analysis: portrayed the highest levels of confidence, social skills, respect for others, self-control, school achievement and self-reliance.

Examining the five styles of parental function and their clinical practice as highlights the superiority of authoritative parenting In line with Baumrind’s early finding —now widely replicated— that the children of parents who are both responsive and firm tend to be more competent and cooperative than children of parents who are either authoritarian or permissive (Baumrind & Black 1967), according to a psychologist Laurence Steinberg, got major confirmation from a 10-year of 20,000 families on the superiority of authoritative parenting, with its balanced integration of demandingness and responsiveness. How the parenting styles would play out in the teens, taking into consideration how each style would handle a common parent-teen scenario: your teenager comes home late or after curfew. An authoritarian parent would impose a punishment with little or no discussion; the emphasis would be on following the rule, period. A permissive parent might be unhappy about the lateness but would avoid a confrontation about it. Negligent parents probably wouldn’t have even set a curfew, or if they had, wouldn’t care much about the lateness. Authoritative parents would take the lateness seriously. They would find out why their child was late, discuss the legitimacy of the reason, and help their teen see why a responsible person, regardless of the reason, would phone (or text) to let their parents know they were safe but would be late. The emphasis of the authoritative parent would be on the teen’s taking the parent’s perspective and committing to more responsible behaviour in the future. If the problem recurred, there would be a discussion of fair consequences to motivate future compliance. In Steinberg’s study, as in Baumrind’s, teens from authoritative families excelled in all categories. They were the most confident, the least likely to abuse drugs or alcohol, and the least likely to experience problems with anxiety or depression. They invested the most time in their studies and got the best grades.

Level of adaptive behaviour and psychological impact of bad parenting and clinical practice This will elicit the cognitive effect of bad parenting. Clinical Practice: (1) Behavioural. The child does not consider how their actions might affect others; this is known as antisocial behaviour. This can lead to substance abuse, mental health problems, crime, critical, negative and coercive behaviour and poor health. Approach: parents who do not help their child to express their emotions in a healthy manner will find that their child is unable to maintain friendships that will cause the child to question trust and develop low self-confidence. (2) Apathy. If the child is treated with indifference at home, then chances are high that the child will behave the same with others outside. (3) Identity diffusion. Robs the child’s off how to cope with emotional, mental, and physical trauma (poor resilience). (4) Depression. It will end with higher susceptibility of depression; feeling despair that they can’t escape, exhausted, continuous mood swings, engrossed with the feeling of exasperation, isolation, unexplainably overwhelmed. (5) Belligerence. Many studies have shown that traces of aggression from a very early age results from disconnection between a mother and a child’s relationship lead to explosive anger issues in kindergarteners. (6) Maladaptive negative mood. Studies have shown that “mood” is important when nurturing a child; speaking with uncontrollable rage and controlling in your discussion all the time, then chances are high that the child will grow up with apprehensiveness, the tendency to behave angrily, lack of emotional selfregulation, poor self-esteem, physiological stress, explosive aggression in communication and relationship with others and it can become a self-destructive pattern: (7) Diffuse negative moods. Moods can be diffuse with no identifiable object. If the child experienced severe diffuse Negative moods at home, then chances are high that the child will incline to have negative emotions such as being sad, angry, or afraid.

Anticipation guides are recommended If you want to maximize your contribution to your child’s development of character and competence, integrate demandingness and responsiveness. This balanced, authoritative style of parenting combines anticipation guides are recommended: a Confident authority that sets high but age-appropriate expectations. b A high level of warmth and support that helps children meet those expectations. c Rational explanations of parents’ rules and requirements. d Valuing both obedience and age-appropriate independence. e Fair and reasonable discipline that holds children accountable to expectations, with an emphasis on the development of responsibility. f Parental willingness to engage in give-and-take that gives kids a fair hearing, with parents making the final decision. g Treating children as individuals who have needs and feelings deserving respect.

Our new world

By Dr. Rosa Hilda Lora M. Advisor at AIU |

We start the year 2021 and from the information that we receive every day it seems that the Coronavirus pandemic is affecting more people and we also have that it has mutated. World society hoped that for the year and months that we have been affected by this virus, the situation would have been resolved. What has happened so that we don’t see the end of this pandemic come? First of all let’s see what we have done to live the times we are in. We say that we are rational beings and what we have done as rational beings, as beings of values, as beings of emotions? What we see everywhere is violence and more violence. As Pope Francis said in an interview —this society is either unconscious or hypocritical. Where that reason is? Where those values are? Where the control of emotions is? We have a global society that wants to solve everything through violence. We continue as in the early days of the first communities: everything resolved through the law of the strongest.

Another aspect to consider is the environment that life allows us. We are living among hurricanes here, earthquakes there, avalanches, river overflows. We couldn’t be suffering more and let’s add the lines of people, in rich countries, waiting for food because they don’t have something to eat. In our work we have developed extraordinary scientific thinking and with it a technology that solves everything. For everything we just have to press this button or the other and we already have the solution to an easier way to live. It is true that in this journey we have left a part of society in a precarious situation for life. The world, in which we live, has more facilities to carry out activities but this way of life requires resources and people with the necessary capacity to live a life structured in this way. You have to study to live in this new world. We are in a race of resources and trained people. In any case, science has an extraordinary development. But this world, this society with everything achieved, it seemed that something was not working because it was not possible to continue in social violence, the extraction of natural resources and the garbage dump of all kinds anywhere on the planet and the belief in facts unreliable. That world wasn’t going to continue. With a world like the one we have, the coronavirus pandemic comes to us and we need to see how we get out of all the problems.

What is evident is that violence doesn’t leave results for national or international problems. We have to solve everything that happens by winning for everyone. If people were to see that life is for everyone, instead of dedicating themselves to accumulating goods, national and world society would be different. If we were aware of te value of natural resources, we wouldn’t base the form of production on extracting and extracting without taking care of giving back. We must also see how to handle all the products that our way of life produces as garbage. We see that there’re already countries that started zero waste production.

Science has already shown us that those who believe in as many situations as they want to imagine the answer are in the scientific. Why are there so many infected and sick besides the dead? Because we don’t do what the scientists tell us. Now the time for vaccination has come for everyone. The time has come to think about how human relationships should be. The time has come to think about how to relate to nature. Now is the time to see how to create zero waste production. The time has come to think that you have to study to live in the world of technology. The pandemic has us, that in all countries, it is confinement or work until x hour because infections and deaths are not reduced. The pandemic is leaving us with financial problems. The pandemic is generating unemployment because production is not the same as we had. States have serious problems in providing health care to all those who are infected with coronavirus. States have to spend financial resources to purchase vaccines and dedicate human resources to their application. In memory of all those who have died from the pandemic we must: Change the way we relate as human beings. Change the way we relate to nature. Change the way we source goods. Give science the place it has, respecting it and applying ourselves to knowing what it says, studying to create a society that we cry out for. Those who have died as a result of the coronavirus pandemic ask us for these changes from their graves. We all hope that because a new year began with that everything will change.

If we don’t change everything will remain the same and the pandemic who knows where it will take us. The dead ask for it from their graves. It is up to us whether this pandemic ends. Whether this world is different depends on us. We can do it. We have to want to or the dead will claim us forever from their graves. We have to want to do it or every day we will be less human being on this planet Earth. The life we will have depends on us, no one else.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. Fromm, E. (2009). ¿Tener o ser? México: FCE | Lovelock, J. Entrevista - Julio -19- 2020 Retrieved from: | Lovelock, J. – Original Interview- July- 18- 2020 Retrieved from: james-lovelock-the-biosphere-and-i-are-both-in-the-last-1-per-cent-of-our-lives


‘It’s just too much’

Why some students are abandoning community colleges.

Community colleges have traditionally been a refuge where recent high school graduates —and adults of all ages— could pick up credits and develop new skills, including during a poor job market. Enrollment at two-year schools swelled during the downturn a decade ago. Many expected a similar rush during the pandemic. That didn’t happen. Fall enrollment at community colleges was down 10% from a year earlier, according to National Student Clearinghouse data from mid-December. That was a much steeper decline than the roughly 1% drop-off in undergraduates at public and private nonprofit four-year institutions, despite predictions that more students might opt for colleges closer to home before transferring to four-year schools. The decline in first-time enrollment at community colleges was a staggering 21%. Black, Hispanic and Native American first-year students showed even steeper drops in a November report, between 28 and 29%. ... The prospect of in-class learning raises the specter of Covid-19 infection. Remote instruction has worn out its welcome for many. And community colleges tend to attract those whose precarious finances have been hurt most by the pandemic, and who needed greater guidance from administrators and fact ... Read full text:

Fighting back

...through full spectrum resistance

In a time when human rights and our living planet are under attack, only powerful social movements and resistance movements can fight back and ensure a future of social and environmental justice. In Full Spectrum Resistance, author and organizer Aric McBay leads us through key lessons of movements through history and around the world. From the Suffragists to the Black Panthers, from Nelson Mandela to Gay Liberation, McBay illuminates the paths and pitfalls that movements must navigate, and the principles that make them succeed. Full of stirring case studies and practical checklists, this book showcases the hard won lessons that movements for justice and freedom have learned. It shows in practical terms how movements organize and succeed. Volume 1: Building movements and fighting to win, explores how movements approach political struggle, recruit members, and structure themselves to get things done and be safe. Volume 2: Actions and strategies for change, lays out how movements develop critical capacities (from intelligence to logistics), and how they plan and carry out successful actions and campaigns. ... A must-read book for activists new and old, and for anyone who cares about the future of our planet. Read full text:

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Viral sequences

Can an AI predict the language of viral mutation?

Viruses lead a rather repetitive existence. They enter a cell, hijack its machinery to turn it into a viral copy machine, and those copies head on to other cells armed with instructions to do the same. So it goes, over and over again. But somewhat often, amidst this repeated copy-pasting, things get mixed up. Mutations arise in the copies. Sometimes, a mutation means an amino acid doesn’t get made and a vital protein doesn’t fold —so into the dustbin of evolutionary history that viral version goes. Sometimes the mutation does nothing at all, because different sequences that encode the same proteins make up for the error. But every once in a while, mutations go perfectly right. The changes don’t affect the virus’s ability to exist; instead, they produce a helpful change, like making the virus unrecognizable to a person’s immune defenses. When that allows the virus to evade antibodies generated from past infections or from a vaccine, that mutant variant of the virus is said to have “escaped.” ... Last winter, Brian Hie, a computational biologist at MIT and a fan of the lyric poetry of John Donne, was thinking about this problem when he alighted upon an analogy: What if we thought of viral sequences the way we think of written language? Every viral sequence has a sort of grammar, he ...
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Fish bots get schooled in how to swarm.

Seven little Bluebots gently swim around a darkened tank in a Harvard University lab, spying on one another with great big eyes made of cameras. They’re on the lookout for the two glowing blue LEDs fixed to the backs and bellies of their comrades, allowing the machines to lock on to one another and form schools, a complex emergent behavior arising from surprisingly simple algorithms. With very little prodding from their human engineers, the seven robots eventually arrange themselves in a swirling tornado, a common defensive maneuver among real-life fish called milling. Bluebot is the latest entry in a field known as swarm robotics, in which engineers try to get machines to, well, swarm. And not in a terrifying way, mind you: The quest is to get schools of Bluebots to swarm more and more like real fish, giving roboticists insights into how to improve everything from self-driving cars to the robots that may one day prepare Mars for human habitation. Here’s how Bluebot works. Those eyeball cameras, which give the robot nearly 360-degree vision, are constantly searching for the blue LEDs of its neighbors, which on each robot are situated 86 mm apart. With this simple information, each Bluebot can determine its distance from another robot: If a neighbor is close, those ...
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COVID-19 vaccine

3 questions and the emerging answers

As the COVID-19 vaccine rolls out, three big questions loom. First, can someone who has been vaccinated still spread the disease? Second, will the vaccine remain effective as the virus itself evolves? And third, how long will the vaccine’s protection last? Answers to these questions lie in our immune systems. And the answers aren’t straightforward because our immune systems are both remarkably adept and remarkably challenging to predict. Let’s start with the first question. Marion Pepper, an immunologist at the University of Washington, says that’s not just an open question for this vaccine, but for vaccines in general. “I think it's hard to say because we’re constantly being bombarded by different pathogens and we don’t know when your immune system is responding,” she says. We may have infections that don’t make us sick, we never know about them, but we could be spreading disease. When a person is infected –or inoculated with a vaccine– the immune system gears up to produce antibodies that specifically target the virus. Over time, those antibodies naturally wane. But the immune system still holds a memory of the virus, and if it ever shows up again, cells spring into action and start to gear up a new batch of antibodies. ... Read full text:

Mental health

The fear of coronavirus is changing our psychology..

For weeks, almost every newspaper has stories about the coronavirus pandemic on its front page; radio and TV programmes have back-to-back coverage on the latest death tolls; and depending on who you follow, social media platforms are filled with frightening statistics, practical advice or gallows humour. This constant bombardment can result in heightened anxiety, with immediate effects on our mental health. But the constant feeling of threat may have other, more insidious, effects on our psychology. Due to some deeply evolved responses to disease, fears of contagion lead us to become more conformist and tribalistic, and less accepting of eccentricity. Our moral judgements become harsher and our social attitudes more conservative when considering issues such as immigration or sexual freedom and equality. Daily reminders of disease may even sway our political affiliations. ... The recent reports of increased xenophobia and racism may already be the first sign of this, but if the predictions of the scientific research are correct, they may reflect much deeper social and psychological shifts. Like much of human psychology, these responses to disease need to be understood in the context of prehistory. ...
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Increases sound quality

A small in-ear device that reduces stress. Available in standard and mini sizes, Calmer’s purpose is to reduce distortion in the ears. In turn, this increases sound quality and lowers stress levels. We have independent research conducted by the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) which verifies that Calmer reduces the peaks in the frequency range which humans find irritating, harsh or sharp. It came as a huge surprise to us when we started to receive feedback that Calmer was helping some users with their tinnitus. Tinnitus is different for everyone and we cannot make any bold claims other than sharing the impact Calmer has had on some people. ... As this was an unexpected benefit, we are working with health and hearing professionals as well as tinnitus support groups to further research this. ...
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Juho Könkkölä

Creates origami Samurai from a single sheet of paper.

Artist Juho Könkkölä creates paper figures with the art of origami. His creations don’t use any cutting —just folding— but still result in amazingly detailed creations. Könkkölä’s newest piece, and perhaps his most striking, is of a samurai. The warrior is seen brandishing a sword in hand, and the artist was even able to depict the essence of the traditional armor including the pointed kabuto (helmet) and the scaly haidate (thigh armor). With this level of intricacy, it’s hard to believe that this samurai was crafted without ever piercing the paper or using glue. “I got the idea for the character from my previous origami samurai warrior, which I did almost a year ago (March 2020),” Könkkölä tells My Modern Met. “The artwork was a success on its own, it pushed my style in a direction that I didn’t expect, but I knew it was something that needed to be explored more. But it still left me thinking that I could fold a better samurai.” ...
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Pink seesaws

An installation by architecture studio

An installation by architecture studio Rael San Fratello, which connected children in the US and Mexico via a trio of seesaws slotted into the countries’ border wall, has been crowned the Design of the Year. Dubbed the Teeter-Totter Wall, the project was in place for only around 40 minutes in July of 2019 and hoped to foster a sense of unity at the divisive border, which was highly politicised under the Trump administration. Today, the seesaws devised by architects Virginia San Fratello and Ronald Rael were named both the transport category winner as well as the overall winner of the Beazley Designs of the Year awards, which are organised by London’s Design Museum every year. A five-person jury, which included designer Camille Walala and Ma-tt-er founder Seetal Solanki, came to its decision in the immediate aftermath of Joe Biden’s victory in the US ...
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Alcohol at night

This is how it ruins your sleep, according to a Neuroscientist.

A glass of wine serves to help you wind down after a long day at work, but it’s not doing you any favors in the bedroom. When you stop drinking alcohol, not only does your mood improve and your skin clear up, but your sleep quality may also get better. Although many people rely on a glass of wine to relax and fall asleep, even just one drink greatly diminishes the quality of that sleep, says neuroscientist Kristen Willeumier, PhD. Even a few ounces of alcohol changes the basic structure of normal sleep. Having a drink to help you fall asleep is an ineffective sleep strategy that can lead to a multitude of sleep disturbances, including insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, and alterations in sleep architecture, says Dr. Willeumier. “The most prevalent changes in sleep architecture occur early in the evening when blood alcohol levels are high,” she says. “While alcohol is initially sedating, once it is metabolized it can lead to disrupted, poor quality of sleep later in the night.” Dr. Willeumier explains that while the sedative properties of alcohol increase deep sleep during the nonrapid eye movement phase (NREM), it also reduces the time spent in the rapid-eye-movement (REM) phase. “REM sleep is critical to healthy brain function as it is essential in ...
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Braiding sweetgrass

Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plant

“Robin Wall Kimmerer has written an extraordinary book, showing how the factual, objective approach of science can be enriched by the ancient knowledge of the indigenous people. It is the way she captures beauty that I love the most —the images of giant cedars and wild strawberries, a forest in the rain and a meadow of fragrant sweetgrass will stay with you long after you read the last page.” —Jane Goodall. “Braiding Sweetgrass is instructive poetry. Robin Wall Kimmerer has put the spiritual relationship that Chief Seattle called the ‘web of life’ into writing. Industrial societies lack the understanding of the interrelationships that bind all living things —this book fills that void. I encourage one and all to read these instructions.” —Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper, Onondaga Nation and Indigenous Environmental Leader. “With deep compassion and graceful prose, the author encourages readers to consider the ways that our lives and language weave through the natural world. A mesmerizing storyteller, she shares legends from her Potawatomi ancestors to illustrate the culture of gratitude in which we all should live.” —Publishers Weekly Find Braiding sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer in
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Live a better life learning how to keep your body, mind and soul balanced. Visit regularly MyAIU Body / MyAIU Mind / MyAIU Spirit and MyAIU Energy.

Overheated forests

May soon release more carbon than they absorb.

The last decades have been filled with dire warning signs from forests. Global warming has contributed to thinning canopies in European forests and to sudden die-offs of aspen trees in Colorado, as well as insect outbreaks that are killing trees around the world. In many places, forests are not growing back. New research shows that Earth’s overheated climate will alter forests at a global scale even more fundamentally, by flipping a critical greenhouse gas switch in the next few decades. The study suggests that, by 2040, forests will take up only half as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they do now, if global temperatures keep rising at the present pace. The study, published Wednesday [Jan 13] in Science Advances, analyzed more than 20 years of data from about 250 sites that measure the transfer of carbon dioxide between land and plants and the atmosphere —the way the planet breathes. Forests and the rest of Earth’s land-based ecosystems take up about 30 percent of human carbon emissions, so any big change in that process is important. The data show a clear temperature limit, above which trees start to exhale more CO2 than they can take in through photosynthesis, said co-author Christopher Schwalm, an ecologist and earth system modeler at the Woodwell Climate Research Center. The findings mark a tipping point ... Read full text:
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Thacker Pass

Activists occupy site of proposed lithium mine.

“Environmentalists might be confused about why we want to interfere with the production of electric car batteries,” says [Lawyer Will] Falk. “But, it’s wrong to destroy a mountain for any reason –whether the reason is fossil fuels or lithium.” Activists are prepared to remain in place and block all construction, mining, and road-building activities until Lithium Americas abandons their plan to destroy Thacker Pass. They are demanding: • The establishment of a protected area at Thacker Pass preserved for the enjoyment of future generations, for wildlife including the Kings River pyrg, and for water quality. • An immediate abandonment of the Thacker Pass lithium mine project by Lithium Americas corporation. • A sincere apology from Lithium Americas Corporation for claiming that Thacker Pass is a “green” project. Project documents detail potential harm to many threatened species such as Greater sage grouse, Lahontan cutthroat trout, Pronghorn antelope, Kings River pyrg, Burrowing owls, Golden eagles, several bat species, native bees and other pollinators. ... Despite claims this will be a “carbon neutral” mine, the project will burn some 26,000 gallons of diesel fuel per day. ... Read full text

Get a better knowledge about our rights and the way we can use them on a daily basis to prevent any abuse or limitations of them. Visit MyAIU Human Rights.

Anti-rape law

Pakistan anti-rape ordinance signed into law by president.

Pakistan’s president has signed a new anti-rape measure aiming to speed up convictions and toughen sentences. The ordinance will create a national sex offenders register, protect the identity of victims and allow the chemical castration of some offenders. Special fast-track courts will hear rape cases and will be expected to reach a verdict within four months. It comes after a public outcry against sexual violence following the gang-rape of a woman outside the city of Lahore. The woman was assaulted on the side of a motorway leading into the city in front of her two children. Lahore’s most senior police official implied the following day that the victim had been partially at fault for the assault. His comments and the brutal assault appalled Pakistanis, spurring a wave of demonstrations nationwide and forcing the government to promise action. Prime Minister Imran Khan and his cabinet approved the legal measure last month, and President Arif Alvi signed it into law on Tuesday. The government now has 120 days to take the measure to parliament and have it permanently passed into law. Until then the law will remain in force. Some however have criticised the ordinance, saying the punishments are too harsh and arguing that officials did not follow the necessary consultation ... Read full text:

Mangy coyote

How she taught me why anticoagulant rodenticides must go.

The first time I saw a coyote with mange my heart broke. Most of her fur was gone. Her skin, covered with scabs and lesions, had a sickly pink pallor. Her tail seemed stuck between her legs. And, her movements, as she stumbled through a ditch next to a Colorado country road, were lethargic and listless. ... I learned that this coyote was suffering from sarcoptic mange, which is caused by mites who live in the skin of many wild canids. ... cause intense irritation and itchiness, scabbing, and hair loss. ... With the loss of their fur, animals often freeze to death. ... Recent research suggests that the widespread use of anticoagulant rodenticides –a type of rat poison– weakens the immune systems of animals and makes them more susceptible to mange. A 2017 study linked anticoagulant exposure to mange in bobcats, for example. ... After learning about problems with anticoagulant rodenticides, most people want to know: What can I do? This is the wrong question. Ask: What needs to be done? What do bobcats –blue eyes unblinking despite the pain of internal hemorrhaging– need us to do? ... Rodents, and all those who eat them, need us to stop the manufacture and application of anticoagulant rodenticides. And, they need this to happen as quickly as possible. ... Read full text and watch video:

Eco Tip: Simplify your life as much as possible. Only keep belongings that you use/enjoy. Change your life, get sustainable, visit MyAIU Knowledge


18 Leadership tips

A friend of mine defines leadership as taking responsibility not just for yourself, but for a larger group or community. As she explains it, a leader tries to ensure things go well. In general, activists are not very concerned with leadership. We tend to have an understandable mistrust of leaders. This is no surprise, as most leaders in the dominant culture abuse their power for profit and exploitation. But there is another type of leadership that is wise and moral and just. Leadership is extremely important, and we should learn basic principles from those who study leadership most seriously — often businesses and military. We can learn principles from these organizations, even if we disagree with their entire foundation. This article shares 18 tips for leadership.

1 Learn from others. Study those who came before, as well as present leaders you admire. Learn from their mistakes, as well as their successes —their weaknesses, as well as their strengths. Be a student of the past.

2 Build skills. Writing, research, direct action, strategic thinking, fundraising, organizing, relationship building, outdoor skills, first aid, tactical skills —all these things can be learned. Study hard and apply your knowledge.

3 Work on self-confidence, not arrogance. You will never step up without selfbelieve. If you believe you are destined to never be a leader, you will not work to apply yourself and study. Step up with confidence, but not arrogance. Recognize your own weaknesses, as well as strengths, and build a team to shore up your weaknesses.

4 Take on work. Leaders should not sit back and wait for others to do the work. Lead from the front, and be an example for others.

5 Share your ideas. Even if you don’t know how to solve a given issue, use your intelligence to bring the group together, facilitate discussion, gathering insight, and so on. Learn to ask the right questions and share your thoughts when you have them. Speak up.

6 Listen to others. Leaders need to listen to other people. Listen more than you speak. Learn from everyone.

7 Delegate. Build trust with your community and team, and delegate. One person has a limited capacity. Therefore, we have to build skills in other people to expand our capacity. This requires trust, and investing in people’s education and learning. People are the most valuable asset we have. Invest in people, even if it takes time for them to learn and adapt.

8 Respect others. Leaders who abuse power are not and should not be respected. As a leader, you must earn respect, and one way to do so is by respecting others. People should be given respect as a default, unless they do something to lose your respect. Even then, you should be forgiving of those alongside you in the struggle.

9 There are many types of leaders. Some are loud, some are quiet. Some lead by planning and writing, others by action and speech. Some lead in private, others in public. Some lead while others rest. This is a strength. Cultivate all types of leaders.

10 Lead from the front. People will not trust or follow a leader who is not willing to take the same risks as them, and get their hands dirty. Set an example for others with your action. Like the lead goose in a flying- V, the leader should do the most work, not the least (and when the time comes, the leader should cycle to the back, allow another to take the lead, and take a rest).

11 Moral courage. Be prepared to do what is right. Understand consequences, and be prepared to accept them, if it is the right thing to do. When you act cowardly, reflect on why, and what you could do better next time. Commit to excellence and growth.

12 Physical Courage. Leaders should be prepared to take action in the physical world. Practice, prepare, and train in controlled situations to be ready for uncontrolled situations that will arise. Visualize yourself intervening in various scenarios. When opportunities arise, challenge your physical courage.

13 Foster teamwork. A team is a fragile, unstable creation. Leaders must constantly work to stabilize the team, encourage people, and foster a shared strategic vision. Aligning people as individuals and the group as a whole pays major dividends.

14 Physical fitness & energy. As a leader you have a duty to be as physically and mentally fit as possible so that your decision making is as good as possible in stressful and challenging situations. Also, training yourself hard physically ensures you are familiar with the feeling of exhaustion and burnout, and know when you do need a break. Physical health and mental health are closely inter-related. The healthy person can think, act, and fight harder and most effectively.

15 Be aggressive & bold. Success in any endeavor entails risk taking. You can never control all factors. Seek to control and understand a situation as much as possible before acting —do not act rashly. But action is almost always better than inaction.

16 Be decisive. Often, the wrong decision made quickly is better than the correct decision made too late. Rushing can be a path to failure, however, as well. Remember the saying: “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” Be methodical. Move as slowly as you have to in order to get the job done, and no slower. Move as quickly as you can, safely and intelligently.

17 Show determination. Failures are inevitable. Prepare for them. Plan for them. Expect them. Then keep going. You will face setbacks, betrayals, losses and more. Organizing is not an easy path. Take care of your mind, spirit, and heart, so you can be in the fight for the long time.

18 Be strong of character. Self-discipline is the foundational skill. Be gentle with yourself, but allow yourself no excuses.
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Red feathered music box.

The red feathered pull string music box plays the Icelandic folk song/love song Vísur Vatnsenda- Rosú. It is woven from hand dyed papercord, red feathers and reed, and is hanging in a red satin ribbon. Designed by Margret Gudnadóttir. Kirsuberjatréð:

Dock wireless charger.

The fabric won’t scratch your phone, the steel base and silicone grips prevent it from wobbling or sliding. It emits a very faint glow while charging.

Kurt Vonnegut. (1922—2007)

“The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possible can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something.”

Kurt Vonnegut. (1922—2007) American writer most famous for his darkly satirical, bestselling novel Slaughterhouse- Five (1969).

Bamboo face mask.

It has a smooth, moisture-wicking bamboo exterior and three interior layers, which include a PM 2.5 filter. It also has a noseband and O-rings on the ear loops to adjust the fit.

Paper bin.

Made from FSC recycled paper, this colourful paper bin adds a playful touch to any space in your home.

Good Advice

You never know what the future will bring, so always make the best use of the present.

Bachelor's of Geography


The Bachelor of Geography (BSc) program objective is to help students develop an understanding in the application of geography and be in the forefront solving problems of environmental and natural resource use and policy. The Bachelor of Geography program is offered online via distance learning. After evaluating both academic record and life experience, AIU staff working in conjunction with Faculty and Academic Advisors will assist students in setting up a custom-made program, designed on an individual basis. This flexibility to meet student needs is seldom found in other distance learning programs. Our online program does not require all students to take the same subjects/courses, use the same books, or learning materials. Instead, the online Bachelor of Geography curriculum is designed individually by the student and academic advisor. It specifically addresses strengths and weaknesses with respect to market opportunities in the student’s major and intended field of work. Understanding that industry and geographic factors should influence the content of the curriculum instead of a standardized one-fits-all design is the hallmark of AIU’s unique approach to adult education. This philosophy addresses the dynamic and constantly changing environment of working professionals by helping adult students in reaching their professional and personal goals within the scope of the degree program.


Below is an example of the topics or areas you may develop and work on during your studies. By no means is it a complete or required list as AIU programs do not follow a standardized curriculum. It is meant solely as a reference point and example. Want to learn more about the curriculum design at AIU? Go ahead and visit our website, especially the Course and Curriculum section:

Orientation Courses:

Communication & Investigation (Comprehensive Resume)
Organization Theory (Portfolio)
Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
Academic Evaluation (Questionnaire)
Fundament of Knowledge (Integration Chart)
Fundamental Principles I (Philosophy of Education)
Professional Evaluation (Self Evaluation Matrix)
Development of Graduate Study (Guarantee of an Academic Degree)

Core Courses and Topics

Economic geography
History and paradigms of geomorphology
Coastal geomorphology
Fluvial geomorphology
Glacial geomorphology
Resource-based development
Human geography
Cultural geography
Environment and subsistence in indigenous cultures
Biophysical modeling of land surface processes and land atmosphere interactions
Biogeography of plants
Biogeography of animals
Medical geography
Political geography of geopolitics
Population geography
Urban systems
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Remote sensing of environment
Spatial statistics
History of modern geography

Research Project

Bachelor Thesis Project
MBM300 Thesis Proposal
MBM302 Bachelor Thesis (5,000 words)

Contact us to get started

Each graduate is encouraged to publish their research papers either online in the public domain or through professional journals and periodicals worldwide

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Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)


Each Bachelor graduate is encouraged to publish their research papers either online in the public domain or through professional journals and periodicals worldwide.

About Us


Atlantic International University offers distance learning degree programs for adult learners at bachelors, masters, and doctoral level. With self paced program taken online, AIU lifts the obstacles that keep professional adults from completing their educational goals. Programs are available throughout a wide range of majors and areas of study. All of this with a philosophically holistic approach towards education fitting within the balance of your life and acknowledging the key role each individual can play in their community, country, and the world. Atlantic International University is accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC). ASIC Accreditation is an internationally renowned quality standard for colleges and universities. Visit ASIC’s Directory of Accredited Colleges and Universities. ASIC is a member of CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA, an approved accreditation body by the Ministerial Department of the Home Office in the UK, and is listed in the International Directory of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The University is based in the United States and was established by corporate charter in 1998.

Our founding principles are based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; per article 26, AIU believes that Higher Education is a Human Right. The University has implemented a paradigm shifting educational model for its academic programs that have allowed it to move closer to this goal through the self-empowerment of its students, decentralization of the learning process, personalized open curriculum design, a sustainable learning model, developing 11 core elements of the Human Condition within MYAIU, and utilizing the quasi-infinite knowledge through the use of information technology combined with our own capacity to find solutions to all types of global issues, dynamic problems, and those of individuals and multidisciplinary teams. Due to these differentiations and the university’s mission, only a reputable accrediting agency with the vision and plasticity to integrate and adapt its processes around AIU’s proven and successful innovative programs could be selected. Unfortunately, the vast majority of accrediting agencies adhere to and follow obsolete processes and requirements that have outlived their usefulness and are in direct conflict with the university’s mission of offering a unique, dynamic, affordable, quality higher education to the nontraditional student (one who must work, study what he really needs for professional advancement, attend family issues, etc.). We believe that adopting outdated requirements and processes would impose increased financial burdens on students while severely limiting their opportunities to earn their degree and advance in all aspects. Thus, in selecting the ASIC as its accrediting agency, AIU ensured that its unique programs would not be transformed into a copy or clone of those offered by the 10,000+ colleges and universities around the world. Since ASIC is an international accrediting agency based outside the United States, we are required by statute HRS446E to place the following disclaimer: ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IS NOT ACCREDITED BY AN ACCREDITING AGENCY RECOGNIZED BY THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF EDUCATION. Note: In the United States and abroad, many licensing authorities require accredited degrees as the basis for eligibility for licensing.

In some cases, accredited colleges may not accept for transfer courses and degrees completed at unaccredited colleges, and some employers may require an accredited degree as a basis for eligibility for employment. Potential students should consider how the above may affect their interests, AIU respects the unique rules and regulations of each country and does not seek to influence the respective authorities. In the event that a prospective student wishes to carry out any government review or process in regards to his university degree, we recommend that the requirements of such are explored in detail with the relevant authorities by the prospective student as the university does not intervene in such processes. AIU students can be found in over 180 countries, they actively participate and volunteer in their communities as part of their academic program and have allocated thousands of service hours to diverse causes and initiatives. AIU programs follow the standards commonly used by colleges and universities in the United States with regards to the following: academic program structure, degree issued, transcript, and other graduation documents. AIU graduation documents can include an apostille and authentication from the US Department of State to facilitate their use internationally.

The AIU Difference

It is acknowledged that the act of learning is endogenous, (from within), rather than exogenous.

This fact is the underlying rationale for “Distance Learning”, in all of the programs offered by AIU. The combination of the underlying principles of student “self instruction”, (with guidance), collaborative development of curriculum unique to each student, and flexibility of time and place of study, provides the ideal learning environment to satisfy individual needs.

AIU is an institution of experiential learning and nontraditional education at a distance. There are no classrooms and attendance is not required.

Mission & Vision


To be a higher learning institution concerned about generating cultural development alternatives likely to be sustained in order to lead to a more efficient administration of the world village and its environment; exerting human and community rights through diversity with the ultimate goal of the satisfaction and evolution of the world.


The empowerment of the individual towards the convergence of the world through a sustainable educational design based on andragogy and omniology.

Organizational Structure

Dr. Franklin Valcin
President/Academic Dean
Dr. José Mercado
Chief Executive Officer
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Ricardo González, PhD
Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez
Chief Operation Officer
and MKT Director
Linda Collazo
Logistics Coordinator
Dr. Silvia Restorff
Academic Advisor
Dr. Miriam Garibaldi
Viceprovost for Research
Irina Ivashuk
Alumni Association
Dr. Prakash Menon
Academic Advisor
Dr. Ofelia Miller
Director of AIU
Clara Margalef
Director of Special Projects
of AIU
Carlos Aponte
Juan Pablo Moreno
Director of Operations
David Jung
Corporate/Legal Counsel
Dr. Nilani Ljunggren De Silva
Academic Advisor
Paula Viera
Director of
Intelligence Systems
Bruce Kim
Dr. Scott Wilson
Academic Advisor
Felipe Gomez
Design Director / IT Supervisor
Thomas Kim
Accounting Counsel
Dr. Mohammad Shaidul Islam
Academic Advisor
Daritza Ysla
IT Coordinator
Camila Correa
Quality Assurance Coordinator
Dr. Edgar Colon
Academic Advisor
Nadeem Awan
Chief Programming Officer
Maricela Esparza
Administrative Coordinator
Deborah Rodriguez
Academic Tutor Coordinator
Dr. Jack Rosenzweig
Dean of Academic Affairs
Chris Benjamin
IT and Hosting Support
Cyndy Dominguez
Academic Tutor Coordinator
Dr. Edward Lambert
Academic Director
Mayra Bolivar
Accounting Coordinator
Kinmberly Diaz
Admissions Support Tutor
Dr. Ariadna Romero
Advisor Coordinator
Roberto Aldrett
Communications Coordinator
Amalia Aldrett
Admissions Coordinator
Nadia Gabaldon
Academic Coordinator
Giovanni Castillo
IT Support
Sandra Garcia
Admissions Coordinator
Jhanzaib Awan
Senior Programmer
Jaime Rotlewicz
Dean of Admissions
Jose Neuhaus
Admissions Support
Leonardo Salas
Human Resource Manager
Dr. Mario Rios
Academic Advisor
Junko Shimizu
Admissions Coordinator
Benjamin Joseph
IT and Technology Support
Michael Phillips
Registrar’s Office
Veronica Amuz
Admissions Coordinator
Rosie Perez
Finance Coordinator
Rene Cordon
Admissions Support
Alba Ochoa
Admissions Coordinator
Chris Soto
Admissions Counselor
Jenis Garcia
Admissions Counselor


School of Business and Economics

The School of Business and Economics allows aspiring and practicing professionals, managers, and entrepreneurs in the private and public sectors to complete a self paced distance learning degree program of the highest academic standard. The ultimate goal is to empower learners and help them take advantage of the enormous array of resources from the world environment in order to eliminate the current continuum of poverty and limitations. Degree programs are designed for those students whose professional experience has been in business, marketing, administration, economics, finance and management.

Areas of Study:

Accounting, Advertising, Banking, Business Administration, Communications, Ecommerce, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Home Economics, Human Resources, International Business, International Finance, Investing, Globalization, Marketing, Management, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Public Administrations, Sustainable Development, Public Relations, Telecommunications, Tourism, Trade.

School of Social and Human Studies

The School of Social and Human Studies is focused on to the development of studies which instill a core commitment to building a society based on social and economic justice and enhancing opportunities for human well being. The founding principles lie on the basic right of education as outlined in the Declaration of Human Rights. We instill in our students a sense of confidence and self reliance in their ability to access the vast opportunities available through information channels, the world wide web, private, public, nonprofit, and nongovernmental organizations in an ever expanding global community. Degree programs are aimed towards those whose professional life has been related to social and human behavior, with the arts, or with cultural studies.

Areas of Study:

Psychology, International Affairs, Sociology, Political Sciences, Architecture, Legal Studies, Public Administration, Literature and languages, Art History, Ministry, African Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies, Islamic Studies, Religious Studies.

School of Science and Engineering

The School of Science and Engineering seeks to provide dynamic, integrated, and challenging degree programs designed for those whose experience is in industrial research, scientific production, engineering and the general sciences. Our system for research and education will keep us apace with the twenty-first century reach scientific advance in an environmentally and ecologically responsible manner to allow for the sustainability of the human population. We will foster among our students a demand for ethical behavior, an appreciation for diversity, an understanding of scientific investigation, knowledge of design innovation, a critical appreciation for the importance of technology and technological change for the advancement of humanity.

Areas of Study:

Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Communications, Petroleum Science, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Nutrition Science, Agricultural Science, Computer Science, Sports Science, Renewable Energy, Geology, Urban Planning.

Online Library Resources

With access to a global catalog created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 participating institutions, AIU students have secured excellent research tools for their study programs.

The AIU online library contains over 2 billion records and over 300 million bibliographic records that are increasing day by day. The sources spanning thousands of years and virtually all forms of human expression. There are files of all kinds, from antique inscribed stones to e-books, form wax engravings to MP3s, DVDs and websites. In addition to the archives, the library AIU Online offers electronic access to more than 149,000 e-books, dozens of databases and more than 13 million full-text articles with pictures included. Being able to access 60 databases and 2393 periodicals with more than 18 million items, guarantees the information required to perform the assigned research project. Users will find that many files are enriched with artistic creations on the covers, indexes, reviews, summaries and other information.

The records usually have information attached from important libraries. The user can quickly assess the relevance of the information and decide if it is the right source.

Education on the 21st century

AIU is striving to regain the significance of the concept of education, which is rooted into the Latin “educare”, meaning “to pull out”, breaking loose from the paradigm of most 21st century universities with their focus on “digging and placing information” into students’ heads rather than teaching them to think. For AIU, the generation of “clones” that some traditional universities are spreading throughout the real world is one of the most salient reasons for today’s ills. In fact, students trained at those educational institutions never feel a desire to “change the world” or the current status quo; instead, they adjust to the environment, believe everything is fine, and are proud of it all.

IN A WORLD where knowledge and mostly information expire just like milk, we must reinvent university as a whole in which each student, as the key player, is UNIQUE within an intertwined environment. This century’s university must generate new knowledge bits although this may entail its separation from both the administrative bureaucracy and the faculty that evolve there as well. AIU thinks that a university should be increasingly integrated into the “real world”, society, the economy, and the holistic human being. As such, it should concentrate on its ultimate goal, which is the student, and get him/her deeply immersed into a daily praxis of paradigm shifts, along with the Internet and research, all these being presently accessible only to a small minority of the world community. AIU students must accomplish their self-learning mission while conceptualizing it as the core of daily life values through the type of experiences that lead to a human being’s progress when information is converted into education. The entire AIU family must think of the university as a setting that values diversity and talent in a way that trains mankind not only for the present but above all for a future that calls everyday for professionals who empower themselves in academic and professional areas highly in demand in our modern society. We shall not forget that, at AIU, students are responsible for discovering their own talents and potential, which they must auto-develop in such a way that the whole finish product opens up as a flower that blossoms every year more openly.

THE AIU STANCE is against the idea of the campus as a getaway from day-to-day pressure since we believe reality is the best potential-enhancer ever; one truly learns through thinking, brainstorming ideas, which leads to new solutions, and ultimately the rebirth of a human being fully integrated in a sustainable world environment. Self-learning is actualized more from within than a top-down vantage point, that is to say, to influence instead of requesting, ideas more than power. We need to create a society where solidarity, culture, life, not political or economic rationalism and more than techno structures, are prioritized. In short, the characteristics of AIU students and alumni remain independence, creativity, self-confidence, and ability to take risk towards new endeavors. This is about people’s worth based not on what they know but on what they do with what they know.

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AIU Service

AIU offers educational opportunities in the USA to adults from around the world so that they can use their own potential to manage their personal, global cultural development. The foundational axis of our philosophy lies upon self-actualized knowledge and information, with no room for obsoleteness, which is embedded into a DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEM based on ANDRAGOGY and OMNIOLOGY. The ultimate goal of this paradigm is to empower learners and help them take advantage of the enormous array of resources from the world environment in order to eliminate the current continuum of poverty and limitations.

This will become a crude reality with respect for, and practice of, human and community rights through experiences, investigations, practicum work, and/ or examinations. Everything takes place in a setting that fosters diversity; with advisors and consultants with doctorate degrees and specializations in Human Development monitor learning processes, in addition to a worldwide web of colleagues and associations, so that they can reach the satisfaction and the progress of humanity with peace and harmony.

Contact us to get started

Now, it’s possible to earn your degree in the comfort of your own home. For additional information or to see if you qualify for admissions please contact us.

Pioneer Plaza / 900 Fort Street Mall 410 Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)

Online application: