Recognition for graduate

June 7, 2015. Dr. Jorge Manuel Sanchez Gonzalez has been recently recognized by the Federal Office of the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) in Tabasco, México. This award was given in honor of the different management activities made by Dr. Sanchez Gonzalez on behalf of higher education at the national and federal levels, as well as leadership plus human quality that he has accomplished in his professional development and has left an invaluable mark on his personal and work transcend. This event took place in the Auditorium “Antonio Leano Alvarez del Castillo” at the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, which brought together education authorities in the different institutions of higher education and Tabasco, friends of Dr. Jorge Manuel Sanchez Gonzalez, a product of his work in that state. Dr. Jose Manuel completed a Masters program in Health Science at AIU.

Graduate gets recruited

May 24, 2015. Azegue Ondoa René was recruited as a lecturer in the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon, in the Department of Computer Science of the Higher Teacher Training College (ENS) since November 24, 2014. As a student he was excellent, outstanding, an achiever and a goal getter. Azegue completed a Doctorate program in Computer Science at AIU. We wish Azegue the best on all his future projects and we congratulate him for this great achievement.

Call for papers

AOCRJ invites you to submit your scholarly contributions for its upcoming issue. They hope your research contribution shall add value and open new insights for practicioners and academicians. AOCRJ is commited to promote concepts related to business and management issues. It creates prospects for researchers to come forward with empirical and theoretical research solutions which meet real world business needs. AOCRJ strives to spread the latest findings of business research to global communities of numerous disciplines. Submit your manuscript online via Online submission system. Go to submit-manuscripts/ In case of any problem during submission, email your paper to or submit to

Gender and Educational Research

The Educational Research Network for West and Central Africa (ERNWACA) is organizing an electronic forum on the theme Gender and Educational Research. Two sub-themes are selected for these debates : 1. Gender and Higher Education in Africa: What strategies for the eradication of harmful cultural constraints to women’s participation in the development process? 2. The female literacy and socio-professional reinvestment: what prospects for socio-economic development of women? This forum aims to facilitate communication between the different actors of the community and especially between the actors and partners involved in the field of research in Education and/or Gender. It is a framework for discussion, exchange and sharing of experiences, resources in the field of educational research for women members of ERNWACA country, and in general for all African women, who tirelessly work for the development of this continent. Subscription to the forum is on demand by email to the Webmaster of ERNWACA, Mr. Aboudou TRAORE: with a copy to the moderator, Ms. KONE/TAGO Haoua: Visit the website:

7TH IEEE International Conference on Technology for Education T4E 2015

Call For Papers. This Conference will be held at the National Institute of Technology Warangal, India, December 10-12, 2015. Papers are invited from students, teachers and researchers in academia and industry to present the results of their research and development efforts. Papers must report original academic or industrial research in any topic relevant to the conference, including but not limited to those mentioned below. Complete papers will be required for the review process.

Paper Submission deadline: July 1, 2015

Areas of Focus
The areas of focus include, but are not limited to the following broad topics:

• Adaptive, cognitive and personalized approaches for improvement of education
• Assessment and evaluation models
• Bridging urban-rural gap in education
• Cognition and learning technologies, Role of cognition in education
• Curriculum design for technology- enhanced learning
• Development of technologies to support education
• e-learning in vernacular languages
• Game-based learning
• Growth and impact of the Open Educational Resources movement
• Hand held device-based learning
• Impact of social networks on learning
• Impact studies
• Infrastructure for large scale deployment of e-learning
• Innovative use of ICT for content development and classroom use
• Learning analytics
• Massively open online learning
• Pedagogies for remote learning, e-learning, blended learning, and technologyenhanced learning
• Techniques and standards for learning resources
• Technology-based learning environments
• Semantic web technologies in education
• Smart Learning Environments
• Socioeconomic factors reducing the impact of technology in education
• Virtual/online experimentation and scalable solutions

23rd Conference on Learning

Call For Papers. This Conference will be held 13-15 July 2016 at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Themes:

• Pedagogy and Curriculum
• Assessment and Evaluation
• Educational Organization and Leadership
• Early Childhood Learning
• Learning in Higher Education
• Adult, Community, and Professional Learning
• Learner Diversity and Identities
• Technologies in Learning
• Literacies Learning
• Science, Mathematics, and Technology Learning
• 2016 Special Theme:
“Education in the Age of the Anthropocene”

Proposal Submissions and Deadlines

The current review period closing date for the latest round of submissions to the Call for Papers (a title and short abstract) is 21 June 2015*. Please visit our website for more information on submitting your proposal, future deadlines, and registering for the conference. If you are unable to attend the conference, you may still join the community and submit your article for peer review and possible publication, upload an online presentation, and enjoy subscriber access to The Learner Collection of journals. *Proposals are reviewed in rounds adhering to monthly deadlines. Check the website often to see the current review round.



Chris Abasi Eyo
Bachelor in Humanities
May 16, 2015

“My AIU experience, has been very rewarding. My enrolment herein, was primarily to add credence to my widely avowed and cognitive scholarship through experiential trainings and self-tailored learning, but in the end, I got more than I bargained for. In addition to the certification of my learning and experiential knowledge, my AIU sojourn, opened my mental vistas towards garnering empirical tips and strategies in handling the helical game of answering the Human Question. Underpinning this, is the assignment on Curriculum Design Course. This Course has indeed honed my skills in research methodology and planning. Initially, I got slowed down for months to understand the format for the Curriculum Design. Thanks to my tutor at the time, Edward Lambert, who came up with a simplified tutorials to get through the Design. After that lull moment, I came to the understanding that, to get forward in the course work, I needed to conquer my initial fears for new assignments, knowing that every assignment was meant to bring the best out of me, not to confuse me as it was equally tension-free on the understanding that the programme is self paced. Until I came to AIU, I didn’t know that a format a BIBLIOGRAPHY takes, was influenced by a Professional Association identified by the author, such as; British Comparative Literature Association (BCLA), American Oriental Society (AOS), American Philological Association (APA), etc. It was interesting knowing this. Through my AIU experience, I can now handle my freelance writings with a greater sense of professionalism giving the additional skills in research methods which have turned me into a factivist. Even the publications in the school journal, Campus Mundi, were both didactic and mind boggling. In summary, my AIU experience, has come to stay as a melting pot for my pre and post AIU sojourns. Indeed, my AIU experience, shall continue to stand as a pendulum regulating my PERSONALITY before, and hereafter. In the final analysis, AIU, remains a citadel where cognitive knowledge plus experiential training take on a rebirth as rationalism in the labour ward of empiricism under the midwifery of universalised best practice in scholarship. As a fact, the experience is worth continuing at a higher level, and I will give it a try again.


Mbuka Ngudingani
Bachelor in Public Health
May 17, 2015

“II wish to express my sincere gratitude for exposure, knowledge and skill gain from AIU. I really have had a wonderful time with Atlantic International University. I was a student in the School of social and human studies, majoring on Bachelors in Public Health, since 28 Jan 2013. I was always supported by my academic advisor, my admission counselor and entire AIU teams help me to achieve my academic goals before scheduled time. Thanks for the system of education, support and mentoring approach offered to me as a student in the School of social and human studies.


Bello Abdul Azeez
Bachelor in Chemical
May 24, 2015

“I was always trying and seeking for an opportunity to continue my academic development and how to conciliate with my professional activities and area of study. I keep asking myself: what can I do to acheive this goal? Fortunately, it appears to me just as a response in my problem while opening my face book pages “AIU ONLINE CAMPUS”. I checked the program thoroughly and discuss it with my parent and I was told if it’s genuine that not a fake website and also asked from one of our family friend in the US, he says it’s a good program, that I can enroll. And then I stop by and fill out the form and I have been contacted soon. When I started this course I didn’t realize what an “andragogy program” was. I was hesitating, but as I took this as an opportunity and the Admission Councelor convinced me, and I decide to take this course without a full understand or meaning. In conclusion, AIU academic program has offered me a modern technology to reach my goal which eventually will boost up my career and my expertise in job activities. AIU has suitable graduates and without any hesitation, I recommend it to everybody who’s seeking to have the same education. The most rational expansion of my academic pursuits and a major footstep towards attaining my goal. My diploma will make me raise up my responsibilities to my community and that in all over the world.

If you believe you can...

I allowed him back in my life again as a friend (mainly because he wouldn’t stop pushing and I had to figure out a way to deal with it). I decided to make it a spiritual process… how far could I go to accept someone for who they are and allow them to be in life. I would never allow a romantic relationship with

him, but could I accept him as a friend? He kept proving that he hadn’t done all the learning that he kept claiming that he had done. So be it, his life was his journey, and it no longer had to impact on me. I had learned too much… there was no going back. My life was too important to me. I had always given and given. I didn’t mention that we set up big businesses –I was trying to help him establish himself. My money, my time, my name –he kept playing Peter Pan. I kept losing. He had always claimed that he knew more than anyone when it came to trucking… I learned more than he had learned in 25 years, in one year. I also learned that all the freight came into Vancouver, but was sent to Toronto for destuffing and then what belonged here was shipped back again. So I set up a warehouse business that destuffed the containers here before going back –now everyone does it. But over and over again, I was up against this man. I brought in a consulting company… they claimed I was the weak link –because I wouldn’t get rid of this man. I went through a series of accountants –all of whom claimed that I would be rich if I would get rid of him– but as long as I didn’t I would loose money –they were right but what was I supposed to do… I loved him.

Lessons: How many lessons can one man provide? But then I sold one of the companies to him and one to another man –they both went into bankruptcy and I got screwed again. I had several people interview the second man, from lawyers to others in the field. I thought the second man was another copy of the first man. They all said I was wrong and biased because of my recent experience –it turned out I was right. The lawyers said that “while the first was a demon, the second was the devil himself”. Lesson: Trust yourself –you have better instincts. I went back to school –it was a grueling two years. A double graduate program. On top of which I had to do 2 years of premed in the first year. I also had to keep my clinic going. Lesson: Utter mental exhaustion can be corrected with Bach flower
• Even at the age of 45, I could still do it
• I loved all the different healing modalities.
But my brain couldn’t and in the second year I started having “pre-seizures”. I left and tried again the following year –the same thing happened. Had to find a different road.

Lessons: • The school had a disgustingly horrible clinical program
• Students were adolescent narcissists
• The staff might have been knowledgeable but were not intellectually developed
• They falsely accused me because of the seizures
• They treated all the other professionals horribly –yet they were taking all of their curriculums? How hypocritical.
• And they were fighting for rights to pharmaceuticals?
Taught how bad they were and yet fought to use them? You don’t think Big Pharma is going to control you too? I switched over to a DNM program and got my own clinical programs – far far better. I then went to Dominion Herbal College and completed my Masters. I then continued to collect degrees and designations in a variety of modalities. During all this time, I had to deal with my mother. She criticized me about my weight while at the Naturopathic College –I wrote her a horrible letter that I was fed up with her criticisms– she didn’t talk to me for three years; it was difficult but allowed me to work through a lot of issues with her. Lesson: Each person is allowed their own path; to make their own mistakes and lessons and mother is no different

• She is a very critical judgmental superficial person and that is okay
• She is very much a hypocrite and that doesn’t matter –it’s her life to choose
• She is also very giving and kind
• She will always defend herself and hold you horribly accountable if you dare to hold her accountable –so be it
• She is incredibly passiveaggressive –and I learned to work with it
• She never was the mother I was looking for from an egoic perspective –but perhaps we choose this life pattern so that we could each learn our own lessons– so simply love her as she is and choose your battles wisely. More important lesson: I get to chose who I want to be
• It doesn’t matter what my parents chose for themselves
• It doesn’t matter that the College wants to limit me
• It doesn’t matter that people die –that is simply part of life
• It doesn’t matter that you can get royally screwed
• You get to choose each step of the way –learn to choose wisely

I could say that the only bad decision I made was around the second man I was with (and a group of decisions around that) but from a spiritual perspective, he was the most important decision I ever made. All depends on ones’ perspective. My beliefs continue to grow and expand and encompass. And along with that so does the rest of life. I continue to study: Gandhi, Nelson, Buddha, Dali Lama, Ayurvedic, etc etc. People, philosophies, religions, and I connect them with astrophysics, quantum physics and look for all the underlying bridges that connect them. I have been over this with many different programs; with therapists, mentors and colleagues… I have summarized and left out a tremendous amount. But let’s look at today:
• We were told that people
with my genetic disorder are usually dead by the age of 26 –I am now 55
• Usually people with my genetic disorder don’t graduate from high school, I have 7 degrees and 3 designations
• My EEGs still indicate that I should not be able to talk but I am a professional speaker and teach around the world
• When I had ovarian cancer at 22, I was told that I needed surgery immediately –I went on a betalaine diet and eliminated the tumor in 3.5 weeks
• When I was 26, I burnt my eyes and was told that I would be legally blind by the age of 30 –I went back 1.5 years later and had 20/19 vision
• I suffered from osteo and rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, and was told I would be on pain killers for the rest of my life –I eliminated it all in 3 years
• I have been told twice I would never walk again, and twice I would probably never walk again due to a variety of accidents and damage to all the connective tissues in both knees –never had any of the 9 surgeries and I walk just fine. Lesson: Never believe how others chose to limit you –only you can decide the boundaries you want to live to by. If you believe you can’t –you can’t. But if you believe you can –you can.

Accountant, teacher and published author

Interview with Julius Kwakun Kattah, student at AIU

Cheikh, tell us about this educational experience. How has the learning process based in Andragogy impacted your life professionally and personally?

My AIU educational experience is very worthwhile and insightful for me. When I began, I have a litte trouble to structure my thesis and the essays, but then I read the Guide and received guidance from my Advisors Dr. Franklin Valcin, Dr. Edward Lambert I am grateful to them, and to my Tutors Renato, Nadia/ Mrs. Ofelia/Linda. After my first essay I started enjoying research, I have a passion to be excellent to other as well as very good. I succeed with Andragogy, the concept of Alexander Kapp. I try to discuss different topics with many teachers and students, sometimes people on media news; all of them like it. Professionally, I help other rationaly and efficiently when we have team work or seminar.

What made you decide to enroll at AIU?
I listened carefully to my Admission Counselor and my Advisor. Also, when I saw the thesis of the students with honor published, I said: “I would like to do the same”, and I did! Was it easy for you to do your program by yourself? I found very easy to do my program myself.

How is your AIU Degree helping in your professional career?
When I finished my Degree, I sent my resume and certificate of AIU Doctorate to the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT), because I wanted to become a part-time professor at the Supply Chain department. The same day, the responsible of Gestion des Logistiques et des Transports (GLT) called me for an interview. Since then, I teach part-time and hope I will soon be doing it full time. I organized a successful seminar on my essay “How We Can Alleviate The Global Poverty” at a EBC Hotel, on April 11st 2015, with my students, the Director of IUT, and other people. I’m pretty sure other seminars and opportunities are coming my way. Before this, I was an Accountant, and now I would like to become a full-time professor, I think this way I will get many other opportunities.

Have you been able to help your community?
Yes. Sama Enterprise and EBC Hotel, at Thies. Tell us about your actual job and how has the knowledge that you have gained at Atlantic International University helped you. Present full-time job: Head Chief Division Accountant at IUT. I’ve worked here before having gained all that knowledge at AIU. Present part-time job: I am a teacher at the University of Thies, working at the IUT Supply Chain department.

What achievements have you obtained after completing this program?
I have got the opportunity to become a full-time professor – very soon–, and international consulting on micro-finance and economy development, with many conferences around the world about the topics of my research. Also, my DBA thesis has been published on, in kindle format.

Then we realize that there are many things in education and learning and we ask: what document explains all this? because I do not have it. Where can I see all that? The document explaining all this is called Curriculum. Margarita Pansza says “The curriculum is a social form of organization of knowledge ...”. Pansza (2005, p. 30). From the above it follows that what everyone wants to know has an organization so that schools study the ways that you can teach or Pedagogy, the ways in which people learn or psychology of learning, the society in which we live and that society implies the economy; where the development of the country and other countries is headed to find out which professions will be the most needed and what human beings we want to develop. We are approaching that the works we have to do are related to form us in all aspects we have mentioned and when we say we do not want to do this or the other work what we do not know is how we are limiting in scientific and human training that specialists in their areas identified for the curriculum that has the school or college where I am studying.

Why don’t we know under what curriculum we will study? The answer lies in what we investigated to enroll in a school or university. In a face to face we only investigate what to do to pass the courses or levels, facilities and friends we will make. In a virtual one, we too: what to do to pass and how much credibility it has. We are realizing that there are many important things to know about what is to study and make certain jobs. In the case of AIU there are students who ask: “So why in Phase I I have to send my autobiography, a so-called integration frame, a self-assessment matrix and other similar works? and then in Phase II they tell me that I have to read about books that are not yet the knowledge I want to achieve? and they say: WHY SHOULD I READ THAT BOOK ... MAKE THAT WORK?” AIU has an educational model; AIU has a curriculum in which there is a concept of science, a concept of society and a concept of human being. About science it wants you to learn what you need to know in general and especially what your community needs to solve problems that they have to generate a quality life; as a society, that what you learn is used to live in peace with humans in your community in particular and all mankind in general and shapes you as a human being to generate your development and to be happy with the path you choose, to live satisfied with what you build as life because it is referred to your capabilities.

We live in a society in which you may not have all the scientific knowledge of what happens in terms of science, education and of who you are as a human being and choose to study and do it to know that and achieve to learn an activity that will allow income not only to live with; they will be to live in dignity as what you are: a human being. That’s what AIU has already wellstudied when you enroll in the university and it says it is convenient to do this work and it is wise to read this book: everything is so you know where you are and where to go as a human being fully formed.

candidate with better training, better backgrounds and skills, with more experience, etc... But that does not guarantee that the employee fits into the company philosophy. It is true that additional psychological testing is done to find a suitable profile to that philosophy and mentality of the company to determine if it will be problematic if it is to be proactive, etc. All this procedure is correct, but unfortunately is incomplete and does not guarantee that the new employee through his entire career with us and that their involvement, dedication and efforts are maximized.

Where is the fault? Unfortunately the process of selection, evaluation and determination of the ideal candidate by the human resources department is unidirectional. Why I say this is the company that based on their needs and based on its philosophy, mindset, vision and mission is launched to the labor market to look for the ideal candidate. When after making a checklist with the requested features is the ideal, hired him and that ends the work. This is not correct because there is a mismatch that has not been taken into account. Hiring an employee involves obviously find a good candidate, but you have to know what their “hidden” development, growth prospects and that goes beyond what I normally detected in a job interview. I can be looking for a job, and say in the interview that the company “X” is the dream of my life, is what I always wanted and give 100% ... this does not sound strange to hear, but how to tell if It is true. The company must make a deeper and comprehensive exercise candidates. Once selected those who met the defendants general characteristics, we must delve into the personality of the same, and that not only look with psychological test. We have to know what the personal circumstances of the candidate, his human career and professional are not only because their circumstances are the priority it has in mind to look for a job and for his company. If the company is able to detect these insights and whether he can make his reward and the candidate will be loyal.

Unfortunately the exercise they do business is: these are our values, this is our vision and we want you to put in front of it, but what happens if that’s not what the employee wants? An ideal candidate, the company must adapt to their needs, their future, their circumstances and not as now happens to be upside down, with few exceptions. If we’re hiring a female executive who has children of school age, we must seek alignment between family life and career. And so with all employees, and each employee has or may have different perceptions of what an ideal life. The company must be able to adapt to the needs of their employees. The company is now able to define products, communications and strategies according to types of customers because they do not do the same with employees. It is not about incentives or salaries differ, it is to personalize the relationship and professional development of each person working in the company. Bidirectional adaptability and not like now where the employee is the weak point where the cord usually breaks when we start stretching.

We must include in the management of human resources criteria such as 1to1, interactivity and person to person so that these employees take charge of the company and become the real driving especially in times of crisis bonding.

A 3D Atlas of the Universe

For the last 12 years, Carter Emmart has been coordinating the efforts of scientists, artists and programmers to build a complete 3D visualization of our known universe. He demos this stunning tour and explains how it’s being shared with facilities around the world.

Watch this TED Talk here: talks/carter_emmart_ demos_a_3d_atlas_of_ the_universe