August 10, 2014. Following the three articles Lawrence Roberge published last year Countermeasures to a Non- Indigenous Species, Biological Weapons attack, Strategies for Discernment of an Attack and Countermeasures and Wait ‘til Al-Qaida gets hold of some bugs!, he was recently interviewed by NEWSMAXTV this past month on the possibility of invasive species as the next biological weapon. Watch this interesting discussion at Tv/Lawrence-Roberge-invasivespecies- food/2014/07/22/ id/584261/ Lawrence completed a Doctorate program in Biology in AIU. We are very proud of you Lawrence and we wish you more success.
Thesis Published

July 27, 2014.
Scottie Howell
wrote his thesis on A Unified
Theory of Human Skeletal
Muscle Growth and Application
to Resistance Training
and it has been published by
the International Journal of
Sciences: Basic and Applied
Here’s the abstract: “Many
different theories and hypotheses
have been developed and
evolved to explain human
skeletal muscle growth. To
date, no single theory encompasses
all known mechanisms
of human skeletal muscle
growth and many are poorly
understood. Of the various
theories and hypotheses, most
have useful elements that
partially explain how human
skeletal muscle growth occurs
in adults. Here, it is proposed
that a unified theory of human
skeletal muscle growth can
integrate and explain human
muscular growth in a simplified
You can read more about
his work here. Scottie completed a Doctorate
program of Exercise
Physiology with CUM LAUDE
honors at AIU. We are very
proud of you, Scottie, and we
wish you more success.

August 17, 2014 . Gerardo Augusto Roa Ogando has recently received a certificate of recognition from the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, UASD as a professor with merit for his educational work in favor of the Dominican Youth. He has also written the book Linguística Cosmológica. Currently he is a Spanish Language and Linguistics professor at UASD. He is the author of twelve unpublished essays of the Spanish language and its teaching, a sociolinguistic study, a novel and three research thesis. Gerardo completed a Doctorate program in Hispanic Linguistics at AIU. Congratulations!

Graduates of the month
Olayinka Abimbola Oduwole Doctor of Philosophy Business Administration |
Evelyn Tetteh Bachelor of Science International Relations |
María J. del Carmen Benites Goicochea Doctor of Philosophy Public Administration |
Iddrisu Yusif Kyei Doctor of Education Education |
Brima Kamara Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering |
Hernán Roberto Valdez Viteri Master of Project Management Management |
Francis Golloh Master of Science Project Management |
Feliciano Pedro Mauricio Cumaquela Doctor of Philosophy Public Health |
Espinoza Ponce Marlon Renan Bachelor of Science Petroleum Engineering |
Freddy José Urbano Panchez Bachelor of Business Administration International Commerce |
Banteyehun Haile Doctor of Philosophy Project Management |
Santiago David Avilés Oré Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering |
Gothebe L. Gamodimo Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering |
David Rosario Rivera Doctor of Education Education |
Gerardo Aureliano Gonzalez Navarro Master of Management Project Management |
Mary Kenyaditswe Mogolo Mabotho Doctor of Human Resources Human Resources Management |
Tesfaye Wolde Doctor of Philosophy Marketing |
Stephen Loh Tangwe Master of Science Electrical Engineering |
Tammy Elizabeth Lombard Bachelor of Arts Psychology |
Judith Salazar Del Mar Master of Science Business Management |
Eben Ngwal Jolie Dorothee Bachelor of Human Resources Human Resources |
Bertha Hermalinda Ustate Perez Doctor of Philosophy Psychology |
Ronaldo C. Leiva Rodríguez Master of Criminology Criminalistics |
Cosmas K. Zimba Bachelor of Arts Social and Human Development |
Jose William Hernandez Gonzalez Doctor of Legal Sciences Political Sciences |
Herbert Alexis Lima Mejicanos Bachelor of Business Administration Business Administration |
Liliana del Carmen Calderon Soriano Bachelor of Business Administration Business Administration |
Andy Santiago Castillo Flores Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Rebeca A. Rondón B. Doctor of Analytical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry |
Eugenia M. Allen Flores Bachelor of Arts Arts |
Domingos Kudihingana Kissunge Master of Psychology Organizational and Work Psychology |
Carol Alberto Mendoza Dávila Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Jorge Luis Santana Morán |
Marco Antonio Morales Osorio Doctor of Philosophy Education and Rehab ilitation Sciences |
Miguel Angel Mendez Vazquez Doctor of Philosophy Education |
César Eduardo Chicas Salinas Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Carlos V. da Silva Caminho Zomane Doctor of Philosophy Rural Development |
Josephine Yartey Bachelor of Science Legal Studies |
Kawampa Samuel Master of Science Human Resources |
Claudia Sayuri Maruta Erazo de Lacayo Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Ribdi N.R.M. Alsaedi Doctor of Business Administration Business Administration |
José A. Collazo González Doctor of Philosophy Legal Studies |
Lorena Herrera Cuartas Master of Science Health Science |
Erick Benjamín González Blanco Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Luis Guillermo Pineda Bernal Doctor of Public Administration Public Administration |
Boyoung Choi Bachelor of Business Administration Human Resources Management |
Carlos Elias Corredor Ramos Bachelor of Business Administration Business Administration |
Ethel Belinda Servellón Calderón Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Francisco Roldán Avalos Bachelor of Science Industrial Safety |
Sergio de Jesús Tobón Agudelo Doctor of Education Education |
Silvia Elida Pinto Doctor of Philosophy Arts |
Fernando Estuardo Herrera Herrera Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
O ‘ Konor Ndam Riana Juliette Master of International Relations Diplomacy |
Andrés Javier Anaya Isaza Master of Science Computer Engineering |
Robert Kalumbi Master of Business Administration Business Administration |
Henry José Figueroa Ramírez Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Rosendo Juan Nuñez Ramirez Bachelor of Science Mine Engineering |
Simão Pedro Alfredo Macunge Bachelor of Accounting Accounting |
Justin Bisengimana Master of Business Administration Project Management |
Hilda Yesenia Cordón Guzmán Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Jhónatan Daniel Morales Sandoval Bachelor of Business Administration Business Administration |
Alberto Víquez Ramírez Doctor of Education Ethical Leadership |
Jarvis Dyton Njala Bachelor of Science Computer Information Systems |
Jenipher Cordón Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Jonathan Leopoldo Grajeda García Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Leonel Eduardo Arreaga De Leon Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Renato Edgar Ricardo Carballo Pinto Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Wendy Julieta Villatoro Cobón de Berrios Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Jorge Stuardo López Ríos Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Lucrecia Lizeth Monzón Garrido Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Rony Amilkar Amado Bouyssou Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Luis Tairon Losada Pedraza Doctor of Business Administration Business Management |
José Anibal Arriola Escobedo Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
María Guadalupe Castañeda de Orellana Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Samuel Espina Gómez Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Antonio Jose Gonzalez Tirado Doctor of Business Administration Business Management |
José Antonio Arroyave Porras Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Mayra E. Vásquez Chuní de Méndez Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Thelma Yorleni Maldonado Silva Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
William Ramon Garcia Tirado Doctor of Business Administration Public Management |
Juan Carlos Solis Hernandez Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Monica Margarita García López Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Walter Alfonso Farfán Ruano Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Roberto Pablo Hoyos Botero Doctor of Business Administration Management |
Juan Carlos Velásquez Rivera Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Nancy Karina López González Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Walter David Parada Maldonado Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Hernando Rodriguez Figueroa Doctor of Business Administration Finance |
Juan José Castillo Guardia Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Omar Estuardo Alvarado Morales Bachelor of Business Administration Management |
Wendy Julieta Villatoro Cobón de Berrios Bachelor of Business Administration Management |