Call For Papers
The Social Sciences Conference
will be held 11-14 June
2015 at the University of Split
in Split, Croatia. Special conference
focus: Interdisciplinary
Approaches to Contemporary
Social Change.
Modern societies face a
number of overarching changes.
The consequences of these
changes are equally evident at
the local as well as global level,
influencing the everyday lives
of individuals and large societal
aggregates. The role of the
social sciences is of pivotal significance
in the interpretation
of these intense social changes.
More than other disciplines,
the social sciences are in an
integral position to recognize
changes and problems, determine
causal links, interpret the
available information, and offer
Accordingly, the aim of the
2015 Social Sciences Conference
is to contribute to the
identification and understanding
of different recent social
issues, with a focus on social
changes that we face in the
various segments of the social
world. The conference offers
a wide range of topics that
may be discussed in local and
global terms, either through
the prism of the social sciences
or through interdisciplinary
Conference themes:
for paper presentations, workshops,
poster presentations, or
colloquia are invited that discuss
the broader themes listed
below. In addition to the special
focus, paper presentations
will be grouped into one of the
following categories for presentation
at the conference:
Theme 1: Social and Community Studies
Theme 2: Civic and Political Studies
Theme 3: Cultural Studies
Theme 4: Global Studies
Theme 5: Environmental Studies
Theme 6: Organizational Studies
Theme 7: Educational Studies
Theme 8: Communication
Presenters may also choose
to submit written papers for
publication to the fully refereed
Interdisciplinary Social
Sciences Collection. If you are
unable to attend the conference
in person, you may still
join the community by becoming
a member and submit your
article for peer review and
possible publication, upload an
online presentation, and enjoy
subscriber access to the journal.
Proposals for in-person presentations
should be submitted
by 9 December 2014 (title
and short abstract). Proposals
submitted after this day will be
accommodated in non-themed
sessions at the conference or
are eligible for community
membership registrations (no
attendance at conference
required with community
membership presentations).
*Proposals are reviewed in rounds adhering
to monthly deadlines. Check the website
often to see the current review round.
Visit the website:

September 28, 2014. Dr. Rosa
Hilda Lora M., one of our advisors,
has been recognized by the
Editorial Committee of the magazine
Política y Cultura, which
was edited within the Autonomous
Metropolitan University
in Mexico, for her invaluable
collaboration as a correspondent
for the article: “A war of
ideas, a philosophical war: The
international society positivist
front of the First World War”.
The work she completed was
on the philosophy of science
where you have to apply the
methodological process in
order for it to be evaluated and
explain the precise technical
Congratulations once again
and we wish you best of luck.
Papers published

October 13, 2014. Edomah Norbert Chinedu wrote a paper on “Optimizing Energy Consumption in Industrial Plants through Effective Energy Monitoring & Targeting” in 2013, which after review has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET) UK. Recently he has published another paper on “Energy security challenges in developing African mega cities: the Lagos Experience.” A special interest publication within the Institution of Engineering and Technology on “Infrastructure Risk and Resilience: Managing Complexity and Uncertainty in Developing Cities.” His publication will be available in both a hard copy and digital version with ISBN: 978-1-84919-920-9 Edomah completed a Masters program in Information Systems at AIU. Congratulations once again Edomah, and we wish you more success in the future.

Graduation Ceremony
October 2014
Jose Mauricio Quintanilla Zapata Bachelor of Science Information Systems Australia |
Willian Leonicio Rivadeneira Caldas Doctor of Philosophy Education Austria |
Doreen Ngonda Doctor of Management Botswana |
Mary Mogolo Mabotho Doctor of Human Resources Botswana |
Michael Chengwi Neba Master of Science Information Technology Cameroon |
Ndifor George Tala Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering Cameroon |
Gilson Luiz Dos Santos Pinheiroz Bachelor of Psychology |
Liu HongZe Bachelor of Business Administration China |
Eduardo Alcala Kwan o Bachelor of Education Teaching and Learning Columbia |
Iván Rojas Ayalao Doctor of Project Management Management Columbia |
Julio Flórez Oses Master of Science Mechanical Engineering Columbia |
Luz Marina Cano Molano Master of Education Education Columbia |
Luz Marina Cano Molano Doctor of Education Education Columbia |
Manuel Dario Carvajal Trillos Bachelor of Psychology Clinical Psychology Columbia |
Rene Mora-Casalda Doctor of Science Chemical Engineering Costa Rica |
Henry Marcelo Troya Alverca Master of Science Public Health Ecuador |
Luis Roger Villamarin Coronel Bachelor of Science Industrial Engineering Ecuador |
Luis Narváez-Ricaurte Doctor of Science Political Science El Salvador |
Iob Techeste Imam Doctor of Philosophy Business Administration Eritrea |
Zewdie Gebretsadik Beza Doctor of Science Agronomy Ethiopia |
Carolina Isabel Velásquez Telón Master of Science Anthropology Guatemala |
Maria Angelina Reyes Fuentes Doctor of Philosophy Education Honduras |
Will Roberto Moncada Doctor of Economics Strategic Planning Honduras |
Mohammed El-Shaikh Bachelor of Science Sudan |
Osbert Abraham Grey Master of Engineering Construction Jamaica |
Stephen Agbobli Master of Science Civil Engineering Liberia |
J. Antonio Tafoya Razo Doctor of Science Agronomy Mexico |
Jorge Arturo Hernández Bachelor of Science Mexico |
Marco Antonio Damián Garibay Doctor of Education Education Mexico |
Victor Fuentes Enríquez Doctor of Business Administration Mexico |
Emiola Olawale Kolapo Steve Doctor of Philosophy Operations Research Nigeria |
Arlindo Bengui André Doctor of Science Telecommunications Norway |
Arnulfo Luis Franco Rodriguez |
David Moises Giraldo Cano Bachelor of Science Agronomy Peru |
Luis Francisco Vivanco Aldon Master of Business Administration Peru |
Samir George Abudayeh Giha Doctor of Philosophy Political Science Peru |
Felix Bigabo Bizimana Master of Counseling Psychology Rwanda |
Ibrahim Othman Al-Saleh Bachelor of Business Administration Saudi Arabia |
Thu Rein Ko Ko Doctor of Philosophy Industrial Engineering Singapore |
Juma Samuel Khamsin Walle Bachelor of Arts Public Administration Sudan |
Caroline Sekiwano Uganda |

Clemence James Capalamula October 5, 2014
Master of International Relations
“I am not new to the
Atlantic International
University having obtained
my Bachelor of Arts Degree
(Humanities) from this institution
of unparalleled education
excellence. My experience
therefore with the AIU has
always been so good, so amazing,
wonderful and quite beneficial.
My interaction with the
university has always proved
beyond measure that this
institution has all the required
capacity to administer college
education. This is why, having
done my Bachelor’s Degree
with the AIU and was genuinely
satisfied with the quality
of education the institution offers,
I could not have endeavor
to look anywhere else to do a
Master’s Degree. I enrolled on
International Relations and
here comes another wonderful
moment that I have managed
to fulfill the requirements of
the study program. I cannot
wait to be conferred the
degree I have so much worked
for and had so much desired
to have. The degree so much
relates to my present field of
work as a diplomat and it is therefore so dear to my heart.
At AIU, students enjoy the
freedom of designing their
own curriculums and then
pursue studies at their own
pace and environment of their
choice. This is quite unique.
I have been able to combine
work, family life and studies
ending up in the successful
completion of the degree
program. It has been possible
to manage use of finances
for family and personal life
but more so for my studies all
due to the commendable and
considerate flexibility of the
AIU policy that give students
the rare chance of paying tuition
fees by installment. This
is another unique aspect not
common with other universities
worldwide. As the journey
continues, it may not come as
a surprise at all when I enroll
again soon to read for a Ph. D
with the same institution.
A lot can be said as regards
my experience with the
AIU. The university’s distant
learning programs are well
organized, well manned and
supervised. I wish to take
this opportunity therefore to
register my heartfelt and very
sincere thanks to the entire
management and staff of the
AIU. I am deeply and truly
grateful to my advisor, Dr. Jack
Rosenzweig, for the able advisory
role he played throughout
the study program.”

Foday Nabay
September 28, 2014
Bachelor of Science
in Petroleum Engineering
“I must start by thanking
every member of this
institution that has in diverse
ways helped me achieve my
long term goal.
Being a member of AIU
has helped me generate a lot
of experience in connecting
people around the world and
how it feels being part of a
broader family. I enjoyed every
part of this remarkable journey.
One can only realize you are
pursuing an online course
when you think of having no
lecturer delivering live lecture
classes to you. The rapid response
to questions at AIU has
been amazing, the assistance
provided anywhere during my
entire time of reaching people
has never been better than that
provided at AIU, and the assistance
of tutors have facilitated
my every step on the way. That
has provided me enough guidance
and partnership relations
throughout my studies.
Beyond all, my years of
study at AIU have improved
and broadened my knowledge
in the petroleum industry.
Since I became part of this
family, AIU has provided me
with a degree of certainty in
meeting the challenges that
lie ahead. This is something I have yearned for my whole life
and I feel very proud for the
work I have done in reaching
this destination and achieving
my long term goal.
My sincere appreciation
to those who contributed by
making my dream a reality.
I feel confident in confronting
new challenges and look
forward to working with AIU
in the future.”

Nelson L. Bruing Maximiano
October 13, 2014
Master of Economics
“My experience with Atlantic
University was just great, I enjoy
having harvest times holding
this degree where knowledge
and theory are combined
to build strong minds in
Economics. It was a pleasure
for me to take courses where I
had to deal with different materials
and hard self studying
that determined this highest
achievement in my academic
career. I now understand
that prior preparation,
self value, and organization
do payoff in distance
This is a stage that I will
never forget in my life.
I was so pleased studying at
AIU, that I will soon commence
studying my PhD degree in
Finance at AIU.”

Nana Mintah Akosah
September 13, 2014
Master of Communications
“I write with boldness and
courage my rich experience
with the andragogy
system of education with the
Atlantic International University.
It was a real headache
for me how I could continue
my education without leaving
my job. It was like a miracle –
after searching and searching,
AIU came in like a storm and
I found real interest in their
system of learning.
It was overwhelming when I
was taken through the system,
concerning the downloading of
my assignments, sending my
assignment, online payment,
accessing the online library
and more; having all these at
my fingertips, was so amazing.
There is no stress through
this flexible style of education.
At my own pace, I send assignments
for grading, and, on-time
or prompt, they are graded. The
prompt grading of assignments
also encouraged my interest
through this program.
This has broadened my horizon
and has lifted my moral
as well as experience I cannot
find words to express.
I am proud of AIU and recommend
it to those who would
want to further their education
be it undergraduate, master or
post graduate program.”
Teaching with games

Much has been written about the
potential of commercial computer
games (COTS games) as digital
learning tools, and many commentators
have drawn attention to aspects
of these games that might be useful
in learning. These discussions tend to
concentrate on the use of games outside
formal learning environments and
yet, today, there are increasing numbers
of educators who are already using
these games in their teaching practice.
We have to know the factors which
influence the use of such games in formal
educational settings, the attitudes
towards this use held by teachers and
students, or the extent to which such
games may or may not support the curriculum
goals of formal education.
The goals
The aim of the Teaching with Games
project was to build upon and complement
the earlier findings. The objectives
are to highlight findings from the
study in the following areas
• To offer a broad overview of teachers’
and students’ use of computer
games and attitudes towards computer
games in schools.
• To identify key factors which impact
upon the incorporation of computer
games into existing school practices,
including institutional, curricular
technical and cultural issues.
• To describe the processes by which
teachers plan and implement games
based learning in existing curricular
The Teaching with Games project
consisted of two main strands of activity:
first, two surveys of representative
samples of students and teachers aimed
at eliciting a broad overview of attitudes
to and use of computer games for learning;
second, case studies of 12 teachers
in four secondary schools (supported by
Future lab researchers) who prepared
and implemented schemes of work
in diverse subject areas using three
commercial computer games in formal
classroom time.
Future lab collaborated with Ipsos
MORI to undertake two surveys of
teachers and students’ attitudes to and
use of games.
The Ipsos MORI Teachers’ Omnibus
questioned a representative sample
of 924 primary and secondary school
teachers in England. The questions focused
on ascertaining teachers’ existing
use of commercial computer games, any
use of such games in the classroom, and
their opinions about the impact of using
games for learning in school
The Ipsos MORI Schools Omnibus
consisted of 2,334 completed questionnaires
in England and Wales. Again the
questions focused on students’ existing
use of commercial computer games outside
of school and their attitude towards
using them in schools.
Selected games
The three games used by the teachers
were selected by Future lab researchers.
The games selected for use were
The Sims 2, Knights of Honor and
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. These games
are often referred to as ‘god games’, as
the player has control over the entire
Teachers’ games selection
Teachers were presented with the three
selected games during a workshop at
the start of the project. Researchers
asked teachers to choose games so that
each school had one teacher using each
selected title. This resulted in three
games groups’, each with four members
all using the same title. Teachers
were free at any time to change or stop
the use of games during the course of
the project if they felt the game was
inappropriate for their teaching. In the
majority of cases, teachers stayed with
their selected game through the course
of the project.
Study design
The design of the project was intended
to provide an understanding of the
ways in which teachers went about
exploring the potential (or otherwise)
of the selected games for learning in
their subject areas, the factors which
informed their use of the games, and
the ways in which the games were
actually used in the classroom context.
Future lab and the teachers in the
schools collaborated over the course of
the project. Future lab was responsible
for selecting the games, for establishing
the overarching goals of the research
and for collecting research data on
teachers’ activities. The teachers were
responsible for determining exactly
how, when and in what context they
wished to use the games in their teaching.
The researchers, teachers, technical
staff and SMT worked together to overcome technical issues, but issues of
curriculum focus, pedagogy and use of
the games were decided by the teachers
both individually and in discussion in
their games groups.
The majority (72%) of teachers questioned
never play computer games in
their leisure time. Despite this lack of
gaming experience 36% of primary
teachers and 27% of secondary teachers
stated they have used games in the
59% of all teachers would be willing
to consider using such games in the
67% of teachers aged 25-34 with
less than five years’ teaching experience
would like to use them. “Motivating
students” was the most commonly
cited reason for introducing games for
learning (53% of this group, or approximately
31% of total sample). The next
most commonly cited reasons were:
the perception that games would offer
an inclusive, interactive way of engaging
pupils on their own level (18% of
this group, approx. 11% of total sample),
and relevance to a lesson/subject area
(10% of this group, approx. 6% of total
sample). Of those who play computer
games, 48% (approximately 13% of total
sample) say that they have already
spoken to their pupils about games,
and a further 16% (or approx. 4% of
total sample) expect to in the future.
The teachers who would not consider
using these games in the classroom
express concern that they would
have little or no educational value
(33% of group, approx. 12% overall) or
believe that better resources are available
(17% of group, approx. 6% overall).
Some also believe that children play
enough games in their free time and
that the curriculum does not allow time
for such activities (for both statements,
10% of group, approx. 4% overall).
The poll findings highlighted some
barriers to the use of games in schools.
49% believed that there would be a
lack of access to equipment capable of
running the games, and 14% thought
there was a lack of strong evidence
of the educational value of games
(6% thought that games did not have
subject and curriculum relevance).
Issues such as coping with different
abilities, assessment and lesson length
were less frequently mentioned; 3%,
2% and 2% respectively. 13% of teachers
saw no barriers to using games in the
The most common reasons for using
COTS games is the perception that
they improve pupils’ motor/cognitive
skills (91%), ICT skills (77%), higher order
thinking skills (63%), or knowledge in
a particular area (62%). Social skills are
seen to be a benefit by 17% of teachers.
However, 71% believe that playing such
games could lead to anti-social behaviour
while 62% think it leads to stereotypical
views of other people or groups.
A significant minority of teachers, especially
those in primary schools, give
this as a reason for not using games
The poll found that 85% of children say
they play computer games outside of
lessons (at home or at school) at least
once every couple of weeks. 22% said
they have used such games in class.
Boys tend to be the most regular players,
with 50% of male students saying
that they play every day, compared to
only 21% of female students. Younger
students also tend to be more regular
players of computer games than
their older counterparts. For instance,
pupils aged 11 and 12 are significantly
more likely to play computer games
every day (46% and 41% respectively),
than 15-16 year-olds (25%).
An average of 62% of students say
that they would like to use computer
games in the classroom; 89%
of these (approx. 55% overall) think it
would make lessons more interesting.
Younger students were most likely
to want to use computer games in
school: 66% of 11 year-olds compared
to 49% of 15-16 year-olds. However,
22% of students think such games
should not be used in lessons. Half of
these students (11% of the sample) say
that they would prefer to do other activities
in the classroom, while more
than a third of this group (8% of the
sample) would rather use computer
games at home.
Amongst all students, there are a
number of perceived benefits of playing
computer games outside lesson
time. More than two-thirds (69%) say
that it improves computer skills, while
roughly half (53%) think that it would
help improve their reactions or problem
solving skills. 24% think that it
improves subject knowledge, and the
same percentage thinks game playing
improves skills such as working in
teams. Although the perceived consequences
of playing computer games
are largely positive, students also identified
a number of negative potential
effects. For instance, 30% of students
overall believe that playing computer
games could lead to increased violence
and aggression.
First, it is clear that there is still a
generational divide between teachers
and students in respect of computer
games play, with 72% of teachers never
playing games outside school in comparison
with 82% of children reporting
games play at least once a fortnight.
Overall, the surveys suggest that
the majority of teachers and students
are open to the idea of using games
in formal curricular contexts. Both
Ipsos MORI polls suggest that computer
games are viewed as motivating
to students. However, it should be
noted that 37% of teachers and 22% of
students think that computer games
should not be used in the classroom.
Teachers and students have similar
perceptions about the advantages
and disadvantages of using games.
Both groups believe that games play
improves computer skills and general
problem solving abilities. However,
teachers are more likely to believe that
students can gain subject knowledge
from computer games than children
–62% compared to 24%– while
more children believe it improves
social skills –24% compared to 17% of
Finally, the survey suggests that the
main barriers perceived by teachers to
the use of games are not those of the
curriculum or of assessment, but the
technical issues that may need to be
The Solutionary School

Maine-based educator Zoe Weil is planning a kindergarten to grade 12 school in New York City. Weil is the founder of the Institute for Humane Education in Surry, Maine.
Her educational philosophy is to teach students to become problem-solvers and to “provide every student with the knowledge, tools and motivation to be conscientious choicemakers and engaged change-makers for a restored and healthy and humane world for all.” The Solutionary School is slated to open in 2016, although the location is yet to be confirmed. Until now, the Institute for Humane Education has focused on offering graduate programs for teachers, but the new school will “be a prototype and proving ground” for their educational method. The Institute has already set up a steering committee for the school and Bill Gladstone has been selected as foundation principal. Gladstone states: “Our world at every level –from the family on up to the planet– is really struggling and suffering. It’s the future generations that are going to have to wrestle with the problems we’re handing down to them. The only way they’re going to do that effectively is if they’re knowledgeable and skilled.” The Solutionary School will be an independent day school and is also intended to be used as a community center. Depending upon the final facility selected, it will utilize green building techniques. There will also be a school garden to enhance students’ understanding of the connection between diet and health. Weil told the Portland Press Herald of the school’s planned vegan cafeteria: “Everything in this school will be aligned with doing the most good and the least harm. The cafeteria will reflect those values. We want to have the school model the healthiest, the most sustainable and the most humane food choices.” Gladstone adds: “A vegan cafeteria provides the opportunity to think deeply about a lot of issues, such as where food comes from, how food is grown, the people involved in food production and the health benefits of what we eat.” This philosophy of understanding the true source of the things one consumes is central to Weil’s educational model. In a YouTube video ( embedded&v=t5HEV96dIuY), Weil explains an exercise she undertakes with students called True Price. By breaking down the origins, stages of manufacture and consequences of the production of common items, students gain an understanding of the impact modern consumer behavior has on the health of people, animals and the planet. The school is scheduled to open in September 2016. It will begin with pre-K to 6th grade classes in the first year. Over the following three years it will develop into a full K-8 school, followed by a high school. The school will also be used to train new teachers in the humane education method. The Institute is currently raising money for the project, developing a curriculum and searching for a venue and staff. Watch a TEDx talk in which Weil explains her educational philosophy ( watch?v=ImOi9YnMau8) Source: Article by Beverley Mitchell.

Is the brain “a computer
made of meat,”
and human consciousness
a simple product of
electrical impulses? The
idea that matter is all
that exists has dominated
science since the late
nineteenth century and
led to the long-standing
scientific and popular
understanding of the
brain as simply a collection
of neurons and
neural activity.
But for acclaimed neuroscientist Mario Beauregard, Ph.D., along with a rising number of colleagues and others, this materialist- based view clashes with what we feel and experience every day. In Brain Wars, Dr. Beauregard delivers a paradigm-shifting examination of the role of the brain and mind. Filled with engaging, surprising, and cuttingedge scientific accounts, this eye-opening book makes the increasingly indisputable case that our immaterial minds influence what happens in our brains, our bodies, and even beyond our bodies. Examining the hard science behind “unexplained” phenomena such as the placebo effect, self-healing, brain control, meditation, hypnosis, and near-death and mystical experiences, Dr. Beauregard reveals the mind’s capabilities and explores new answers to age-old mind-body questions. Radically shifting our comprehension of the role of consciousness in the universe, Brain Wars forces us to consider the immense untapped power of the mind and explore the profound social, moral, and spiritual implications that this new understanding holds for our future.
Memory crystals

Researchers at the University of Southampton have succeeded in recording and retrieving five dimensional digital data using a quartz crystal. The ‘Superman’ memory crystal is a futuristic storage technique with unprecedented features –including a 360 terabyte per disc data capacity, thermal stability up to 1000°C and a practically unlimited lifetime. “The data is recorded via self-assembled nanostructures created in fused quartz, which is able to store vast quantities of data for over a million years,” explains a press release. “The information encoding is realised in five dimensions: the size and orientation in addition to the three dimensional position of these nanostructures.” What it means is that, using ultrafast lasers, we can encode a piece of quartz with 5D information in the form of nanostructured dots separated by only one millionth of a meter. “The self-assembled nanostructures change the way light travels through glass, modifying polarization of light that can then be read by combination of optical microscope and a polarizer, similar to that found in Polaroid sunglasses,” states the release. “It is thrilling to think that we have created the first document which will likely survive the human race,” said Professor Peter Kazansky a supervising researcher on the project. “This technology can secure the last evidence of civilisation: all we’ve learnt will not be forgotten.” The team is now looking for industry partners to commercialize it. Source: Article by Beth Buczynski. via Eureakalert and DVice
Green silk leaves

We are constantly getting a bit closer to being able to live in outer space, but one little detail keeps holding us back: oxygen. Plants just don’t like zero gravity environments, and toting around an indefinite oxygen supply isn’t really feasible. Meet the Silk Leaf: a manmade “plant” that can actually create endless oxygen using light and water. Julian Melchiorri wanted to create a way to produce oxygen in space that could handle the harsh environment of interstellar travel. What he created is an artificial leaf that has the chloroplast from the plants we know and love actually suspended inside. Melchiorri used a silk fiber to suspend the chloroplast in place so that it can still act like a plant but with a sort of super-structure to make it extra durable. “I extracted chloroplasts from plant cells and placed them inside this silk protein. As an outcome I have the first photosynthetic material that is living and breathing as a leaf does,” Melchiorri said. He also says that he wanted to build off of nature’s own system to take advantage of a proven method and the leaves won’t just be handy for exploring the far reaches of the galaxy. Back here on Earth, they can be used as biological air filters or oxygen producers. Source: Artificial Leaf Can Make Oxygen in Space with Water and Light by Kristine Lofgren. Image: Julian Melchiorri
Beautiful Chemistry

This is a new collaboration between Tsinghua
University Press and University of Science and
Technology of China that seeks to make chemistry
more accessible and interesting to the general public.
Short films that utilize a 4K UltraHD camera to capture
a variety of striking chemical reactions. Filmed
and edited by Yan Liang. Source:
Wind kinetic sculptures

Kinetic sculptor Anthony
Howe creates great moving
artworks. The artist uses specialized
software to first mockup
each piece digitally before fabricating
the individual components
from metal. The motion
is generated completely by the
wind, with even the slightest
breeze setting the dozens of rotating
components in action. You
can see more of his recent work
on his YouTube channel.

Berlin design studio Blond and Bieber’s project that uses algae to create colorful dyes for textile printing has won a competition for young designers organized by Lodz Design Festival. This project has been chosen winner of the Make Me! competition at Poland. The studio founders, Essi Johanna Glomb and Rasa Weber created an analogue textile-printer that produces its own dye using different types of algae. Various species of micoalgae are naturally pigmented with blue, green, brown and red tones. This pigments can be extracted using heat and distillation, then turned into natural dyes. The duo built a machine from beech wood to house all the elements needed to create and print with the algae dyes. The prints are photo sensitive and change tone over time when exposed to sunlight, creating a “biodynamic color palette”. Source: Blond and Bieber’s Algaemy coloured dyes win Lodz Design Festival prize. Dezeen Magazine.

Is sitting the new smoking?
From standing desks and fitness trackers to groundbreaking
pilot experiments in high schools in several cities, the movement
to sit less and stand more is gaining momentum. Which is
a good thing, because new evidence suggests that the more than
eight hours the average American spends sitting every day could
be exacting a serious toll.
There’s a big difference between exercising too little and sitting
too much, because a standing body uses energy altogether differently
from a sedentary body —and also from an exercising one.
We burn calories at a different rate, store them in different ways,
and our brains function differently, too. While data is still emerging,
one experiment with high school kids found that standing in
class instead of sitting improved their test scores by 20%.
This Is Your Body On Sitting
The human body consumes energy in three main ways: every
cell needs energy to go about its daily business, whether it’s a
muscle cell that contracts and flexes or a liver cell that produces
enzymes; we also need to break down the food that we eat;
finally, we need energy to move, whether we’re pulling on a shirt
or riding a bike. That latter energy —let’s call it activity energy—
is further divided into the sweat-inducing kind that you use on
the treadmill or in yoga and another kind, which scientists have
cleverly called NEAT: non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This
includes nearly everything you do requiring movement: folding
the laundry, walking up a flight of stairs, even fidgeting.
The human body is designed to move, and a moving body is
a needy body, siphoning off calories to make sure every cell is
doing what it’s supposed to do. But even when we’re not exercising,
we’re moving and using energy. That’s why NEAT matters.
A body that’s sitting isn’t expending energy, so the signals that
normally result in you moving —and which, in turn, burn calories—
start to check out, molecularly bored with not being called
into duty. Meanwhile, the processes that build up fat get busier.
When that happens, it gets harder and harder to get off the chair.
People who sit at their desks most of the time, for example,
only polish off 300 NEAT calories a day compared to, say, a coffee
shop barista who spends most of his or her shift standing —
and burning up to 1,300 extra calories daily.
There’s also intriguing evidence that sitting less may shortcircuit
some bodily processes that lead to diabetes. When we eat
meals, our bodies experience a surge in blood sugar that peaks
about an hour after we eat. If we’re sedentary and relatively immobile,
our muscles and cells aren’t soaking up that glucose to
fuel its daily activities. So all that extra sugar gets turned into
fat. If we take a walk after lunch, however, some of that sugar is
burned off in order to keep us on our feet and propel us forward.
The less sugar that’s left after that activity, the less that gets
turned into fat and contributes to obesity and eventually diabetes.
Becoming a body in motion
Even if you’re wired in some ways to sit, can you become a
stand-up person? Absolutely, says Dr. James Levine, director
of the Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions
Initiative and probably best known as the inventor of the first
treadmill desk. Just as sedentary behavior can change the brain
and body to prefer sitting, getting up and becoming more active
will prompt you to want to stay in motion. And that can have
benefits on productivity and possibly creativity as well.
“By simply changing your work style, from a chair-based work
style to a [standing] one, you can burn 500 to 1,000 extra calories
a day,” says Levine. And remember it’s not just the calories that
count, it’s all about health.
Source: Sitting is killing you, by Alice Park. Image:
Prolonged sitting and standing is unproductive
Sitting 9.6 hours every day for
months or years, can lead to:
• Back pain
• Lower back pain
• Joint pain
• Swollen legs
• Heart disease
• Colon cancer
• Varicose veins
Keeping the body in an upright
possition over time requires
considerable muscular effort
which causes:
• Muscular strain in the back
and neck
• Joint compression
• Varicose veins
What can you do?
You need to balance. So...
• Check your posture every
20-30 minutes
• Switch between sitting
and standing
• Take breaks
• Stretch
Remember: Standing up 16
times for 2 minutes is healthier
than excercising for 32 minutes
Source: “Why prolonging sitting and
standing is unproductive”
Dharma Inc. / Funders and founders.
1 Clear a tickling throat.
Scratch your ear. When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it creates a reflex in the throat that can cause a muscle spasm that relieves the tickle.
2 Experience supersonic hearing.
If you’re chatting up a mumbler at a cocktail party, lean in with your right ear. It’s better than your left at following the rapid rhythms of speech. If, on the other hand, you’re trying to identify that song playing softly in the elevator, turn your left ear toward the sound. The left ear is better at picking up music tones.
3 Calm yourself with cold water.
Nerves getting the best of you. Take a deep breath and spash cold water on your face. This triggers the mammalian diving reflex that is genetically in all animals. The lower temperature of the water and you holding your breath also causes your body to think it’s diving into cold water. This reflex allows you to use oxygen more efficiently.
4 Clear your stuffed nose.
Alternate thrusting your tongue against the roof of your mouth, then pressing between your eyebrows with one finger. This causes the vomer bone, which runs through the nasal passages to the mouth, to rock back and forth. The motion loosens congestion; after 20 seconds, you’ll feel your sinuses start to drain.
5 Prevent acid reflux at night.
Sleep on your left side. The esophagus and stomach connect at an angle. When you sleep on your right, the stomach is higher than the esophagus, allowing food and stomach acid to slide up your throat. When you’re on your left, the stomach is lower than the esophagus, so gravity’s in your favor.
6 Cure your toothache.
Just rub ice on the back of your hand, on the V-shaped webbed area between your thumb and index finger. This technique reduces toothache pain by as much as 50 percent compared with using no ice. The nerve pathways at the base of that V stimulate an area of the brain that blocks pain signals from the face and hands.
7 Unstitch your side.
If you’re like most people, when you run, you exhale as your right foot hits the ground. This puts downward pressure on your liver (that is on your right side), which then tugs at the diaphragm and creates a side stitch. The fix: Exhale as your left foot strikes the ground.
8 Thaw your brain freeze.
Press your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, covering as much as you can. Since the nerves in the roof of your mouth get extremely cold, your body thinks your brain is freezing, too. In compensating, it overheats, causing an ice-cream headache. The more pressure you apply to the roof of your mouth, the faster your headache will subside.
9 Swallow big pills.
Take a drink of water, and tilt your head forward instead of backward. The capsule should float, and will be at the back of your throat, ready to swallow.

Spiritual path
Walking a spiritual path
is a way of discovering
and developing oneself and
one’s spirituality. Specifically,
it helps us become aware of
our relationship to everything
around us.
In our journey of
self-discovery, sometimes
we are guided by a teacher
who is also a student of the
path. Walking a path involves
learning what it means to be
of service and being willing to
labour in the pursuit of growth
and learning. This pursuit is
not a self-centred one; it is
never undertaken for the sake
of personal gain.
Spirituality involves acting
consciously and taking
responsibility for our behaviour
and our thoughts, as well as
our relations with others. Both
entail an awareness of the way
in which we lead our lives.
While there are many
different paths of spiritual
growth, they all have one thing
in common, and that is following
a discipline. Some paths
are based upon a religion and
involve worship or prayer.
Others may teach through
such disciplines as meditative
exercises, chanting, physical
movements or postures. Still
others use labour or some
other service as a vehicle for
learning. Many paths combine
all of these elements.
If we walk a path with a particular
goal in mind, spiritual
enlightenment for example, or
knowledge, we will be walking
for the wrong reason. We
should not so much seek to acquire
knowledge, as to become.
Although reaching a specific
end point should not be our
purpose in walking a path, it is
important that we make some
forward progress.
Source: Walking a spiritual path.

Sunpower Generator
Rawlemon believes in producing energy where
people actually live; in our cities. And they will
do this without sacrificing beauty, the transparency
of a window, or a comfortable living environment.
They just finalized a crowd-funding campaign on
Indiegogo, and are now working hard to supply all of
their wonderful backers.
Like all Rawlemon products, the Beta.ray 1.00
outdoor generator features a breakthrough patented
micro dual axis tracking unit for full environmental
integration, with the lowest possible weather impact
that won’t break your budget.
Beta.ray 1.00 (6,000€)
comes with a hybrid collector to convert daily electricity
and thermal energy at the same time. While
reducing the silicon cell area to 25% with the equivalent
power output by using our ultra transmission
Ball Lens point focusing concentrator, it operates
at efficiency levels of nearly 57% in hybrid mode. At
nighttime the Ball Lens can transform into a highpower
lamp to illuminate your location, simply by
using a few LED’s.
The station is designed for off grid
conditions as well as to supplement buildings’ consumption
of electricity and thermal circuits like hot
water. Source:

Adopt a jaguar
Jaguars once lived as far north as the Grand Canyon,
but habitat loss, overhunting and killings in
retaliation for livestock losses drove these big cats
from much of their native range.
Today a small, fragile
population of jaguars is fighting for survival in Mexico,
and occasionally crossing the border and offering
hope for the permanent return of jaguars to the U.S.
Your adoption helps Defenders’ work to ensure jaguar
habitat remains healthy and intact, and provides
vital support for their work with communities and
governments to protect jaguars in the southwestern
U.S. and northern Mexico.
All donations support our work to protect and
restore the wildlife and wild places you care about.
Adopt a Jaguar Group 45 usd a month
Adopt a Jaguar Family 25 usd a month
Adopt a Jaguar 15 usd a month
Named “America’s Best Wildlife Charity” by Reader’s
Digest, Defenders of Wildlife has been a leading
innovator in developing the most effective ways to
conserve imperiled wildlife and wild lands for over 65
Your adoption donation will immediately be put
to use where it is most needed to achieve these goals.
Defenders of Wildlife:

Education for all
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2014 was awarded to
Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzay for their
struggle against the suppression of children and young
people and for the right of all children to education.
Children must go to school and not be financially
exploited. In the poor countries of the world, 60% of
the present population is under 25 years of age. It is a
prerequisite for peaceful global development that the
rights of children and young people be respected. In
conflict-ridden areas in particular, the violation of
children leads to the continuation of violence from
generation to generation.
Showing great personal courage, Kailash Satyarthi,
maintaining Gandhi’s tradition, has headed various
forms of protests and demonstrations, all peaceful,
focusing on the grave exploitation of children for
financial gain. He has also contributed to the development
of important international conventions on
children’s rights.
Despite her youth, Malala Yousafzay has already
fought for several years for the right of girls to education,
and has shown by example that children and
young people, too, can contribute to improving their
own situations. This she has done under the most
dangerous circumstances. Through her heroic struggle
she has become a leading spokesperson for girls’ rights
to education. Source:
Images: N. Elmehed. ©Nobel Media 2014 / Claude Truong-Ngoc
Navigate the Internet of Things

Analysts predict upwards of 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet
by 2020, generating zettabytes of data each day –a phenomenon called the
Internet of Things (IoT). This is an interview with Peter Utzschneider, vice president
of product management for Java at Oracle, published at Oracle Magazine.
What is IoT, and how does it relate to
machine-to-machine, or M2M?
The Internet of Things is a term
used to describe the next wave of
innovation that our industry is going
through. Traditionally, we have thought
primarily of humans connecting to
the internet, but IoT is really the next
step, where “things” are also connecting
to the internet and to each other.
M2M describes part of IoT, which is
machine-to-machine communication.
What challenges do IoT and the massive
amount of data being generated
by these devices present?
IoT brings a number of challenges:
First, there are infrastructural challenges.
All these devices will have
to be connected, which means the
networks to support them have to be
able to support that new load. Each of
these devices will be producing a lot of
high-volume, low-value data. Some of
these devices will generate very small
pieces of data, but there will be lots of
pieces. The industry will have to cope
with that new volume of big data and
be able to manage it from the devices
up through gateways all the way back
to the enterprise.
Second, once we have that data,
what are we going to do with it? This
opens up a whole new opportunity for
us to continue to drive and to continue
to innovate, providing new applications
and services based on that data.
What opportunities does IoT present
for application developers, and what
should they be thinking about when
designing connected devices?
We have thought primarily of
humans connecting to the internet,
but IoT is really the next step, where
‘things’ are also connecting. The world
is definitely going to change for application
developers. We usually think
of developing applications for humans
and then having the interaction with
those applications coming from their
devices. Now, application developers
are starting to develop code that will
run on very small devices. Then they
will extend their application development
on the server side to be able to
include those devices, which will add
new richness and nearly endless new
Developing on these devices is definitely
a new and different domain for
most application developers. We refer
to these devices as being resource constrained.
They might have a smaller
memory footprint, and they don’t have
a human on the other end that can
click on an option or push a button to
upgrade. A lot of these devices will be
field-deployed in some cases for 10 or
15 years without anyone ever touching
them. All this will push developers to
shift and adapt to this new embedded
development style.
On the server side, these are new
device clients that will have to be
integrated into existing infrastructure, while also integrated with data that
we get from other “things” in order to
create those new applications. Oracle
is evolving and enhancing the Java
platform, which has been used on a
wide range of devices for quite some
time, specifically for IoT. A Java developer
will be able to write code, and it
will run on a very small device all the
way up to a very large device. We are
working to make it as easy as possible
for Java developers to reuse their Java
skills for IoT development.
How do you see IoT, big data, and
cloud converging?
We now have several major developments
happening in our industry:
cloud, big data, social, mobile, and
IoT. It’s going to take a tremendous
amount of orchestration and coordination
across the industry to make
sure we’re able to harness all those
trends at the same time.Take mobility.
With innovation in smartphones and
tablets, we can easily do e-commerce
and connect to our social apps from
these devices. With IoT, mobile device
use is going to expand significantly.
These same devices are becoming the
ultimate remote controls for us to connect
and control the physical environment
around us. For example, with
home automation, I can use my phone
to turn the lights and the alarm system
off and on, to look at energy consumption,
and to manage home entertainment
—whether I’m there or not.
As far as cloud, it becomes an enabling
technology for IoT. For a lot of
organizations, adding devices and the
huge amount of data they generate to
their existing infrastructures or their
back-end systems simply won’t scale,
and they will need to rethink how
those infrastructures are set up. They
will look to cloud service providers to
make that happen for them.
Besides home automation, what are
other emerging markets for IoT?
IoT will affect every business. We’re
seeing early adoption in healthcare,
including lifestyle health devices,
patient monitoring, and home healthcare
or telehealth. Another big area is
telematics —the automotive industry
is already connecting vehicles so that
manufacturers can remotely monitor
and support their vehicles. It is also a
way for them to collect data on vehicles
out there in the real world, which
they then put into further design and
Telematics also applies to fleet
management and logistics, managing
things such as delivery vehicles to
make sure they are running efficiently,
and rental car companies, so they can
push in-vehicle service offers or information
to enable you to book a hotel
or dinner reservations from the car.
Industrial automation is another
category, especially in the area of
manufacturing and process automation.
All this technology will enable
companies to pull more data off of machinery
that’s in factories in order to
get a better idea of what’s happening
on the factory floor.
Words by Steve Jobs

Connect the dots
“I dropped out of Reed College after
the first six months, but then
stayed around as a drop-in for another
18 months or so before I really quit. So
why did I drop out?
It started before I was born. My
biological mother was a young, unwed
college graduate student, and she
decided to put me up for adoption.
She felt very strongly that I should
be adopted by college graduates, so
everything was all set for me to be adopted
at birth by a lawyer and his wife.
Except that when I popped out they
decided at the last minute that they
really wanted a girl. So my parents,
who were on a waiting list, got a call
in the middle of the night asking: “We
have an unexpected baby boy; do you
want him?” They said: “Of course.”
My biological mother later found out
that my mother had never graduated
from college and that my father had
never graduated from high school. She
refused to sign the final adoption papers.
She only relented a few months
later when my parents promised that I
would someday go to college.
And 17 years later I did go to
college. But I naively chose a college
that was almost as expensive as
Stanford, and all of my working-class
parents’ savings were being spent on
my college tuition. After six months,
I couldn’t see the value in it. I had no
idea what I wanted to do with my life
and no idea how college was going to
help me figure it out. And here I was
spending all of the money my parents
had saved their entire life. So I decided
to drop out and trust that it would all
work out OK. It was pretty scary at
the time, but looking back it was one
of the best decisions I ever made. The
minute I dropped out I could stop
taking the required classes that didn’t
interest me, and begin dropping in on
the ones that looked interesting.
It wasn’t all romantic. I didn’t have
a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in
friends’ rooms, I returned coke bottles
for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with,
and I would walk the 7 miles across
town every Sunday night to get one
good meal a week at the Hare Krishna
temple. I loved it. And much of what I
stumbled into by following my curiosity
and intuition turned out to be priceless
later on.
Let me give you one example:
Reed College at that time offered
perhaps the best calligraphy instruction
in the country. Throughout the
campus every poster, every label on
every drawer, was beautifully hand
calligraphed. Because I had dropped
out and didn’t have to take the normal
classes, I decided to take a calligraphy
class to learn how to do this. I learned
about serif and san serif typefaces,
about varying the amount of space
between different letter combinations,
about what makes great typography
great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically
subtle in a way that science can’t
capture, and I found it fascinating.
None of this had even a hope of any
practical application in my life. But ten
years later, when we were designing the
first Macintosh computer, it all came
back to me. And we designed it all into
the Mac. It was the first computer with
beautiful typography. If I had never
dropped in on that single course in
college, the Mac would have never
had multiple typefaces or proportionally
spaced fonts. And since Windows
just copied the Mac, it’s likely that no
personal computer would have them. ...
Of course it was impossible to connect
the dots looking forward when I was in
college. But it was very, very clear looking
backwards ten years later.
Again, you can’t connect the dots
looking forward; you can only connect
them looking backwards. So you have
to trust that the dots will somehow connect
in your future. You have to trust
in something —your gut, destiny, life,
karma, whatever. This approach has
never let me down, and it has made all
the difference in my life.”
Help others pursue their own goals. Change a life at MyAIU Pledge
Words by Steve Jobs
Source: ‘You’ve got to find what you love,’ Jobs says.
Prepared text of the Commencement address delivered
by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar
Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005. © Stanford
University. All Rights Reserved.
Hamster Wheel Standing Desk.

Rise up, sedentary sentients, and
unleash that untapped potential within by marching endlessly towards a brilliant
future of focused work. Step forward into a world of infinite potential, bounded only
by the smooth arcs of a wheel.
Step forward into the Hamster Wheel Standing Desk
that will usher in a new era of unprecedented productivity.
This project is a collaboration
at Pier 9 between artist-in-residence Robb Godshaw and Instructables
developer Will Doenlen. Since you cannot buy this one, you’ll have build it yourself,
after downloading the instructions at, a place that lets you
explore, document and share your creations.
–David Lynch

“Ideas are like fish.
If you want to catch
little fish, you can stay
in the shallow water.
But if you want to
catch the big fish,
you’ve got to go
deeper. Down deep
the fish are more
powerful and more
pure. They’re huge
and abstract. And
they’re very beautiful.”
–David Lynch
Spaceman USB Light.

This little lunar explorer receives power from your USB port to illuminate spaces with brilliant LED light after dark. Flip his visor back and forth to turn the light on and off. Long and flexible adjustable cord.
Ostrich pillow mini.

Designed by kawamura-ganjavian, this is the smallest and most fun member of the Ostrich Pillow Family! Bringing you quality napping within arm’s reach. Get one on Kickstarter!
6 tips and lessons on being self-thaught by BrendaTon

1. Learn by helping others.
2. Be around the people
who motivate you and
who have the knowledge
you wish to possess.
3. Believe in yourself.
4. Prioritize what’s
important to you.
5. Challenge yourself.
6. Let the internet be
your best friend
in the process of
learning on your own.
Bachelor of Education
School of social and human studies

The Bachelor of Education (B.Ed, BS) program objective is to prepare highly qualified teachers with the knowledge, disposition, and skills that support standards-based education, student-centered teaching and learning, and an orientation to social education. The Bachelor of Education (B.Ed, BS) program is offered online via distance learning. After evaluating both academic record and life experience, AIU staff working in conjunction with Faculty and Academic Advisors will assist students in setting up a custom-made program, designed on an individual basis. This flexibility to meet student needs is seldom found in other distance learning programs. Our online program does not require all students to take the same subjects/courses, use the same books, or learning materials. Instead, the online Bachelor of Education (B.Ed, BS) curriculum is designed individually by the student and academic advisor. It specifically addresses strengths and weaknesses with respect to market opportunities in the student’s major and intended field of work. Understanding that industry and geographic factors should influence the content of the curriculum instead of a standardized onefits- all design is the hallmark of AIU’s unique approach to adult education. This philosophy addresses the dynamic and constantly changing environment of working professionals by helping adult students in reaching their professional and personal goals within the scope of the degree program.
Below is an example of
the topics or areas you may develop
and work on during your studies. By
no means is it a complete or required
list as AIU programs do not follow a
standardized curriculum. It is meant
solely as a reference point and example.
Want to learn more about the curriculum
design at AIU? Go ahead and
visit our website, especially the Course
and Curriculum section:
Core Courses and Topics
Dimensions of Learning
Measurement and Evaluation
Classroom Management
Psychology of the Exceptional Child
Curriculum Planning
Reading in the Secondary School
Instructional Leadership
Supervision of Instruction
Research Methods & Procedures
Teaching Strategies
Reading Skills & Comprehension
Issues and Innovations
Orientation Courses
Communication & Investigation
(Comprehensive Resume)
Organization Theory (Portfolio)
Experiential Learning (Autobiography)
Seminar Administrative Development
(Book Summary)
Seminar Cultural Development
(Practical Experience)
Seminar International Development
Contact us to get started
Submit your Online Application, paste
your resume and any additional comments/
questions in the area provided.
Pioneer Plaza/900 Fort Street Mall 40
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)
Research Project
Bachelor Thesis ProjectMBM300 Thesis Proposal
MBM302 Bachelor Thesis (5,000 words)
Each Bachelor of Education graduate is encouraged to publish their research papers either online in the public domain or through professional journals and periodicals worldwide.
Personal requirements
An understanding and acceptance of cultural differences. An excellent grasp of English-language structure. Able to identify the needs of individual students. Very good communication skills. High-level organisational skills. Prepared to work out of school hours. Patient in dealing with students of differing abilities.
Learning Disabilities Specialist Market Researcher · Academic Advisor Personnel Recruiter School Administrator Continuing Ed. Program Planner Teacher · Curriculum Coordinator Speech Consultant · Private Tutor Counselor/Guidance Counselor Social Worker · ESL Teacher Government Agency Administrator